HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-11, Page 6, P C na N s h+us, l d3 Page -+- l e ecar -- r Ari 11 1 �� � d >� � ARTICLES FOR SALE . r T OMMOPA O `. A M O.. Ti. OCQ.... M )PA ON 2 GIRL'S BICYCLES, full Size. ,' . - . .. Orville Workman Kippen, phgne FOR RENT POR •RENT Hensalt 64�Y3, 14+;�w T EE-RO F "ISH D H.R 0... UR. E. FURNISI4EI? APARTMENT, 1 FILiE.R. QUEf*11i; . ,M .. :apartment. Available now, Phone F3U 2.3$07. 11tfb bedroom Ftvail'able. May I HU 2+9332 X05 Rdtteniary Sl, E,,,' Baies anti &ervic,e _ FURNISHED QR• Unfurnished Jack. hkliott, 1.5+16p ;aQa P!E=GK, RR 1, fur#Gh Apartment, available now, 6tfb -.-,. �_.•:, p r WOWS FOR SALE Phone Hensall 352w2 o e FiU -9928. Ph n 2 a 29 to 39p tfb SMALL HOUSE, unfurnished, BEES FOR SALE, 4Q colonies. T RIJEHL1$3 CHESTERFIELD 2 bedrgoi?is; and gara e,'Phone' Edward TIaberer _ ur eh phot;e davenport. styte; -9 Xroehler HU 2-95.34, 15b 1.74;7, .1 }i5 hostess• chairs to match; art- _... ---,--- isles nice new; children in FULLY FURNISHED Trailer Y, GIR 'S S : RI mauve L l' ,_NG COAT,.. _au_, .no the house Will sell separately 41 ft. Apply North End Store, plaid, sine 4.5,. $5,001 Phone if desired. Owner transferred Clinton or phone HU 2-332$. HU 2-7361, 15b phone after 6 p.m„ HU 2+7$87, 4b+6tfb „ +� ,.. 15p .sires ..tenor tenor wood=work, or miscelRtes JOLLY JUMPER Baby Exerm _. FURNISHED APARTMENT— ,suitable for couple, Apply 93 cisers. Martin's Dept. Store, Clinton, Ontario 7tfb PAINT sired. Phone Leonard Gar nett,cgme, HU 2+3437. 15b for sale, Write to Box Huron Street, Clinton, 14p tfb ._. REALEST TE WANTED THREE-BEDROOM, one and ~----- BOY'S SPORT J CKET B. _ A, . , size 6 WHITE ONLY --Interior Latex 6 ROOM DUPLEX in Clinton, to 8 years dry-cleaned, Phone. and Exterior Gloss, gas heated. Available immedi- HU 2-:005. 15b W4,, $3.97 a�tely. Phone JA .4-7003. 15b -- MISCELLANEOUS Household Cla t Dixon THREE, ROOM APARTMENT with bath�.vailable May I. Ap- Articles and Furniture, Con - tact Mrs. George Glazier, Phone Auto Su l p P ply Parc Brown, HU 2-9321, HU 2.9087. 14+5p . 13tfb Boyfield -- sox' 41 Raftenbury 5t. East, Clinton BOY'S BICYCLE, standardize Phone HU 2-7034 2 BEDROOM apartment, heat- in good condition, reasonable, 15b ed, unfurnished, School Apts. Apply 127 John Street, Clinton. Ceriel Van Damme, HU 2+ 15p APT• SIZE FRIGIDAIRE re - 6685. 15tfb _ -- frigerator; 3 -burner Moffat _ .. _ SAMOYED PUPPIES, pure, electric range. 13oth •m excel, ONE BEDROOM apartment, bred, nine weeks old, George lent conditi0il, Bruce Coleman, furnished, private bath and Love, Walton, phone Seaforth phone 652r!4, Seaforth, 15p entrance, available now, Phone $71W1. 15b HU 2-986(j. i$ -6b -------- ELECTROLUX 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- APPLE S --Fancy Grade Spies and Delicious; also good cook. SALES and SERVICE ment, central location, suitable ing spies, from cold storage, at DON SMITH for couple; frig, and stove. Her reasonable prices. Stewart For Free Demonstration mans Mens Wear, HU 2-96tfb351. Middleton, HU 2-7525. 15tfb or Service DRAPERY PULL RODS — Phone HU 2-7889 SMALL and LARGE • TRAIL- Track, curtain rods, venetian 13tfb ers for rent, fully furnished; blinds, bamboo draperies, win- LARGE CRIB, complete, $10.00 also new and used trailers for sale. Becker's Frailer Court, dow blinds, Free estimates given, Irwin's Dry Goods. single bed, inner -spring :natt- 15P 23tfb rens, $20,00; washing machine, large size, balloon wringer and FURNISHED 3 -ROOM Apart- CLEARANCE SALE of Spring Pump, $45.00. Phone HU 2- ment, heated by oil furnace, Suits, Dresses and Skirts, all 7429, 15b suitable for couple, available name products half priced; 1 pr. - now, Phone HU 2-7855 or HU 2-9479, 11tfb of nylons FREE with every _ pair of ladies Hush Puppies. K F N A L T O R 2 -BEDROOM apartment, fur- BayField Woollen Shop,Ba field. 15b nished, available April 15. Ph- A P P L I A N C E S one HU 2-7774, 15tfb FUEL OIL --For carefree heat- 2 SMALL APARTMENTS, ` on ground floor, heated, furnished ing with Champion Oil that's insured against explosion 'be - N o w Available at and unfurnished. Phone HU 2- cause our truck carries oil only., A, G. Grigg and Son, phone 6692, L. G. Winter Real Est- HU 2-9411. 46tfb ate. 10tfb � Art � Appliance COMPLETE SET OF Meehan- 3 ROOM furnished apartment, s Hand Tools, ranging from suitable for couple. Available o ends, through mikes and op immediately. Phone HU 2-9504 preferably mornings or even- P Y g reamers, roll around tool HU torque wrench, etc. Phone HU Centre Ings. 15tfb 2-3288 from 8 to 4 or week- BRUCEFIELD 2 -BEDROOM apartment, • kit- ends. Ewan Ross, Holmesville. chen, living room, bath, priv=__ _ 14-5p OPEN EVERY EVENING ate entrance, newly remodelled. Apply 103 James Street, Clin- NORDHEIMER upright piano, UNTIL 9.00 P,M. 14tfb ton, HU 2-9630, 15b In good shape, $75 if sold this, . week, Apply at Lot 15, Con. ATTENTION ARCHERS! Bow 2 -BEDROOM wartime cottage, 5, McKillop, 2% miles east and for sale, with 50 lbs. pull, 3 unfurnished, centrally located, 2' /z miles north of Seaforth. hunting arrows and 3 target oil furnace, civilians preferred, Peter Maloney. 15p arrows, $20 complete, All items available May 1. Phone HUin 2-9567 after 6 p,m, 15p 1.,�, 59 MOBILE HOME, 32x10 good condition. Call Auburn 526-7242. 15p wide, 2 bedrooms and .all eon- _ BEDROOM FARM -HOUSE, veniences, in Al condition in- VACUUM CLEANERS furnace, bathroom,. hof: and cold side and out. Will sell cheap Sates ana Service water, about 11 miles from for quick sale. .Apply to Wil- Repairs and bags for all mo - RCAF Station Clinton. Apply Liam Hamm, Blyth, Ontario. Bels of vacuum cleaners and Ken Beattie, phone 83486, Sea- 15p polishers. Reconditioned mach - forth. 14-5p o t 25 DISCOUNT on 11 Fish_, • h- o A is ines of all makes for sale, 2 -BEDROOM apartment, un- ing Rods, Casting, Spinning, BOB PEC i K RR 7 Zurich phone Hensall 352w2 2 2 furnished, full bathroom, at Spin -Cast and Fly Rods. Prices 29 tfb Nonth Main St., Seaforth, range from $4 to $25.. This Available now, Clarence Mont- weekend, at Ellwood Epps DIAMOND RINGS, See our gomery, Box 655, Seaforth, Sports Shop, King Street, Clin- r-ewest cash specials at dis- 15p ton. 15b count prices --save up to one - ATTRACTIVE 2 BEDROOM apartment,. central heating, use _ VIKING refrigerator, 10 cu. ft,, $120; Viking washer with pump third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred, Phone HU of laundry room equipped with and time a $80; Necchi automat' 2-9649 for evening appoint - mems. Counter's Jewellery. Jewellery. washer and dryer, Available tic sewing machine, $200; 23 May 1, Apply Mackay Apts., RCA TV. 1 year old, $150. 201 Ding Street, Apt. 1 or phone Contact Cpl, A. Baillargeon, HU 2-9227. 14-tfb Local 231 or HU 2-78581 15-6p. 6 -ROOM stone ,house, modern POTATOES FOR SALE ---Table facilities, 2% miles from potatoes No, 2 and feed pota- Holmesville on school bus toes mixed, very reasonably route. Spare ,time work on priced if you .bring your own farm available in return for container, 'I', H. Soudant and rent. Phone Clinton HU 2- Sons, RR 1, Varna, phone Hen - 7483 eevnings or weekends. salt 350W1 or. Hensall 352W1. 14-5-6p 15-6-7-8p Decorated Cup Cakes 6 for 40C Easter Layer Cake g 65c each 1. CHOCOLA TE EASTER NOVELTIES L�T artl*iff , e r HU 2-9121 thhhod CLINTON O+i,l-my wide ileiitidiuir60 Singer Floor Polisher Scrubs, Applies '.Wax, Polishes Floora and Shampoos Rugs, REG. $69.95 SPECIAL $59.95 Will Whidden Phone HU 2-9103 15tfb 21" TV, excellent condition; also TV test equipment and parts. 1127 Widder Street, Goderich, B. R, Munday, phone JA 4- 7994• 11-16p ARTICLES WANTED WANTED TO BUY bedroom suite or bed, must be in ex- cellent condition, Phone HU 2- 3307. 15b _AUTOS FOR SALE 1962 TRIUMPH TR -4 Sports Car, 10,000 miles, like new, $2,500. Sickness forces sale.' Phone HU 2.9695, Clinton. 6-7p-tfb THINKING OF RAMBLER? Visit the Bluewater Service' Station, Goderich On the Bay- fiold Road. Phone JA 4-9461. 15tf b BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for Room- ers or boarders, one block from intersection, Apply Mrs: Carl, McClinchey, 10 William Street, His. 2-3844 14pAfb CUSTOM WORK LAWN 13.OLLINO­ Clinton and district,. Ray Potter, Clinnton, .1:10 2.9997.y5Z GARDENS PAEPARE1) or weeded in dile operation V garden -filler, Phone HU 2-7644. 15.6p DON'T ?tfT°1,ER1 Call your one Any woven fabrid—suift, dres- seg, chesterfields, etc. COhtact Mrs. Spttrrill, Erucefield, HU 2-91.89, 4tfb Sl PTiG TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guafahtoed, Write or plt'ond Louis Blake, ;Bit. 2, 13rus- sels, phonic 4422 W 6,. Br Y4sels. 14-4'op CUSTOM WORK, FOR RENT. CiJST011t PLQWING, Disl.ing, S:`E E k•: SCAk FOLDIl�1G for Cultivating, and .Sowing; ZIA rent, by .day, Week or inonLli, back*f illirig and liglit bulldozing Earl DouGette,Q 168 Queen St. wort., Prone Lyle Morltgomexy, phone V 2m9 .,1. 14+48b 14-5-�� i�OST SND FOUND MOTORS, 8enerators xePared or rewound,1(10 horsepgwer WOULD THE. PVASON W--10 up + 6Q C$Gle conversions, borrowedfertilizer Parts for most makes on hand st{ala�yn. •prey Ja . f l,. please return or available. Art Levett and to mill,. H. F' Wettlaufer � eed Sons, 139 Erie Street, :phone M, . 14+5 mill, b HU 2••6644•. 40tfo <.: v.. . �.._ PIANO T, UNINO NOW Is THE TIME TO SAVE on ,Carpentry work, Whether you .axe building the new or YOUR PIANO should be tuned remodelling the old. I£itehen aria . ieGked for moth dan�.age cupboards a specialty. Cell• and other defects regularly, r Ken. McNairn HU 2+77261 appreciate the continued Priv- 4tfb ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George _... GRASS CUTTING and Trim- W, Cox, HU 2-3870. 22tfb ming, $1.00 per hour•. .2 rriach-- ` roes 28" :and 26" cut, Average �f E T AL ES AE REAL T... labii, 75G, Minimum 50c, In-: quire at Boehmer & Vgdden Wholesale Jlrs, Clinton,, .._n, Qn ' 9 LOTS for sale, approx. 72x160, $500 each, located in 14-5.6-p town. Phone HU 2-7302. 15tfb EXPERIENCED PAINTER de-' painting m or ex- t + LOTS AI\D NEW HOMES in .sires ..tenor tenor wood=work, or miscelRtes Clinton, Earl Doucette, 168 Queen Street, phone IIU 2 - ecus articles, reasonable rates. by the hour .or contract, .free 9741. 14-2211 _ ---r------ 1Q_ROOM HOUSE WITH INn estimates, paint supplied if de, sired. Phone Leonard Gar nett,cgme, HU 2+3437. 15b for sale, Write to Box 130, Clintor News -Record EMPLOYMENT REALEST TE WANTED THREE-BEDROOM, one and A half storey ,house, large living xoom, dining room, kitchen, 4. piece bath, large lot, $6,500, TIRE SERVICE MAN, 9 years Douglas Bezzo experience. 42 C itdbrs St Londor, phone Cottage to 455-5894. 14-5+ be moved,6p THREli -$2,200. Bl GROOM Brick three years old, fully modern $12,500. HELP WANTED 157 -ACRE FARM, modern brick house. fruit trees, Christ, mastr�es 55 acres of maplePOST 1 5fooilake frontage, L CLERKSbush. , wooded lot. $2 per foot,. AU - $2,970 $4,©20 K E .Post Office Department REAL ESTATE CI -INION, Ontario Adam 'Flowers, Agent For full particulars as to resi- Boyfield -- sox' 41 cience, qualification require- ments and application forms see positers on display, at the National Employment Service and Post Office, Apply nefore APRIL 23, 1963, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto 7, Ontario. Quote: Competition 63-T652, HELP WANTED FEMALE CAPABLE, WOMAN to look after children, and do light houseworlr while mother works. Phone HU 2-7007, 15b CAR HOP WANTED for weekends at Gibby's Drive -Inn. Apply in person. 1 mile south of Clinton on Highway 4. 15b MIDDLEAGED LADY wanted to share my home, companion for 7 year old child while mo- ther works, no housekeeping;, Phone HU 2-9539. 13-6p CAPABLE WOMAN to assist elderly couple. Live in or out, No bed care required. Well equipped home. Bus to -door. Write to Box 106, Clinton News - Record, 10tfb FOOD SERVICE MANAGER- ESS. Industrious neat; woman required immediately for train- ing as local high school cafe- teria manager; must be .avail- able to train in London 4 to 6 weeks prior to June 1; previbus commercial cooking experience desirable, , good pay, .5 -day week. Apply in own handwrit- ing to J. O. O'Rourke, Beaver Food Service Associates, 30 Wharncliffe Rd, N., London. Please include resume of exper- ience, age, marital status and education, 1.4-5b HELP�1i1V'ANTED MALE MAN FOR GENERAL FARM work. Call Russell Grainger, phone Bayfield 60R3. 15x -1 6b RELIABLL, MEN witb or with- out cars. Average about $3.00 per hour. No experience neces- sary, Write Rawleigh's, Dept.l D469-5, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 15b BARTENDER for COCKTAIL Lounge, in resort hotel, year around position, age 25 to 45, neat appearance, no previous experience required. Apply to Box 14, Clinton News -Record, for information. 1.4-5b MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures your satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery: Huron County's Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. 20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new, Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chances, Expert; worm done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl re- stringing. W,• N, Counter, 20tfti Do -It -Yourself RENT These Machines V t=tbbr Polisher V 0160 Sander and Edger 'V. belt Sander V elbbtric Rug ShampooeF with Wet and dry vacuum V HAhd I`(ec'trie Sandep • V Duo Put-06to Hand Sander BALL & MUTCH CLINTON M-tfb �relr� ;chanlcal and Body Rea Wheel ii hment rs Whe A and tanbe, Window I#eotaoe, ,nts, Radiator Repairs, Potect agAtnst putt with Unda-Spray vldsbn's., Texaco Service o. 8 Hiahway, Goderich 15b STORE FOR RENT in Holmes- ville, furnished for grocery and general store business; 3 freezer units; also gas pumps. Five - room dwelling .attached, bath- room, automatic gas heating, hot water, full basement and garage, Will rent as one unit reasonable. Apply Box No. 15, Clinton News -Record. :LE New three bedroom brick veneer, all plaster walls; large lot 336x180; all hot water base- board heating, This beautiful house has many modern conven- iences including recreation room, garbage disposal unit and water. softener. Built under CHMC standard-, and mortgage could be arranged, $8,500 ---Four year old, three bedroom ranch type house, 4 - piece bath, full dry basement, gas furnace, Lot 70x150. Pric- ed low for early cash sale, $4,500—Three bedroom cot- tage on Matilda Street. Three- piece bath, oil furnace, one -car garage. Priced reasonable for cash. For sale or rent, $7,500 --- 3 -Bedroom Stucco on Albert Street, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, garage, large lot. Mortgage can be arranged on monthly payments, n i l a e ts, ' Two-storey Brick Store on Main Street with two apart- ments, immediate possession. Apartments now rented. Mort- gage can be arranged. For Rent — 2 -Bedroom SeIf- contained cottage available now, K. W. Colq uhoun d .i INSURANCE� x REAL ESTATE )'hone 111U 2-9747 PRIVATE SALE -2 Bedroom bungalov,r, gas furnace, storms and screens, full dry basement, property in excellent condition, near hospital; cash preferred but moti•tgage can be arranged, early possession, call after 5 p.m, HU 2-7887. _ 15p Attractive 2 Bedroom Ranch Type Dwelling, living room with fire place, modern kit- chen, dining area, hardwood floors, excellent condition; full basement, oil heating, garage, lot 80' x -00'. Early possession. 2 Storey, 5 Bed Room Dwel- ling, living room; den with fire place; dining room, kit= chow; 2 -piece bath down: 3-• piece bath up.Gas heating, full basement, stormwindows, double garage; lot approx. 132x100', Early possession. 2 Storcy Brick, Semi -Detached; living room, dining room, kit- chen, den, 5 bedrooms, 3 -niece bath, oil heating, full base- ment garage. Early posses- sion. Price $9,000.00. 2 Storey, 5 Bed Room Dwel- ling, large living room, din- ing room, modern kitchen, large sunporch, 4 -apiece bath; hot water heating; aluminum Storni 'windows; double_ gar- age; lot 79x132. House in ex -i, con6nt condition, Located near schools. H4, C. LAWSON iNSURANCE and MEAL ESTATE 5 "attonbury at e., Gtintort 01'af HU 2 -9644 --business HU 2-9787—riesidence TEACHERS WANTED SS 9 GODMICk TOWNSftIP requlres a teacher fore modern! one-rooi`n school, beginning in September, 1963, Apply„ stat! ing qualifications, last inspector and salary eXpected to Edward C, WiseF secretary�treasurer, Alt: 3, Clinton, 15-6b PROTESTANT TEA014ER fol- commence or commence iso send it 23, stab last if Mrs. RR 1, 0 to ATTENTION VARMUSPI INTE, RNATIONAL,, W30 Trac- tor; in €;ood running order, John A. Keys, Yarm, 15p REDLOYnR SE..ED, .R a d Y tg sow. Phorip60RUiayfieta x5 b A FEW j3VSHELS of alfalfa seed, Elmore A, Keyes, Varna, phone Nensall 35343, ;tab ,QUANTITY of Garry oats and Russel oats, ;Ken Tyndall, Ph-. one HU 2.79.60, It MASS>;Y-HARRIS Tony Trac- tor, with power Make -off, Pulley dgh. Phone lou Bayfield 5 p on. B_ a�.5b RUSSELL SEED OATS and - few Holstein heifers. Apply Bill Holland, ?hone HU 2=$245. 15-6b, 500 BALES HAY; 600 Bus, oats, 5 tons mixed grain, Ken; Hulley, phone Seaforth 757J3, 11-5p QUANTITY of Empiree Birds - foot Trefoil grass seed. Apply Frank Fowler, 5 miles east of Clinton, 1.5.6. LARGE QUANTITY of Choice ;Mixed Hay, square bales. Ap- ply to James Landesborough, phpne 665W1 Seaforth, 15.6-7p RUSSELL OATS grown from registered seed; also timothy seed; cedar anchor post, 9 ft.. long. Apply Arnold Jamieson, HU 2-9828. 14-5b 7 HEAD HEREFORD cattle, 8 months old; also buffet, Do- herty organ and record player. Apply Peter Ducharme, phone Bayfield 60 r 4. 15b F I E D GRAIN; Quantity of good feed oats. Special prices on truckload lots. Lloyd J. How- land, phone HU 2-9613 or HU I 2-7700. 12tfb PIONEER HI -BRED CORN. Outstanding in yield and stand- ing ability. Leader in govt. checkplot, . Contact Keith Lovell, Kippen View Farms, Kippen, Ont, 13-22bI PIONEER CHAIN SAWS as l low as $159,00. Good choice of used saws, Chains, $10.00 up.1 Chain oil, $1,45 gal, Also gard- en tillers, lawn mowers and Wheel Horse garden tractors. Call Robert Glen, phone HU 2- 9292, Clinton. 12-17p LIVEt CK FOR SALE 20 PIGS, 7 weeks old; 4 chick- en ,shelters. Wilmer Reid, Varna. 15b 4 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due April 15; 27 week-old pigs. Wilfrid A GIazier, RR 4, Clin- ton, phone HU 2-3208, 15b JERSEY. COW, due April 18, TB tested, Ken Gibbings, ph+ one HU 2-7419, 15b I 36 PIGS FOR SALE, 7 to 81 weeks old, Contact John Hoog- endoorn, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-742f. 14-5b JERSEY HEIFER, due to freshen first week in May. Don Crich, phone HU 2-7880. 15b —PASTURE WANTED PASTURE FOR 13 BRED Heif- ers. Apply Doug Farquhar, HU 2-9241. 15b PASTURE FOR RENT WOULD LIKE TO PASTURE 10 head of cattle for the sea- son. For information phone Ernie Dale, phone I -TU 2-9224. 15b SERVICES- j DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS , - Call Collect DARLING & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton 14U 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 Phone Seaforth 863w1 Licence 240-C-63 7-tfb Marlatt's., Dead Stock Removal highest cash prices paid for disabled or dead cows and horses over 500 lbs, Please call .bled BRUCE MARLATT Brussels, Ontario phone 133 �4 Hour;; SERVICE License No. 061638 46tfb 172 4 Clinton Coth matkity Auction S01e9 EMY FRIDAY tit 1,10 P -M4 Government fnspebted Scales Caftte Sbld by weight TERMS: CASH JbE COREY, tales MAhagex 130x3' _ MCNA'i A Auctioneer. W, COr4UkOUN, CIerk Ciecoring AUCTION SALE 1=4i•trr Stook and. fal'mr :! ments, alt l?e held an 4Q? Con. 8 MILS,. TuckersMlth 5 miles ScPOI sof 6eafor miles West .of $tofffl, lin WANT90 T41,psday, April TO CLIENT WANTS about 100 at 1;Oo p^ acres, stabling and Pasture fox Cattle-- Registered Her beef cattle, some bush, runningl�'-ill, 5 years, 1 o.ls-lein and stream, large stone or brick eford co�v 6 years. old, a retired; house modernized. 'Write stat- ofd r.i a eek; black cow ing .pri4e, W, C, Pearce, Real- d, d i . in April;Holstein tor, Exeter. 15-16p 6 year" old, due in duly, A' stern cows 7 years old, and rei,red; 2: Holstein h otnhefie O e 1 P 3 years old, Milking, due in yew's cowl DISPERSAL SALE. HglStein Durham cow, 6 years old, due in May; Poll Hereford Of Gh919e Quality Holsteins cow $pars :old .due time of �' m Milking Equipment, P,'ovItry, Stale; 2 yearling heifers; Tderp- Househpld Effects and Miscei- ford, be! 800 Ib„ ,ready for laneous Items. On the premises, market; black, white headed ste- 49t 24. Con, 4, Manley Town er, 750 lbs., ready for market; slip, g/, miles Horth of Bruce- 4 yearling steers, black with field or 31/ mules soirth gf Ciln+ white head, 2 yearing Hereford ton on Highway .4, thence 2 heifers; 3 yearling heifers, black miles west, oro with white 'head,, 3 s p r i n g Tuesday, April 16 calves, at f;QQ P.M. ChOoe Holsteins -- Holstein cow, milking, retired Jan. 20, carrying 5th calf; Holstein cow, milking, rebred Feb, 5th, car, rying third calf; Holstein cow, sulking, rebred March 16, car- eying second calf; Holstein cow, milking,. recently fresh- oned; Holstein ,cow, milking, re, bred Feb, 25, carrying third calf; Holstein cow, recently freshened; 2 Holstein cows, fresh one week. with calves at foot; Holstein thelfer, recently freshened; Holstein cow, fresh two months, calf of foot; 2 Holstein, cows, fresh since Feb. and rebred; Holstein cow, car- rying second calf due in May; Holstein cow, carrying third calf due before 4sale date; 3 Holstein! cows, clue in May; Hol- stein cow, carrying third calf due in April; .Holstein heifer, fresh 3 weeks, calf at foot; Hol- stein Heifer, due in May; 2 Holstein cows, carrying fourth calves, due in May; 2 Holstein open heifers. Please note: recent TB and Brucellosis test negative. An excellent apportunity to pur- chase cows and heifers from top blood lines and .producers. ' Milking Equipment—Surge 2 - unit milker wth piping for 28 IMPLEMENT$ T. Allis Cl al, mers traotor, model >3, recently overhauled; MH -.2 furrow plow, 23 A bottoms; M -H 13 tooth Spring toothed cultivator; M -H double dsc; IHC 13 run fertil� izer drill, with grass box; 3 drum steel, roller 4 section Ira g harrows; 3 section drag harrows; Ands Chalmers 2 row scuffler; M-1-1 bean puller; Case side rake:; IHC drop head hay loader; JD 8 ft, grain binder; farm wagon and racks; McC manure spreader; 2 wheeled railer; Litz grain grnder; 16 t. 4 grain auger with 5 ft. extension: M 11 d ma y grain thrower, with ,pipes, and hopper; 2000 lbs. scales; fanning mill; ,,/heel row e bar Delaval mag- netic 2 unit ,milker, piping and stall cocks, for 1S cows; Viking cream separator; heavy duty three quarter •h.p, .motor; new 3- .h,p, electric motor; 1/4 h p. eleotric motor; 2 Colony houses, 10' by 1.2' -and 8' by 101; 3 range shelters; drinking foun- tains; feeding troughs; a quan- tity of baled hay and many oth- er articles. No Reserve Terms Cash Morley Storey, Proprietor W. E, Nairn A Son; Auctioneers 15b cows, purchased last season.. -In. brand new condition, 8 milk cans, strainer and pails. Poultry --250 choice RedXSus- sex yearling ,hens. Household Effects and Mis- cellaneous Items --Viking 19 in. televison set, like new; propane 4 -burner gas stove; dining room table and chairs; buffet; occas- ional chairs: end stables; centre tables; space heater, like new; oil .stove: 200 gal. -oil tank; fridge; phonograph records; kitchen furniture tand utensils; daybed; sealers and jars; car- penter and garden tools; new set wrench and sockets; block and tackle; cyclone seeder; chains, forks, shovels and other miscellaneous items. Terms; Cash No reserve as the farm is sold. Marinus Kromhout, proprietor Clerk, Garnet Hicks 15b Notice To Creditors In the Estate of LILY SARAH VODDEN, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of 'Huron, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above -lamed who died on the 5th Jay of March, A.D. 1963, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on :)r before the 15th day of April, A.D, 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ng regard only to the claims )f which the undersigned shall :hen have notice, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, :his 22nd day of March, A.D, 1,963. j E. 8, 14iENZ1ES, Clinton, Ontario, I Solicitor for the said Estate. .3-4-5b Notre To Creditors All persons having claims against the estate of ROBERT, JOHN RATHWELL,lateofthe Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1963, are required .to file .the same with full particul- ars with the undersigned by the 20th day of April, 1963, .as after that date the assets of the estate will be- distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 18th day of March, A,D, 1963. HAYS, PREST & HAYS, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. 12-14-15b Flowers yCS'CE�O'upFj��` Telegraphed p Anywhere NraA, oar C. CoOke 1, FLORIST Dial HU 2-7012, Clintons FOR, EA81i'3E1::L ANTTa AFT R I STEP uu IN STYLE FOR EASTER We have a New Suit to Suit you. Choose from complete range of Ail Wool Fine Quality Suits. PRICED FROM $49,50 in Seoson's . Newest Materiafs orad Styles, k �l C r ti TOPCOATS _ ALL-WEATHER COATS `may" HATS ' SPORT COATS Arrow White VIES — SOCKS is Allways Righ# J5WLLERY Opetn Thurt doy► 15vening o ,. . obP & Cam ' ell twited - Main Street diinft6h Phoi MU 1-0732