HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-16, Page 9In an 'effort to determine, what steps they can take to, Ward the parchase of needed playground land, the cliss board decided Wednesday to send .a delegation to the On- tario department of education,. The board have been offered approximately 10 acres_ of land On the property of -Ernest Br- Top Male Singers at Festival These four lads were given top marks in their respective classes at the Hullett Township Music Festival held in Londesboro last Wednesday. Shown in the back row from the left are: Harris Snell, SS 5; John Bylsma, SS 7 and Tim Bylsma, USS 2. In the front is Ricky Snell, USS :10. John Bylsma shared top honors in the two-day event, being given 85 marks for his performance in the class for boys under nine. (News-Record Photo) CHSS Needs One More Teacher, Hire 12 New Members This Week own, east of the school,, for a 'PhySical 'education is needed cost of ,P0,0Q0, [due to the fact the new wing The hoard has .made no cern, ; was built on the former gr- mittment in regard the ounds. fey, but are merely exploring I, In his last report to the what avenues are open-to them i board, the area inspector sug, in regard to purchasing this or igested that this land was very any land if and when they de-much needed and Del Philp, I aide to do So, AVC chairman, reported that The land for and I the other three schools repres, playground ented on his committee were ;aiso anxious that the land he acquired`, business ad- ministrator, reported he had written :several letters and had a number of telephone convey-. sations with .department of ed, ucation officials, but the re- plies did little to aid the board in reaching any decision As to what they could .do in raising the money to purchase the land. Named to the delegation were board chairman, John Levis.; property, committee ch- airman, George Falconer; AVC chairman, Del Philp; business. administrator, L .11. Maloney, and principal, D, J. Cochrane, They decided to reqUest Hon. C ,S, MacNaughten to arrange a meeting with the proper of- ficialS in Toronto. Sig Task In his report to the board, George "Falconer, property .Ch., airman, manned some of the problems being faced in the moving in of the large pieces of equipment for - the n e w school. "I know now what the AVC were doing when they handed this equipment unloading onto the property committee," he jokingly pointed, out, He explained' that the shops were not 'ready for the equip- ment and much of .it had to be stored in one corner until such time as the floors are finished.' The committee chairman read a letter from Dick Har- land, shop director, who stated the work was a risky venture because there. was no proper lifting equipment available and the work was threatening in: jury to the men working. He also reported one $2,000 mach- ine had ben slightly damaged. Harland suggested an un- loading platform be built. ' However, Falconer did not agree with the suggestion, not- ing the building of such a ramp would be too costly. He also explained the equip- Ment had been damaged main- ly due to improper crating. Falconer reported the men aiding in the work would try and use the contractor's lift- fork to unload the equipment, most of which weighs around 900 pounds. One piece brought in weigh- ed 4,700 pounds though. "We'll worry away and: ev- entually get it off," Falconer explained. "ThingS are st- raightening themselves out," The property, committee ch- airman also presented a re- quest from one of the caretak- ers, Carl Skov, for an extra WOOL Jackson Aluminum Seaforth is collecting wool for grading and sale on the co-operative plan. Shippers may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above or their ' Licensed Operators Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization, CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE' WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. ,vikuomosoomm...mmoommoor This Is Your Personal Invitation to a TRACTOR and FIELD TILLAGE DEMONSTRATION At the Farm of the late Ray Jamieson 4 MILES EAST OF CLINTON Wednesday, May 22 IMO a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Refreshments Will Be Served , SEE THE LATEST IN IN TRACTORS 1H TILLAGE Through the Courtesy of JOHN BACH SEAFORTH — Phone 17 )(Our sig Harvester International m Dealer SEED CORN PFISTER and UNITED HYBRID DENT CORNS AND HAAPALA High Sugar Silage Corn (The Only Silage Corn with a "PLUS") ClintonFarm Supply Bayfield Road Clinton HU 2-9613 as Exclusive Dealer in Clinton and Area for High Quality Ice Cream AN INTRODUCTORY OFFER BUY RAM GET BC 21:CEK FREE This Offer Good Only from Thursday, May 9 to Sunday, May 19 Announcing the Appointment of GIBBY'S Drive-Inn Restaurant GIBBY'S DRIVE-INN RESTAURANT Feautres - - FLAVOR KRISP - - Juicy Tender KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (In a Basket) (In a Bucket) (In 'a Barrel) GIBBY'S DRIVE-INN RESTAURANT ,. Highway 4 — 1 Mile South of Clinton — Phone HU 2-7191 "WE WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO MEETING YOU" 19-20b ,r YEARS OF EXPERIENCE WITH CHEVROLET- PROVES CHEVROLET'S RELIABILITY !WHIM!!! • • • •.• • ••'• • •' • • i;.iS!'"" ;.r.,terr_te :::*.:f•V:77:?:•*:74.11°'"1:7:777.,••• ..."47• etWk••••:• A‘• Jotak 41. gas:, . Vangpere t illio.""to•I'll,'Ontario. • Upson. 13, 190, im litotLors PC04110 Genera ,5 ited , Of shasa,Onta rio.r Gentleaen: "In 194/ i booPt ay first Chevrolet truolt to use on my fam. Vice then 1, have used call ChevTolet. WI last otte bad over '70,000 miles Shen I traded and sever required any taSor repairs, 'I haul feed, fertilize, grain, and 1Vrestools, over fields eta rough oonoes-- sion roads-,,and that,s Ogre I find the Suspension on my 1963 pickup most van-. able. Loaded or empty tlit• ride is out- standing. There's lots of poser for my heaviest loads and the handy Pleetside body has ample TOMS for all lands of cargo. . • 4 FrolD my past enSerienoe 1.1tnos 1 can 4ePead on Chevrolet, to give als the kind reliable and ecionomloal he runt trot s trualt. %ours trali, art', ' il iti'l zolin ti. tiesp , 'LOTS OF POWER... AMPLE ROOM... RIDE OUTSTANDING" Mr. Hesp's complete satisfaction with Chev- rolet Trucks is shared by a great many other Canadian farmers, from coast to coast. Trudkers and businessmen also agree — Chevrolet Trucks work harder — last longer — cost less! Before you buy any ,new truck for your farm,. see your local Chevrolet Truck dealer. He'll show you exactly how and why a Chevrolet Truck is your best buy! A General Motors Value C AT YOUR CHEVROLET ROAD-TRY THE VALUE BUY TRUCK DEALER'S NOW! OL LORNE BROWNMOTOR- LTD CLINTON, ONTARIO 30 Oriiirrio Street 141,1 Board to Investigate Land. Purchase„ Equipment Arriving for New Shops Meeting in the plush confines of their new room, the CHSS board approved the hiring of 12 new teachers, Wednesday; and re-engaged three members of the present staff who have been teaching on letter of per- mission for the past year, These three are Mrs. Doris Rive., home economics; Michael Borov, Spanish 'and English; Paul Jamieson, English. A! thumb-nail "sketch of the 12 new instructors is a follOws: Robert Smith—A member of the Goderich Institute staff at present, who has 23 years teaching experience. , He holds a specialist rating in French and Latin and has a minor in Spanish and German. He has been proposed as the head of the language department. Frank Desjarlais — Presently on the teaching staff of the ,Riverside Board of Echication, a suburb of Windsor. He has 15 years- experience and will teach French. A widower, Mr. Des- jarlais is 35 years old. D. Deball — Presently living in London, he is an area man- ager for a chemical company and for 13 years has been a chief chemist, having an honors degree in chemistry. Married, he will teach science and math- ematics. Kenneth Lawton — Self-em- ployed in London, he is a grad- uate of physics and philosophy and will be teaching English at CUSS. He is married and is 42 years old. Gerard Haaksman—He will be teaching welding and sheet metal and has 11 years experi- ence in Welding. Mr. Haaks- man is 28 years old and is pre- sently living in Odessa. Mrs: Agnes Glenn—With six years experience in the busi- ness field, Mrs. Glenn is pre- sently in grade 18 at CHSS and will take a summer course this year. Married, • she will teach some of the commercial subjects.-'.. ,- - William F. Cook—A- resident of Clinton, presently employed with the chartered accountant firm of A, 1VI, Harper, Gode- -rich. The Clinton man is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario in honb-es business and is a chartered ac- countant. He will' also teach commercial subjects next year. Harry Scott—Presently tea- ching in Bracebridge, Mr. Scott is a native of Seaforth and has been teaching in the northern town for four, years. He has also had 11 years experience as an accountant and will teach business practice to students from grades nine to. 11. Mrs. -Harry Scott — Wife of the above, Mrs. - Scott has six years experience as an elemen- tary. school teacher and will be engaged to teach some of the general subjects for the stu- dents in the occupational courser. Victor Darasch—An indust- rial accountant for the past 11 years, this Kitchener man is an avid sports enthusiast and is a game official, He will teach commercial. Len Jordan — For the past three years on the staff of a Niagara Falls high school. He has also had 1.3 years experi- ence in the business world in sales, purchasing and account- ing and will teach commercial at CHSS, Ernest Hunt—Seif-emplOyed at the present in his ante re- pair business in St. Thomas. Ha has spent 23 years in the automotive indu,try in various fields and was an instructor in the RCAF for five years. Mr. Hunt will teach the auto me- course next year, One to Go The hirings on Wednesday night brought the total of new teachers hired this year to 35 and there is only one more be- ing sought, that for the com- mercial courses. Interviews for the new in- structors have been handled by principal John Cochrane, who noted at the board meeting, "I hope I never have that experi- ence again." 0 VARNA (Correspondent, Fred Meelyment MT Meeting The regular meeting of the Varna Young People was at- tended by 14 members. Sharon Dawson read the sc- ripture and Peggy McAsh had the worship. Bill Kolkman was appointed the worship con- vener for next week. The roll call is to be answered by a ver- se containing "horn", Peggy McAsh, Bill Kolkman, Margaret Aldington and Shir- ley Johnston are on the lunch committee for the that roast. It was decided that we meet at 7.30 p.m. at Varna. Carole Hill had the Bible Study, Joan Rathwell followed with prayer and the meeting was closed with taps. Weeks. holidays this summer AS. a relative is visiting him from England The request was left with the property committee , chair man •to work out Pnrihg the tliscusSion, board chairman, :john Lavis,, com- mended the caretakers for the Way in which they had pitch- ed in to fill the vacancy caused by a recent ,accident to one of the men.. He noted that with the men working eNtra hours, it had not been necessary to hire .a replacement, In other business, the board; Learned that Mrs. Arisen Coleman, Clinton, had been hired by Beaver Food Services London to supervise the . cafe, teria operation, Acquired a beautiful eolour- ed sketch of the new school from the architects at' no cost to the board. Backed the principal's sus- pension of a yonng grade nine student who had laid hands on one of the teachers. The youth. was suspended for two weeks and after that time he and his parents will be granted an interview with the principal to review -the matter. Granted permission to t h e Clinton Lodge IOOF to hold the CKNX ham dance in the school's auditorium. Although request from groups has been turned down in the past, it was reported that the facilit- ies were now safe for such functions. Agreed to send the business administrator to a conference in London at which time there will be a special session for board secretaries. _Classified Ads Bring Quick Results BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER .BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. Also granted Permission for shop director, Pick Harland, to Attend: three day :confer, Mee in •Orillia,. at which time the main $1.1bjeet matter will beteh discussion, of new tech,: nical schools such as CHSS, ITariatUrS request: was backed by a recommendation from the principal, Granted permission for three CHSS teachers to spend the last week of school in Toronto marking grade 13 papers for the department of education. The department plans to start earlier this year so the job will be completed earlier and students will have more time to make necessary plans re- garding their future after they have received their results, Learned front the principal that enrollment bad ,dechned from 753 0..743 during the past month and the average daily attendance was 95.9 per- cent. Teacher days missed tot, alled 14. Decided to purchase a water tester which is necessary .to. test the condition of the water in the schoolla boilers, Cost was estimated at $60. . Set the business ,adininiStrat, or's hours as .frorn 9;00. to 5;00. from Monday' to Friday with an boar Off for .Itincli.• He will also, receive three weeks boll days, as well As the Christmas, and 'gas-ter vacation weeks if his work is .all caught up" TOOX no action after they had been addressed .two Salesmen from the Sun. Life insurance Company in regard to a group insurance policy for the teachers and other staff members. It was explained that salary negotiations bad already been :completed for the yor, Learned that pnroliment 'was expected to be between 1,40 and 1,300 for $epternb.er. Thur5,,e May 10f, 1963- ClintonNews-ReCord---Page 9 chanics Clinton, Memorial .Shop T, .PRYDE and SON cwiToN EXETER ---.nAFORTI1 Open Every Afternpon PHONE HU 2,7712. At other tin' es contact Local Representative---A. W. 2-6642 2ltfb