HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 16Sutter-Perdue Hardware — has all the SUN UMBRELLA LAWN FURNITURE 1-inch Tubular Lawn Furniture with Vinyl Saran Webbing — No-Mar Arms, For The ,, Lawn or Patio $3.95 Chairs $7.95 Chaise Lounge $12.29 Ideal For Mother's Day Gifts PYREX and CORNING WARE Sets Portable Folding PICNIC TABLES All Metal $15.50 BONE CHINA Cups & Saucers CUTLERY SETS CHIP and DIP BOWL SETS SALAD BOWL SETS ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS LADY'S ELECTRIC SHAVERS And All Small KITCHEN APPLIANCES SUTTER-PERDUE Ltd. An Ideal Place to Shop for Mother's Day Gifts HU 2-7023 Quality Hardware and Housewares — CLINTON EAT FeeitilivienandyCKENS ibs. 49c lb. Fresh—Oven-Ready 3-5 eady-5 lbs. 39c lb. Buy: Sausage — 3 lbs. for $1,00 Get: 1 lb. Tulip Margarine FREE! Van Camp's BEANS 2 20-oz. Cans 35c Let us quote you on HOME FREEZER NEEDS BEEF -- PORK -- VEAL -- LAMB Commence Duties at Agriculture Office Don Pullen, left, new agriculture assistant, and Mel Chamberlain, sum- mer assistant, look over some of the work they started when they took up their new duties at the local agriculture office last week. Pullen is a graduate of OAC and was formerly of Granton, while Chamberlain is from Peterboro and has another year remaining in his studies at OAC. This is his second year as a summer assistant for the department of agriculture, having been in Perth last year. (News-Record Photo) Some people hesitate to say what they really believe. But not Bill Smiley. He's not one to think one thing, say another. That's why you can count on his column, every week in this newspaper, to take a stand that's either opinionated, controversial or even irreverent—but always original. Bill Smiley is Canada's most widely syndicated newspaper columnist. He's 44, has a wife, two children, and a mortgage. He once published a weekly newspaper, but is now a high school teacher—which he compares to working in a steel mill. If you appreciate candid commentary on things Canadian, stirred with a dash of hum-, or, a good measure of healthy scepticism and a perceptive understanding of your fellow man, you 'probably already read Bill Smiley's column. If you don't, you should. Look for it every week under the heading "SUGAR and SPICE" on the Editorial Page in the . . . Clinton News-Record "The Home Paper With the News" 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick esults :CIJEDD1110 WOOL COATS and DOUBLE KNIT SUITS %D OR One-Third off ASK FOR LADIES WEAR and DRY GOODS fasp 13,—Clinton News-Record---=Thursday, May 9, 1963 Always Says What He Thinks Bayfield Guild Entertains Sarnia Ladies BAYFIELD — Mrs. H. K. King entertained the members of Circle No. 6, St. George's Church Guild, Sarnia, of which she was a member, at a smor- gasbord luncheon on Tuesday. The ladies were: Mrs. D. Jackson, Mrs. Edna BroWning, Mrs. Roberta Kaupa, Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. R. Galloway, Mrs. C. Garrison, %Mrs. R. McCor- mick, Mrs. C. Eskerad, Mrs. Frances Newton, Mrs. Betty Blanchard and Mrs. R. White- hurst. The Rev. E. J. B. Harrison joined the ladies for lunch. Mrs. D. Jackson presided for (their May meeting here, the house being tastefully dec- orated with spring flowers for this occasion. After the meet- ing, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stew- art joined the group for a visit with Mrs. T. Green. The pleasure of this outing was marred by an accident on Main Street East at the inter- section of Jane. Mrs. Edna Browning, driv- ing the leading car turned south at Jane Street, mistaking it for, the road around Clan Gregor Square. Mrs. Dorothy Jack- son followed with her car. She braked suddenly to follow Mrs. Browning and Mrs. Roberta Kaupa ran into the rear of Mrs. Jackson's car. The lights and front of the Kaupa car were badly smashed and damage was estimated at several hundred dollars. Oc- cupants of the two cars were badly shaken up but no appar- ent injuries. Constable A. Hardy, OPP, Gdderich, investigated. Mrs. Kaupa's car had to be towed back to Sarnia by a wrecker. .R. McCormick drove up from Sarnia later in the afternoon for his wife and two other RCAF Recruiting Officers Tour Clinton Station Flight Lieutenant C a m Wright of Radar and Com- munications School acted 'as conducting officer for a rec- ent tour of RCAF Clinton by agroup of RCAF career coun- selors, The recruiters visited the en- tire training school to gain an idea of how to advise prospec- tive recruits what awaits them if they choose radar or its allied trades as a service car- eer They also visited School of Food Services where food ser- vice attendents and cooks are trained to service standards. The visiting officers came from Eastern Canadian re- cruiting units. Prominent in the group were F/L "Bill" Ousten, a very experienced transport pilot and F/L Ed Rozdeba, once of the "Golden Hawks", Both officers are presently stationed at the recruiting unit in Toronto, A 'Persona! Gift' Means Much More . Give Her Something To Wear: Dress Blouse Skirt Gown Pyjamas Nylon Hose Duster Coat Slip Lingerie Gloves and Scarf ci3 'INVITATIONS 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES Clinton News-Record 56 Albert St. HU 2-3443 . DisplayS Winning Form Bev. Beck, who copped the intermediate girls championship at the CHSS track meet, Thursday, is shown above performing her winning effort in the high jump. This shot forms an optical illusion and the young miss appears to be sitting on the bar. The glove on her 'hand was to protect an in- fection. ' (News-Record Photo) 14i ELMIRA Are Now Available Warehouse in Coed Yards, SAVE, THREE Easier Handling the WAYS . Quicker Through Former Brucefield. ON FERTILIZERS ......,..._---- BULK Our Mustard Application New Z Substantial $5 Discount Attention Bean Growers . , We are now mixing Thimet with triple 10 fertilizer for beans. This powerful new chemical is the only known "sure kill' of Mexican Bean Beetle and Leaf Hopper that can he applied with your fertilizer. Orders for this mixture must be pre- ordered and signed by purchaser. For further information on this chemical, Elmira Brand Sprays and Fertilizers; contact your local dealer ALDIE MUSTARD ROBERT TAYLOR Brucefield Warehouse RR 3, Clinton Res. HU 2-7435 . HU 2-7241 HU 2-9144 CLINTON FARM SUPPLY Bayfield Rd., Clinton—Phone HU 2-9613 Shopping Begins in the Pages Of This Newspaper ...._._ .0. ,.., PIIINCES , .• On Mother's Day From Your Westinghouse Store Westinghouse Electric ' Tea Kettle ,2---,..- 47;7.,,,),,, ii„ , ilkytilk $ I 2.95 , 1 i 1 DI Westinghouse Electric it Coffee Percolator . -‹. -4 Westinghouse Electric Dry Iron $8.75 Electric TOASTERS (..........-4 CAN OPENERS MIXERS FRY PANS KITCHEN RADIOS all at the , Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse Dealer" HU 2-6646 Clinton NM& litteltaD5 -.1.15."7 . ..•,. - 4, A Give Mother an extra special treat on Sunday—Bring her to our_Popular .''rgas:ir , , , onner ,a( / R « •N , A • . t . Served Every Sunday 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Smorgasbord Dinners also Served r Every Wednesday---5:30 to 8:00 p.m. OTELCLINTON Phone HU 2-7011 for Reservations We cater to Dinner Patties and Wedding Receptions