HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-18, Page 9Lions Officials Confer With District Governor Making his 40th official visit to District A-9 Lions Clubs, District Governor Ed. Walker, land, third from left, is shown here with officers of Clinton 'Lions, Tuesday, April 9. From the left are; third vice-president Duff Thompson; zone 3-S chairman E. Beecher Menzies; Governbr Walker; president Stewart Taylor; first vice-president Jack Scruton and second vice-president Leslie Ball. There are 41. clubs in District A-9. (News-Record Photo) ount f3y*Mrs. Florence Elliott Secretary Federation of Agriculture Applications will be received for the following position: Emergency Measures Coordinator For The County of Huron Salary range—$4,000-$5,000 per antZM Applications must be submitted on forms pro- vided and may be secured frorn the undersigned. Applications to close at 5:00 p,m., Wednesday, April 24, 1963. Lowest or any application bot necessarily accepted, JOHN G. DEkftY) Oloi^k-Treasuhor, doutity of Hume. Court Houseo Oritarlo4 1. -8b Turner's UCW Easter Service Turner's Church. UCW held their Easter Thankoffering ser- vice on Thursday,' April 11, with guests from Ontario St- reet, Clinton, present. A very interesting account of the TJCW conference held at St. Thomas was given by the guest speaker, Mrs. Elgin Mc- Kinley, Zurich. Special Easter devotions were conducted by the president, Mrs. Erlin Whitmore, assisted by Mrs. William Rogerson. Mrs. M. Falconer, Mrs. H. Johns, and Mrs. G. McGregor, A solo was sung by Miss Mildred Crich, and a Bible verse quiz was conducted by Mrs Whitmore just before the ladies were served with a del- icious .lunch. Ladies on the lunch commit- tee were Mrs. Elmer Townsend, Mrs. Waren Whitmore, Mrs, Ed Layton, Mrs. Ken Rogerson and Mrs. M. Falconer. 0 A. M. Hannah AUBURN — Funeral service was held on Saturday at South- ampton for Alexander (Scotty) MacDonald Hannah who passed away at Sunnybrook hospital after a short illness. He was in his 88th year. He was well known in Auburn community, having been a fre- quent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson and Miss Margaret R. Jackson. His wife was the former Annie Jackson who passed away sev- eral years ago. He is survived by four sons, William and John of Toronto, Sandy, London and Andrew, Swastika; daughters, Mrs. An- nie Bennett, Mrs. Flora Marton and Mrs. Eric Forrester, all of Toronto. z••••• • ••••••• 28 Huron Street — CLINTON Phone HU 2-3815 HOME NEAT SERVICE When You Order Your Fuel Oil From HAROLD BLACK Imperial ESSO Agent Phone HU 2-3873 Esso Home Heat Service from ...... . ••••• v:4 'tt• YOUR AGENT IS RIGHT WITH THE TIMES IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED THE FIRST AND ONLY OIL IN CANADA THAT WIt,t, DO BOTH JOBS IN YOUR CHAINSAW CHAINS VT271106(15 New Esso Chainsaw Twinlube was specially developed to lubricate both the chain and the engine in your chainsaw. No longer do you need 2 different oils to do the job, Esso Chainsaw Twinlube keeps ehainsaw engines in top condition and provides a tough, long last- , ing lubricant for the chain. Field-tested and approlied by leading chainsaw manufacturers. Get Esso Chainsaw Twinlube today from your Imperial Esso Agent. NEW Esso PISTOL MATIC GREASE GUN A high quality, one-hand operated grease gun complete with 12" flexible extension hose. 3 Yours um for only $ 00 OntM2/1" IMP Greaso Cartridges) Harold M. Black—phone HU 2-3873 -141.111=111111.1111MINEMIIMULTEMOI Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization, SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No.1, Weston, Ontario, Obtain sacks and without charro from RUSSELL MANSON (Shearer) ZURICH, ONTARIO or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. WHY SHUR-GAIN SELECTED-GRANULATED FERTILIZER IS BETTER Shur-Gain. Selected-Granulated Fertilizers are made by carefully blending the different fertilizer materials then granulating and drying the mixture, Then it is Carefully screened to remove dust and fine particles, to select the particles for uniformity of size. Shur-Gain Fertilizer is the mod selectively screened fertilizer in Ontario, and it gives you even crop feeding, better uptake of all phosphorous content, even drilling, no bridging in the drill, and, far less dust. Selected4ranulated Quality is only one of the many benefits offered by Shur-Gain Fertilizer. Others are-- IN SHDR-GAIN FERTILIZER IN BULK. 'The fast, modern way to handle fertilizer, delivered in bulk right to you or you can haul your own from our plants for even greater savings. is PROVINCE-WIDE SERVICE. A network of plants and Warehouses assure you of getting the analyses you need just When you need them. • BULK SPREADING SERVICE. If you area not equipped to spread your owns Shur. Gain's Spreading Service Costs little more than bagged goods, saves you time and labour. LELY SPREADERS. They spread. a 40' swath and can be had :From Shur--Grain plants for a nominal rental fee. For complete SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Service--,call your local SHUR-GAIN Agent or SNUB-GAIN FERTILIZERS MITCHELL phone 348.9012 111.1.10100111.1111011111.11101.1111101.0.11.11011111111.10111101111 xky,•••••:•,t..x..• ItItf4no - For Fast Fertilizer Service • Contact Your Harriston Fertilizer Dealer or Harriston Fertilizers 2 PLANTS TO SERVE YOU HARRISTON MITCHELL Phone 780 Phone 348-8503 Bag or Bulk . . . Night Loading If Required 41111111111111111•111BROARMIlk. Clinton Only Town Not In, MW..01)A Past President Predicts Bright future With Clinton being the only Three .sections in this Part town in littriOn not listed of the study deal with poPula, the membership. of the tion, land use and, agriculture, Western Ontario Development and industry and COMrrierep and Association, retiring president, will be published as separate Ross Savatige, Seaforth, report- sections, ed his grow. could look for- Total cost of the third phase ward to a somewhat brighter will be, . $7,5QQ, future in its 1963-64 operation. Elected president at the The IVIWODA finished with a meeting was. Allen MeCnilough, deficit of $1,846 last year, Arthur. Other officers are as caused by the lack of mein- follows;, bership and the withdrawal of First vice-president, Robert several Participating municipal- Kerr, Galt; second Vice,presi- Ales, dent, Murray Green, EXeter; However; he said the Lincreas, third vice president, Walter ed membership this year would Gerth, Milverton; secretary- bring another PAO into the treasurer, Harvey Hood, Pres, treasury. Be said at the an, ton. nnal meeting in Stratford last Directors are; Kenneth Burke week that he also has hopes Kitchener; Howard Latsch, pal, that others may still join. inerston; Robert Pleitell, Membership last year brought ira; J. D, Oaks, Guelph; Icon, in only $8J27 while the bud- neth Denny, Fergus; HoWarcl get had been. set with an .ex,- Stacey, Mitchell; Hal Nickel, petted $11,000. Listowel; Maurice Bain, lYiliver- TO date, $7,832 has already ton; Howard Aiken, Goderich; ben received in 1963-64 mem, Gerald Cruikshank, ViTingbarn; berships and he said it should Robert Squire, Goderich; Ross reach $11,010. Savauge, Seaforth. At the meeting the Associa- Elmer Goebel, Stratford, is tion agreed to continue with General manager of MWODA, " the economic study of Huron, Although Clinton is not a Perth, Waterloo and Welling- member, L. G. Winter, Clinton ton, and proceed with the third has been appointed to the mem- part. bership. —woo TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Tenders for Tractor and Mower Sealed tenders will be received until 6 p.m. Saturday, May 4, 1963, by the undersigned, for gasoline tractor and side-mounted mower. TO TRADE: John Deere Tractor and mower. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained , from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not neressarily accepted. LEN CALDWELL, Road Superintendent, RR 1, Londesboro, Ont, 15-16b The board of directors of the Ontario Hog Producers Associa- tion met on March 29 and the election of officers resulted in Mr. Ben Steers, president; Mr. Howard Huctwith, vice-presi- dent; J. Boynton appointed sec- retary-manager. The Organization meeting of the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Board was later held in Toronto on April 3. Lance Dickieson was elected chair- man; Clare Curtin, vice-chair- man and the executive commit- tee as elected were Eldred Aik- en, Ben Steers and John Bar- nett. James Boynton was re- appointed secretary - manager and J. R. Kohler was re-ap- pointed general-manager of the sales division. Hog prices have dropped seri- ously as most farmers shipping hogs know all too well. Hogs shipped in the first week of April amounted to 54,231 hogs and an expected 56,500 hogs for the week of April 8 to 11. The provincial government has announced that it will in- troduce legislation after the Easter recess to permit mar- garine to be colored, but not the color of butter. According to our information the legisla- tion, if passed, will be similar to that in Manitoba and Nova Scotia which reserves the light- er shades of yellow for butter. Margarine interests are ap- plying pressure by letters, wir- es and telephone to have all col- or restrictions removed. What can you do to counteract this move? The minister of agriculture and the government will be in a much stronger position if they have literally hundreds of let- ters asking that margarine be not allowed the same color as butter. Plan to see your member again before the legislature con- venes after Easter and get every one you can to write to the minister of agriculture, the Hon. W, A. Stewart, Parlia- ment Buildings, Toronto, ask- ing that margarine be not al- lowed to use the same color as butter. During the first 12 weeks of 1963, 62 million pounds of chicken were processed in reg- istered poultry p r o c es sing plants. This represents a 9.6 percent increase over the 56 million pounds of chicken pro- cessed during the first twelve weeks of 1962. To date, in 1963 there have been no inspected exports of poultry but imports of chicken have amounted to 613 thousand pounds compared with the 216 thousand pounds imported by this time last year. Imports of chicken parts haVe amounted to 869 thousand pounds com- pared with 536 thousand in the same period last year. List of directors and presi- dent of Hay Township F of A sent in by Mr. Wilfred Mous- seau, secretary, are: president, George Grenier; first vice-presi-, dent, Harold Campbell; second vice-president, Carl Willert; directorS, John Faber, Ian Mc- Allister, James Hoffman, Glenn Greb, Stewart Thiel, John Mc- Clinchey, Ray Ducharme, Clem Regier, Elgin Hendrick; Wilfred Motisseau, secretary-treasurer, FINK Plumbing Heating & Electric Limited 84 Wellington St. Phone HU 2-7682 (Day or Night) Thurs.! APO. .Nows,Record,-Page Order Your ... SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Through Clinton Feed Mill With the SHUI-GAIN Fertilizer Service Plant only a few miles away — at Mitchell — we can give you prompt delivery on your particular grade of fertilizer. CLINTON FEED MILL The most dangerous part of an automobile «.3S THE DRIVER, Today's mbdern automobiles are soundly engineered, safe, and remarkably reliable. Modern roads, too, are designed to present the Ininitaum of hazards. Driving only becomes dangerous when fallible hu- Man beings come into the picture and, through their huniatt failings, cause accidents. In a determined effort to cut down the nation's accident toll, the automo- bile bistirance business MS dedicated itself to the promotion of highway safety programs and driver training education. As a part of this extensive program of safety promotion,- which includes several nation-wide projects, All Can ada Insurance Federation sponsors the Alfred Campbell Memorial Awards, presented annually to Junior Cham- belt of Commerce conducting the best year-round safety program in their Communities throughout Canada, INSURALL CANANCEADA FEDERATION ALL CANADA INSURANCE PEDERNVION on behalf of ore 200 competIng firer dultonzobikand iirsuiyatee compahla