HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-09, Page 4For Sale One Set of Golf Clubs • 7 IRONS • 1 PUTTER St 2 WOODS 1 BAG 15 YEARS OLD ▪ Will throw in 5 golf balls complete with Tees aria one golf glove size 81/2, Call In Person and Ask for CARL at Elm Haven Motor Hotel ..M.ISaELLA.NEOUS WATCH .REPAIR is .a $0b for eXPlas'O4 wF 4Sy satipeiion, Counter'sJewellery, Huron. County's Oldest Esta, bliehed Jewellery Store, 20tfh , ....... LEI[' U$ EEPAITI, AND, MAKE Your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings .renewed and stone$,safely.seePred—clon't.. take chances, 'Expert woric done. reasonably tq yoor „setisfactien,, Watch repairs and pearl re, etringlag. W. N. Conn*. g:0 1;,f1): ARTICLES FOR SALE 13'6"' MARINE plywood run- a-hent with 7 1/4 HP motor, Phone Up 2-7736. 1603 BUFFET AND CHINA CAB- inet, small iron bed, baby bug- gy, high chair, china cabinet, kitchen. table, corner white complete en wwertramsilirrW arir small, tables and, other small articles, Private sale. Apply 271 Bay- field Read, Phalle HU 2-9768, VASS" -non n sfrom. lams adp 4404, CUISTO.11.41: WORK. . . „• .......„..,..„.. LAWNS: CUT, yards serviced,, 'hedges trimmed, Ptong 3288, 19=20p ..„. . ,,. see .. MODERN and antique carved fi4PttPre, made to girder, also repairs, .alterations and. French. Relishing, Sandar Molnar, ph,. one Hensall 322. 17-5-3,,2Qh. TEACHERS WANTED APPLICATIONS. will be r.e- egiVVa for the. position of teeele, er at $5 7, Duties, to commence 41 September, prol,rnately 15 pupils, plications, in, writing, etatang qualifications name of laet. inspector to be in thehands of the secretary by May '31,.190, Mrs. Leonard .Shobbrook, PrE, 1, TSlytth secretary-treasurer.. 19-20-21)) REAL ESTATE 9 LO'T'S fer sale, approx, 7.41,69, ,,.500 each, located. in OW, Phone HU g,7.3Q.g, 15tfb TWO REPEC9Ivf :CO.TTAQE. on No, 4 Highway 1:14, miles south of Clinton, Alwologrn storms and semen*, aluminum awnings, fenced lot; interior newly decorated, oil heat, oac-. ions 'panelled recreation room,: phoneN 2,9233 19f b 6-ROOM.coTrAo, East St., Segforth; bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, :2- piece bath and garage, priced very reasonable, Phone ,sea,, forth 390M. 19,20 INCOME PROPERTY — 2 storey 'brick 3 e .apartment dweliing, 1.-bedreom apart- ments with living room, mo- dern kitchen, 3-piece bath; 1 3-bedroom apartment, with fireplace, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, a- piece - bath, Hot Water , beat- ing with oil. Full basement with. laundry Facilities. Storms and screens throeghout Ex- cellent condition, located close to shopping area, Ranch Type Dwelling, large liy- ing room with fireplace, den, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3-pc. bath, ,oil heating, Early possession. 2 STOREY, 5 bed room Dwel- ling, living room; den with fire place; dining room, kit- chen; 2-piece bath down; 3- piece bath up, Gas heating, full basement, storm windows, double garage; lot approx. 1321x100% Early possession. VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, 112 storey, 3 bedroom with ing room and kitchen, lot ap- prox .60x140, within one block of lake, immediate posses- sion. 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom; 3-piece bath; living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil heating. Excellent condi- tion. Located close to schools. Garage. Lot approx. 78'x132'. 2 STOREY BRICK STORE. Approx. 18'x60', oil heating.. Located on Main St. Immed- iate possession. Page 11,—Clinton News-Record—,ThurSdaY, May 9, 1968 ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE. 4..pP.LF$,-.F.Atley Grade Spies and Delicious; also good cook- ing spies, .frent cold storage, at reasonable prices. Stewart .Middleton, 2,752.5„ I-Stfb , .,...„.. BRAND NEW; 2 Only, fem., chair and table chrome suites, at 37.95 each at Wholesale Furniture & Appliances, phone NV 2,7601 Clinton. 19h 090s POUND. CAPACITY, 2, wheel trailer. Two new small propane tanks. New 30"x72" "mattress. Phone :NU 2-9378. 18-19p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT DON'T PUTTER! Call your plumber, DURO Pumps and softeners sales & SerVice. Eck- erre Plombieg and Electric, ph, one 54r2, Hayfield, 28tfb CAN INVISIBLY REWEAVE any woven fabric—spits,'dies- ses, chesterfield% etc, Contact Mrs, Spurril], Hrueefield, HU 2-9189. 4tfb .3 ROOM flerillehed apartineat, suitable for coue. Ayaelable immediately. Phone HU 2-9504 preferably morairige en. even- ings, 15tfb 3 ROOIVI FURNISHED apart- ment, heated by oil furnace, garden if desired, suitable for couple, available pow. Phone HU 2-7855 or HIJ 2-9479. Ian THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment.. Aveileble. now. Phone HU 2-3897, 11.tfb FURNISHED DR. Unfurnished Apartment, available now. Phone Hal 2-9928, 61:fla FURNISHED APARTMENT -- suitable for ceinPle. Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton. '14p-,tfb 2-BEDROOM epertment, for, Wished, ,available April 15, Ph, one HU 2-7774, 1,5tfb . „.. ..„ FURNISHED Ma APPlY 31 Mill Street, Clinton, .phone. 2-9739, 1,9p 19b CONTINENTAL EEP 54"; 5- piece kitchen suite, sofa bed, 5, piece kitchen Suite, sofa bed, 4, piece sectional chesterfield, cedar chest, large desk, eeee rug; combination record player, 4 speed and radio,; automatic washer, fireplace mantel; 21" console TV; 23" electric stove; chest deep freeze; new Necchi sewing machine. Apply Reck- er's Trailer Court, Clinton, 19p Notice To Creditors In the Estate of WYNYARD giVIS1-FY SHEPPARD, We of the Tewil Clinton in the a County of Huron, gentleman, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or be- fore the 15th day of May, A.D. 1963, after which date the estate's assets will be distri- buted, having regard oply to claims that have then been received. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Ont., by E. B. Menzies, Solicitor, Clinton, Ont. 17-3-9h Dodt,Yourself RENT These Machines • .Floor Polisher 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander 'V Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum V Hand Electric Sander V Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON • 30-tfb TOP SOIL, filled gravel, eand, delivered in truck load lots, cb Id° ornz nbga ctfri lkl g Phonen d light Montgomery, NU 2-7231, Clin- ton 17tfb 2 BEDROOM duplex house in Goderich, heat and hot water supplied, sopplied, available pow, close to schools. Phone JA 4-9151 or apply at Little Bowl. 19-20b 2 YEAR OLD, 3 BEDROOM brick house with recreation room, located in Goderich, close to all schools; available June 1. Phone JA 4-8429, or apply at Little Bowl. 19-20b LARGE APARTMENT, self- contained, 2 bedrooms, central heating, use of laundry room equipped with washer and dry- er, available June 1. Phone HU 2-9227, 19tfb MARCONI TABLE MODEL TV, 1.7", in very good condi, time ideal for cottage; also baby's chrome high chair, very good condition. Phqne HU 2- 9577. 18p-19b CASH and CARRY SPECIAL— Discount on plastic pipe of 100 foot lots; also on Pumps and softeners And all plumbing fit- tings, Eckert's Plumbing a n d Electric, phone 54r2, Hayfield; 17tfb KELVINATOR APPLIANCES FOR MOTHER'S DAY: Brand new, 4 only, Hair Dryers, only 9.95; also 5 only Proctor Dry Irons, at 5.95. Wholesale Fur- niture and Appliances, phone HU 2-7601. 19b SMALL AND LARGE TRAIL- ers . for rent, fully furnished. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 19p IVIechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 THREE 'ROOM APARTMENT with bath, heated. Available now. Phone HU 2-9321. 13tfb MOTORS, generators reo*ed or rewound„ 1/10 horsepower up, 60 Cycle conversions, parts for most makes on hand or available, Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640, 40tfb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ARTHUR RAYMOND FULFORD, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Deceased. A 11 persons having claims against the Eetate of the above- named, who died on the 28th day of January, A.D. 1963, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 14th day of April, A.D. 1963, after whjch date the assets will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 17th day of April, A.D. 1963. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 17-8-9b Now Available at HOSTESS CHAIRS — nylon freize covered, at 8,9'; also chrome rockers, 10.95, Whole- sale Furniture & Appliences, phone HU 2-7601 Clinton. 19b ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished, private bath and entrance, available now. Phone HU 2-9869, 15-20b Art's Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD IN HAYFIELD, 3 bedrocen home, winterized, oil furnace, air conditioning, fell basement, permanent type floors, quiet, pleasant neighbourhood close to stores, P.O. and beach. 1% lots frontage on paved street. Apply in person, Glenn Brand- on, RR 1, Verne, 19b NOW IS. THE TIME TO SAVE on Carpentry work, Whether you are building the new or remodelling the old. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Call: Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 4tfb AGAIN THIS YEAR: Outside White Paint, still onl y$2.99 a gallon. Phone orders .,accepted, Art's Appliance Centre, Bruce- field, open evenings till 9 p.m. 19tfb NEWLY DECORATED, .3-room furnished apartment. Apply 227 Huron Street, phone HU 2-6610, ' 18tfb PIANO TUNING OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9.00 P.M. 14tfb YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2.3870. 22tfb HEATED DUPLEX, unfurnish- ed, 2 bedrooms. Apply evenings, 79 John Street, phone HU 2- 9554. 18tfb NUMBER OF COTTON Dres- ses, linen suit and wool skirts, very reasonable, size 14-16; also 2 pair, size 9B shoes, like new. Phone Clinton HU 2- 3844. 19p EMPLOYMENT • WANTED DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save, Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments. Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb ACCOMMODATION WANTED FURNISHED APARTMENTS, suitable for couple, 130 King St,, Clinton. Phone Seaforth 219R, 16-7-8-9p TUTORING IN GRADE 9 and 10 French by experienced, qualified teacher, At your con- venience; in your own home if desired, Phone Seaforth 869. 19-20b 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT or small house, furnished, wanted by August 15. Write to Mr. McFadden, 1767 Jef- ferson Blvd., Windsor, phone 948-2810. 19tfb PET STOCK CHESTeeRFIELD, Provincial design, blue satin damask; rose chair to match, mahogany hand carved trimming, new condi. tion, $85; moving, must sell. Call HU 2-7367. 19b 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central location, suitable for couple; frig. and stove, Her- mares Men's Wear, HU 2-9351. 6tfb MALE COLLIE WATCHDOG, 9 months old. Apply after 4.30 p.m., J. E. Smith, RR 4, Clin- ton. 19b FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb Notice To Creditors In the Estate of RAYMOND JAMIESON, late of the Town- ship of Hullett in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims INSURANCE and against the Estate of the above REAL ESTATE named who died on the 19th day of February, A.D. 1963, are required to file full par- ticulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 20th day of May, A.D. 1963, after FOR RENT REQUIRED BY. JULY 1, 1963, 4 or 3 large bedrooms, willing to sign long lease for right house and will treat as own. Please phone Mr, Maloney, business administrator. CHSS, 9 to 5 o'clock, HU 2-7771,19b PREMIER STRAWBERRY Plants, good freezing type, show variety; glad bulbs, wide variety of shrubs; also green onions and rhubarb, now ready. Phone HU 2-9652. 19b NEARLY NEW — 2 bedroom cottage, all modern convenien- ces. Available June 1. No pets. Apply in person to Elmer Trick RR 3, Clinton, 19b REAL ESTATE STEEL SCAFFOLDING for rent, by day, week or month. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen St„ phone ITU 2-9741, 14-48p , HELP WANTED H. C. LAWSON 2 BEDROOM cottage, 148 Vic- toria Terrace, apply Chapmans, HU 2-3463 or HU 2-7082. 19-20p DRAPERY PULL RODS — Traek, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, upstairs, heated and centrally located. Phone HU 2- 7058 or apply at 102 Huron St. 18tfb 5 Rattenbury St. E., Clinton Dial HU 2-9644—business HU 2-9787—residence 19b HIGH BACK PADDED Rock- er; Hostess chair, nylon freize, i ubberized; writing desk, table style; Kroehler sofa bed with arms, Can be seen at 131 Princess St. West, between 6-8 o'clock Thursday. 19p ARTICLES FOR SALA 150-ACRE FARM FOR SALE: running water, on Blue Water Highway, 3 miles south of Bay- field. Apply H. Stinson, Bay- field. 16-23p PART-TIME 4x6 BOX, UTILITY Trailer. Phone HU 2-7216, 19p CLEANER which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of April, A.D. 1963. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor of the said Estate. 18-9-20b LEGAL NOTICES FUEL OIL—For carefree heat- ing with Champion Oil that's insured against explosion be- cause our truck carries oil only. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411. 46tfb FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1 bedroom, available now. Phone HU 2-9332, 105 Rattenbury Street E., Jack Elliott. 18-9b TENT, 10'x12', five-foot wall, floor, full six-foot canopy. Phone HU 2-7174. 19b LOTS AND NEW HOMF-in Clinton. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen Street, phone HU 2- 9741, 14-22p For Clinton Legion Hall MALE or FEMALE 6 Days Per Week Applications must reach the undersigned not later than 12 noon, May 20, 1963. Wm. J. Grainger, Secretary, Branch 140, Royal Canadian Legion. 19-20b IN 'THE MATTER OF The Mechanics' Lien Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 233. NOTICE OF SALE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the provisions of the Mech- anics' Lien Act, there will be offered for sale by Public Auc- tion at the car lot of Lorne Brown Motors Limited, 30 Ontario Street, Clinton, on Sat- urday, May 18, 1963, at 1:00 p.m. 1955- Chevrolet Sedan Automobile by Edward W. Elliott, Auction- eer. The sale proceeds will be used to satisfy an outstanding account of $157.65 for work and materials owing in respect of the said car and incurred by Hendrik Makohoniuk, RCAF Station, Clinton, Ontario. DATED at Clinton this 3rd day, of May, A.D. 1963. Lorne Brown Motors Limited Edward W. Elliott, Clinton, Ontario. Auctioneer. 19b PAY ONLY $8.00 per month for 8 months on this Reposses- sed Singer Auto-Matic Zig-Zag Sewing Machine, Does all fancy designs, or pay $64.00. Guaran- teed balance. Dealer. Write to Box 192, Clinton News-Record. 3 GOOD FEATHER Bed Ticks. Apply 193 Mary Street ,phone HU 2-7784. 19b TWO BEDROOM apartment, (half a house), private ent- rance, available immediately. Phone Seaforth 3. 18tfb 3 BEDROOM wartime house, Apply 185 Mary Street, Clin- ton, 17tfb ELECTROLUX SAI Edotlnds SERVIC E For Free Demonstration or Service Phone HU 2-7889 FOR THE FISHERMAN! Rub- ber chest-high waders, $16.95 pr., at Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, King St., Clinton. 19b 3 BEDROOM apartment, up- stairs, laundry tubs available. 72 Victoria Street, Clinton, HU 2-7065. 1.8tfb HOUSE AND LOT for sale, located at Porter's Hill. If you are looking for a country home, see this property; small down payment, balance easy pay- ments. Call A. E. Townshend, HU 2-9107 or K. W. Colquhoun at HU 2-9747. 16tfb FAIRBANKS MORSE Gibson refrigerator, 33" wide; womens clothing, size 16; full set of 20 Colliers Encyclopedia; women's Shick shaver; boy's large wag- on. Phone Mrs. G. Marshall, 46 Edmonton Rd., RCAF Sta- tion, HU 2-7685. • 19b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of EZRA ELLIS, late of the Township of Goderich in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 5th day of April, A,D. 1963, are requir- ed to file full particulars there- of with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of May, A.D. 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 26th day of April, A.D. 1963. E. R. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate. 18-9-20b CANVAS TENT, with floor and canopy, complete, size 12x9x7%, reasonable. Phone HU 2-3866. FIVE BEDROOM COTTAGE, all conveniences. Mid-way be- tween Bayfield and Goderich. Very private. Available for summer. Phone Seaforth 3. 18tfb HELP WANTED FEMALE 13tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall 352w2 29 to 39p tfb 4'x6' UTILITY TRAILER, new. 23" Admiral TV, RCA deep- freeze. All articles in excellent condition. Phone HU 2-9842. 18-19b DINING ROOM WAITRESS, wanted. Apply in person at Ho- tel Clinton. HU 2-7011. 19b TWO BEDROOM ranch type, modern bungalow, automatic oil heating, fireplace, large sun- room, on an 82 ft. landscaped lot at 131 Townsend Street. May be seen by appointment. Phone HU 2-9912, 17-8-9b TRAILERS FOR SALE—New trailers, all size; also holiday trailer, camping trailers; used trailers 45'x10', 41'x10', 42'x8'; holiday trailer not finished in- side; tent 24'x8' may be used as garage. Apply Becker Trail- er Court, Clinton, 19p UPPER DUPLEX, front and back entrance, one bedroom, gas stove, nice location, gar- age, available June 1, phone HU 2-9581. 18p-19b EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, for dining room of hotel, age 21 years or over. Phone HU 2- 3489 for appointment. 19b 2-BURNER STOVE, electric, with oven, ideal for cottage; also 1 wedding dress, size 1Q. Phone HU 2-9672 or HU 2- 3489. 19-20b ARTICLES WANTED 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED house, Blue Water Highway, 2 miles south of Bayfield. Newly- decorated, modern convenien- ces, oil furnace. Apply Melvin Greer, Bayfield. 19-20p 7 room, 2 storey solid brick house. 3 bedrooms up and 3- piece bath down, on paved country road near Varna, close to school. This property could be purchased with 1 acre or 3 acre lot. 2 bedroom, 1 storey frame cottage ' on Albert Street. Breezeway and garage, spaci- ous lot and good residential district, full basement, econom- ical to heat. Owner will con- sider reasonable cash offer for early sale. 5 bedroom house close to up- town available soon. This house has a mortgage arranged with monthly payments against prin- cipal and interest. The owner would consider selling for reasonable clown payment and take a second mortgage if nec- essary, 2 bedroom asbestos sided wartime house, in excellent condition, full basement, oil furnace. Owner is moving and would sell reasonable, CMHC mortage. $7,500. Four bedroom 2- storey insul brick on James Street. This house has all mo- dern conveniences with carport and glassed in porch. Owner is anxious to sell and terms will be considered. 6 room, 11/2 storey house. Large modern kitchen. Spacious dining and living room area, Large lot in good residential district. Economical to heat, 3-pc, bath up and 2-pc, down. 4-year-old, 6 room house, 2 bedrooms and den, with two room apartment on Townsend Street. Oil hot air heat 70X1,20 lot. 2 bathrooms. Easy to heat. This house has to be seen to be appreciated. CMHC mort- gage. Owner is moving from Clinton and would consider selling for a reasonable down payment and take back a sec- ond mortgage for any balance. New three bedroom brick veneer, all plaster walls; large lot 180x180; oil hot water base- board heating. This beatitiful house has many modern corwen- eneee including recreatien room, garbage disposal unit and water softener. Built under CIIMC standards and mortgage Could be arranged. $4,500 — Three bedroom cot- tage on Matilda Street, Three- piece bath, oil furnace, One-ear garage. Priced reasonable for cash. For sale or rein, 4 bedroom stucco, close to uptown with attached garage, 2 bedrooms and 2-piece bath Up, 3-piece bath down, full dry baseteent, oil HA, furnace. GOOD WAGES, Room and Board offered to the right houseworker for young farm family. Phone HU 2-9838, 19b STORE AWNING FOR SALE, green with silver stripped, 15 feet wide. Apply Peter's Meat Market, phone HU 2-9731, WANTED TO BUY: size mattress, 48", also chest of 'drawers, in gciod condition. Phone HU 2-7107, 19p All Dry Cleaning will be MOTH-PROOFED FREE OF CHARGE During month of May by BRUCE CLEANERS Clinton Agents PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. Main Corner, Clinton ROBBIE BURNS WHITE ROSE Service Station Londesboro 18-9-20b GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED Wo- man for light housekeeping, 2 small children, live in or out. Phone 15r2, Bayfield. 19-20p mo0.•1111111, AUTOS FOR SALE For Mother .. The Sweetest Gift Of All 1957 PONTIAC SEDAN, V8 automatic, radio, in good con- dition. Phone HU 2-9825 after 6 p.m. 19p Chocolates By SMILES 'N CHUCKLES HOUSEKEEPER PEItiECT SET-UPS FOR Wonted For GODERICH HOME Good salary, private apart- ment supplied, all modern con- veniences; reply stating age, ex- perience and references to Box No. 191 Clinton News-Record 19-20b THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Hay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb ==M MWIIM •••1•4 := ==as -.= = m••• • • .'MMLOM‘--M•••.7.7.2 =T""''A Mo=VA "A. .t=0 and 1959 PLYMOUTH Belvedere sedan, 8-cylinder, automatic transmission, in top condition, Fully equipped with seat belts, radio, heater, etc. Will take '56 to '58 compact in top con- dition plus cash as trade, Ph- one Sgt. Rees, HU 2-3411, local 367, or HU 2- 9365 after 5 p.m. 19p Moir's BEATY automatic washer, $75; Leonard automatic washer, $125; deep freezer, $100; Beat- ty dryer, $110; 20 ft. Inglis trailer, $600. Apt. D5 RCAF Station, Clinton. 18-9b SPORT SHIRTS CAPABLE WOMAN to assist. elderly couple. Live in or out. No bed care required. Well equippee. home. Bus to door. Write to Box 106, Clinton News- Record. 10tfb Singer Floor Polisher Scrubs. Applies Wax, Polishes Floors and Shampoos Rugs. REG. $69.95 SPECIAL $59.95 Will Whidden Phone HU 2-9103 Wide selection of long or short sleeve styles. See the new Candy Stripes. BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION FOR 1 alone or 2. sharing. Phone HU 2-7093, 127 Princess Street. 19-20p STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS Department of National Defence FROM $2.95 UP I HAVE accommodation avail- able for male roomers, Phone HU 2,9376, Mrs. Alec McMich- ael. 18tfb 15tfb CLINTON, Ontario Salary up to $2940 per annum for Stenographers and $2640 per annum for Typists, accord- ing to qualifications, Candidates must demonstrate ability to type at 35 vaprn. and take shorthand at 80 w.p.m. A written examination for Typ- ists will be held, For further, particulars as to residence and qualification re- quirements apply to the Civil Service ComMission at Londen. Application forms, obtainable at National Employment Service and Post Office, should be filed with the Civil. Service Commis- sion, 388 Dundas Street, Lon- don, Ontario, NOT LATER, THAN FRIDAY, 24 May, 1963. QUOTE COMPETITION Na. 63-T-507 for Stenographers 1. QUOTE. COMPETITION No. 63-T-508 for Typists 1. HONEY for sale — Clover, 8 pound *Is $1.75; 4 pound pails 95 cents; 2 pound pails 50 cents, Wallace Ross, North Main St- reet, Seaforth. 17-8-9b CLOTHING FOR SALE Our Friday Special From Our Store Only • CAREFREE SLACKS JUST ARRIVED for Mother's Day: Koret line of Smartys, Chuckers, Reeds, and dresses, with matching tops in cotton, knits, no iron cotton and waf- fle weave fabric. HAYFIELD Woollen Shop, Hayfield. 19b Al TOP SOIL Delivery at any time L. G. WINTER, REAL ESTATE 200 High Street Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 1.6tfb RHUBARB PIES SPECIAL ......... , .............. . . 49c EACH Reg, 60c Each WASHABLE COTTONS SMART TERYLENES COMFORTABLE TROPICALS FROM $5,95 UP CUSTOM WORK , Featuring Saturday . . 'Wohl,,xtfte SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, 'Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Hrussels, 14.40p Mother's Day CAKE 99c ea. MOTHER Remember HELP WANTED MALE on SUNDAY, mosyr Place Your Order Early MAN WANTED Continue many yeare of Rale- leigh Service in Huron County. Preelous experience or, capital investment riot nedessary. You are eligible if you own a ear, beat' a good reputation and are able and 'willing to work 7 to 8 hours daily, For information write hours, Dept. B-169. 914, 4005 Richelieu, lVfotitreal, 19b ti Bartliffs Bakery Pickett & Campbell Limited K. W. Coiquhoun nsisunAl%Tct and. REAL ESTATE Phone MI 2-041 19b HU 2-9721 Limited CLINTON Bakery ond Restaurant Anuou•momoimommumn. Main Street --- Clinton Phairie HU 24732