HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-16, Page 5Plan Huronview Anniversary Dr, Ross ddresses IS E PLUMBING-HEATING ELECTRIC 482-7062 CLINTON A group of past presidents of the Clinton Legion Branch 140 last Thursday evening per,. formed what is Considered to be .a "first",, .certainly in this area, and quite possibly any,. where in the Dominion of Canada. The members, gilder the lea, dership 'of past president Cam Proctor, initiated a large group of new members into the Sea, forth Branch 'of the Royal Can, adian, Legion, And then after travelling to Mitchell, they participated in a special even- 7/ CONTRA TINE TERAtI ONS JI ~ iSrAllf) gar DEMAND THE BEST, "OUR FINE WORK WILL PASS THEIR TEST" 4 S MCT° pLU INSPE HOLLAND'S NO -SERVICE 482.6661 CLINTON Ofkidiallehg,llt OODERICH , ONT. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT For The ,Young Crowd to "The Crescendos" WE CATER TO WEDDINGS, LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, ETC. For Reservations Call Goderich JA 4-9371 or JA 4-9264 Choose a DOULTON FIGURINE For That Someone Special at Anstett Jewellers LTD HU 2-9525 CLINTON .H.oliday Special at IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR ALL OOL COATS Ainn LAMINATED COATS ALL---Three4ucurter LAMINATED COATS ALL—Three-Quarter RAINWEAR ALL DOUBLE KNIT SUIT LADIES WEAR and DRY GOODS • • • eeeeoeeeexegmeeeeeie,e,,, ALSO AVAILABLE WITH ROTISSERIE A step ahead NEW AUTOMATIC TIMING CENTER Easy to read, easy to use. • LOOK-IN WINDOW ay 'tam SINGLE SINGLE DIAL OVEN CONTROL Turns oven on and sets temperature. =UM EASIEST TO KEEP CLEAN Oven door lifts corn. Net* off. 'AM?! IeVeK WEINERS z LB. PKG. 69c POLY BAG French Fried Potatoes 2 LB. BAG 49c RINDLESS BACON 1-LB. PKG. 59c FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL BARBECUED CHICKENS Clinton Meat Market Go RANT _IRWIN and ART COLSON, Proprietors KING STREET HU 2.3834 Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service DRUG STORES Special Values and Reminders This Week I.D.A. F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton Ontario TOILET TISSUE BRE cK SH AM POO 2 rolls 29c Pink, Blue Yellow, White 8 Rolls 88c $1.49 Reg. $1,75 GILLETTE FOAMY SHAVE 15 1:u-lo3ze'r aBnldades $150 HEATING PAD For the Cottage Reg. $4.95 $3.88 HOLLYWOOD WAVE Comb 29c MARATHON • 2 for 98c Also some MOTH SPRAYS at 1/2 Price. Berlow, ,EQ-53 and a few others. Holiday season coming up. Be sure to hove a Camera and Accessories ready for the summer fun. We can offer you 3-day film service. Mrs. Bill. Chowen Heads Kinelites, Honor Departing Member With Gift Detailed plans were coin: pleted at the meeting of Hur, on County Ladies. Auxiliary held in the craft room at 4ur- onview, Monday afternoon, for the annual anniversary tea to be held at Htirnnvielv, Wednes- day afternoon, June 5. Committees with • conveners Were set up. Dr, J, C, Rose, medical, at- tendant at HurolwieW, was a guest at the meeting .and ex, pressed appreciation te Mrs, Harvey Johnston, who has been craft instructor and supervisor for the past eight years, and is now relinquishing her posi- tion. Dr. Ross introduced Mrs, ing by initiating a second large group ,of new membera into the Mitchell Branch; The special evening 'in. Mit- chell saw eight of the Legion. Branch receive • their 25, year pins, and one of their older members, Mr, Hugh Butson,,re, ceived the Medal of Merit, the Legion's highest award for out- standing service, The Clinton Legion initiating team, consisting of past:presi- dents, Cam Proctor, ''Eddie Dale, Doug Andrews, Hee Kingswell and Bill ,Chambers, form part of a larger team of past presidents which has for about five years been in, stalling brarteh officers in such widely scattered localities as Kincardine, Goderich, Seaforth, Exeter, Hensel], Gorrie, as well as Clinton.. The clairit of a "first" is made by the Clinton men not only because they initiated members in two different loc- alities on the same evening, but also because these Legion. Branches are in two, different Zones of the Legion. Seaforth Legion is in Zone C-1 of the Legion, as is Clin- ton, while Mitchell is in Zone C-2. Clinton Legion president, Harold McPherson,* and Robert _Homuth accompanied the ClinL ton Legionaires to pay cour- tesy calls to Seaforth and. Mit- chell. Mr, Homuth is a past presi- dent of the Mitchell Legion Branch and it was through his effort's that Clinton was asked to participate. successor, Mrs, Fred Mellis,, Kippein .fprmerly Miss Mary OlbSert,„Pf Wroxeter„ In his. remarks, St4teci. °While Onronview is not the only home in the ProVince, we cart try to make it one of the best." "The .residents. Make the craft iteMS. to a Pei*, but it WAS up. to the ernft director to put on the finishing touches;" he noted, It was decided to purchase distinctive stationery, .and membership cards, Mrs, W,. C. Bennett, Clinton was named an, niversary tea .convener., Mrs. Lorne, Scrimgeour, Blyth, pre- sided .for the election of the following officers; Past president, Mrs, Fred Thompson, Clinton; president, Mrs. Louis Forrest, RI. 4, Clin, ton; first Vice-president, Mrs. Margaret Higgins, Blyth; sec, and vice-president, Mrs. Har, vey Johnston, Clinton. Secretary, Mrs„ Keith Web- ster; treasurer and correspond, ing secretary, Mrs. W. C. Ben, nett, Clinton; publicity, Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour, Blyth; pub, licity for Goderich area, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Godetich.. Mrs. Charles MacNaughton, Exeter, to be entertainment convener for June, July and August, M-L, Auxiliary Make Plans For Strawberry Social The May meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday, May 14 at the home of Mrs. R. B. Rudd, 29 Whitehead Street, with 20 members and two visi- tors present. After the singing of a hymn, Mrs. James Edward, read the scripture and Mrs. Gladys Hog- garth led in prayer. Several items of business were discussed including plans for the strawberry social and bake sale to be held at the church on Saturday, June 15. Mrs. Royce Macaulay then introduced the guest speaker, Miss Norma Westgate, Public Health Nurse, at present serv- ing the Exeter area, Miss West- gate gave a most interesting talk illustrated with coloured slides on her medical work while serving in various posts in the Canadian Arctic for sev- en years. Before ' lunch was served, Miss Lorene Langford conduct- ed a short contest with Mrs. R, B. Rudd as winner. The June meeting will be in the form of a pot-luck supper to be held at the summer cot- tage of Mrs. Royce Macaulay on Wednesday, June 5. Cars will leave the church at 6:30 p.m. and the ladies are asked to bring picnic dishes. Assisting the hostess, Mrs. R, Rudd for lunch were Mrs. Viola Lampman, Miss Mabel Harvey and Mrs. Douglas Far- quhar. Display Plants At Meeting of Horticulturalists A very well attended meet- ing of the Clinton Citizens' Horticultural Society was held in the council chamber on Thursday evening with the pre- sident, Miss Luella Johnston, in the chair. The meeting was opened with the reading, by the president, of two very appropriate poems. After the usual business, Mr. Fred Sloman, \who had been the cultural Convention held in delegate to the Annual Horti- Toronto in March, gave quite an unusual and interesting re- port of same. There was a very fine display of bulbs,' plants and cut flow- ers, with reference to which Mr. Clifford Epps gave a most informative talk, in addition to answering many questions re- lative to different phases of horticulture. Winners of the draws which took place received gifts of plants and cut flowers, which made the evening a pleasant and rewarding one. Announce Date For Ceremonies At Hospital The May meeting of the Clinton Women's Hespital Aux- iliary Was held at the Nurses` Residence and Mrs. K. $, Wood presided and opened the meet, ing with prayer, The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. Douglas Bartliff and the treasurer's re- Port was given by Mrs. Duff Thompson, Mrs. 'a .A. Zablocki is hold- ing a ballot rectiaI June 8, the proceeds of which she has very kindly offered to donate to the Women's Hospital Auxiliary. June 26' is the date set by the hoard for the Florence Nightingale Tea and official opening of the new hOspital wing. 0 Herbert R. Jenkins Funeral service for the late Herbert Rowland Jenkins, Clin- ton, was held from the Ball and Mutcli funeral home on Friday, May 10, In his 79th year, Mr. Jenkins bad resided in Clinton for the past 12 years after retiring from a life of farming. He was born in Goderich Township, son of the late Row- land Hill Jenkins and Elizabeth Holland. He is survived by his wife, the former Elva Proctor; one son, William R. Jenkins, Gode- rich Township; one sister, Mrs. R. N. (Lillian) Welsh, RR 1, London; three grandsons, Gor- don, Steven and Mark Jenkins. The service was conducted by Rev. Clifford Park, Wesley- the deceased was associated. Willis United Church, of which Rev. Grant Mills, Ontario Street United Church, assisted. Interment was in Clinton cemetery and the pallbearers included: Carman Tebbutt, Walter Forbes, , Roy Tyndall, Don Andrews, Allen Neal and Graydon Neal. Gordon Jenkins, Steven Jen- kins, Clark Ball and Fred Vod- den acted as flower-bearers. Relatives and friends from London, Leamington and Gode- rich joined area friends and relatives in attendance at the funeral. 0 WI WILL DISCUSS AGRICULTURE TOPIC The regular monthly meeting of the WI will be held in the board room of the agriculture offide on May 23 at 2;30 p.m. The roll call to be answered by an exchange of plants and slips. The motto to be taken by Mrs. C. Elliott. The topic "Agriculture" to be in the charge of Mrs. Hoggarth. Mrs. W. Colclough and Mrs. C. Nelson are on the program committee, Conveners of the lunch will be the executive, Mrs. W. Col- dough, Mrs. E. Radford, Mrs. E. Trick, Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. R. Fremlin, Mrs. M. Batkin. A cordial invitation is extend- ed' to all visitors. -The. Clinton. :Kinet,te Club 1104 their _Meeting at the home of Mrs. Mervin Age., .Payfield 13,0adt on TUeSClaY, May 14 with Clinton GrOup Appear on: IT The May Meeting of the Clip, tonian Club was held .at. the bonne of Mrs,. E. puller. The president, Mrs, .0 _o c P gh opene4 the meeting, Bills were presented and moved to be paid, Roll call was answered with .45 members and one visitor present The Weaur, icisenrt Mi wrrsr -CP F17 elo , Cummings and Mrs. Simian were appointed to go to the spring banianet in London on June 6. Final arrangements were made to go to London Sunday to appear on Act Fast which will be televised $inidaY, May 19 at 6:30 p.m. Visiting committee for March and April reported 41 calls Made to sick and shut-ins. The club set their date for the pic- nic for June 26 in the Clinton park. Mrs. Forrest offered her home for the June meeting. Mrs, R. Burke and Mrs. Birk- rneyer to be the, program. com- mittee. Mystery prize was won by Mrs. O'Connell. Everyone joined in a game of court. whist and first prize went to Mrs. Nivins; second, Mrs. Leppington and low, Mrs. Birkmeyer, A delicious lunch was served. 0 Huron County Farming Report Corn seeding is general throughout the county, Mois- ture is plentyful at present and as the weather warms up, grass should make good growth. Win- ter barley looks very good. 15 members present, Election, of officers took place for the following; presi- dent, Mrs. Dill Chowen; vice- president, MN.. Andy Peterson; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Rill Fleming.; reCOrding, Secre- tary, Mrs. Patrick liardie; reg.- istrar, Mrs. John Aticinseni treasurer, Mrs, Clarence Den- omMee; bulletin editor, Mrs. Bill Fink; assistant btilletin- editpr, Mrs. R. VanRiesen. donation of $1* was given to the Cancer Society 41.10, a going away gift was presented to Mrs. Mervin Roe who is leav- ing for St. Marys, Lunch was convened by Mrs. John Atkinson, Kin Convention The annual convention of the Kinsmen Clubs of District No. DAUGHTERS VISIT CLINTON COUPLE Pre-Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon W. QM- inghame, Rattenbury Street West, were: their two daugh- ters, Mrs. Arthur E. Saunders and Master Derek, Sarnia, and Mrs. Thomas E, Hull, Vancouv- er, B.C. Mrs. Hull was accom- panied by Dr. and Mrs. Erek E. Webb, also of Vancouver. After a brief visit, Dr. and Mrs. Webb left for Stratford to visit their parents. Toward the end of the week Mrs. Hull left for Toronto, where she was met by her hus- band, Dr, Thomas E. Hull (pro- fessor on the staff of the Uni- versity of British Columbia) and accompanied him to New York where Dr. Hull is at the present time engaged in a spe- cific work at the New York University. After attending conferences at U. of T. and McGill, Dr. and Mrs. Webb plan to join the Hulls in New York and all re- turn to Vancouver by jet to- ward the end of the month. Dr. Webb is also on the staff of UBC 1 will be held Pp •Saturday, May 18-Monday, Way 20 at an , The president of the Kim men CIO of Clinton, Mr. Frank Cook t MIAOW-WO tedg that the. club will be represented at the, convention, In attendance will he, Wil-- 11,4ra ....Chowen, Malt Edgar, and Brian Heyes, Members will be acceMpakiled by their wives, Thum! May 16, 19¢3--Clinton 'New-Record.,.. Page. S. Legion Past Presidents initiate Men, Claim "First" For Busy Schedule ►uxiliary NOTICE To Residents of The Town of Clinton TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Clinton Dump IS now under the supervision of Clarence Neilans, garbage collector. Arrangements ore being made to ettab, lish open hours, to be announced later,. (Signed) TOWN OF CLINTON John Livermore' Clerk SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE ALBERT STREET—At the Former Hanover Transport Building Are Now Dealers For FEDDERS DEHUMIDIFIERS and WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS A McCLARY-EASY Heating and Air Conditioning Product. FINANCING AVAILABLE SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE Albert St. — CLINTON — HU 2-7681 Now you can own an automatic electric range for what you'd expect to pay for a non-automatic model! Westinghouse makes cooking simpler, clean-up easier. • Miracle Seal Oven • VW° Warming Oven Setting • Platform light • Removable drir pans and trim rings • Reversible chrome oven racks COrne in! See it now! You can be sure... if it's Westinghouse. * y • Classified Ads Bring Quick 'WEST1NGHOU 30 " SE Results ELECTRIC RANGE IT'S AUTOMATIC... BUDGET PRICED! „MAW:Ware 0.4em.:44,,,wewee only '249.95 war q;V:2110. 'CLINTON ELECTRIC SHOP D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "YOUR WESTINGHOUSE DEALER" 266116 CLINTON