HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-05-02, Page 6ARTICLES FOR SALE DRAPP.T. PULL RODS Truck;-curtain rods, venetian blinds,,1541-pb. OP. - Arveries, Free estimates OVen. irwin's Dry GOods. 22tfb HELP WANTED PASTURE. WANTED ,.,.,... PASTURE WANTED for Tel head of cows and a calves, Con, tact Ford Little, JA 4,7182, Goderich, 181) ATTENTION FARMERS! FEMALE DINING. ROOM WAITRESS, wanted, Apply in person at Ho- tel Clinton, 1-TV 2-7011. 17-Sb .CAPABLE WOMAN to assist elderly couple. Live in or out. No ,W care required. Well equiPpea. home. Bus to door, Write to Box 106, Clinton News- Record. 10-tfh INTERESTING opportunity for galeslady able to. supply good referenees. High earning poten- tial, prestige anti an unlimited future in the investment busi- ness, Complete training pre- vided. Must have the use of a car. Phone London GE 4-9996 or write Box 171, Clinton N ew,a-Record, 17b —HELP- WANTED MALE Page 6,-Clinton News-Record—Thurs., May 2, 1963 ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE FENDER GUITAR, ' trato- easter". Good condition, $175, Box No. 170, Clinton News- Record. 17-$1e BABY CARRIAGE, in fair condition, and stroller in fair condition. Apply 64 Princess Street West, Clinton. 1$1) PASTURE WANTED for ten head of yearling cattle. Wil- liam Livingston, Phone Sea- forth 847 r 31, 1K/ FUEL OIL For carefree heat-. log with Champion Oil that's insured AgMnSt - explosion. be AcatisGe..onorrilghal.ac iledarrsiegen,eilohnolze, HU '2,9411,•• '46tfb. FOR SALE SERVICES 150 BALES OF OAT STRAW Ken Gibbings, HU 2-7419. IVIASSEY 1-TARRIS 2-Row Corn planter, with fertilizer attach- ment, hydraulic mounted to fit Allis-Chalmers tractor. Grant Webster, Varna, 18P QUANTITY of Empire Birds- foot Trefoil grass seed, Apply Frank Fowler, 5 miles east of Clinton, 17-Sb DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS ee cell cellect CUSTOM WQRK THREE-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, Available now. Phone HU 2,3807. 11.tfb FURNISHED OR Unfurnished Apartment, available now. Phone HU 2-9928. 6tfb k,I.EATFP DUPLEX, unfurnish- ed, 2 bedrooms, Apply evenings,. 79 John Street, phone NU 2- 9554, 18tfb Custom Ploughing, disking, cul- tivating and sawing. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231, Clin, ton. 17tfb ELECTR. ()LUX SALES and SERVICE DON SMITH For Free Demonstration or Service Phone HU 2-7889 13tfb VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishers, Reconditioned mach- ines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Herisaf135t2w2 29 o 39p t f b $ ROOM furnished apartment, suitable for couple, Available immediately, Phone HU 2-9504 preferably mornings or even, ings. 15tfb DARLING ?,000 POUND CAPACITY, 2- wheel trailer. Two new small propane tanks, New 30"x72" Mattress, Phone HU 2.9378. 18-19p FOR SALE . . . FULLY FURNISHED Trailer,' 41. ft, Apply North End Store, Clinton or phone HU 2-3323. 4b-6tfb & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C.63 Phone Seaforth 863w1 Licence 240-C,63 7-tfb FARMERS get Yotlfr orders in now BALER our y TWINE 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart, merit, heated by oil furnace, garden if desired, suitable for Couple, available now. Phone HU 24855 or HU 2-9479, 18tfb FT, DINGHY, new, no leaks, takes motor up to 31/2 h.p. Cheap for quick , sale. Ken Smith, call or phone after six, HU, .2-9793. • 18b LARGE QUANTITY of Choice Mixed Hay, square bales. Ap- ply to James Landesborough, phone 665W1, Seaforth 18-9-20p FURNISHED APARTMENT — euitable foe couple. Apply 93 Huron Street, Clinton; 14p-tfb PIONEER HI-BRED CORN, Outstanding in yield and stand- ing ability. Leader in gov't. check plot, Contact Keith Lovell, Kippen View Farms, Kippen, Ont, 13-22h ONE -BEDROOM apartment, furnished, heated, in the Com- mercial Apartments, Victoria Street, Clinton. Phone Ceriel VanDainme, HU 2-6685. 16b tfc 2-BEDROOM apartment, fur- fished, available April 15, Ph- one HU 2-7774. , 15tfb THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with bath. Available now, Ap- ply Pere Brown, HU 2-9321, 13 tfb STOP WORRYING ABOUT DEBTS Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in Huron County. Easy to start. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. E,169-M15, 4005 Richel- ieu, Montreal, 18b .aeaaeeeeeneee MISCELLANEOUS MARCONI TABLE MODEL TV, 17", in very good condi- tion, ideal for cottage; also baby's chrome high chair, very good condition. Phone HU 2- 9577. 18p MarlaWs Dead Stock Removal for and for 1963 Delivery can be made at once, predictions are for short supply this summer. Contact ONE 3-piece bedroom suite; 1 sofa; 4-piece sectional book- case; 5 kitchen suite; 23" elec- tric stove; fireplace mantel; 9'x 12' rug; upright frig„ 13 cu. ft. chest deep freeze, 13 cu. fa; Marconi consol TV; 4-speed com- bination record player and radio; automatic washer and spin; Necchi automatic sewing ma- chine and attachments (new); numerous small • articles; 24x8 tent may be 'used for garage. Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 17p-18x Highest cash prices paid disabled or dead cows horses over 500 lbs. Please call collect: BRUCE MARLATT Brussels, Ontario Phone 133 24 HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163B PIONEER CHAIN SAWS as low as $159,00. Good choice of used saws. Chains, $10.00 up. Chain oil, $1.45 gal, Also gard- en tillers, lawn mowers and Wheel Horse garden tractors. Call Robert Glen, phone HU 2- 9292, Clinton. 17to22p —LIVE—STOCK FOR SALE 16 PIGS, 8 WEEKS OLD, Ro- bert Stirling, phone HU 2-9950. 7-ROOM BRICK cottage, in good repair; with 3-piece bath, hardwood floors, heavy duty wiring; situated on Mill Street, Blyth. Apply Alex Wells, Lon- desboro, phone Blyth 49 r 8. All Dry Cleaning will be MOTH-PROOFED FREE OF CHARGE During month of May by BRUCE CLEANERS Clinton Agents PICKETT & CAMPBELL LTD. Main Corner, Clinton ROBBIE BURNS WHITE ROSE Service Station Londesboro 18,9-20b GEORGE WRAITH Montreal Street Goderich, JA 4-9934 18-9b ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished, private bath and entrance, available now. Phone HU 2-9869. 15-6.7-8b WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb NEWLY DECORATED, 3-room furnished apartment. Apply 227 Huron Street, phone HU 2-6610. 18b 3 - BEDROOM, frame insul brick, 1I/2 storey house; built- on garage; fun bathroom; oil furnace. Reasonable rent, Ap- ply to Box No. 190, Clinton News-Record. 18p CLASSIFIED ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W. N. Counter. 20tfb 46trb FURNISHED APARTMENTS, suitable for couple, 130 King St., Clinton. Phone Seaforth 219R. 16-7-8-9p 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central location, suitable for couple; frig. and stove. Her- man's Men's Wear, HU 2-9351. 6tfb JERSEY HEIFER, due May 1. Registered Holstein heifer cal- ves, suitable for 4-H. Apply HU 2-7626, 16-7b Casual Comfort JACKETS ACCOMMODATION WANTED AUTOS FOR SALE TWO PUREBRED LACOMBE first-litter sows. Bred York. Due soon, Apply to Norris Sil- lery, RR 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton HU 2-3368, 18p WANTED TO RENT in Clin- ton or Goderich •area, house or 3 bedroom apartment. Con- tact Sgt. M. T. , Graves, Blue- water Motel, Grand Bend, 17-8p 1953 VANGUARD; 1952 Austin selling both cars very cheap. Phone HU 2-7420. 18b Dolt-Yourself Laminated materials in all the , new styles and colors. Just right for cool spring wear. 2 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, upstairs, heated and centrally located. Phone HU 2- 7058 or apply at 102 Huron St. 18tfb 1961 VOLVO, perfect mechani- cal condition, For information see LAC Tyerman, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton, Barrack Block 4, room 30. 18p TWO RED METAL FOLDING chairs, copper boiler, annex and pipes, folding tub stand; Mar- coni 12-inch portable TV; Sun- beam electric 2-brush floor polisher; play-pen, like new. Phone HU 2-9448. 18b RENT These Machines V Floor Polisher r 3 Floor Sander and Edger 3 Belt Sander -V Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry vacuum 'V Hand Electric Sander 3 Duo Purpose Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON 30-tfb SMALL APARTMENT — One bedroom, partially furnished, must have frig and stove; pri- vate bath •and private entrance preferred; wanted by May 13 by young single civilian who will be permanent resident in Clinton. Apply, stating descrip- tion and location •to Box No. 172, Clinton News-Record. t7-18b REAL ESTATE FROM CHOICE BUILDING LOT on Raglan Street, sewerage at fr- ont of lot, 72' x 175'. Phone HU 2-7057. 17-18p $9.95. up FURNISHED APARTMENT, 1 , bedroom, available now. Phone HU 2-9332, 105 Rattenbury Street E., Jack Elliott. 18-9b 1955 OLDSMOBILE standard; 1961 Morris, for sale, Apply Becker's Trailer Court, Clin- ton, 17p-18b 2 REFRIGERATORS, $45 ea.; Beatty automatic washer, $75; Leonard automatic washer. $125; deep freezer, $100; elect- ric Guerney stove, $75; Beatty dryer, $110. Apt D5 RCAF Station, Clinton. 18b ALL WEATHER COATS 150-ACRE FARM FOR SALE; running water, on Blue Water Highway, 3 miles south of Bay- field. Apply H. Stinson, Bay- field. 16-23p TWO BEDROOM apartment, (half a house), private ent- rance, available immediately. Phone Seaforth 3. 18tfb THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb A must for these unpredictable spring days. Wear one with complete comfort and satis- faction, Some reversible. ARTICLES FOR SALF, CHOICE BUILDING LOTS on highway, 1/2 mile east from town limits, water available from new drilled well. Phone HU 2-9275. 16-7-Sp 3 BEDROOM apartment, up- stairs, laundry tubs available. 72 Victoria' Street, Clinton, HU 2-7065. 18tfb FROM Mechanical and Body Re- pairs, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Unda-Spray Davidson's Texaco Service No. 8 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4-7231 BOYS' CCM BICYCLE, in ex- cellent condition. Phone HU 2- 9132. 18b 18-FOOT STEEL INBOARD Boat and trailer, haven't used it for two years, so best we sell it; needs some work and at the price we're asking you'll be well paid if you do it. As is, where is and it's at Holmes- ville. Life jackets and oars can be bought separately. Contact Bill Armstrong, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 58R14, or Ewan Ross, Holmesville, phone Clinton HU 2-32881 18p BOARD AND ROOM $19.95 UP FIVE BEDROOM COTTAGE, all conveniences. Mid-way be- tween Bayfield _and Goderich. Very private. Available for summer. Phone Seaforth 3. 18tfb ACCOMMODATION for TWO boarders. Phone HU 2-7420. HARLEY 45 MOTORCYCLE, 8,000 miles, $195. Phone HU 2- 7234. 18p LOTS AND NEW HOMES in Clinton. Earl Doucette, 168 Queen Street, phone HU 2- 9741, 14-22p SUITS I HAVE accommodation avail- able for male roomers. Phone HU 2-9376, Mrs. Alec McMich- ael. 18tfb UPRIGHT PIANO, in good condition, priced reasonable. Phone HU 2-9447. 18-9b Our racks are loaded with NEW SUITS Any Style — Any Material. 3 BEDROOM wartime house. Apply 185 Mary Street, Clin- ton. 17tfb SMALL and LARGE TRAIL- ers for rent, fully furnished; Becker's Trailer Court. 17-8b APPLES:--.Fancy Grade Spies and Delicious; also good cook- UNFURNISHED apartment, reasonableing spies from prices. Stewart from cold storage, at heated, suitable for couple with Middleton, HU 2-7525. 15tfb one child, 2 bedrooms, Phone HU 2-7814 after 7 p.m, 18b FOR RENT CUSTOM WORK From $39.95 to $79.50 Pickett & Campbell Limited HOUSE AND LOT for sale, located at Porter's Hill. If you are looking for a country home, see this property; small down payment, balance easy pay- ments. Call A> E. To',vnshend, HU 2-9107 or K. W. Colquhoun at HU 2-9747. 16tfb STEEL SCAFFOLDING for rent, by day, week or month. , Earl Doucette, 168 Queen St,, phone HU 2-9741, 14-48p PIANO TUNING BABY BUGGY, in nerfect con- dition. Apply Mrs. Donald Coop- er, 167 Frederick Street, Cl- inton, 18p LAWNS CUT, yards serviced, hedges trimmed. Phone HU 2- 3298. 17-Sb Home Freezer Sale LAWN ROLLING—Clinton and district. Ray Potter, Clinton, HU 2-99.97. 15-6-7-8b UPPER DUPLEX, front and back entrance, one bedroom, gas stove, nice location, gar- age, available June 1, phone HU 2-9581. 18p Singer Floor Polisher Scrubs, Applies Wax, Polishes Floors and Shampoos Rugs. REG. $69.95 SPECIAL $59.95 Will Whidden Phone HU 2-9103 THIS WEEKEND DON'T MISS IT At Art's Appliance Centre Brucefield (All Makes, All Sizes) 18b Main Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-9732 YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area. George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 22tfb PROPERTY WANTED 2-YEAR-OLD, three bedroom house, with full basement; liv- ing room, kitchen and 3-piece tiled bathroom; fully insulated, with aluminum storm doors and windows; new oil furnace; large lot with drilled well. Phone J. Koene, Bayfield 56R5 after 6 p.m. 17-8x MODERN and antique carved funiture, made to order, also repairs, alterations and French polishing. Sandor Molnar, ph- one Hensel]. 322. 17-8-9-20b COTTAGE FOR RENT AT Bluewater beach, until the fall, completely furnished. All con- veniences, all utilities paid. $80 monthly. Call London 455-5838. 18b GIANT AUCTION SALE 15tfb DON'T PUTTER! Call your plumber. DURO pumps and softeners sales & service. Eck- ert's Plumbing and Electric, ph- one 54r2, Bayfield, 28tfb A-1 TOP SOIL 7 room, 2 storey solid brick house. 3 bedrooms up and 3- piece bath down, on paved country road near Varna, close to school. This property could be purchased with 1 acre or 3 acre lot. 2 bedroom, 1 storey frame cottage on Albert Street. Breezeway and garage, spaci- ous lot and good residential district, full basement, econom- ical to heat. Owner will con- sider reasonable cash offer for early sale. 5 bedroom house close to up- town available soon. This house has •a mortgage arranged with monthly payments against prin- cipal and interest. The owner would consider selling for reasonable down payment and take a second mortgage if nec- essary. $7,500. Four bedroom 2- storey insul brick on James Street. This house has all mo- dern conveniences with carport and glassed in porch. Owner is anxious to sell and terms will be considered. , 6 room, 11/2, storey house. Large modern kitchen, Spacious dining and living room area. Large lot in good residential district. Economical to heat, 3-pc, bath up and 2-pc, down. 4-year-old, 6 room house, 2 bedrooms and den, with two room apartment on Townsend Street. Oil hot air heat. 70x120 lot. 2 bathrooms. Easy to heat. This house has to be seen to be appreciated. CMHC mort- gage. Owner is moving from Clinton and would consider selling kir -a reasonable down payment and take back a sec- ond mortgage for any balance. New three bedroom brick veneer, all plaster walls; large lot 336x180; oil ,hot Water base- board heating. This beautiful honse has many modern conven- iences including recreation room, garbage disposal unit and-Water softener. Built under CHMC standards and mortgage could be arranged, $4,500 Three bedroom cot- tage on Matilda Street, Three- piece bath, oil furnace, one-ear garage. Priced reasonable for cash. For sale or rent. K. W. Colquhoun WE HAVE CLIENTS WANT- mg to buy farms in Huron County. List your property with C. Buruma, RR 1 Clinton, phone HU 2-3287. Salesman for John Bosveld, Realtor, Meaford, 16-7-8b DAFFODIL TEA AND BAZAAR CAN INVISIBLY REWEAVE any woven fabric—suits, dres- ses, chesterfields, etc. Contact Mrs. Spurrill, Brucefield, Hu 2-9189. 4tfb Delivery at any time At the CLINTON LEGION HALL CLINTON, ONTARIO L. G. WINTER, REAL ESTATE 200 High Street Clinton Phone HU 2-6692 ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH on SATURDAY. MAY 4i_-- 3:00-5:00 p.m. Boots: SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone Louis Blake, RR 2, Brus- sels, phone 442 W 6, Brussels. 14-40p M3MOMIIM PET STOCK SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 4th GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP, male. Phone HU 2-7108. 18p AT 1:00 P.M, SHARP AUCTIONEER LEO E. BIRD will be selling for Super-market Distributors, London, Ont., a large part of a $50,000.00 inventory of brand new clothing for MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN and BABIES. For the men such items as pyjamas, 100 pair of socks, work socks, 200 pair men's underwear, sweaters, dress and work pants, dress and work shirts; for the ladies, over 1;000 pair of first quality seamless nylons, dozens of slips, blouses, skirts, sweaters, slims, jeans, etc.; for the children and babies, over 200 pair of poodle socks, sweaters, shirts, blouses, jeans, jumper dresses, 2 piece sets of all types, pyjamas, baby sets, blankets, crib sheets, creeper sets, jackets and many other items. Also flannelette sheets, cotton sheets, pillow cases, cushions, hair curlers and 100 other odds and ends too numerous to mention. WE WILL ALSO SELL without reserve, a large selec-tion of Finance Company Repossessions, Bankrupt Stocks, Bailiff Seizures and Personal Consignments consisting of Modern House- hold Furniture, Television Sets and Appliances. FOR A SAMPLE we will offer for sale a large selection of slightly used 'television sets, 2 refrigerators, 2 washers, a large chest freezer, matching pair washer and dryer, 2 electric ranges, combination radio and record player. FROM ONE FINANCE COMPANY a ,Tohnson 18 h,p. Elec- tric starting'outboard motor with fuel tank (in new condition). FROM ANOTHER a complete separate offering of merchan- dise used only one year, consisting of 5-piece bedroom suite with spring and mattress, 2-piece chesterfield suite in nice condition, 5-piece chrome Suite, 2 step tables and coffee table, 2 lamps, FROM ANOTHER LOT a 3-piece chesterfield suite used only 9 months, consisting of chesterfield and two swivel rockers; also a platform rocker and hassock. We have also been promised 2 other lots for this sale but details are not available at present. WE WILL ALSO OFFER FOR SALE a large selection of BRAND NEW FURNITURE consisting of 2 complete walnut bedroom suites, 2 39" continental beds with headboards, 2 54" full eiZe mattresses, 2 foam rubber chesterfield suites, 2 daven- port sets that make into •a bed, 9,piece, 7-piece and 5-piece copper- tone kitchen or dinette suites, step and coffee tables, lamps, hostess chairs, desk, chrome rocket, gossip bench, 9'x12' rugs, runners and many other items, Don't Miss This Outstanding Auction Sale as this is the Largest and Best Offering we have ever had at the Clinton Legion Hall REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE — CLINTON LEGION HALL — CLINTON, ONTARIO SATURDAY, MAY 4th at pdti, SHARP TERMS CASH --- theOues accepted on Puirriitutt All items MLitt be removed front the kali myr LATER THAN 6 p.m, Your co-operation will be appreciated-, BOXER DOG, 1 year old, house broken, very good with children. Phone 416 Seaforth or write 310. 17-18b 16tfb TOP SOIL, filled gravel, sand, delivered in truck. load lots, custom back-filling, a n d light bulldozing work. Phone Lyle Montgomery, HU 2-7231, Clin- ton. 17tfb BAKING -- SEWING and APRON, -- PRODUCE TOUCH and TAKE -- CANDY Afternoon Tea — 35c Sponsored by Units 3 and 4 of Ontario Street UCW HONEY for sale — Clover, 8 pound pails $1.75; 4 pound pails 95 cents; 2 pound pails 50 cents. Wallace Ross, North Main St- reet, Seaforth. 17-8-9b PUREBRED Siamese kittens, male and female, Howard Al- lan, Brucefield, phone Seaforth 609 W 12. 18b CASH and CARRY SPECIAL— Discount on plastic pipe of 100 foot lots; also on pumps and softeners and, all plumbing fit- tings. Eckert's Plumbing a n d Electric, phone 54r2, Bayfield, 17tfb 2 10-gallon AQUARIUMS, com- plete with pump and filters. Assortment of tropical fish in- cluded with •tanks, Phone HU 2-7726. 17-8b REAL ESTATE For Mother The Sweetest Gift of All CHOCOLATES 9 LOTS for sale. approx, 72x160,• $500 each, located in town. Phone HU - 2-7302, 15tfb 15' HOLIDAY'TRAILER, new; 1 box trailer; 1 sleeper trailer; new trailers; also used trailers 42'x8', 35'x8', 46'x1,0', 41'x10', 4,6'x8', Apply Becker Trailer Court, 17p-18b NIOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower Up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levett and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone 2 HU -6640. 40tfb NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE on Carpentry work. Whether you are building the new or remodelling the old. Kitchen cupboards a specialty, Call: Ken IVIcNairn, HU 2-7726. 4tfb 2 BEDROOM MODERN Bun- galow,finished recreation room in basement. Apply 186 Town- send Street, Clinton. 18b TWO BEDROOM ranch type, modern bungalow, automatic oil heating, fireplace, large sun- room, on an 82 it. landscaped lot at 131 Townsend Street. May be seen by appointment. Phone HU 2-9912, 17-8-9b KELVINATOR APPLIANCES By Smiles 'n Chuckles Moir's Now Available at Ranch Type Dwelling, large liv- ing room with fireplace, den, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3-pc. bath, oil heating. Early possession. 2 STOREY, 5 bed room DeVel- ling, living room; den with fire place; dining room, kit- chen; 2-piece bath down; 3- piece bath up, Gas heating, full • basement, storm windows, double garage; lot approx. 132'x100'. Early possession. VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD, storey, 3 bedroom With liv- ing robin and kitthen, lot ap- proX 60x140, Within one block of lake, immediate posses- sion. 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom; 3-piece 'bath; living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil heating. Excellent condi- tion, Located dose to schools. Garage. Lot approX. 78'x132', 2 STORE'S BRICK STORE. Approx.' 18'x60', oil heating._ Located on Main St. 'mined late possession, Art's Appliance Centre BRUCEFIELD EMPLOYMENT WANTED IDOZ. [ OUR FRIDAY SPECIAL From Our Store Only BLUEBERRY MUFFINS SEWING A N b KNITTING done in my own home; prices reasonable. Phone HU 2-7420, 18b OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9.00 P.M. 1.4tfb 43c Reg. 50c doz. SPECIAL RELIABLE LADY REQUIRES Work at babysitting or house- keeping by day or nurses aid ditties in nursing home or hos- pital. Phone HU 2-3498, 368 Matilda Street, Clinton, 18p POTATOES FOR SALE—Table potatoes No, 2 and feed pota- toes mixed, very reasonably priced if you bring your own container. T. 11. Soudant and Sons, 1.R 1, Varna, phone Hen- sall or. Hensel). 352W1. 15-6-7-8p r OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL From Our Store Only HELP WANTED BOSTON CREAM PIES APPLICATION for music sup- eavisor for Colborne Township Sehool Aate commencing Sep- tember le State qualifications and salary expected to William Watson, sec,-trees,, RR 5, Gode. rich, 17-Sb DIAMOND RINGS. See our newest cash specials at die- count prides —saVe Up to one- third. PO cash and save. 'Meths if preferred. Phone 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments, Cotinter't Jewellery, 18tfb 54 c EACH Reg. 600 each SPECIAL INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone IIU 2-9741 I TRAVEL SERVICE STAN BLOWES 7.1tAVEL Scr;. vice, 82 Wellington St., Strat- ford. rot all airlineS, Stearn. ships, rail, hotel reserVatiOnS, tents, LOW bank rates on tithe Paaatiefita. Pretiaida, arranged for relatiyea visiting from over!, aehat Call 271-5710.- Bartliffs Bakery MUSIC SUPERVISOR Wanted, The board of SS No. 7, Ilullett a' require a music supervisor, dut- ies to commence in September, Applications in writing to be in hands of the Secretary by May 4. Please state'salary ex. pectecl, --Mrs. Leonard Sheb- brook; aeeretatyttreestiter, RR No, 1, tlyth, Oat, 164813, H. C. LAWSON F'IL'ER QUEEN Sales' end Seas/toe SOR "PECK,- Rik 1, Zeman Phone Rental!'952W 29 2 to 390 tifb INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE 5 RatteribUry . St. B., ESTATE.. biet HO 2-9644-e4OSIneth HU 2-0780;e,residenee 18b HU 24727 Limited CLINTON Bakery and RetitaUront , AUCTIONEER — LEO E. '13IRD