HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-16, Page 3SUNSET DRIVE-IN Highway 8 -- East of Goderich THUR., FRL, SAT. --May 16-17-18 Danny .Kaye and Pier Mageli "THE MERRY WIDOW" George Marshall and Gianni Canale "WARRIOR AND THE SLAVE GIRL" — Both in Color MIDNIGHT SHOW Sunday, May 19 at 12:05 midnite Boris Karloff In "FRANKSTEIN 1970" Three Stooge Comedy "CREEPS" plus CARTOON Adult Entertainment MON., TUES., WED. — May 20-21-22 dult Entertainment JAYNE MANSFIELD In "PLAYGIRL AFTER PARK" — Color Burt Lanoaster and Shelley Winters "YOUNG SAVAGES" THUR., FRI., SAT. -- May 23-24-25 Willard Parker and Merry Anderson "AIR PATROL" Robert Taylor and Julie London "SADDLE THE WIND" FARM EQUIPM ENT PARTS end ACCESSOR I ES JOHN BACH• 1H DEALER —; PHONE 17 SEAFORTH 20tfb INSURANCE GARY COOPER Life Insurance & Annuities Representing GREAT WEST 'LIFE ASSURANCE CO. • HU 2-7200 Clinton H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Bra w n Smyth, Dungannon; \Tice-Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul 'laesar, R. I., Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mt- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan MacIntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For %information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thoznpsen, Dungannon, 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE Mondays Only HU 2-7010 Seaforth -- 791 G a. CLANCY, 0,D. -- OPTOMETRIST Appointtnent Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 3Setlia PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. fitNTLEY PUBLIC- APCOUNTAN1 Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4.9521 478 A.M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS' 33 HAMILTON ST, TELEOHONE GODERICH, ONT, IA 4-7562 Formatiop of Are-a C-of C pproved By- Close to 80 Tiours, May '16, 1963---Clitit011 HPWS.Rqceird..---Pogp Anstett ellers Your TIMEX Watch KpeKigtmrtets See the New Models Now on Display ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS HU 2-9525 CLINTON Annual Meeting Huron County Tuberculosis Association Community Hail, Cranbrook Thursday, May 30, at 6:45 pm. GUEST SPEAKER — DR. S. J. HAWKINS Superintendent of Freeport Sanatorium Kitchener, Ont. The Snells. Plus One •Vici i Wellbanks, right, proved that you don't have to carry the name of Snell to perform in the top double trio at the Hullett Music Festival, b4 the other five youngSters prove that the' name does help, From the left they are; Robbie Snell, Larry Snell, Joanne Snell,. Jaynie Snell and 13etty Snell, Robbie and Betty are from one family and the three others are from another family. They attend USS 10 and polled a mark -of 83 in the,competition. (News-Record Photo) HOLMESIME adequately. Garon reiterated once again his claim that the area had al- most everything to offer to in- dustry. A question and answer per- iod followed with both Mr. Em- ery and Mr. Booth answering questions addressed from the floor. J. E. IVIcKINLEY, Zurich President Mrs, J. B. R USSEI I, Seaforth Executive Secretary 20-lb 45111131111111111Y AYFI MRS, F. IVicOULLOUCH Phone HU 2-7418 A special family day service was held on Mother's Day in Hohnesville United Church. The service was in the charge of Carman Tebbutt, superin- tendent of the Sunday school. The Scripture lesson was read by Douglas Yeo and David McCullough, The children's story was told by Mrs, Frank McCullough and the "Prayer for Ourselves and Others" was given by Shirley Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lobb and their children, Leonard, Tom- my, Eleanor and Ernie sang "Count Your Many Blessings" with Leonard and Tommy sing- ing a verse as a duet, and Elea- nor singing a verse as a solo. The offerings were received by Robbie Farquhar and Paul Cudrnore. At The PARItTheatre Goderich Rev. C. G, Park, minister of the Church, christened Lori Anne, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Han-is, Mr. Park took for his ser- mon, "Life With Father" Starting on Sunday, May 19, and continuing throughout the summer, services at the Hol- mesville United Church will be at 9:45 a.m. if e explained this was quite often the retail. merchants organization,,, and while this. group was an important part of any C of C they were not the entire -Orgenization, Emery suggested committees be set up for retail merchants, industrial and tourist promo- tion, agriculture and others that may be of interest in this area„ "Let these committees meet and bring ill their recommenda, tions to the directors and the general membership," he urged, riebree Main Points Emery noted there Were three main pertS of organizing a, C of C, these being an _adequate pro- gram of work, metribersinp and finances, "The program of work will depend on the needs of the community," be explained, ad- ding there may be Things need- ed in the community or things that are , already here that should be changed. if they are wrong in the opinion of the membership, However, he noted that. 'the ability to get work done would depend on the membership and `the finances available, and it was necessary to -use the ut- most discretion in choosing the men to fill the responsible posi- tions as well as in setting fees. The speaker suggested that fees should' not be set so low that a member would look on it as only a donation. "If he looks on it as a dona- tion that's all the interest he will have in it," he cautioned. He 'suggested a sliding scale was usually used with fees dependent upon the type of business, the number of em- ployees or some other basis to The formation of a Clinton and Area Chamber of com- merce met with the almost um, aniMOUs support of the close to SO persons who attended the organizational meeting in the Elm Haven Motor Hotel, Thursday. After noting that a Chamber of Commerce was a group that should be concerned with mak- ing a community a better place in which to live; Homer Emery, guest speaker, noted, -"you people must thing some; filing needs to be done in this corrimtmity," Mr. Emery, the Ontario rep- resentative of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, had been invited to speak at the meeting by Antoine "Red" Garen, who e promoted the meeting, and was named chair- man for the night. Emery explained that most Chambers were, formed in com- munities in an effort toe stim- ulate the advancement of these communities and to keep them• up with the times and the gen- eral progress of the country. He stated most were design- ed to stimulate the civic, in- dustrial, agricUlture and tour- ist segments of the community or some other segment that may be of interest to a par- ticular community. The speaker added that a C of C should not show prefer- ence to any one group, but Should be of general interest or benefit to the entire commun- ity. "The most common problem and the reason why many col- lapse is because they are cen.- tred around one particular group and lose their overall interest," he stated. OPENING CE Friday, Vilna" FRI., SAT. — May 16-17-18 ' Stewart Granger arid Sylvia Koscina "SWORDSMAN OF SIENA"--color Attacks Connell "Bob Hat tin, a former mayor of Clinton, stirred up the meet- ing when he asked if any mem- bers of council were present. When none appeared, he qu- estioned the reason why they weren't in attendance. He levelled an attack against them for not attending and not taking an interest in the com- munity. Later on he again attacked council and this prompted Em- ery to note, "I'm sore glad I'm not a councillor in this town," After the question and -an- swer period, two committees were formed; one to bring in a slate of officers and the other to revise the bylaws and sug- gest fees for the group, These reports will be given at the net meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 23. The nominating committee is as follows: Herb Bridle, chair- man; Bill Batten, secretary; E. Beecher Menzies, John Scruton and Bob Campbell, By-laws committee; Hal Hartley, chairman; Red Scott and Wes Holland. Garon will remain chairman for the next meeting and Jim Plus a whaling featurette in Technicolor "THAR SHE BLOWS" -- and CARTOON Lait, who acted as secretary for the meeting, will handle this job at the next meeting as well, The Chamber will be open for any reputable persons in-. terseted in the welfare of the districts' Music By: MON., TUES., WED. — May 20-21-21 Jackie Gleason and Katherine Kath Tell a story you will enjoy & remember. Filmed in France. 19-20b "GIGOT —In Technicolor make it fair for the large. and small operators. In answer to. -the argument of some retailers, and particu- larly professional men who. say they don't get onything4, from the .0 of C, Emery pointed out no man would make a living in the -desert and a C of -C work- ing in the .egintralnity was benefitting everyone. "A Chamber should. strive at all times to support free .enter- priSe," he added, "because this. is What makes a community grow." Noting that the local group was being formed with the View towards industrial expap, sion, Emery reported it was not necessary for communities to make costly .concessions to industries. "It depends en the commun- ity," 'he further stated, "In- dustries leoking for progressive industrious and efficient cOm- rounities where there is a frien- dly and congenial atmosphere, He added that many indust- ries were now Waling in smal- ler communities because it was felt the employees were hap- pier there. "Don't be discouraged if in- dustrial -expansion appears to be slow," he warned, "it takes a long time to attract indus- try," Emery also reported a C of C should be a "watch-dog" for the public and strive to pro- mote things for the betterment of the community and attack those things which are a detri- ment. "Don't be a fence-sitting Chanber," he warned, adding that many such groups came alive again when they tackled controversial projects affect- ing their communities. "A Chamber can only be as good as its members will allow it to be," he said in conclusion' "and it is one' of the most im- portant organizations in any community." Hear Stratford Man The second speaker of the night was W. T. Booth, pre- sident of the Stratford Cham- ber of Commerce.. He outlined many of the im- portant works completed by his group and how they set about attracting industry to Strat- ford. "This was done by hard work and co-operation," he explain- ed. After the speeches, Garon outlined his reasons for calling the meeting and thanked the persons present for attending. He pointed out that the Ch- amber should not .be a fellow- ship group in the community, because the four service clubs were looking after this very THUR., FRI., SAT. — May 23=24-25 Dirk Bogarde, Maria Pershey, Alfred Lynch The biography of British war hero Charles Coward. "THE PASSWORD IS COURAGE" Coming—"ROME ADVENTURE"--in Color Business and Professional Directory INSURANCE FARM EQUIPMENT ..• • Saves on Shopping Trips. t 1" 4 0/eb (NO i;:110 COOP IlY A NEW 11111111117 Rifiliffamor Aor HET A $20.95 VALUE IF HAIIIIIIIVEN MEI • way the The Coin- aundry Way BOARD OF pinta-Pons President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gorden Kirkland, RR 3, Luclmow; Mrs, D. G. Anderson, RR 5, Winghain; Mrs, L 1 o y d Taylor, Exeter; 1-lugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Bodges,, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T, Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Dert IrWin, R11; 2, Seaforth; Bert Klapp, Zurich; Gordon Richard= son, ftl3. 1, Brucefield; Kenneth Johns, AR 1, Woodham. C. It Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Phnntroe Assistant Secretary For information, aim your nearest directer or our office in the. Credit Union Bidg.f On- tarld Street, Clinton, Toiephone Linter', 2,9751. THIS OFFER GOOD ON ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS Beatty • Beiwood . Co-op Viscount Coronado • Eaton's Viking • Firestone Frigidaire • General Electrie • General Freezer • Gibson Gilson Keiyinator Leonard a McPlanfrEady • Moffat a Onward Philco • RCA Whirlpool. Roy Simpson's Coldspot • SiMptOns-Sears Westing. houte • Wood's • And ether fine makes *oNis TWo-TtmietRATting iztizAtetEtt- NroFts WITfi TRUE FEBP.Zyrr, stark:MS QUALITY. • TIR1E NIGHT DEPOS- 30X AT OUR 4TORE ,LBERT STREET FOR V CLEANING OR NDRY, nOttn, YOUR OLE IN BETWEEN 8 ANO 12 P. M. LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 2416 Check Your Calendar. If the number/I match; Lake the calendar to our Office and claim your $3 credit. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A TWO. TEMPERATURE REFRIGERATOR WITH TRUE ZERO-ZONE FREEZER SECTION toad got plenty of capacity to Store or feet-freeze fresh Eoods and to keep frozen foods safely frozen, longer. ()RIMY A MODERN HOME FREEZER chest-type or up- right . With "king-Size" capacity and m40 your Money-sang frozen food -'specials" in the "king sitel AND GET THIS GLAMOROUS MEDALLION HAIRDRYER.;.,complete *Oh TRAVEL CASE (a $19.95aaluOARSOLOTELY FREE! AT STORES OISPLAYING MIS SYMBOL May 78th to June 19th LAUNDRY oti 6,_CLEANER.S A Complete tnivellink Reality Salon Dties Polidb Perham Bair • i,41-ke trnbroaltktio 1lTalio iiii Mireer Ta Sgiarto LightivelOitOyster-vhitetteevet Case LIMITED L I NTON 9d HU -2.-70t4 your hydro LIVEf BET'T'ER ettorRICALcv