HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 19Ladies Receive Trophies for Efforts
Members of the Thursday Afternooners bowl-
ing league enjoyed their banquet on Thursday night
when they presented awards to the top competitors
of the season, The ladies in the back row are all
members of the Handicaps, the top team and are,
from the left: Mrs. Dan Peterson, Mrs. George
Currie, Mrs. Jim Graham, Mrs. Len FaWcett and
Mrs, M. McAdam. In the front row are; Mrs. Don
Strong, high single (331); Mrs. Don Hanley, high
triple (745), Mrs. Robert J. Smith, captain of the
Handicaps; Mrs, Hal Hartley, high average (200).
(News-Record Photo)
Thursday, .May 1901,-,,clifitari Ha -Reorid---Page
Ladies At Ontario Street Have Bazaar,
Colorful Spring Flowers Grace Tables
74 not
482.9076 CLINTON
High Quality Ice Cream
RCAF Adastral Park squirt
hookey league finalized an RV-
entful hockey , season by bold-
ing a
Ritchieg4 BuildingPokeba quet in the
at Adastral Park, April 30.
Some of the highlights of
the .affair were, the presenta-
tion of trophies, numbered
crests, .pictures of a hockey
tournament, action shots, and The tallies were tastefully
players that starred in
gamesonma ,1el (1)fed eotewsre,liept in theieilPtyvyof-. othercieeo7tslrinwg floithwr
io for the
occasion. At 3:00 p.m., Rev,
Grant Mills officially opened
with p ayaeir,
the door
were: Mrs, Carmen McPherson
and Mrs, RObert Hunter, unit
leaders; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin,
president and. Mrs, Grant Mills.
Pouring tea during the after-
noon were; Miss Elva Wiltse,
Miss Emma Plurristeel, MrS,
Roy Wheeler, Mrs, Mervyn
Batlsin, Mrs. Adam McMurray
and Mrs. George Potter.
In charge of the tea tables
were Mrs. Abe Orpen, Mrs.
Jack Holmes, Mrs, Gerald
Holmes, Mrs. Don Symms,
Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, Mrs. Mur-
ray Neal, Miss Olive Johnson,
Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Mrs. Mur-
ray Forbes, Mrs. Don Forbes
and Mrs. Louis Dutot.
Convener of booths and com-
mittees were:
Home baking, Mrs, Alvin
Cox, Mrs, George Colclough,
Mrs. Arthur Aiken; Mrs, Wil-
lard Aiken, Mrs. Keith Tyns
doll and Mrs. Frank McGregor.
Sewing both—Mrs. Grant Ir-
win, Mrs, Karl Skov, Mrs, Roy
Wheeler and Mrs. Clare lVfagee.
Produce—Mrs. Frank Potter
and Mrs. Percy Gibbings.
Touch and take—Miss Ber-
Mrs, Fred Plaetzer is ,a pat-
ient in the Clinton hospital,
having undergone surgery
Mrs. Stanley Johnston re-
turned home last weekend af-
ter spending the winter months
in Goderich.
Miss Shirley Brown has ac-
cepted a position as teacher on
the staff of the Howick Cent-
ral School Board.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Tay-
lor visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell,
Michael and Janice,
Mrs. John Seers is a patient
in Goderich hospital where she
is suffering from a fractured
heel suffered in a fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig
visited recently in Welland
with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc-
Nall and family.
A large crowd attended the
Teenville dance last Friday ev-
ening in the Community Mem-
orial Hall.
Mr. and Mrs, j'aihn R. Weir
and Miss Joan, London, spent
the weekend with his father,
Dr. B. C ,Weir, Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan MacKay and family.
Miss Mary Kirkconnell, Lis-
towel, visited last Saturday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Andrew Kirkconnell and Miss
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Hembly,
Dublin, Mr. and Mrs. JIM Hem-
bly Jr., and family of Palmer-
ston visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johns-
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Camp-
bell, Cynthia, Louise and Mich-
ele, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs,
Ray Perdue, Larry and Lori,
Miss Patricia Briggs and Mr.
Jim McLean, all of London,
spent Saturday evening with
Mrs. Stanley Johnston.
Mr, and Mrs. William Str-
'aughan and their son-in-law,
Mr. Clayton Robertson, Copper
Cliff, spent the weekend in
Ottawa visiting Mr. Robert-
son's ,son, Douglas, who is at-
tending Carleton University in
that city. Going by Hamilton
they took lVfr. Robertson's par-
entS, Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Rob-
ertson, RR 5, Goderich, to visit
their daughter, Mrs. Harold
Kitchen, Mr. Kitchen, Miss
Jane and John,
Anniversary Service •
The annual Sunday school
Anniversary services were held
last Sunday with large con-
gregations at both services.
Rev. Charles Lewis officiated
Realise the highest returns
for your wool by patronizing
your own Organization,
Our 'Registered Warehouse Nro,
Weston, Onto Ho,
Obt0tn saucks 0 nd
ZOkICH, 00016
or by writing to
46 8t. Clair AVenue Eatt,
Toronto 7, Otithrio,
for the morning service and
spoke on the theme, "What
Adults can learn from child-
The service of song under the
direction of the church organ-
ist, Mrs. Norman Wightman,
was led by the Junior Choir.
The Sunday school superin-
tendent, Mr. Charles Scott, as-
sisted at both services and the
scripture lesson was read, by
Miss Laura Daer. The children
of the church attended in a
body and carried flowers which
were placed by Cheryl Toll and
Sharon Ball.
Rev. Wiliam Fingland, D.D.,
Niagara Falls, spoke at the
evening service and special mu-
sic was supplied by the choir
of Northside United Church of
• (Intended for Last Week)
Mr. and Mrs. R. Middel and
family moved to their n e w
farm at Listowell last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asquith
Toronto, spent the weekend
with his mother, Mrs. Charles
Rev, and Mrs. John Ostrom,
Wingham, were guests recently
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Master Rickey Baechler, five
year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Baechler suffered a
broken shoulder last Saturday
and had to be taken to God-
erich for medical aid.
Mr. Clayton Robertson, Cop-
percliffe, is spending his two
weeks vacation with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rob-
ertson and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman 'Ham-
ilton and family spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ham-
ilton. Mr. John Hamilton of
Waterloo was also home for
the weekend.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Popp, RR 1, Au-
burn, on the birth of a daugh-
ter, Debra Evelyn in Clinton
Public Hospital on April 24,
A sister tor Douglas, Dianne,
Robert, Larry and Paul.
Mrs. Maud Fremlin left last
Friday to make her home at
Huronvievv, She has been a res-
ident of the village for t h c
past eighteen years.
Mr. and Mrs. William And-
rews, Miss Lynda and Mr. Wil-
liam moved last Saturday to
their new home on Goderich
Street Which they purchased
recently from Mr. Hiram
Mrs. George Hamilton pur-
chased the ,house on Goderich
Street from Mr, and Mrs, Roy
Finnigan and will take posses-
sion soon, Mrs. Hamilton sold
her property on John Street
to Mr. and Mrs. William Dobie,
Goderich, and they will take
possession the middle of May.
Mr .and Mrs. Thomas Hag-
gitt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Brown and Ronald a ndMrs.
Ernest Patterson, Goderich,
visited in Detroit with their
sister, Mrs. Duncan McIntyre
and Mr. McIntyre. Friends
in this district are sorry to
learn that Mr. McIntyre is not
enjoying god health,
The annual bowling banquet
was held at Clinton Hotel last
week and those attending from
here were Mrs. George Hag-
gitt, Mrs. Ben Hamilton, Mrs.
Harry Arthur, Mrs. Clifford
Brown,, Mrs: Jack Armstrong,
Mrs. Norman McClinchey, Mrs.
William Empey, Mrs. Alvin
Plunkett, Mrs. Donald Plunk-
ett, Mrs. Everett Taylor, Mrs.
Elmer Sproul, Mrs. Wes Brad-
nock, Mrs. Lloyd Craig, Mrs.
Harold McClinchey, Mrs. Ted
East, Mrs. Charles Minim.),
Several -prizes were awarded
to the Auburn players.
Plan Anniversary
The Knox United Church
Sunday School will hold their
annual Aniversary on Sunday,
May 5. Rev, Charles Lewis
will be the speaker at the
morning service and the spec-
ial music will be supplied by
a children's choir under the
direction of the organist, Mrs.
Norman Wightman.
Dr, William Fingland, Niag-
ara Falls, a former resident,
here, will be the special speak-
er at the 8 o'clock service and
the • music will be supplied by
the Seaforth Northside United
Church choir,
Mr. Charles Robertson, God-
erich, will be the guest Bible
Class teacher at 10 a.m.
Make Donations
The Walkerburn Club held
their monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Lloyd Penfound
with an attendance of 19 mem-
bers and two visitors, The
president, Mrs. Leonard Arch-
ambatilt, was in charge of the
meeting which was opened by
the singing •of 0 Canada, Pr-
ayer was given by Mrs. Roy
The roll call was anSwered
by each member telling a
household hint, The interesting
prograrn was prepared by Mrs.
John Snyders and Mrs. Roy
Daer, Mrs. Edna Cook played
several -mouth-organ selections
and a reading was 'given by
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. Rid-
dles were given by Mrs. Roy
The members voted to give
$5 to the Crippled Children,
$5 to the Red Cross, and $5
to the Cancer Society,
A home - made baking sale
was held with. Mrs. Elliott
Lapp a sthe auctioneer. Plans
were made to have a penny
sale at the next meeting to
be held at the home of Mrs.
Roy Daer, There will also be
an exchange of plants and slips
and the roll call is to be an-
swered by each telling when
they were married and by
The program will be in ch-
arge of Mrs. Leonard Archam-
bault and Mrs. Lorne Hunk-
ing and the lunch committee
will be Mrs. Carman Gross,
Mrs, John Hallam, Mrs. Joe
Hunking and Mrs. Henry Hun-
After the bake sale a dainty
lunch was served by Mrs. Roy.
Daer, Mrs. Guy Cunningham,
Mrs, Ariel Duizer and Mrs.
Herbert Duizer.
Order Your ...
MRS,., F 14 foctJL,.L04,1GH
Mt% .and Mrs,. Harry Williams
Ripbrat...0 their 25th wedding
anniversary on May 4 with. a
quiet family dinner at the
Elm Haven, Gifts included a
trip to Ottawa, from. the fern-
ily, for'sthe Tulip Festival,
-Mr. and Mrs. Barry Pipe and
family, London, and Miss San-
dra Williams, Burlington, were
weekend guests of Mr,. and
Mi's, Harry Williams.
Mr. Jack Norman, Toronto,
is spending a few days with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil,
ham Norman,
11,11r, Ted McCullough, Beams-
villa, spent the weekend with.
his parents, ,Mn, and Mi's.
Frank McCullough,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry co-
move and Paul, were in Lon-
don on Sunday, visiting with
Cudmore's father, who is
a patient in Westminster Hos-
(Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan
Phone Myth S7 r 5)
The WI met last Wednesday
evening with 35 members pres-
ent. The guest speaker, Rev.
Slofstra, Clinton, gave an in-
teresting talk on his native
Holland and its customs. The
ladies trio contributed two fine
The CGIT Mother and Dau-
ghter banquet held last Friday
evening was catereth to by the
UCW. The girls tastefully dec-
orated the tables with their
colours. The speeial 'speaker
was Mrs. Jewson, Clinton, who
spoke on her sojourne among
the Ethiopians, which was es-
pecially interesting, There were
also vocal a n d instrumental
'musical numbers by the girls.
At the Sunday morning ser-
vice members of the senior and
junior CGIT, Explorers and
Messengers dedicated their
mission study money to the
M & M Fund of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fair-
service were Sunday visitors
with Mr. Will Govier and Mrs.
Webster, During the afternoon
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Sinclair also
called on them.
Mrs. Earl Gaunt spent a few
days last week with their
daughter, Mrs. Dalrymple and
family, Egmondville.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Web-
ber and David, Exeter, visited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Durn in.
Mr. Fred Shobrook has dis-
posed of his home in the vil-
lage to Mr. Alvin Stevens of
near Clinton.
Mrs, John Shobbrook is im-
proving steadily and we hope
maustard and relish for those
hot dogs,
A very fine, trophy donated
by Clinton station workshops,
was won by the Red Wings in
a best of three series .against
the Rangers, this main event
trophy was presented by E. S.
Robinson to Mr,.Trott, princip-
al of the DND school, cust-
odian of the grand prize. He
assured the boys it would be
in plain sight in the show case
and will be' cared for,
For those that viewed the
trophy all were in accord that
F/S Robinson's inspiration and
technical know how had not
been in vain.
Two miniature trophies don-
ated by Dixon Van Lines were
won by Lee Newport for high
scorer (38 goals) and Danny
Tryrichuck for most valuable
player. Newport was wing man
for Rangers, Trynehtick a Red
Wing defencernan.
All players received a num-
bered crest, the work and in-
piration of Mrs. G, Newport,
a keen hockey fan, Mrs, New-
port thought she should spare
a few minutes of her time and
made 30 very fine crests.
Although the league consis-
ted of only two teams, 'comp-
etition was always salty keen.
The. Rangers, coached by -Cpls,
Gord Salt and Jim Crawford,
won the largest percentage of
games for the season; but in
the best of three series the
Red Wings, coached by Sgt.
Bob Schlegal and Cpls Ken
LaPointe and John Dolan won
The support given these
young players by the mayor
and council, mothers, fathers,
coaches, managers all add the
little extras that in due time
provide some of the steps in
the ladder to becoming a fine
citizen of our country,
with warm weather coming,
she will soon be well again.
Classified Ads
Bring Quiek
Auburn and District
MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595
On Saturday afternoon, May
4, units three and four of the
UCW of Ontario Street ..United
Church, held a very successful
bazaar and daffodil tea in the
Sunday school auditorium and
the church parlours.
The very fine day and the
large attendance added greatly
to this event:
Clinton Farm Supply
Boyflold Rood Clinton
HU 2-9613
High Sugdt Silage' horn .
(the Only .05-tri with a "PLUS")
Announcing the Appointment of
RCAF Station
Squirt Hockey
Players Feted
SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer
Through Clinton Feed Mill
With the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Service Plant only a few
miles away — at Mitchell — we can give you prompt
delivery on your particular grade of fertilizer.
28 Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-3815
IBBY'S Drive-Inn Restaurant
as Exclusive Dealer in Clinton and Area for
Feautres - FLAVOR KRISP - Juicy Tender
(In a Basket) (In a Bucket) (In a Barren
Highway 41 Mile South of Clinton -- Phone HU 24101
wWt WILL tit LOORINO OokWiiFttl NittrING YoU 0 3.940b
A ' I ' I •
nice McqUeett and Mrs. Carl
Candy—Mrs. Ross Trewartha
and, Miss Marie Trewartha,
Those who convened awl
assisted h the kitchen were;
Mrs. Norman Trewartha, Mrs,
Russel Holmes, Mrs. Harold,
Black, Mrs, Earl Blake,. Mrs,
AI jewson, Mrs. John Lewis,
Mrs, Roy Elliott, Mrs, Don
Crick Mrs, Vie Taylor, Mrs.
Elmer Dale, Mrs, Elgin Dale,
Mrs. cleat Ball, Mrs, Francis
Powell, Mrs:. Fred Slavin, Mrs. •
Gordon Cudrnore„ Miss Isabel
Pickett, Mrs. Willis Van Hg-
mend, Mrs, Irene Gardiner,
Miss Margaret Trewartha and
Mrs. Ross Merrill,
Clinton Memorial Shop
Open Every Afternoon
, PHONE HU 2-7712
At other times contact
Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642
Presenting Sheila (ride Wing)
and her daughter, Angela Mary
Guetrlere, on their first
Modelling assignment togelhalt
"Know What the man told
me, sweetie?"
"Our troubles are over. This time they're
putting down vitrified clay sewer pipe—e.
he says it lastsi"
Avoid costly repairs
and replacements at the start
For sanitary sewers, install Plain 5nd
Vitrified Clay Pipe for eVeriasting,
trouble-free service
Plate end NO frOtri efo