HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 18CPL. JOIIN MOSSELMAN CPL. DON HURST Downsview Cops RCAF Trophy, Clinton Bowlers Take Two Cups CPL. BRIAN BEDINGFIELD SGT. JACQUES ROUSSEAU SGT. BERT GAFFNEy SGT. JAWS SPROUL CPL. ERNEST RURAIi CPL. HAROLD HATTEN CPL. RAY BARR CPL. JOHN CYR ave 14,Ciinton' HP)VP,R9POr.,.-.4.1141'00Yf .M0y 5..f. 1903 Clinton RC f: Posonnet Receive Promotions These men were among those who were recently promoted following annual tests.1 The ranks with the names are those to which they were promoted. SGT. GARY WILLIAMS SGT. ROSS MARSHALL Trust Investment Certificates 5 1/4 % TERM 4 TO 5 YEARS 200 Queens Avenue LONDON Sunday school room of the ch- urch, Prior to the saying of grace, Mrs. William T. RibisOn gave a short address and pres- ented Miss Etna Mutch with a life membership pin and certificate of the VCW,. This was a gift to Miss Match, presented by Mrs. Laura Fow, .00derith, Following a delicious lunch, words of thanks were expres- sea by Mrs. Charles .Srnith, president of the Westfield UCW, Mrs, Wilfred Sanderson, president of Knox Presbyter- Ian WMS and Mrs. R. 3, Phil- lips and Mrs. Frank Raithby 11.11911113.11411 HARRY WILMS 11112-6633 RN CLINTON HEATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOROILS— WHITE ROSE EARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & KINK E GI T 13ET7FR PER FORMANCE AND LONGER SWA I.EtAs R ACV. AmtsTBA5910EHR JOHN BE NE Jr. Phone .Collect 2-925Q priticu'mt,o, ONT. Jackson Aturninuni Ltd. --- Seaforth is collecting wool for grading And sale on the co-operative Nan. Shippers may Obtain sacks and twine tree of charge from the aboVe br their LidenSed Operators Realize the highest rettlrnS for your Wool by patronizing your OWn Organization. CANADIAN CO.OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 4tl St, Claie AVenUe ast f Toronto- 7, Ontailo, and in the "B" division behind Downsview, topping Centralia's third place finish by only five points. Top single in this division was rolled by' Cpl. Mason of Camp Borden with a 296. High five honors went to LAC Her- man of Downsview with 1146. For Clinton's "B" team, Bill Wiekware topped the class with a 1066 total and a high single of 257. Other members of the team and their totals are ;Frank Burns 948, Gil Heimstra 981, Art Vezina 858, Hank Gallon 902, Clive Aldwinkle 852. G/C IVIathieson, Command- ing Officer, RCAF Clinton, pre- sented the top teams and the top individual bowlers with their trophies following the event. The hosts also provided a light lunch for the visiting teams. OOL OR BABIES._ OR CLOTHES... A high-quality, one-hand operated grease guns complete WIth 12' flexible extension hose, LOW sso retail price of $8.25, Yours now At a saving of $5.25 when you purchase one carton of 60 ssegV crease Cartridges! The sure, econotoical way to keep your equiptnentin top working condition, Get one Soon from your Imperial tsso Agent. NEW Esso CHAINSAW TWINLUEIE The first and only dual purpose chantaW oil in Canada that will d.o bbtit jobs in your chainsawl NEW4SsOPISTOLMATIC H. M. BLACK Clinton AGENT 13- Alei-it With1'HETIM E3 Inllt tt I At- to E: for this one-hand operated grease gur with each carton of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartridges OLD auD6ET MOM /OPT IN PLACE, MIS IS A FACT WE ALL' MUST FACE then read about this new approved water heatin appliance for the Auburn Baptist Chur- ch. Mrs.. Kenneth 'McDougall, president of the hostess .group. replied, An interesting display of ar- tides for the .bale and of work done by Sigma C and Explor- ers was viewed by all who attended this inspirational. Meeting. After many questions which Mr, Jordison was pleased to answer, he closed the evening with the benediction. with exclusive FINGER-TIP START If you can lift a finger you can start the new Lawn-Boy. Starting effort is reduced by an incredible 94% with a new starter and twin-spark ignition. Don't buy any other power mower until you try starting the quiet new l.,awn-Boy. We'll show you today. Clinton RCAF "A" squad won their division of the invi- tational botivling tournament held at the local station, Satur- day, but Downsview emerged with the station honors. The Downsview "B" club won their division with a sparkling 5046 total in the five- game play, and coupled with the "A" team's 5829, gave them a total of 10,875. Clinton placed second only 104 pins behind the Winners. Camp Borden followed in third over 700 pins behind, while Centralia was fourth. The local "A" squad were trailing in their class until the third game when they came up with a nifty 1397 game to move ahead, Downsview picked up on the fotirth game as they edged Clin- ton by 1203 to 1142, but the division Whiners came back in the final to Win with a total of 1127; Compared to the 1053 tossed by Dovvnsview. Ross KersWell topped the Clinton entry in the high single competition with a sparkling 327 performance in the third game. This was the best game of the day and earned him the competition's award, 1.1al Rees tossed a 311 effort in the same match, Ron Burbridge had the high five for for Clinton, corning up with a 1242 effort, 1-1is high game was a 278 and his low was 220. Other members of the team and their five,gaine totals were 1-1aI Rees 1122, John trennan 1128$ ROM KeftWell 1128, Al McKentie 1110 and tennie Matthews 1080. The high five of the "A" di'visio'n Was tossed by r/r., tricker. tit' tiownsview with 1807, RCAF Clinton finished set., EASY TERMS Priced as low as . $89.50 for 19" Mower $99,50 with grasscatcher SERVICE PARTS WITH A CASCADE 40 YOU NEED NEVER RUN OUT OF HOT WATER AGAIN It's electric. It's safe. It's dependable. It's,low cost. As your needs increase, so does Cascade 40's output. It can produce hot water electrically SIX TIMES AS FAST AS NORMAL USE DEMANDS! And no /natter how much hot water you use, you save with Hydro's low rates. Cascade 40 is flameless, clean, silent, with a ten year guarantee on the tank. Have an approved Cascade 40 Electric Water Heating Appliance installed in your home. gigiiMitiMatiRiginiMOSS4, APPROVED The new Cascade 40 Water APPROVtD IntOtiOCT developed and resources of Ontario iiycht) and electricalmannfaet'urer8. Heating Appliance is au. through the combined research For details, tall your hydro CGIT Members Plan Banquet AUBURN — The Auburn CGIT girls planned for their annual Mother and Daughter banquet at their meeting held in the Sunday school room of Knox Presbyterian Church and set the date for May 31. Judy Arthur opened the meeting with the call to wor- ship and the pianist was Gail Miller, The minutes were ac- ceptecl as read by Betty Moss. The scripture lesson was read alternately with Marion Young- blut leading. The offering was received by Petra. Tiechert and dedicated 'YOUR by Marjorie Youngblut. A Bible drill on thte grains men- ioned in the Bible was conduct- ed by' Mrs. W. Bradnock. The mission story, "The Hong Kong Roof-Top Story," was told by Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay. She told the story of the little homeless chinese boy and how his father found them a real home in which to live. A committee was formed Judy Arthur, Gail Miller, Mar- garet Sanderson and Betty Moss to prepare a program for the banquet a n d the dinner committee was Mary Sander- son, Diane Kirkconnell, Petra Tiechert, Marjorie Youngblut, Linda Baechler a n d Brigitte' Schlichting. The closing prayer was given by Joyce Leatherland. AUBURN ,Christian, ity is growing in Trinidad was. the theme of 'the ,,aster T11- ankoffering last Monday even- ing at Knox United Church, when Rev. Roy Jordison, mis- sionary on furlough from Tr1n, spoke to a large gather- ing of all denominations of ,the village. The aster 5.'bankoffering service was sponsored by the. United Church Women, and the guests were welcomed by Mrs. Norman McDowell and Mrs. William Straughan. Rev., Charles Lewis officiated for the service and .the organ, 1st was Mrs, Norman Wight- man, The Pilgrim Singers com- posed of six ladies from Clin- ton and district sang four sel- ections. In introducing Rev. Jordison, Mr. Lewis stated that be was a native of Owen Sound and that he and his wife had gone AS missionaries to Trinidad. In beginning his address, he liken- ed the present springtime when all are seeding getting ready for the harvest; he was pre- paring the people of Trinidad for the Eternal Harvet. In his pictures he showed how churches are being built and how the Christian faith is spreading due to the work of the missionaries of all denom- inations. Miss Margaret R. Jackson thanked the speaker for his inspiring message. The Thankoffering was re- ceived by Mrs. William Dodd and Miss Elva Gross, Following the service, the ladies served a lunch in the ear Trinidad P.i.reache. ./syt Service, resent Lady With :.Life Membership Wells Auto Electric (ORIGINAL AUTO- LITE "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" Phone HU 2-3851 KING STREET CLINTON OR DOGS... OR SMALL BOYS... OR ANYTHUG