HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-25, Page 110
482-7062 CLINTON
Mr and Mrs, Stewart Knox,
Sarnia, spent the .weekend with
Mn and Mrs, Lorne Wilson,
anal Mrs, James. Burdge, Kirkland Lake, spent Easter weekend with Mr. )3urdge's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. F, 'Burdge,
and brother William and:
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bumble
And 'family, Toronto,. are visit-
lag with Mrs. Rtinible'a parents,
Mr. and Mrs, John M, Mur-
Guests' with Mrs. Berry over
the weekend were Mr, and Mrs.
L. Smiley, of Erin; Nix% and
Mrs, George Griffith and fam-
ily, Stratford, arid Mr, and
Mrs, A. D. Smith, Bluevale,
Mr. Robert McGregor, of
Orangeville, spent the Easter
holiday with his parents, .Mr,
and Mrs. John McGregor.
Mr. Wesley Ham and son, of
Hamilton, spent the Easter weekend With his mother, Mrs.
C. Ham, and Miss M, Swan,
Mr, Keith johnsten, Arlcona,
visited on Easter with his par-
ents, Rev. a n d Mrs. H. A.
rim' Nome ra is stkeil
1 I asr EGG INTO A Goose
uburn and District " I
MRS. WlES BRADNOCK Correspondent,--Phone .526-7595
Sponsored By
HensaII Kinsmen
Friday, April 26
9.30 to 12.30
Hensall Arena
Musk By
thirty years of experience; 1 can build a silo to suit
your needs 141 up to 55 feet,
A few VacancieS yet tO fill, plane your order Soon
Ety obniattind
ARNOLD filial & SON
02 Carnbri4 Rd., GOcleriat Telephone JA 44417
This 12 x 20 garage is small, trim and neat. All quality
materials go into this building. Included are
with Lock and Key.
ONLY $ 2 590. '10 PER MONTH
The first ten customers will get two gallons of outside white
paint for their garage.
EASY ivioNti-tor TERMS
custom ckstarr
STORE HOURS Starting April 15
/.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Friday Until 9 p.m.
Saturday Until 4 p.m,
A t4 o
Continued from page 1)
A Minis-M.1M of seven pigs
must be kept in the feeding
project, where complete records
will be presented,
The Bap field man also gave a
short report on the annual
meeting of the Ontario Farm
Forum he briefly attended in
Toronto recently.
He noted that only 100 were
present, and said he was sorry
to see the lack of interest de-
clining in the radio broadcast
However, he said efforts were
being made to get CKNX Wing-
ham back on the Farm Forum
Warner also reported that
Vatighan, Douglas, popular farm
Federation Backs Motion to Alter Law
For Small Trucks on Area Roads
SS No, 4 Goderich Township
Community 'Club met at the
' home of Mrs. Harry Oakes for
the April meeting. The vice-
president, Mrs. James Lobb was
in charge of the meeting which
was opened by all repeating the
creed followed by the Lord's
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and the roll
call was responded to by 14
members and one visitor. The
treasurer's report showed a
balance of $50.46. A donation
of $5 was given to the Cancer
Society and $5 to the Crippled
Children. Plans were made for
a ham supper in the near fut-
The meeting was closed with
the benediction and work was
done on a quilt. An auction
was held with Mrs. Robin E.
Thompson acting as auctioneer.
Lunch was served with Mrs.
Thompson and Mrs. Harold
Howard assisting the hostess.
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Lorne
Saturday, April 27 8:30 p.m.
JACKPOT $60.00-,-,Full house with 55
nuMbers dalied.
Admission $1.00
Eorli cords 25e, or 5 for 0,00
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig at-
tended the Ward-White wed
ding Windsor recently,
Miss Dlane .Kirkcorinell visit-
ed last week in London with
Mrs, Gordon. Hesk and fain-
fly, ,Strathroy, visited last week
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,-
Robert Turner and Lynn.
Mrs. Edna Johnston and Miss
Mabel Hickingbottom, Goderich
visited friends in the village
last. Sunday:
Miss Bonnie jardin, Wing-
ham, spent the holidays with
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
William Straughan,
Master Wayne Scott. spent
the holidays with his grand-
parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Alt-
cheson„ Seaforth,
Miss Joyce Leatherland vis-
ited last week with her aunt,
Mrs. Reg, -Shultz, Mr. Shultz
and family.
The members of Knox Pres-
byterian WMS attended the
Blyth Easter thankoffering last
Thursday afternoon,
Miss P atricia Youngblut,
Kitchener, spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Major Youngblut and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Toll,
Warren and Terry, Windsor,
spent the holiday with his par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Toll.
Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Hesk
and family, Strathroy, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Turner and
AUBURN The April meet-
ing of the Auburn Women's
Institute was held in the Com-
munity Memorial Hall with a
good. attendance of members
and visitors. The president, Mrs.
Ed, Davies was in charge of
the meeting • and the pianist
was Mrs. Robert J. Phillips.
Mrs. Davies welcomed all to
the meeting and stated that al-
though she had been in Florida
at the time of the last meeting,
her thoughts had been with the
WI members with their Febru-
ary meeting.
The secretary, Mrs. Thomas
Haggitt read the minutes of the
previous meeting and these were
adopted as read. Financial
statement was accepted as
read by Mrs. Haggitt.
A letter was read stating
that the executive meeting of
the district will be held on Ap-
ril 30 at Blyth. The members
were also urged to go to Guelph
on June 20 when the president
of the A.C.W.W., Mrs. Van
Beekhoff, will be present and
A committee was formed to
look after the lunch to be ser-
ved on Achievement Day on
May 4 at Auburn,
Mrs. Ed Davies a n d Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt were appointed
co-conveners ,to serve at the
Kolkman Middel wedding. Sev-
eral members volunteered to
assist in the serving of the
Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell,
convener of the card commit-
tee, gave her report and read
the thank-you notes which had
been received.
Mrs. Wes Bradnock, leader of
the 4-H Club reported that all
meetings had been completed
and invited all the WI mem-
bers to attend the Achievement
Day. Plans were also complet-
ed for the Sunshine Sister ban-
quet to be held on Wednesday,
April 24. Mrs. Clifford Brown
convener of the banquet, re-
ported for her committee. It
was decided to postpone the
family night until early fall.
A trio composed of Misses
Lynda Andrews, Jannett Dobie,
and Margaret Haines sang,
"I'll Catch You When You
Fall". Lynda accompanied the
girls on the guitar and Marg-
aret on the piano.
The speaker of the afternoon
was Mrs. Robert J. Phillips who
spoke on the growing of roses.
She stated that the rose is one
of the oldest flowers known to
the world. In her informative
address She told how to plan
the rose garden as to variety
and colour so the roses that
grow to different heights are
grouped together.
She told how • to prune the
bushes to get the most blooms
and also how to prune to get
the larger flowers. She spoke
On the feeding of the plants
and how to prepare them for
the cold winter months.
In closing she named Many
of her varieties Which had pr-
oved so successful. Mrs. Thom-
as Lawlor, in charge of the
hortictilture program, thanked
The Village of Auburn will
join the neighbouring towns and
eprnM1-InitY by adopting pays
light :.Saving Time on Saturday
evening of this week,
Mrs, Thomas Haggitt, Miss
Laura Phillips and Mrs, Lloyd
Humphreys visited Mrs. Marian
Haggitt and Mrs. Eliza Tebbutt
at .HuronvScW,
The members of the Auburn
CGIT attended the .Easter
thanisoffering service at Bel,
-grave and took part in the
program by singing an anthem.
Mr. Duncan MacKay has ac,
cepted a position on the staff
of the Sault Ste. Marie second-
ary school and will start at the
beginning of the fall term,
A large crowd attended the
pancake supper sponsored by
the Sunday School of Knox
United Church last Wednesday
Mr. Donald Ross, Oakville,
visited in the village last week
with friends and also visited
with Mrs. C, Straughan at Gods
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor
and daughters of the Nile vis-
ited on Friday evening with
his sister, Mrs, Robert Arthur,
Mr. Arthur and Jayne.
Mrs, Ethel McDougall, Sea-
forth, visited last week with her
son, Kenneth McDougall, Mrs.
McDougall, Miss Bernice and
A beautiful bouquet of flow-
Mrs. Phillips and presented her
with a gift.
A solo, "In Times Like
These," was sung by Miss Nan-
cy Anderson accompanied by
Miss Bernice McDougall.
The highlight of the after-
noon's meeting was the visit
of the district president, Miss
Josephine Woodcock, Blyth.
She brought greetings from the
district and reminded the mem-
bers of the District Annual to
be held at Dugannon on May
30. She , spoke on Canada's
world-wide obligations and st-
ressed the importance of the
Pennies for Friendship project
which assists in the Associated
Country Women of the World
Miss Woodcock presided for
the installation service for the
new officers and Mrs. Haggitt
presenter her with a gift from
the Auburn Branch, In closing
the meeting, Mrs. Davies, the
out-going president, thanked
the members for their co-oper-
ation during the past year. Mrs.
Robert J. Phillips, on behalf
of the members thanked Mrs.
Davies for her splendid leader-
ship during her term of office.
The door prize was won by
Miss Janett Dobie,
Following the meeting a sale
of plants and bulbs was held
with Mrs. Ronald Haines as
the auctioneer. A dainty lunch
was served by Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor and Mrs. Arthur Haver-
kamp. The lucky cup prize was
.won by Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon-
It was decided to invite the
Dungannon and Goderich bran-
ches to the May meeting.
Mrs. Evelyn Fletcher, Exeter,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Allen over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Arm-
strong and family, Stratford;
spent Sunday under the paren-
tal roof.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel, formerly
Margaret Crawford, and fam-
ily, Kitchener, spent the week-
end with friends in the vicinity,
also attending the Prest sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomp-
son Visited on Sunday with Mr,
Thompson's grandfather, Mr.
William liorn of Moorefield,
who was celebrating his 91st
Mrs. John Shobbrook has
been under the doctor's care
for the past week and is suf-
fering from a heavy chest cold,
We hope she will soon be on the
road to recovery.
Miss Marguerite Lyon and
Miss Jane 1VicCool flew to New
'York on Saturday morning,
taking in the Easter Parade on
Sunday morning, among other
attractions, They returned home
oh Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Allen and
Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Saundercock
attended the final Stanley Cup
hockey game on Thursday night
in Toronto, witnessing the
Maple Leaf victory ever Des
Little Miss Susan Underwood
and baby, sister, Wingharn,
spent a few days last week
with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs, Nelson Lear.
Mn John Pearson of l3rus
sell and Mr, and Mrs. George
Pearson, Ethel, were Sunday
visitors with Harold arid Edith
ers adorned Knox United Ch,
urch last Sunday placed there
in memory of the late Mrs.
Edith Sturdy by her son,
iff Harry- Sturdy and Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Kirk.,
connell and Diane visited re.
gently at Brussels .with their
daughter, Mrs, Louis Blake, Mr,
Blake, Faye and Maryanne for
a few clays,
Master Ross Dobie spent
few days in Goderich last week
with his brother, Mr. William
Dobie and Mrs. Dobie and at-
tended some of the hockey
games during Young Canada
Mr, and Mrs. Louis Young-
blut, Ntr, Earl Youngblut, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Youngblut, Mar-
ie, June and Laura visited last
week with Miss Minnie Wag-ner, Mr, Walter Wagner, Mr.
William Wagner and other rela-
tives in the district,
Rev. Douglas Fry of Seaforth
was the speaker at Knox Pres-
byterian Church last Sunday. It
was rotation Sunday, arranged
by the Huron-Maitland Presby-
tery and he spoke on Evangel-
Mr, and Mrs. David Campbell
and Gordon, New Westminster,
B.C., visited last week with the
lady's sister, Mrs. Arnold Craig
and Mr. Craig. They all went
to Oshawa where they were
guests of the ladies' sister, Miss
Jean Hamilton.
Holiday visitors with Mrs,
Herbert Govier were Mr. and
Mrs. John Aitchison and Henry,
Mooretown; Mr, a n d Mrs.
Thomas Aitchison, Kitchener;
Mr. Lorne Aitchison, Mitchell;
Mr. Charles Blatchford and Mrs,
Tyler, St, Marys.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Schleich,
Bob, David, Torn, Darby, Bill
and Rickey, Peterboro, spent
the weekend with her brother,
Mr. Gordon Miller, Mrs. Miller
and Miss Gail. They also visit-
ed with their father, Mr. Joseph
Miller who is still a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital.
Mrs. J. H. Cartnell and dau-
ghter, Maureen, Montreal, vis-
ited last week with her uncle,
Mr. John Houston and Mrs.
Houston. Miss Mary Houston,
Hamilton, and Miss Frances
Houston, London, also spent the
holidays with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Houston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson,
Sharon and Murray, Mitchell,
visited on Sunday with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Daer
and Mr. Robert Daer. Mr. and
Mrs. Daer were pleasantly sur-
prised over the weekend to get
a phone call from their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Edna Seiler, Calif.
Mrs. James Robinson, Van-
couver, formerly Elizabeth Phil-
lips, daughter of the late' Mr.
and Mrs. John Phillips, of Yel-
low Grass visited last week
with her cousins, Miss Laura
Phillips, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Ro-
bert 3. Phillips.
Friends of Mr. John Red-
mond, Calgary, will be pleased
to know that he celebrated his
95th birthday on April 16. Born
in East Wawanosh he spent his
early life in this district. His
brother Raymond receives let-
ters regularly from him. He en-
joys perfect health and can
read without the use of glas-
ses. We extend congratulations
to Mr. Redmond on reaching his
95th milestone.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook
and nephew Ronnie Vodden
motored to Paris on Sunday to
spend the day with Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Vodden. Ronnie
returned home after spending
the holiday there.
A very successful sale was
conducted by Harold Jackson
last Saturday on the property
of the late Fred Prest. The
house was sold previously to
Mr. James Scanlon who will be
moving in immediately, having
disposed of his home near Bay-
field. The family are no strang-
ers to the community as Mr,
and Mrs. Scanlon farmed east
of the village a few years ago.
WQ welcome them back to the
The UCW entertained about
17 members of the choir at a
supper last Thursday evening.
We wish to express our thanks
Eleven Youths
Welcomed By
UC .Congregation
Eleven young people were
welcomed into the membership.
of Wesley Willis United Church
Sunday, and five others joined
the church on transfer of mein,'
ber ship,
Joining the church after com-
pleting the .classes. conducted
by Rev., Clifford G. Park, M,A,,
were; Larry Boyce, Ellen Cole,
Murray Cole, Mary 'Beth Har-
land, Valerie Holland, Jack Mc-
Michael, Arlene Mountford,
Harold Newland, Bonnie Per-
due, Carol Steep and john
The young people were wel-
comed into church membership
by the minister, who was assist-
ed by Garnet Harland and John
Sutter, . .
Joining the church on trans-
fer of membership were: Anne
Harland, from Knox United
Church, Cornwall; Mrs. Fred
Mulholland, from Holmesville
United Church; Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Steep, from Knox Unit-
ed Church, Auburn; William
Batten, James Street United
Church, Exeter.
Both the senior and junior
choirs rendered anthems at the
Lyle Steep, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Tom Steep, capably hand-
led the solo portion of the
junior choir's anthem.
Rev, Park took as his sub-
ject, "What is joining the
Church meant to mean?"
Rev. MacLean
Poses Questions
For Area Youths
AUBURN — The Young Peo-
ple's Society of the Anglican
and Presbyterian Churches met
on Sunday evening at the home
of Miss Carole Brown with a
large attendance.
The president, Floyd Smith,
was in charge of the meeting
which opened by the singing of
a' hymn, with Carole Brown at
the piano. The minutes were
accepted as read by the secre-
tary Margaret Haines.
Prayer was led by Rev. R. U.
MacLean and the Scripture
lesson from the Gospel of John
was read by John Nesbit.
The speaker for the evening
was Mr. MacLean, who chose
the topic, Who am I? Why am
I here? and what am. I. doing
about it?
His message for the teen-
agers was thoughts dealing'
after the Easter season.
Plans were made to attend
the service at Knox Presbyter-
ian Church, Goderich, on May
5 when a Jewish Rabbi will be
the guest speaker. The next
meeting will be held in the Sun-
day School room of Knox
Church on May 12 with Carole
Brown in charge.
View Pictures
At Last Meeting
Of Federation
Goderich Township Federa-
tion of Agriculture held their
April meeting in Holmesville
on April 11, in the form of
"family night". There were ap-
proximately 50 adults and chil-
dren present.
During the business period it
was decided to donate two spec-
ial prizes to the Clinton Spring
Fair to be held June 1. A spec-
ial of $5.00 to the exhibitor
from Goderich Township with
the highest number of points
and $2.00 to the new exhibitor
from Goderich Township with
the highest number of points.
All farmers from the township
are eligible for these specials.
Mr. Carl. Hemingway, Brus-
sels, showed two films from the
National 'Film Board library.
The program concluded with
a contest for the men and boys
and an Easter bonnet competi-
tion for the ladies and girls,
This will likely be the last
meeting until September.
were getting too involved with
the government arid when the
government was paying, for
some of the projects, the pros
ducers may have to comply
with their dictates,
This opinion was expressed
following a report by Bob Mc-
Gregor, RR Kippen, presis
dent of the Huron Beef Im-
provement Association,
11Scgregor said he slid not
know how much money would
be allotted to the various coun-
ties who had joined the group.
He also stated he didn't know
what projects would be under-
taken, but said they would pri-
marily be educational projects.
McGregor reported that full
settlement bad been received
recent train wreck near Tors
He said that the railway
wanted to settle for $1,000 less
than the value of the load, but
with the aid of the Federation's
lawyer, the farmer had receiv-
ed full value on his claim.
Other reports were given at
the meeting by Harvey Taylor
for CIA; Alex McGregor for
FAME, and the president's re-
port by Elmer Ireland,
Bible Women
Reviewed At
Auburn CGIT
Miss .Janet Watson, Aylmer.,
called on her, aunt and uncle,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Burdge dur-
ing Easter holidays,
Mr, George MOstard was a
recent visitor at the borne of
his Parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex
(Intended for Lust Week)
Mr. and. IVirs, George Pinkney
Walkerton, spent .Good Friday
with Mrs. pinkney's sister, Mrs,
Elgin Thompson 'and Mr. Th-
Mr. and Mrs., T, A, Anderson
and daughter, of Toronto, were
Easter visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Paterson.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Handcock
spent the Easter holiday with
their parents, at Brampton and
Relays,, Contests
Enjoyed by Group
At Ontario Street
Unit four of Ontario Street
United Church Women met on
Monday, evening, April 22 in
the church parlour with 19
The meeting opened by sing-
ing several hymns, followed by
the devotional period which was
conducted by Mrs. William Jen-
Mrs. Francis Powell led in
prayer, and Mrs. Clark Ball
read the scripture and a chap-
ter from the study book was
given by Mrs, Jenkins.
The business meeting follow-
ed with Mrs. Carmen McPher-
son presiding. The roll call was
answered by members handing
in an article for the bazaar.
Final arrangements were
made for the Daffodil Tea on
May 4.
A couple of relay contests
conducted by Mrs. Fred Slavin
and Mrs. Bill Jenkins, were en-
joyed by the ladies.
Mrs. Ross Trewartha and her
group were in charge of lunch.
The next meeting will be held
on May 27.
Cerninunity Club
Plans loam Supper
Thurso, April 25. 1963—Clinton N. cws-ReCord—Page
Explains Beauty and Growing of Roses
At April Meeting of Auburn WI
Correspondent — MRS. BERT ALLAN
Phone Blyth 37 r 5
The program, prepared by the
lady directors, was conducted
by Mrs. Mervyn Lobb. It con-
sisted of a vocal solo by Jodie
Cox, piano solo by Faye Merrill,
and appreciation to the choir a chorus by the boys of SS 2
Who under the direction of Mrs. school and a piano solo by Lois
Alan Shaddick and organist
Barbara Snell have given us so
many fine anthems we have en-
joyed throughout the year.
The UCW will hold their
general meeting on the after-
noon of April 30 at 2 o'clock.
The guest speaker will be Rev.
Jordison of Trinidad who iS
home on furlough. Constance
and Burns ladies are invited to
attend. A good attendance is
hoped for,
The WI will hold their May
meeting in the evening of Wed-
neSday, May 1 at 8 o'clock. Boll
call, "The Most neighborly
thing that has happened to me."
The Rev. L. Slorstra of the
Christian Reform Church, Clin-
ton, will be the guest speaker.
broadcaster at the area radio by . a county farmer who had
and TV station was leaving in lost a number of steers in a
the near future and noted this
would be a big loss to area
farmers in view of the co-op-
eration they had received from
Douglas during his duties at
the station.
"I hope we get a man who
is as fair to farm groups as he
has been," Warner commented.
Later in the meeting he pre-
sented a motion that a card
of thanks be sent to Douglas
from the Federation on his de-
This was unanimously passed.
Losing Power?
A member of the Federation
questioned, if producers were
losing sonic of their power in
regard to beef production now
that the government has insti-
tuted their new Beef Improve- meAtUinBUthReNs—uTndhaeyAsubdulornol CroGoImT
meat Association,
He said he felt the producers of Knox Presbyterian Church with the president, Judy Arthur
in charge. The meeting was
opened with the call to worship
followed by a hymn, with Marg-
aret Sanderson as the pianist.
The purpose was repeated
and this was followed by all
repeating the Lord's Prayer.
The scripture lesson was read
alternately and the offering was
received by Petra Tiechert and
dedicated by Brigitte Schiicht-
The treasurer, Mary Sander-
son gave the financial state-
ment and also reported on the
progress of .the autographed
quilt. No minutes were read as
the secretary, Betty Moss was
A Bible quiz on Easter was
held and all members took part.
The roll call was answered by
each girl repeating the sixth
Beatitude. The leader, Mrs.
W. Bradnock gave the study on
the life of Mary and Martha
as related in the gospels and
how they had prepared for the
Easter season.
The meeting was closed by
singing the hymn, Rejoice the
Lord is King. After games were
played the evening was closed
by Taps.
We are shipping cattle every Monday for United
Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage, We
will pick them up at your farm.
Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday
Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
H. S. Hunt, Shipper
Phone 669 W I