HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 17Thursday, May 9, 190 clinoR ,News-Record.--.Page 11 CONTRACTS for .CUCUMBERS ARE STILL .AVAILABLE by Heintz Co. Leamington For Information See Robert Johnston — Phone HU 2-9135 Other clubs rePresented were Blyth, Howick, Teeswater, Sea- forth, Exeter and Zurich. Clinton Lions had a special guest present in the person of George Lavelle, Palmerston, a charter member of the Clinton club, Art McKenzie, Barrie, was also a guest of the Clin- ton Lions, Other guest's included Dist- rict Governor Edwin Walker, Midland and the District Gov- ernor-elect, Ken Henderson, Palmerston, B. Beecher Menzies, chair- man of the south zone pf reg- ion 3 was song leader. Re, and Pete Bissonette, from Ripley, a member of the Lucknow club and north zone chairman, both spoke briefly. The purpose of the meeting was to elect new region. pf- ficers. Pete Bissonette was acclaim- ed deputy district governor for 1963-64 season. The zone ch- airman elected were: zone 3 south, Harvey Coleman, the present president of Bayfield Lions; and for zone 3 north, Wray Cooper, of the 'Howick Lions Club, Clinton Lions president, St- ewart Taylor, and zone chair- man E. B, Menzies were co- hosts for the meeting. President Taylor announced the Clinton Lions big chicken barbecue scheduled for Clinton Community Park on Thursday, June 27 with dinners starting at 5 p.m. Township of Goderich Applications are hereby called for the position of ROAD GRADER OPERATOR Applicant to perform such other Township Work as the Road Superintendent may direct. All applications are to state wages expected, to be clearly marked as applications, and to be in the clerk's hands by May 15. R. E. THOMPSON, Clerk, Township of Goderich. I 19b St. Joseph's CWL Hear Reports, Plan Bake Sale The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League was held in St. Joseph's Parish Hall on Monday evening, May 6. There were 29 members present. The meeting opened with the League prayer, led by Mrs. El- don O'Brien, vice - president, Mrs. O'Brien also gave the president's report owing to the absence of Mrs, David Varga. The secretary's report was read by Mrs. Vincent Reles and the treasurer's report was giv- en by Mrs. Frank Burns. "Mrs. Theo Flynn reported for the April visiting commit- tee, having made 23 sick calls and giving out four baby med- als. Plans were made for a bake sale to be held' in the church basement on Saturday, June 1 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Father S. E. McGuire discus- sed plans for a scholarship to be awarded to pupils of St. Joseph's School. Mrs. Frank Burn's resigna- tion was accepted and a vote was passed that Mrs. James Dodich be the new treasurer for the coming year. Games of euchre were enjoy- ed by the ladies, the winners being: high, Mrs. Dykstra; low, Mrs. Arnold Dale. The visiting committee for May is Mrs. Victor Finnie, Mrs. Jack Scruton and Mrs. Edward Florian. The social committee for June is Mrs. Lloyd Medd, Mrs. Alvin Sharp and Mrs. A. Shanahan. Lunch was served by Mrs. Archie Fleet, Mrs. Victor Fin- nie and Mrs. Edward Florian. SPRING SALE CHRYSLER Windsor 4-Dr. Sedan Power Steering, Power Brakes, Radio and Many Other Extras. One owner, low mile- age car. 1961 1958 1959 1957 1961 FORD 4-Dr. Sedan Really sharp. Radio Only $1,095 Only $895 VOLKSWAGEN One owner. Excellent condition. METEOR STATION WAGON. Ideal for the large family. Only $795 INTERNATIONAL PICK UP Like New Only $1,195 J. & T. MURPHY Ltd • PHONE HU 2-9475 134 Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Ir"" e w avEield By Lucy. Woods 45 r 3,, I Rogers Majestic TV SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-932C mmavirwstsvet BEATTIE Furniture Clinton BEATTIE FURNITURE Clinton Now Celebrating their 29th Drastic Reductions on Chesterfield Suites Also Reduced Prices on • BEDROOM SUITES • CHROME and DINETTE SETS • CARRIAGES and CRIBS • FLOOR COVERING • LAMPS • TABLE GROUPINGS • LAWN CHAIRS • ROCKING CHAIRS and RECLINERS CARPETS Beattie's are Featuring c HARDING ea KRAUS • PEERLESS and Large Selection of Carpets and Samples in Stock. PRICED FROM 44°/ ASQND UP . YD. • COURTAULDS Free Installation of all carpets sold FATHER! Don't leave your Mother's Day gift to the last minute. Come in today and look over our large stock. Maybe we can help you with some suggestions: Evening Appointments can be arranged. PHONE HU 2-9521. Will Continue the Sale until Saturday, May 18 uality Compares to any $59.50 Mattress ALL SIZES MATCHING ow Only $39.88 BOX SPRING Also Only $39.88 naaooxassanaosaeiaaarueeraor:",........... ROSES - CARNATIONS - 'MUMS - Hydrangea - Gloxinia Pot 'Mums - Mixed Pams K. C. COOKE FLORIST 61 Orange Street CLINTON r"."' Dial NU 24012 Clinton Lions .Host to Region Rally, H. Coleman New Zone Chairman Over 100 Lions from. 13 clubs in regipn 3, District A..9 attended the annual spring ral- ly in Clinton Legion Hall on Tuesday evening. The banquet was catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary to Clinton Legion, Deputy District Governor Bill Lumby, Goderich, was ch- airman. Clinton Lions had 25 mem- bers present, while 21-member Bayfield club 'sent 15 dele- gates to the meeting. Goclerich nine, Brussels eight, and Luck- now and Grand Bend, six each, Lions Elect District Officers at Rally Here Clinton Lions Club .was host Tuesday evening to over 100 Lions from 13 clubs in Region 3 of District A-9. District officers were all acclaimed to office. Front row, left to right, Wray Cooper, Howick Lions Club, the new chairman of zone 3 north; District Governor-elect, Ray Henderson, Palmerston; Harvey Coleman, president of Bayfield Lions Club, the chairman-elect of zone 3 south; standing, left, Pete Bissonette, Lucknow Lions Club, the new deputy district governor, and Stewart Taylor, president of Clinton Lions Club. (News-Record Photo) • tennial. Mrs. J. B. Grime, Derek and Barry, who have been with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. G. Bellchamber for some time, returned to her home in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bellchamber and two sons, Nigel and Neil, ac- companied them and spent the day with their son and family. The Rev. E. J .B, Harrison, Mrs. Percy Weston, Mrs. A. Bassett and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner attended Convocation at Huron College an Saturday afternoon when the Rev. Can- on H, M. Lang-Ford was one of the two to receive the hon- orary degree of Doctor of Div- inity. Mrs. Betty Lou McLeod, daughter Lea Ann, and father R. J. Larson, were the guests of her brother, Clarence Lar- son and family, London, over Friday. On their return on ,Saturday they were accompan,- ied by Mrs. Larson who had been in the city from Friday., On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. William Duncalf, Marjorie, Kenneth and Patricia, Kitch- ener, 'accompanied by the for- mer's sister, Mrs. John Ken- nedy, Southport, England, who .is here on a month's visit, were 'guests of Mr. and" Mrs. Harold Penhale, Bronson Line, Stan- ley Township. Also joining her parents for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bennett and two daughters, Marlene and Joan, Goderich; and for sup- per, Mr. and Mrs. H. McCul- lough, Douglas, Robert and Steven, Goderich Township; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Penhale, Ricky and Wendy were also present. Mrs. Wilfred Castle was able to leave Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Saturday and returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J.' R. R. Wil- lock and family, Toronto, were at their cottage over Satur- day night and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hovey re- turned home on Friday night after having been on vacation for almost three weeks. They motored to Florida via Detroit, Cincinnati and Atlanta and visited Mrs. M. Mack and Merry in Tampa. They also went with Mrs. Mack and Mer- ry to spend a weekend with her daughter and Mr. and Mrs. C .B: Till; West Palm Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Hovey returned by the same route. Don Hirsten returned to his cottage on Saturday after hav- ing spent the winter 'in St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. William Lane and daughter, Virginia, Wood- stock, were guests at the rec- tory on Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker, Miss Gwen Baker and Chris Klandi, London, spent Satur- day at "Wheel-In". Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin and family, Detroit, were at their cottage on Colina Street for the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Burt and family and Mrs. Otto van Rennenkampff, London, were at their home on Sarnia Street for the weekend. LEN'S Farm Market OPEN ALL WEEK SAVE ON FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES, EVERGREENS, BOX PLANTS and ROSES "21" DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT OPEN WEEKENDS Come In For A Carefree Snack or Meal O Half Chicken in a Basket Whole Chickens to Take Out O Try our "21" Special—A "Veri" Special Treat No. 21 Hwy.-1 mile north of Grand Bend aresfasezmozrailsalo Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rivers and family, London, were re- cent guests of his father, G. N. Rivers and Mrs. Rivers. Rev. and Mrs. Lorne Sparks and family were in Forest on Sunday where he preached at St. James Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. K. Ferguson and Della Lou visit- ed Mrs. Ferguson's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Wood, Tham- esford. Mr. and Mrs. K. Ferguson visited his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs G. C. Ferguson, Essex, from Monday to Wednesday last week. Dr. and Mrs. William Aber- hart, London, and William Aberhart and two sons, Bruce and Bob, Sarnia, were at their cottage on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Monteith, and Rick, Lambeth, were the guests of the former's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, G. N. Rivers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pounder, Johnny, Cathy and Mary Beth, Chatham, spent the weekend with Mrs. Pounder's mother, Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer and family. Mrs. R. L. MacMilIen ac- companied her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and MrS. Harry Dean who had been with her overnight to London on Wed- nesday. She returned home on Sunday with her husband who spent the day with them. Corporal. Lloyd Westlake, OPP, Mrs. Westlake and three children, Ricky, Catherine and Paul, Kitchener, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Toms on Monday, and also her uncle Charles Toms in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Mrs, R. J. Larson, president, Mrs. Emerson Heard, vice-pre- sident and delegates of Trinity Branch Women's Auxiliary were in London last week at- tending the sessions o fthe an- nual board meeting of the Dio- cese of Huron on Wednesday and Th ursd•,y Rev. E. J, B. Harrison and J. M. Stewart, lay delegate to Synod from Trinity Church will go to London on Monday to at- tend the sessions of the 104th Synod of the Diocese of Huron. It I, being held in Huron Col- :lent in observance of the cen- wagesanomestwourammuss smaxgrestmemenerreamesetanerimagersvorammiovcrar-Ineveveormomassonssemearweesr,nt TOWN OF CLINTON To all owners and harbourers of dogs within the limits of the Town of Clinton: As dog licenses are due and payable March 1st of each year, we, have instructed the Dog Catcher to impound any and all dogs running at large without a license tag. Captured dogs will beiheld for 48 hoUrs, and if not claimed and licenSed and iMpounding fees paid within the above named time, any dog so held will be destroyed. And further take notice that according to a ToWn By-LaW_ any dogs found running at large dUring the Months of May, Jane, July and August May be destroyed., And further take notice that any dog running at large Witheatt a tag, licensed by the ToWn, may be destroyed during any month of the year. ay Order, H. R. THOMP5ON, Police Chief, Town of Clinton.