HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-11, Page 5Eastern Star Hosts WM, Area Visitors The regular meeting of Cl- inton Chapter No. 266, Order Of the Eastern Star, was held on Thursday night, April 4 in the Parish Hall, It being In- spection, there was a good at- tendance of members, as well as visitors from Seaforth, God- erich, Mitchell, Blyth, Exeter, Delaware and Strathroy, DDGM, Mrs, Graham Camp- bell, inspected the chapter and commended the officers for the wonderful work performed, Mrs. William D. Wells who has been appointed a Grand Representative to the State of Mississippi by the Worthy Gr- and Matron, Mrs. Iris Walker, of Windsor, was presented with her Badge, symbolic of this of- fice, by Mrs. Willard Aiken. A very enjoyable social time was spent at the close of the meeting and refreshments were served by Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons and her , committee. HOLMfSVILLE MRS. F. McCULLOUGH Phone HU 2-7418 Mrs, 3. B. 'MacMath, who has been in Clinton Public Hospi- tal for the past two weeks, underwent surgery last Monday. Her many friends will be pleas- ed to know that Mrs. MacMath is progressing nicely, Mr. Ted McCullough, who has been recuperating at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank McCullough, following a serious illness in Hamilton General Hospital, has returned to his work in the Bearnsville branch of the Royal Bank of Canada Mr. Frank Walter, who has been a patient in the hospital in Ingersoll is visiting with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. D. E, Glidden. 0 Four Area Youths Complete 'Walk' (Continued from Page One) ported they wouldn't be afraid to start out on another such jaunt, but Muise was less en= thusiastic after his gruelling walk. "I proved I can make it and I don't think I'd bother again," he stated. Report Uncomplete Unfortunately the names and fate of some of the other walkers is not known, but it is reported at least three others made it as far as Wingham. These were Tom Mountford, Fred Gregory and Louis Van- Lammeren, Four girls who competed ap- parently didn't have too much hoop of completing the trek al- though they all put up a valiant effort. Susan and Sharon Brown, apparently working on a $1.00- a - mile basis on a bet with their father, made it to their expected destination of Lon- desboro. Emma Gregory a n d Gretta VanLammeren didn't quite match the stamina of their brothers in the feat, making it only as far as Belgrave. Others who started in the walk were Jeff Dixon, Clinton; Dean Reid, Adastral Park and Rick Wager, Clinton. It is not known how far these chaps went before they decided they would be better off home in bed. The mark set by Verhoef and Muise was average in compar- ison with other such walks across the country, but it was far oft the record of just a little over nine hours. The local walk was organized by students from CHSS but was not recognized as a school activity. Several car loads of students were on hand to see the walk- ers off at Clinton and kept up a vigil back and forth along the highway until about 3.00 a.m, when most Went home and left the youths to face the lonely night by themselves. Only prize for the finishers was their personal satisfaction and some sore feet. IT mar Two ro mem Gam Zrasoor • MOWER TO GET MoRRED ft • ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS CCWIINAERCOAL RESIDEINMAL RENIODEIMINIa HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST. Clinton Lady To Chair Rally Of Auxiliaries The 15 Nospital Auxiliaries comprising Region two of the Ontario Nospital Association, of which Mrs, Frank Pingland,. Clinton, is chairman, will hold their Spring Conference in eter Thursday, April 25. Registration will be at 10,30 a.m. at South Huron Hospital f011owed by a tour of the Stud- p n t Nurses .assistant's class- rooms, Business meeting and lunch- eon will be held in James Street United Church. The 'speaker will be Asheof Kohn, a native of Pakistan who will compare hospitals in his native country with those in. Canada, The Exeter Auxiliary will be hostesses, A good attendance is expected. Wynyard Sheppard A Clinton man who spent the 77 years of his life in a wheel- chair, Wynyard Sheppard, was buried in Clinton cemetery on Wednesday, April 3. The well-known invalid pas- sed away at Huronview last Monday, after an illness of six months. Born a cripple, he spent the greater part of each year on the main street in a wheelchair, selling pencils and confections to passersby, Residents and businessmen took time out to chat with the friendly gentleman and helped him get his three-wheeled cart from one side of the street to the other. The funeral service was con- ducted from St. Paul's Anglican Church by the Rev. P. L. Dy- mond, Arrangements were han- dled by Beattie funeral home. Pall-bearers included Willard Aiken, Charles Johnston, Hart- ley Managhan, Edward Elliott and Ed Grealis. J. A. Sutter a,n d William McLaughlin acted as flower- bearers, His only survivor was a cous- in, Mrs. Lillian McKinnon, Cl- inton. Thurs., April 11, 1963-,-,c1Inton News-Record..-Page I Thanks for the support extended me at the polls on Monday, and to all those who worked so Ward on my behalf. -Gordon McGavin Spring Furniture Sale Continues In Our Furniture Dept. Many Items at Big Savings Come in and look around often . . Many nationally advertised 'pieces included in this sale. LIVING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESSES and SPRINGS KITCHEN SUITES TRILAN CARPETING LINOLEUM and TILE BALL & MICH 111A Hardware 69 Albert Street Phone HU 2-9505 Quality WHITE Coffee Mugs 6 for $1.08 G.S.W. Electric Kettles SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND $5.95 No. 888 MILLER FALLS Power Unit- 3 TOOLS IN 1 A Powerful 3/8 Drill A 6" Portable Disc Sander A 6" Polisher A Full 5.0 Amp. Rating Reg. $49.95 SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND $39.81 METAL Ironing Boards Full Size $6.95 SPECIAL Plastic Pails 63c ea. Lawn Rakes From 49c SWING-A-WAY Can Opener Wall Type White - With Magnet Reg. $4.95 Special $3.95 SPIN-CAST 5Y2 ft. Fishing Rod $4.95 Spin-Cast Reel with Push Button Control and 6-lb. Test Line $4.95 Reg. for both $9.90 SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND Both for $7.95 PRE-SEASON SPECIAL 2-CYCLE Power Mower ROTARY 18'1 Cut 21/2 H.P. 2 Only-$38.95 CASH and CARRY Economy H•A FEATURE VALUE 'SILICONE' OVEN MITTS . Silicone and broadcloth- qui!. fed throughout. Aluminum coated for hoot resistance. Assorted colours. Complete with hanging loops. REG...974 pr. 69C CASH and CARRY ONLY No Phone Orders OT CANADA. LIMITED Head Office, Winnipeg • Offices in Principal Cities W. G. Campbell Box 659 Seaforth, Ontario Phone 486 YOU CAN SAVE lic A DAY „ . Which means nothing today , „ .but this way it's $1,000 tomorrow. Investors orndriecrto aVfi Cif.; GODER1CH , ONT. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT For The Young Crowd THIS WEEK . . . "The Crescendos" WE CATER TO WEDDINGS, LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, ETC. For Reservations Call Goderich JA 4-9371 or JA 4-9264 Over 300 Greet Prime Minister On Unscheduled Stop At .Clinton (Continued from Page 1) cheer from the crowd and hea- rty recognition from the Prime Minister, "Thank you for that obser, vation," the Prime Minister re- plied, adding that it was one of the most encouraging reports he had received during the cam- paign. Band Performs After a tour of the Dominion Road and Machinery plant at Goderich, the Prime Minister and his official party were es- corted to the Goderich Colle- giate by the Clinton Concert and Marching Band under the direction of George Wonch. Bob Huard led the procession with ills colour party following be- hind, their flags waving gaily in the breeze and the sun glisten- ing from their poles. The gymnasium at the school was jammed to capacity and part of the audience had to sit in an adjacent room to listen to the speeches. Jim Donnelly chaired the pro- gram and speakers included: Roberts; MacNaughton and El- ston Cardiff, as well as the fea- tured performer, Diefenbaker. Mrs. Diefenbaker, Mrs. C. S. MacNaughton and Mrs. May Mooney, Goderich deputy-reeve, were each presented with cor- sages by a set of Goderich trip- lets and Donnelley's daughter. The Prime Minister, despite his arduous campaign,iappeared quitte fresh and brought rounds of laughter and applause with his jibes at the Liberal oppos- ition and members of the press. At one time he leaned for- ward on the podium and it mov- ed forward as well. He quickly stepped back and reported he better be careful or he would be down in the audience. Looking down at the press table directly in front of him, he pointed a finger and jokingly noted, "it I go down crashing it will be on the press." The Prime Minister outlined many of his party's policies and repeated his frequent statement that the "oposition" had only been interested in obstructing his government in the last par- liament. After naming the local can- didate "Lew" (Cardiff) as an autstanding representative, he said he wanted "my friend back in parliament." He ended his speeeh on ;humorous note, reporting the Liberals wanted a "stable" gov- ernment "If they want a stab- le government they should be kept out op the pasture a little longer." he stated. He said the best example of a stable government was when the Liberals had horses on their payroll at Camp Pettawawa. Tri his brief remarks, Cardiff listed some of the area's ac- complishments and noted the extensive work undertaken on the harbors at Goderieh, Bay- field and Grand Bend. He also listed several post offices that had been built in the area and reported the Clin- t ton building would start "very soon," stating the delay had been caused because a suitable location could not be found to suit the taxpayers. Another speaker at 'the event was Goderich mayor, Ernie Fish- er. who opposed Cardiff in the federal election last June. He paid tribute to the work of Cardiff and MacNaughton, saying he wanted to give credit where credit is due. "I would have been more re- luctant to do this nine months ago," he jokingly explained. 0 'Love' Topic Of Ontario Street UCW Devotions Ontario Street UCW, Group One met on Tuesday, April 8 with the president, Mrs. George Potter presiding, The meeting opened by sing- ing a hymn after which Mrs. Herd took the devotions topic, "Love". Mrs. Jean Radford then gave an Easter reading. Mrs. George Potter gave a report of the UCW district meeting at Goderich and Miss E. Wiltse gave two instrument- als, Group 1 and 2 are invited to the' Presbyterian Church Th.: ankoffering on April 17 and to Turners Church on April 11 and Wesley-Willis Church on April 28. The next general meeting will be May 8. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Crich and her group. WE WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY EVENING (April 11) For Your Shopping Convenience STEDMAN 5c to $1.00 Store Weekend Feature: EASTER LILLIES 49 cents per bloom NIAATEA L EceREI OF V c:-.011;111111e CILTON E WIN LATEX #11 4IP I A I CILTONE Semi-Gloss • For woodwork and trim . In colors matched to CILTONE Satin Latex Colors NOW-Quart $3.00 Gallon $9.35 Dealing, paint your home. Paint yourself a Masterpiece ED -with famous C-I-L Paints. Developed in Canada to meet Canadian needs by Canadian Industries Limited. Sutter-Perdue Ltd. C-I-L PAINT DEALER Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 2-7023 CLINTON CILTONE Satin Latex • Dries in 20 minutes • Goes on easier, covers better than other latex paints NOW Quart $2.85 Gallon $8.90 , SPECIAL MEATS at EASTER Food FITZSIMONS . Fair ,, Where ALL MEATS are Feileral Approved Legs per Grade Breasts and lb. "A" 590 ,, •7N ..,, '-. lrongN4CHICKEN :. Ili llik „ . 1 k , ii .. . ho n:: ifi ,:„.i,.., • A '1 OA iiiP eis i. ALL OUR MEATS ARE FEDERAL INSPECTED Fresh Pork Shoulder - - lb. 35g ALL OUR MEATS ARE FEDERAL INSPECTED Boneless TENDERIZED -21/2 to 3V2 lbs. HAM - - - lb. 790 ALL OUR MEATS ARE FEDERAL INSPECTED SPARE RIBS - - - (Full 0 Dressing) lb. 49 • CHIP With Phone DIP (ONION, Purchase 30o DILL or BARBECUE) of Chips at Reg.. Price HU 2-9412 We Deliver PAINT NOW ON SALE AT D. A. KAY & SON PAINT SHOP - 33 HURON ST. CLEAROUT OF ODD COLORS AND PITTSBURG ' SEMI-GLOSS FLAT WALL L B C-INTERIOR Pastel Colors MATCHING FINISHES OF LOWE BROS. PAINTS from 89c to 1.59 qt. Gal. $3.00 LATEX SATIN qt. 1.39 gal. 5.79 SEMI-GLOSS qt. 2.10 gal. 7.39 ROOM LOT SALE OF WALLPAPER STILL ON PITTSBURG WALLHIDE SATIN FINISH LATEX Quarts--reg. 2.75 Sale 1.95 Gals.--reg. 8.75 ..... Sale 6.35 SATIN ENAMEL Quarts-reg. 3.35 Sale 2.45 Gals.-reg. 11.30 Sale 7.95 D. A. KAY & SON - HU 2-9542 Your Headquarters For PAINTS - WALLPAPER - DRAPERIES AND PAINTING SUPPLIES 'THE Timtvriatie ROOM' ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HURON STREET WEST-- CLINTON Entertainment Friday and Saturday Nights By The "Standard Five" Dining Room Specials Both Nights Chicken In A Basket Barbecued Spare Ribs DINING ROOM OPEN Good Friday & Easter Sunday 12 noon to 8.30 p.m. Enjoy Home Cooking OUR DINING ROOM IS SERVING FULL COURSE MEALS EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON TO MIDNIGHT