HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-16, Page 11Top Female Singers
Competition was extremely keen in the girls'
division of the Hullett Township Music Festival last
week and the adjudicator had to request a number
in each class to repeat their performances before
announcing the winners, Those who managed to
at HuIlett Festival
top the various classes are shoWn above and in-
clude, from the left: Johanna Walinga, SS 5; Hea-
ther Snell, SS 5; Agnes Haverkamp, SS 3; Judy
Haverkamp, SS 9; Helen Anderson, SS 11; Marg-
aret Whyte, SS 3 and Coba VanBaaren, 'SS 5.
Mrs. -1VIeritt Nediger, Mrs.
Edward—Welsh and Mrs. Har-
old Tyndall, all of Clinton, and
Mrs. Fred Wallis, 13aYfielcl,
were in London, Friday even-
ing, to attend the graduation
at Thames Hall of Miss Lynda
Jean Savauge, a member of the
class of St. Joseph's school of
nursing with reception after at
Sardi Restaurant in Eastown
Lane 0' Pines Beiteli
Mr, and Mrs. John Bailey,
David' and Mrs. K. Varley, Tor-
onto, spent the weekend With
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Mowbry
at the Bailey cottage,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Docken
and Gordon,. London, were at
their cottage for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Docken
and Gordon, London, were at
their cottage for the clay,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kane, Strat-
ford, and Mary Ann spent the
past week at their cottage at
this beach.
Mr. and Mrs, Phil Heitboh-
mer, Stratford, were at their
cottage Saturday, going to visit
Mr. and Mrs: Norman Heit-
bohmer at Ipperwash on Sun-
,Mr. ,and Mrs. Bob Buetten-
miller, Seaforth, spent a feW
days at their cottage, Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Buettenmiller
and Gordon joined them on
States and Nassau.
Mrs. Davies thanked Mr.
Epps for his interesting trave-
logue and a gift was presented
to him by the society.
A sing-song was led by Mrs.
Gordon R. Taylor with Mrs.
Phillips at the piano. A ques-
tion period followed and Mr,
Epps answered many questions
pertaining to the growing of
Prize winners of the evening
on lucky door tickets were:
Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. Roy
Easom, Mrs. William T. Robi-
son, Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor,
Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs.
Wes Braclnock.
was served by Mrs. Ed Davies,
Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys and
Mrs. Norman McDowell.
Will be Open Until
Further Notice on
Wednesday and
Sat. Afternoons
from 1 to 5.30 p.m.
No Wire Fencing, Old Con-
crete or Car Bodies
Mrs, William Manning gave
4 .04*r from the 'study .:book
on the Island of -:1,041Wan.
Clothing must be in for the.
hale by the.end of this: week,
laaPt*c. Wants
Tapt/Srnal service was .eon, eon-
Friends .Honor
Betty Sturdy
Before Wedding
AUBLIRI',1*-----The-nome of Mrs, Robert J. Phillips was the
scene of a happy gathering of
girl friends and their mothers
to honor Miss Betty Sturdy;
Reg,. N., Stratford, 'the only
daughter of Sheriff and Mrs,
Harry Sturdy, .Goderich, prior
to her Marriage in Goderich
on June. 1. to Mr, Stewart H. -
The guests were received and
weleomed by the hostess .and
all enjoyed a social half hour.
Mrs. Fred .Cook entertained
with several harmonica selec-
tions accompanied on the piano
by Mrs, Phillips. Several con-
tests were conducted which
proved very amusing, among
which each guest was given
tissue . paper in gay colors.
Each hat was to be modelled
in the latest fashion for the
bridesmaids to wear.
The prize for the prettiest
hat went.to Mrs. Abthur
Grange. ther prize winners
for the contests were Mrs. Ron-
ald Beer and Miss Gwen Mc-
The guest of honor was
escorted to a decorated chair
in pink and white, with sprigs
of spring flowers and Miss
Gwen McDowel, Stratford, pin-
ned a. dainty corsage on Miss
Sturdy. Mrs. Phillips, in a few
well chosen words, expressed
the love and respect of all pre-
sent to .Miss Sturdy who had
spent her early life in the Au-
burn community.
Gifts of kitchen-ware were
presented by Mrs. Garth Mc-
Clinchey and Mrs. Ronald Baer.
_Miss Sturdy expressed deep
appreciation to the hostess and
friends for their gifts and to
have the opportunity to renew
fond acquaintances. She ex-
tended an invitation to visit
her at her home in Stratford,
Delicious refreshments were
served by Mrs. Phillips, assist-
ed' by Mrs. Oliver Anderson,
Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Tom
Johnston and Miss Laura Phil-
qv r B AN oiLx.,
We have available Seed Beans for 'riper Needs:
Ontario Registered Sanilac, Seaway
and Michelite
Michigan Certified Sanilac and Michelife
This Seed is Excellent Quality Corefuliy
Machined with High Germination
Bean Contracts Available
E. L. Mickle & Son ltd.
HENSALL Phone 103
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We
will pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 669 W 1
• . .. , .. .. ..
Whether you enjoy modern resort, hotel or , motel Irving Or the
rustic outdoor camping life--.Ontario has what you want:
Wherever you go, you'll hind plenty of fine beadles and refreshing
lakes for good swimming, boating and fishing. The whole far lily
will be thrilled with Ontario's historical forts, villages and
monuments that's() oolourfully represent Ontario's exciting past,
END FOR 40 PAOE, Full 001.0u R FREE,1 s ElOoKLET, ROM) MAO, 510,
NAME... ,
(St4tAlii6150AtifMtNt OF IttAVEL AND PLAL.10ITY
Non, Siyan d20.63
ARY frioN
Victoria 'Day Celebration
Full Day of Fun and Activity
10:00 a.m.—Soap Box Derby
6:30 p.m.—Gigantic Parade
,,8:30 p,m.—Program in Arena with Six
Big Stars of Radio and TV
10:00 p.m.—Huge Fireworks Display
inndC gisstak.1.1iPgztlahcaewittos CLAi lepNmCE.PIETaltml!
Mitchell Junior Chamber of Commerce
VV, 0, Campbell
Box 659
Seaforth, Ontario
Phone 486
g3 V119 goat*
Head Of ice, Winnipeg Offices le ffincipa► Cilia
Township of Goderich
Tenders are hereby called for the construction
of the Wise Municipal Drain.
The main drain consists of 3,360 lineal feet of covered drain
3 catch basins
1,340 lineal feet of open drain
"A" drain consists of 1,225 lineal feet of covered drain
2 catch basins
Tenders will be received by the undersigned until
June 1st. All tenders must be clearly marked as such,
and contain a certified cheque for ten percent (10%) of
the tender price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. For further information and tender forms contact
the undersigned.
R. E. THOMPSON, ,Clerk,
R.R. 2, Godei;ioh.
20b a,.
and Mrs. Robert Arthur and
Jayne, were Mr. and Mrs. Geo-
rge Wright and family, Exeter;
Mr. John Wright, London, and
Mr. and Mrs, John Boer, who
recently returned from Florida
where they spent • the winter
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Hellinga, Hank
and Elizabeth were Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Weimann, Sea-
forth; Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Hellinga and Bill, Mr. and Mrs.
George Oevening, Paul and
George, RR 3, Walton; Mr.
and Mrs, Fred Hellinga, Pat-
ricia, Gertie, Janet, Marie-Ann
Londesboro and Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Teichert, Karl, Petra,
Peter and Perry. The guests
all attended the baptismal ser-
vice for Elizabeth Hellinga at
Knox Presbyterian Church.
The combined Young People's
Society of St. Mark's Anglican
Church and Knox Presbyterian
Church met,, in t h e Sunday,
school room of Knox to plan
Bouquets of yellow daffodils
and white narcissi decorated
the Auburn Memorial Com-
munity Hall for the May meet-
ing of the Horticultural Society
which was held with the presi-
dent, Mrs. Ed Davies in the
chair, The meeting was opened
by singing "0 Canada" with
Mrs. Robert 3, Phillips at the
piano. •
The minutes were approved
as read by the secretary, Mrs.
Lloyd Humphreys and the fin-
ancial statement showed
$105.30 was in the treasury,
Mrs. Davies stated that she
had attended the session of the
village council and she report-
ed that they were in favor
of installing street signs in the
NEWS OF LONDESBORO -Thurs. May 16, 1963,000n -Newt,Recor4—...-Puge 11
.1.. • d• •
for their meeting on May 26
to be held at the home of Miss
Barbafa Sanderson. Floyd -Sm-
ith, president was in charge of
the meeting. Rev. Robert Meal-
ly was in charge of the bus-
iness period. An invitation to
.attend the A.Y.P.A. Deanery
meeting at Seaforth on May
22 was accepted Miss Carole
Brown was appointed in charge
of the topic for the next meet-
Babies Baptised
Christian Family Sunday was
observed in Knox Presbyterian
Church last Sunday with Rev.
R. U. MacLean officiating. The
sacrament of Holy Baptism
was administered to Elizabeth
Hellinga, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Hellinga and James
Howard Tait, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Howard Tait.
Rev. Robert Meally held a
baptismal service for Michael
George Haggitt, son of Mr, and
Mrs., George Haggitt at St.
Mark's Anglican Church.
village and adding extra lights
for the Christmas season. The
village trustees congratulated
the society on the work that
they had done with the num-
erous flower-beds throughout
the village.
Correspondence was read
from several seed companies
and plans were discussed for
the spring planting of the beds.
It was stated that the severe
frost had damaged the large
bed of red emperor tulips last
Miss Carole Brown and Miss
Judy Arthur played piano solos
and Robert Wilkin played two
selections on the bagpipes.
A highlight of the evening's
program was the presentation
of a' Horticultural Service Dip-
loma to Mrs. Robert J.,
Mrs, William .T. Robison made
the presentation and in her
address expressed thanks to
Mrs. Phillips for her work in
the society.
This diploma is issued by the
Horticulture ASsociation for
ten years meritorious service
to horticulture. Mrs. Phillips
thanked the society for bestow-
ing this honor on her and spoke
of the work of the society since
it was organized,
The guest speaker of the
evening was Cliff Epps, Clin-
ton, who is district director of
No. 8. He spoke of the annual
meeting which will be held on
July 3 at Ripley and urged all
ni.,mbers to attend. He show-
pictures of a recent trip
neross Canada, Vancouver Is,-
land, Florida and the Southern
Miss Fanny Cole
AUBURN — Funeral service
was held on Tuesday for Miss
Fanny Cold, a life-long resident
of this district, Born on the
tenth concession of Hullett
Township, she was the &nigh=
ter of the late Sufi Cole and
Judith Hill and was in her 88th,
She had been a resident in
I-luronview for the past two
years but before that time had
rhade her home with her sis.
ter, the /ate Mrs. James Web-
ster and later with her nephew,
Mr, 1-Iarry Webster on the
Maitland Block,
She Was a member of the
Atiburn Baptist Church and is
survived by three nephews,
Barry Webster, Roy Webster,•
Stevensville and Frank McBur-
/ley, Dauphin, Man,
The funeral arrangements
were made by, the. Arthur fun-
eral home, r, Craig Peters
niid Rev. Harold Snell, Oak-
ridge Acres, Were in Charge of
the service.
Burial took place in Rope
Chapel cemetery, with the Dalt,
bearers being Messrs,
Raithby,• William Wagner, Vd,
Win Wend§ and 41Vlllidiii man, tat*,
Mr, 'Chas Small .apent the
weekend .with his son and fam-
ily in Port Agin,
Mrs.. Hodgert and children of
Thames Read, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Wilt,
rater HeWatt
Mr, Jas McCoel returned
home last week After visiting
riith his sisters in Toronto for
the past few weeks,
Mr,. Jim. Neilans attended the
spring reunion at Moore Sovcr, eign Consistery which was held
in Hamilton last • Friday and
UCW lIfeet
The Berean Unit of the UCW
met on Thursday with the pre-
sident opening the meeting
with the devotional period,
Mrs. liowatt read a poem on
"Mother" and Mrs. Pipe con-
ducted the study program rea-
ding a few verses of scripture
pertaining 'to the honouring of
parents and the influence of
,,,,odd Mothers.
Knox Ladies
Study Cuba
AUBURN—The May meeting
of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety of Knox Presbyterian
Church was held at the home
of Mrs. Roy Deer,' The presi-
dent, Mrs. Wilfred' Sanderson
was in charge and opened the
meeting with the call to wor-
A hymn was sung with Mrs.
John Houston at the piano and
the Glad Tidings prayer was
given `by Mrs, Ed. Davies and
frillovving this, the president
`Welcomed all to the .meeting.
The devotional period was in
charge of Mrs. Frank Raithby
and Mrs. Herbert Govier gave
a reading.
The minutes were approved
as read by the secretary, Mrs.
Donald Haines and the roll call
was answered by each mem-
ber quoting a Bible verse con-
taining the word, flower. The
offering was received and dedi-
cated by Mrs. Alvin Leather-
The topic was taken by Mrs.
Donald Haines who gave an
interesting account of the Ch-
ristian mission work in Cuba.
The meeting was closed by
singing a hymn followed by
the closing prayer by Mrs.
Mrs. Ed Davies presided for
the Ladies Aid meeting of
Knox Presbyterian Church
when a short business period
was held. The minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs.
Roy Daer and she also gave
the financial statement. It was
decided to send some child to
camp this season. ,
'Friendship Club
Plans Anniversary
The regular meeting on Wed-
nesday, May 8, the Friendship
Club of St. Paul's Anglican
Church started making plans
for a 25th anniversary party to
be celebrated in 1965.
Mrs, M. Counter is to be the
head of the historical commit-
tee which would like to have
names and addresses of all
former members.
The club also voted money
to put asphalt on the rectory
driveway and .to improve the
rectory grounds.
Next meeting will be on May
22 and a good attendance is
requested to enjoy the gam-
es which are being planned and
to transact the important busi-
ducted on Sunday., Want son
of Kr. and Mrs, I.,JoYd. Pen,
fnUnt.baby daughters. of Mr.
and Mrs, Jim .Carter, Mr,. and
Mrs, pAgl) Millar and Mr, and
Mrs, nohn Alexander., were
The Junior Choir of 36 voic,
es -contributed two fine ,pum-
Two beautiful baskets of IV
Myers' in memory of .Mr. and
Mrs. Mathew Maine% Miss
Ziz4.hoth and 'Mrs., Thr00/)$.
by Mr, and Mrs, Harvey .Wells,
and Mr. 41111 'Mrs, Charles Watt
son and gma daughters
Verde and Fern, graced. the
sanctuary. •
for Corn
for Twitch Gross
DOW 2, 4-D
for Grain
for Geain
Seeded Down
for Thistles in
Legume Stands.
Mrs. George Hamilton moved
last, Saturday to her new borne
on Goderich Street,
WI and Mrs. Howard Tait,
Clinton, visited on Sunday
with their son, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Tait and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Asquith,
George and Anne, Islington,
'spent the weekend with .his
mother, Mrs Charles Asquith.
Mr. and Mrs. • Cliff Bastla,
London, spent the weekend
with her sister, Mrs, Ed Dav-
ies and Mr. Davies.
Mr and Mrs. Roy Farrow,
Mitchell, visited on Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mrs. A. Lovett, St. Gather-
ines, visited on the weekend
with Miss Margaret R. Jack-
' Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weir
-spent Sunday with his father,
Dr, B. C Weir arid Mr. and
Mrs, Duncan MacKay and fam-
Recent guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Scott were Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Whippler, Lon-
don and Mr. Charles Robert-
son, --Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hele-
sic, Patti and Paul, Goderich,
visited on Sunday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Em-
merson Rodger and family,
Mr. James Schneider, Monk-
ton, is convalescing at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Schneider follow-
ing surgery in Listowel hospi-
Mrs. Wes Bradnock attend-
ed the council meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church in
Canada last week at Ewart
College, Toronto.
' Guests over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Scott were Mr. and Mrs; Fred
Lonn, Holmesville; Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Finnigan and Mrs.
Laura Fowler, Goderich and
Mr. Harvey McGee.
Guests on Sunday with Mr.
Aubtirn and District
MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595
Active Lady Receives 10-Year Award
At Meeting of Horticultural Group
Attention Farmers
Clinton Farm Supply
HU 24613