HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-04, Page 7Present Equipment for Auburn Hall Three dinner wagons and two large plastic tubs Mrs. Gordon Dobie, assistant leader; Mrs. Keith were donated to the Auburn Community Hall by Machan, assistant in 1954; Bert Craig, president of 4-H club members of the Auburn district. This the Hall board; Mrs. Wes Bradnock; leader of the project was started back in 1954, and with the aid club since 1954 and Mrs. Bert Craig, president of of present members, finally completed. Leaders of the Auburn WI which sponsors 4-H • clubs in the the club back in 1954 were Mrs. Wes Bradnock and community. (Photo By Bradnock) Mrs. Keith Machan. Shown above from the left are: / Thum. conton .Nuys-R:qcpr4,Posp.14 LOANS $50 to $5,000 at ATLANTIC FINANCE CORPORATION 41MITED Phone HU 2-3486 7 Rattenbuty St, Clinton Glenn McCreary, Branch Manager •-• FARMERS •-• Spring is Here! FOR YOUR SEEDING REQUIREMENTS WE CARRY GRASS SEEDS from Jones, tv‘acNaughton Seeds," SEED GRAIN . from Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. FERTILIZER in stock. CERESAN M for treating your own grain at home, • LEGUMENAID,INNOCULANT for Alfalfas and Trefoil. • WARWICK SEED CORN H. F. Wettlaufer Street• FEED MILL HUP12-9792 Classified Ads Bring Results FREE Fuel Oil SERVICE WE WILL SUMMER CLEAN-OUT. 13AY LABOUR CHARGES ON YOUR WE WILL NO HEAT EMERGENCY CALLS PAY SERVICE CHARGES ON ALL THkouGHou'r THE HEATING SEASON, YOU CAN WISH—HE WILL CHARGE US, CHOOSE THE SERVICE MAN YOU FOR CAREFREE HEATING . . CALL A. G. GRIGG and SON PHONE HU 2.9414 CLINtON for this one-hand operated grease gun with each carton of 60 Esso MP Grease Cartridges ..04.44A.qb4, NEW Esso PISTOL MATIC A high-quality, one-hand operated grease gun, complete with 12' flexible extension hoSe. Low sso retail price Of 38.25, Yours new at a saving of $5.25 when you purchase one carton of 60 EsSci MI) Grease Cartridges! The sure, economical way to keep gout equipment in top working condition. Get one Soon frown yaw Imperial Esso Agent. NEW Etso CHAINSAVl tworLuat The first and only dual ptapose chains= oil in Canada that will do both jobs in your chaltisaW1 [laroldt\IL Black phone HU 23873 AGENT tan'v,ti tiUtIMt . 11.4 t t A t4. I L.., L. Iitifttt 11, Order Your ... SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Through Clinton Feed Mill With the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Service Plant only a few miles away — at Mitchell — we con give you prompt delivery on your particular grade of fertilizer. CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street — CLINTON — Phone HU 2-3815 A ... eeseeKeseeseeee es,......f <•. WHY SHUR-GAIN SELECTED-GRANULATED FERTILIZER IS BETTER Shur-Gain Selected-Granulated Fertilizers are made by carefully blending the different fertilizer materials then granulating and drying the mixture. Then it is carefully screened to remove dust and fine particles, to select the particles for uniformity of size. Shur-Gain Fertilizer is the most selectively screened fertilizer in Ontario, and, it gives you even crop feeding, better uptake of all phosphorous content, even drilling, no bridging in the drill, and far less dust. Selected-Granulated Quality is only one of the many benefits r offered by Shur-Gain Fertilizer. Others are- 0 SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER IN BULK. The fasts modern way to handle fertilizer, delivered in bulk right to you or you can haul your 046n from our plants for even greater savings. 0 PROVINCE-WIDE SERVICE. A network Of plants and Warehouses nesure you of getting the analyses yott need just when yott need them. Mt BULK SPREADING SERVICE. If you are not equipped -to spread your own, MOD. Gain's Spreading Service costs little more than bagged goods, saves you time and labottr. fa LELY SPREADERS. They spread a. 40' swath and can be had from Shur4Gain plants for a nominal rental fee. Fee tonlplete SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Service—calf yotir local SHUR-GAIN Agent or SHOHAM FERTILIZERS MITCHELL phone 348.9012 aTtmai Auburn and District MRS. WES SRADNOCK—Correspondent—Phone 526-7595 ri• Grey Township Federation. Colborne Township News Item contributed by Jamieson Ribey, RR d, Goderich 11 Elmer Hunter was elected president of Colborne Township branch of the Federation of Agriculture at the annual meeting of that body in the township hall at Carlow, Thurs- day evening, when the election of officers and directors was held. Mr. Hunter succeeds Allan Stoll as president for 1963. Other officers elected were: Elmer Fisher, first vice-presi- dent, and Russell Kernighan, second vice-president. Directors by school sections, are as fol- lows: No. 1, Jamieson, Ribey; AUBURN — Mr, and Mrs„ William Cory, Egmont St„ Au, burn, will observe their Golden Wedding Anniversary on April 8 and Mr. CerY will observe his 80th birthday on that same date, Mr. and Mrs Cory were mar- ried at Carlow at the home. of Tateher parents,, the d Rv, the Smith enw Laing, minister tb hill Presbyterian Church at that time, officiated for the The attendants were Mrs. Harry M.cCool. and Robert Bean of Carlow.- Following their marriage they 1 -,elided on a farm on the Nile Lo Dungannon road. They mov, ed later to the farm where Chester McPhee now lives and then to the farm where Joe Hickey now resides. Retiring from a farming car- eer in 1947 they moved to the village where they now reside. They are both members of Knox United Church, Auburn. Mr. Cory was born at Bo*- , tnanville and was a member of a family of six children and is .a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Cory. He• spent his early life near the Nile but Nolo Auburn Couple WM Nark 50th -Wedding Anniversary, Monday St. Mark's Anglican Church was redecorated last week. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Davies re- -turned on Sunday evening from a month's vacation spent in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and Connie, Port Huron, visit- ed recently with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craig. Mr. William, Rathbun, Hills- burg, is visiting with his dau- ghter, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mr. Haines, Margaret and Eddie. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parks, Dungannon visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. George Lawlor and Mr. Lawlor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor visited the Home and Garden Show at London last Friday., Mrs. John Arthur returned home, last week after several weeks a patient in Clinton hospital. Mrs. Laura Fowler, Goderich is a patient in Victoria Hosp- ital, London where she under- went surgery last week. Her many friends in this community wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mildred Wettleufer, Tav- istock, is visiting with her cous- in, Mrs. Tom Haggitt, Mr. Hag- gitt and family and other rel- atives in this district, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wie- mann, Seaforth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Tiechert and family and Mr. and Mrs, Pete Hellinga and family. Mrs. Margaret Clark was ta- ken to Clinton hospital last week by ambulance. Her ,many friends wish her a speedy re- covery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur and Jayne visited on Sunday with the lady's sister, Mrs. Wilda Clatworthy and her mother, Mrs. Fred Taylor, Gr- anton. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay, Barbara and john were London visitors last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Weir, Joan and Bob. Mr, Weir is still a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Sharon and Murray, Mitchell, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Daer and Mr, Robert Daer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aitch- eson, Kitchener, spent the week- end with his sister, Mrs. Her- bert Govier. Mr. Larne Aitch- eson, Mitchell, also visited his sister last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Kruse and daughter Elizabeth, Kit- chener, and Mr. William Ander- son, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anderson and Miss Nancy. Mr. Herman Chamney, Wind- sor and his son, Bill also of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chamney, Wingham, and Miss Dorothy Chamney, R,N., Lon- den, visited With Mr. and MrS. Robert Chamney. MrS. Gary Girling and Den- ise, MiSS Marie Youngblut and Miss June' ottngblut, all Of Woodstock, visited with their aunt, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Mr. Sanderson, Misses 13arbara, Margaret and Mary Sanderson over the weekend. Mn and Mrs, Craig Peters and 20 Martha's of the- Clinton baptist Church went to the gaithby sugar bush last Sat- iirday -evening to See how maple syrup is Made, Mr, Prailt Ttaithby shOWeel the method of how the sap is gathered from the 600 tapped Maple trees and how it is evaporated, Mrs. ttaithby served sandWiches and cookies when they returned from their trip. About 50 Young People from the surrounding district attend- ed the" Evensong on Sunday ev- ening of the AYPA of the Hu- ron Diocese at Blyth Trinity Church. Rev. R. Meally led in the service assisted by visiting rectors. A short meeting of the Auburn-Blyth AYPA was held at the close of the service with Floyd Smith presiding. Plans were made to hold a bowling Party at the Clinton lanes. Girls Keep Fit The Auburn Angels 4-H Club held their seventh meeting in the Club room of the Commun- ity Memorial Hall with a good attendance. Lynda Andrews, the president was in' charge of the meeting which opened with the Pledge followed by the minutes read by Rose. Marie Haggi.tt. The. roll call was answered by each member showing her sample of slip stitch which will go in the record book. The covers were discussed and it was decided that Jill Rev' W. G. Rose AUBURN---Funeral services were held in London on Satur- day for: the late Rev. W. G. Rose; minister. of Bryanston United Church who passed away in Victoria hospital after a short illness. The late Rev. W. G. Rose was minister of the Auburn Un- ited Church charge during 1942 and, 1943 and he made many friends in this district while serving his church in this field. He has been serving the Bry- anston church for the past two years. Previously he had served at Harcourt Memorial church, Guelph, for five years; St, An- drews Church, St. Thomas for four years; Homedale United Church and as assistant minis-. ter at Trinity Church, Ingersoll. The funeral service was held at First St. Andrew's Church, London with burial in Mount Pleasant cemetery. A graduate of University of Toronto, Mr. Rose received his theological training at Knox College, Toronto, He was the son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Rose of Elmira: Surviving are his wife; laugh, ter, Mrs. John A: (Nancy) Mc- Nee, London; Mrs, C, Fraser (Ina) Hunt, Springfield, Mass.; son, Rev. Hugh A. A. Rose, Smith Falls; sister, Mrs, Char: les H. Hair, Toronto; brother, Dr. G. Blair Rose, Clairsholnle, Alta.; and nine grandehildren. Bennett would make the stenc- ils for the club member's book. The girls discussed their ex- hibit for Achievement day, "How to look your best", and one will be appointed at the next meeting to be the corn- By Ray Houston RR 2, Brussels Secretary for Grey Township Ethel Community Centre was the scene of a very interesting meeting, when the new voca- tional schools were discussed and explanations given. to ques- tions of interest. Since Grey Township is split into three different high school areas with Listowel being the largest, the discussions were led for this area by Mr. W. H. Jack, principal and Mr. Earl Zurbrigg, guidance teacher. Since Listowel school is a large unit all pupils will be taken there where they will spend their full time. Mr. Jack stated that vocational schools are not new and have been in operation since the turn of the century. At Seaforth District High School those from Grey will be taken to Seaforth and then will go on to the Central. Huron School at Clinton. Seaforth, school was represented by Prin- cipal Lawrence Plumsteel and guidance teacher Mr. Archie Dobson. The entire course was well presented by Mr. Dobson. .• The four teachers then form- ed a panel and answered many questions from the audience. This is just the first of several meetings, stated Mr. Plumsteel, because only .now do I see that both parents and students do not just altogether understand what this all means and the decisions are big ones to make in some cases. Throughout the meeting musi- cal numbers were much enjoy- ed. Miss Nancy Strickler play- ed a piano -solo, while Mr. Ro- bert Cunningham favoured with two solos. Mr: Zurbrigg and Mr. Cunningham teamed up to lead community The event was sponsored by Temperance Topic Main Discusslon At Animrn IJCW The general meeting of the United Church Women of Knox United Church was held in the Sunday school room of the ch- urch with a good attendance, The theme of the meeting was Temperance and the opening thoughts were read by Mrs. Ro- bert Arthur, The meeting was opened by singing a hymn with Mrs. Wil- liam J. Craig at the piano. Mrs. George Malian read passages of scriptures which dealt with the theme. The offering was received by Mrs. Roy Easom and Miss Viola Thompson followed with prayer by Mrs. Elliott Lapp. A film on the subject of temp- erance was shown after which • Rev. Charles Lewis led in the study of the second chapter of the study book,• "The Word and the Way." This was followed by group discussions. Mrs. John Durnin was in charge of the business period and the minutes were read and adopted followed with reports from the conveners. The UCW are prepared for their annual spring bale for overseas relief. It was stated that the need is great for clean used clothing especially for chil- dren, but no shoes. Yard goods, yarn, worn out nylons and old sheets for band- ages are needed, The bale will he packed the last week of April. - Mrs. Durnin closed the meet- ing with prayer and lunch was served by the Unit in charge. 2, Bob Jewell and Arnold Fish- er; 3, Donald Haines; 4, Neil Lowey; 5, Alvin Adkin; 6, Bill Clutton; 7; Bill Fisher; 8, Frank Baer; 9, James Horton; Union, Doug McNeil. went west to Saskatchewan for lqyears where he was a Stone. mason. Mrs..cery is a member of 4 family of MOO and lived her early life in. the Carlow .district, Mrs. Cory has two sisters, Mrs. Hugh. (Selina) Mil, Goderich; Mrs. William (May). Godericb;. two brothers, .Robert and David Bean, both of Car„ low. Mr. Cory has one brother, Melvin Cory, Edmonton, .Alta„ and sister, Mrs. Robert (Ellen) Dorston of Daulphin, Manitoba. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cory on this occasion of their Golden wed- ding day. a 45th Wedding Day For Snell Couple Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell, Lon- cleshoro, entertained at their home in honour of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Snell, on Saturday, March 30, the occa- sion being the 45th wedding an- niversary of their parents. This family party also mark- ed the 18th wedding annivers- ary of Mr. and Mrs. John Snell's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Fisher, as well as being the birthday of Mr. Ray The Snell. immediate family memb- ers numbering 28, sat down to a delicious turkey dinner at a table attractively centred by a two-tiered wedding cake which had been made and decorated by Mrs. Ray Snell, The couple received many cards of congratulations from their friends and family as well as lovely gifts, To make the evening com- plete, little Ricky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snell, was able to be home for the weekend from the Sick Children's Hospi- tal in London. mentator for the three minute speech. Mrs. Gordon Dobie outlined the steps in making a bound buttonhole and Mrs. W, Brad- nock demonstrated how one is made, The members all took part in the physical fitness program as outlined in the project and to the record on these exercises. The girls participated led by Jannett Dobie, The girls worked on their sewing of their dusters a n d then the meeting was closed with the Mary Stewart Col- lect,