HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 9SeCiTtOrY Federation of AgrIctiltUre i uron By Mrs. Florence Elliott • NOTICE l\ TUC ilITH MUNICIPAL DUMP Will be Open Until Further Notice on Wednesday and Sat. Afternoons from 1 to 5.30 p.m. No Wire Fencing, Old Con- crete or Car Bodies Permitted. J. I. McINTOSH Clerk 14tfb • BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER ';ALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. KIPPED Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall 278 W 1 Mrs. Alice Kean, Stratford, is spending a couple of days this week with Mrs, Dowson at Kippen. Miss Patricia a n d Master David Moffatt, London, visit- ed recently with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moffatt. Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mel- lis included Mrs. John Gibson and Mrs. Tom Bourke, both of Wroxeter; Mr, Marshall Stew- art, Seaforth called on Sunday. Mrs, Elston Dowson has sold' her house to Mr. Gordon Lav- ery, Hensall, and he takes possession June 1. Mrs. Joe McConnell, Realtor, Seaforth, sold the property. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, and family, Grimsby, visited recently with the latter's par- ents, Mr .and Mrs. Gor don Wren. Mrs. Vivian Cooper, RR 2, Kippen has returned home fr- om spending a few days in Detroit visiting her aunt who is ill in hospital there and was accompanied by her c o u s i n, Mrs. James Paton, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair and Joan attended the wedding of Mr. Kenneth Barry a n d Miss Hazel Sinclair on Satur- day, April 20 at Runneymede United Church, Toronto. A reception followed at the Gr- enadier Restaurant. HARRY WALMMs 11112-6833 R1141CLIN IN :HEMING 0111',G-ASOLINE OEASES a1A010,00,S,. ROWE ROSE Miss Eleanor Yeo, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Husted, New Toronto, and Mr. Ted Mc- Cullough, Beamsville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown, Detroit, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gliddon. 'Join Church A large congregation was in attendance at Holmesville Unit- ed Church on Sunday, April 28 when eight young girls and boys joined the church by pro- fession of faith. Those joining the church were: Lucille Bond, Jon Ginn, Steven Harris, Christine Har- ris, David McCullough, Brian Potter, Patricia Tebbutt and ROnald Trewartha, The new members were wel- comed into full church mem- bership by the minister of the church, Rev. C G. Park, and by the clerk of the session, Mr. Harold Yeo. Messengers Meet The Messengers of Holmes- ville United Church met in the Sunday School rooms for their April meeting. The meeting, with Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha in charge ' opened with call to worship, followed by a hymn and the Messengers' Motto re- peated in Unison. SALES - RENTALS MOVE TO YOUR COTTAGE NOW WITH A TRANS-CANADA RENT-A-TRA1LER FROM SHORTY'S B/A. STATION Hitch, IhSUrchce, License supplied At No Extra Cost trans-Canada Rent-A-trailers Available At SHORTY'S 212 VICTORIA ST, (HWY. 4) AL HU 2-766I CLIN ON I DI OPEN 24 HOURS SIMONIZING and POLISHING Yes, you save three ways if you buy a Blue Star Gas Range right now. First, you get special sale prices on famous name Blue Star gas ranges. You also get a special trade-in allowance on your old stove. And for customers of Union Gas, a special bonus gift of $15.00 cash! Look over the glamourous new gas ranges at your gas appliance dealer's and make your choice today. Your dealer will fill out your J3onus Gift Certificate and you'll receive a Union Gas cheque for $15.00. HURRY! OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 1ST THERE'S NO FINER RANGE IN THE A WORLD THAN A BLUE STAR GAS RANGE! clean . safe . . and trouble-free, including such features as: • Automatic oven heat control • Automatic top burner control • Automatic smokeless broiler • Automatic ignition throughout See the Blue Star Built-In Gas Ranges, tool FINK PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. SALES & SERVICE Sal Wellington SC, Clinton HU 2-76132 After Mau s Phone BILL FINIt HU 21682 E & lillEATING Phone HU 2406/ 262 Oisyfftici Rd. CLINtONy ONt Your Looal Dealer UN ION VISIT YOUR GAS AP S COMPANY LA CE DEALER NVIS OF VARNA Corrfspondent: rap) MePiangow Phone Clinton RU '4-4214 The sixth annual "Parade of Progress" will be held once again at the Manufacturer's. Building,Wes tern Fair Grounds, London, in themiddle of June. Canada's biggest poultry event, it promises to surpass in size and .scope all previous ponitry industry conferences and ex- hibitions, says G. H, Donovan, publieity ehairman, Business poultrymen froth all parts of Canada, and many points in the United States gather at this event for two reasons—to listen to and take part in the conference sessions each afternoon, and to see and learn about the latest, and Most modern developments in things to do with poultry farth- ing, In former years there have been over 2,000 attend this in- teresting show.. Stresses Unity Dr. H. H. Hannam in his opening address at the Canad- ian Federation of Agriculture held recently, based his speech on the following verse: "Unity is the best source of strength and teamwork the best 'key to progress for or- ganized. agriculture." "Oh, the great work men could do on this earth; Oh, the achievements of grandeur and worth— We could accomplish if we like the team, Would each do our hit in perfecting, the scheme." If all made an effort and did their own task with a glad wil- ling heart , pulling together instead of apart, He also said for 27 years up :to 450,000 farm families in Canada, have been "pulling to- ,gether" through the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, not, perfectly but better than ever before. Without doubt, team- work has been their greatest asset and their greatest source of strength. He also said the year 1.962 Was one in which real strides were made toward teamwork between the Farmers' Union and the Federation of Agricul- ture, and that a follow-up con- ference between officers of the Farmers' Union and the Fed- eration of Agriculture is plan- ned for sometime very soon and he was sure that farmers in all parts of Canada would be sin- cere in hoping that. negotia, tions during 1963 would achieve a constantly increasing meas- ure of unity between the two groups. o - Avid Puk Fan Jim Collins, who resides on the Bayfield Road, has little trouble claiming the distinction of Clinton juve- nile's most avid fan. Two weeks ago the youth hitch- hiked all the way to Parry Sound to see the squad play, He left shortly after 1.30 a.m., having missed the team, but managed' to arrive just as the game commenced, despite the fact he took the long way, He reported having ap- proximately 15 rides pn the day which was made mis- erable for hiking, due to the rain. Jim was squeezed into one of the cars on the way home. The Easter story, from 'the Holy Scriptures, was read by David McCullough. Brian Pot- ter led in the responsive read- ing. The Messengers' prayer and the Lord's Prayer were re- peated in unison, Mrs. K. Trewartha gave the meditation—"Easter is a time of gladness". The vice-presi- dent, Brian Patter, conducted the business, and Nancy Ginn read the minutes. Sherry Hod- gins received the offering. Mrs. Trewartha told the children that the "Clean Up Messengers" had been sent in a bale, packed by the UCW. Mrs. Gerry Ginn conducted the game time, and the study per- iod, and the World Friends were given out by Jon Ginn. BRUCEFIELD By *s.. J. .r, perry repay Sale Unit No, rear of the Brno- field UCW .h e i.d their April meeting in the home. .0 Mrs. pettyLouis. The meeting ipperied under the leadership of Mrs. Marion Flip, with Mrs. May WW1 And Mrs. 401 g Straughan in charge of f h worship. Mrs, .Joyce Wilson conducted a very interesting study per- iod starting with a story about Pelagius and Augustine, "The Life of Grace and Freedom" taken from "The Word and the Way" was the subject. Mrs, Bessie Lopping-ton read the minutes of the last meet- ing and .Mrs. Straughan gave the Treasurer's report. Unit Four is in charge of the gen- ,eral meeting for the month of iMay, Following the business meet- ing a penny Sale was held and a lovely ltinch was then ser- ved by Mrs. Anna. Walters and her committee. Discuss Asia Unit No. three of the Bruce- field UCW assembled in the church schoolroom for their April meeting under the lead- ership of Mrs, J. McEwan, Mrs, N. Walker and Mrs, F. Welland were in charge of the deVotional period, with Miss, Margaret McQueen at the pi- ano Study period was taken by Mrs. H. Johnston who gave a most informative and interest- ing talk on the book "On Aisa's Rim". A great deal was learn- ed about the people, their his- 'tory, and their present needs in Korea. Mrs. Johnston suggested that it would be most appreciated if new materials with match- ing thread, and possibly a th- imble and needles, were made up into parcels to go along with the bale. The young wid- ows of Korea have been taught how to sew and enjoy making up clothing for their children and others. Mrs, J. Broadfoot, secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, and business items were briefly discussed. The Unit has been invited to the home of Mrs. H. Berry for the May meeting. On complet- ion of the Unit business the meeting closed and lunch was served by Mrs, N, Walker and her lunch committee. YPU Meets The regular meeting of the Varna youngPeoPle's Union was attended.by 14 members. Shirley M_ Ustard had the wor- ship and Bey, Hill had the Bible Study entitled, "Love of ,Jesus", The roll call next- week is ,to be answered by a verse containing "mercy' g!, Margaret Aklington was ap- pointed the next worship con- vener and it was decided that another paper drive be held in the fall. Murray Morrison was appointed to purchase basket- ball equipment, Joyce H'at'ter followed with prayer and the meeting was closed with taps. UC 1,VSees Films The United. Church Women held their Easter Thankoffer- ing meeting last Wednesday evening in the church. They had as their guests the ladles of Goshen UCW. Mrs. Gordon Hill was in ch- arge of the meeting and gave the call to worship. Mrs. Lee McConnell presided at the or- gar), Mrs. Wayne Taylor read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Char- les Reid gave the scriptural story, A poem, "Old Age Is Gold- en" was read by Mrs, Gordon Joh/lest= and Mrs, Percy Johnston led in prayer. A quartet of Mrs, Charles ;Reid, Mrs. Ralph Stephenson, Mrs, Gordon. Hill and Mrs, William Dowson sang "Make Somebody Happy To-day", Mrs. Wayne Taylor introduc- ed the guest speaker Miss. Shirley Brandon, Bayfield, who spoke on her recent world tour and showed coloured slides of the various countries she visit- ed. Mrs. William Dowson thank- ed Miss Brandon for her inter- esting talk and pictures. The president, 1yfrs. Gordon Hill, closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour followed with lunch served in the basement, Mrs, Erie Neilson and son, Glenn, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Ostrom, Still Seeking Southern Jaunt Foqr bowlers from the Clin- ton Automatic Lanes need P413' one more sparkling performance 40 be on their way for a free trip to the Caribbean. The keglers with the chance for the exciting trip are moth- er and daughter,hoaw duos, Gladys and Marg Telford, Bay- field, and Isabelle and Marg- aret Rogerson, Clinton, They are the only bowlers left from the 7Q who entered while her husband, F/O Eric Neilson is taking a summer sourse in Prince Edward Is- land. A communion service will be held. in the United Church next Sunday, May 5, the Players Festival, a tourna-, merit sponsored by the tobacco firm. Bowlers competing must cen- time. to beat their average each time tile)" .bowl, The four area kegler$ Will. bewl, in London en May 2 at oFieetway 40" arid. will have to heat the figure they, eAahlipbed in the last phase of the event, If they do that, then it's off to the sunny south 'with all ex- penses paid. Than,/ May ; 1903 Clinton News-Record—Page 9 NEWS OF NOLMESVILLE Correspondent — MRS. F, McCULLOUGH • DANCE CLINTON LEGION HALL FRIDAY, MAY 3 GOOD ORCHESTRA LUNCH COUNTER 504 PER PERSON Proceeds go toward ,"A Better Clinton Spring Show" on Saturday, June 1. 177,8b 1 BUY YOUR SEED CORN NOM WE HAVE. PFISTER and UNITED HYBRID DENT CORNS AND [RAPALA High Sugar Silage Corn (The Only Silage Corn with a "PLUS") Clinton Farm Supply Bayfield Road — Clinton HU 2-9613 17tfb •