HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-04-04, Page 6Trinity WA At
Diehl Home ..for
Aptit .6athering
trule 'Westlake
o:-.oured At.
E.! .al Shower,
Mark Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Walter (Wattie) Layton, Bay,
field, marked their 50th wedding anniversary with
a family celebration on the Layton homestead,
Saturday. One of the persons present at the fete
was the bride's mother, Mrs. Helen Dalrymple,
Clinton Lady Attends 50$ Wedding
Celebration of Daughter, Bayfield
pale 14,ctiPtP0 Thqrs,...Apfil 4? '43
28 Huron St.
Are All Available Through Your Loco! realer
CLINTON FEED MILL HUPh26-1 5 Published, by Huron Progr sive Conservative AssodiatiOn
If you want a government in Canada for
Canadians, then give Diefenbaker a
working majority on April 8.
The Conservative Candidate in Huron
,pa WE0
$1,E0' AIN
GRASS orot owomE
Hybrid Corn
RR 2, Henson
Mr. and Mr's, Stuart Watson,
Bob and Jim, Puncles, visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Watson on Sunday,
Miss Shirley Brandon, B...,
has been doing substitete
teaching in Central Huron Se-
condary School. at Clinton.
Dr, and Mrs. Dougald Thane
and family, London, were at
their home here for the week-
Mrs. Brian crime and Derek,
London are staying. with her
husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. G. Ben chamber,
Mr, and Mrs, K. Ferguson,
Bill and Della Lou spent Sunday
in London with Ken Ferguson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Arkell
and Mr. and Mrs, Adam Flow-
ers were in Preston on Tues-
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Franck
and Miss Mary Franck, Strath-
roy, spent Saturday in the vill-
Mr, and Mrs, Charles Parker
and Bonnie, Scarboro, spent the
weekend with his mother, Mrs.
J, H. Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Warner,
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine
motored to Chatham and Leam-
ington on Sunday,
Mrs. A. A. Armstrong re-
turned to her home on t h e
Bronson Line last week after
having spent the winter with
her sister, Mrs. C. W. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Talbot
and baby daughter, who have
been occupying Len Talbot's
house on Clan Gregor Square
moved to Hensel]. on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Watson returned to ,Detroit on
Tuesday after having been at
their home "Gregor House"
from Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeple,
Port Dover, were the guests of
her brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Utter from,
Tuesday to Thursday.
Mrs. J. E. Howard returned
home on Tuesday after visiting
her brother-in-law , and sister
Rev. and Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby,
Mooretown, from Sunday morn-
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Oddleif-
son came on Monday to spend
this week at their. home on
Main Street after having visited
relatives in Toronto over the
Mrs. Lloyd Westlake, Ricky,
Catherine and Paul, who were
here almost three weeks owing
to her parents illness, returned
to Kitchener on Sunday with
her husband, Corporal West-
lake, OPP.
Miss Shirley Brown, Auburn
and Gary Jewitt, Londesboro,
student teachers from Strat-
ford Teacher's College, are do-
ing practice teaching this week
under Mrs. Willicun E. Parker
in Bayfield Public School.
Miss Beverly Sparks spent
the weekend in Goderich with
Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Jones. Con-
gratulations go to Beverly who
won the junior elementary prize
in the Royal Canadian Legion
Public . Speaking contest for
Kincardine, Seaforth, Exeter
arid Goderich area in Goderich
on Saturday.
F/O Pat Worth, Gireh, Mani-
toba, who with his family oc-
cupied William Ferguson's resi-
dence while stationed at RCAF
Station Clinton, about 10 years
ago„ called on Mr. and Mrs.
B. Hove)/ on Sunday. He is
on a six-week course et RCAF
Station .Centralia,
plump ,Boat
The fishing tugs are able to
get out between the piers and
up the shore 4 bit but not far
enough to set nets yet.
However, when they made a
trial run, T. and T. Castle die-
covered that at a higher speed
the "Dierigill" vibrated which
indicated possible propeller
They employed Adams Crane
Service, Goderich, to lift the
stern up on Monday and discov-
ered that the ice had bent the
propeller shaft. This has had
to be replaced,
The °Dungill" had been moor-
ed at the south dock in front
of the Castle fish house all
To Decorate Chureh
The Chancel guild of Trinity
Church met at the borne of
Mrs. J, W, Jewett on Tuesday
evening, March 26, with eight
members present,
Mrs. J. Cluff presided.
The meeting was opened with
the members' prayer and the
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison read the
scripture and offered prayer,
Plane were discussed for the
Easter decoration of the church
and it was decided to order
Easter lilies and cut flowers.
Mrs. J, W. Jowett and Mrs.
J. B. Higgins are on altar duty
for April.
The rector closed ,with the
Mrs. Percy Weston then pre-
sided for an executive meeting
of Trinity Church Guild to plan
for the father and son banquet
for the Scounts and Cubs.
This was necessary since the
regular meeting had been post-
poned owing to illness amongst
the membership at ,the time.
Mrs. J. W. Jowett served re-
freshments and a social hour
was enjoyed.
Visit Game Reserve
On Monday, Mrs. J. E. How-
ard accompanied the Rev. and
Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby, Moore-
town, to the Jack Miner bird
sanctuary at Kingsville.
At the home farm of 200 acres
are the traps for banding the
birds when they come for food.
et was not being used while
they were there, but the 90-acre
farm across the road was cov-
ered with flocks of wild geese
and swans.
They were advised to go to •
the lake, half a mile distant. It
was a bit foggy but as far as
they could see the lake was
literally covered with wild geese
swans, ducks, and other water
Larson, president, chaired the
Meeting of Trinity Branch
man's Auxiliary at the home of
Mrs, Carl Diehl. on Thursday
Mrs. Pe A. FeetherSton. was
at the piano for the singing of
the hymn "Be Thou My .Quard-
Ian and My Guide",
The Rev, B, J, B, Harrison
conducted. the Litany and open-
ing prayers.. Mrs. Emerson
Heard read the scripture and
Mrs. J. 13. Higgins filled her
role of seeretaay,
Mrs. le, F. Gairdner, tre
easurer, reported the net pro-
ceeds of the Pancake Supper
which was down slightly from
last year, and August 23 was
set as a tentative date for a
bake sale.
Mre, R. H. F. Gairdner, edu-
cational secretary spoke of the
Anglican Congress in Toronto
in August, as to why it was
being held,
It is to stir us up to realize
what our church really holds
for us, she said, "We in this
generation stand in judgement,
forgetting the blessings of our
church. Lent comes es an op-
portunity to all faiths and all
churches to repent and realize
what we have is precious."
Mrs. Gairdner introduced an-
other study book "Anglican
Moseic" the foreword of which
was given by the rector, the
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison,
An interesting fact was that
the prayer book of the various
churches comprising the Angli-
can Communion have petitions
peculiar to their geographical
For instance, the Old Church
of ErigIhrid does not carry a
petition to God to save us from
earthquakes, but the revised
Canadian. Book of Communion
prayer includes it.
' Mrs. C. Diehl led, in the
Prayer Partners prayer and the
rector said the concluding pr-
Mrs, J. B. Higgins, hostess,
was assisted in serving tea by
Mrs. G. N. Rivers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ruston
and family, Russelldale, visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Kercher and Ross.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
and boys visited on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs: Er-
lyn Wilken, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule,
Exeter, were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mellis.
Stanley Sallies
The sixth meeting of Stanley
Sallies was held on Wednesday
after school at the home of
Mrs. E. Consitt with four girls
present. Wendy Jones presided
over the meeting.
The roll call was "to show a
sample of slip stitching". Miss
Gilchrist, home economist was
at the meeting and showed how
Mrs. Helen Dalrymple had an
unusual experience, Saturday,
when she was present to help
mark the 50th wedding anniver-
sary of her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
(Wattle) Layton, Bayfield.
The proud mother of the
blushing bride of 50 years ago
is now 95.
The family celebration was
marked on the Layton home-
stead, now being farmed by the
couple's eldest son, Ed.
The couple farmed on that
location for 48 years before
they retired to Bayfield. They
have three other children, Glen
and Keith, both of Stanley
Township and Mrs. Gordon
(Verna) Hildebrand, Seaforth.
Mr. Layton is well-known
throughout Huron, having been
a custom thresher for a number
of years. His wife, the former
Mary Walters, is a native of
Tuckersmith Township.
They were married on April
2, 1913.
A turkey supper was enjoyed
to make scuffs to match the
She also brought a record
and the girls did exercises to
Next meeting, April 3, is on
"Care of the hair" and the
group are planning to go to
the Be-N-Jay Beauty Salon
in Hensall for a demonstration
on shampooing and setting the
Anne Westlake, a bride-
elect of March 30, was honored
at a miscellaneous shower at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Scotchmer on Thurs.,
day evening, March
It was arranged by Mrs,
George Simons and Miss Char-
lene Seotchrner,. About 45 lad-
ies attended,
Three amusing contests were
enjoyed, after which Miss Char-
lone ScatehMer read an address
and Wendy .Greer and Cathy
Grainger carried in a decorated.
clothes basket laden with gifts,
Miss Westlake opened the
beautiful gifts and expressed
her thanks and appreciation to
'The ladies served lunch which
rounded out .a very happy even
ing. -
In the former Oscar Switzer Office—Huron Street
Between Groves Electric and Vodden Jewellers.
Bus Transportation from Canton
to hear
In Goderich on Saturday
Leaves Murphy's Garage at 12:15 p.m.
has no
Will the person or persons
who removed the 14" aluminum
4-blade wheel windmill from
carport at my residence in
Bayfield, please return same.--
(Signed) Casey Atkinson.
'rile Silage corn with a PLUS!"
Competitive Prices on
Clinton Farm Supply
ttention Clinton Voters
For Transportation to the Pops on
Election Day April 8
Phone HU 2-7332
Information and Assistance Available at
Clinton Progressive Conservative
Committee Room
by the family at the Saturday
fete and many beautiful gifts
and cards were received by the
Also present for the occasion
was a brother of the bride, Ed
Walters, Saskatchewan.
I Am Spatting Cattle
and will orange truck
loads in the district.
If you have any cattle
you would like to send
to Corbett, phone
345 W 1 HeriSdi
Cernmisrion: $3.00
and experience
was never more
Ladies Night For
Pons Club
At Zurich Hotel
needed than today
Something new for corn growers is
the Cytrol—Aero Urea—Atrazine
Program. Spray Cytrol at 1 gallon
per acre as soon as quackgrass is
established in the spring. After 11-10
days when the quackgrass turns
white, ploW or cultivate. Aero Urea
supplies fast-acting and. long-last-
ingnitrOgenin an easy-to-use form
.Aero Urea—the biggest bag of nitro-
gen, you can buy; lets you apply
nitrogee }.'."ore platting. Broad-
cast 101,-3uv lbs. per acre and work
in. As another step towards the con-
trol of most weeds, after planting,
let the gronnd. settle until just be-
fore or after emergence. Then spray.
Atrazine at 4 lb. of 50% per acre.
BAYFIELD — About 50 at-
tended the Bayfield Lions Club
Ladies' Night at the Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, on Tuesday,
March 26.
The head table was attrac-
tively decorated with golden
roses in purple and gold vases.
(The flowers were later given
to the ladies as favours.)
Lion Grant Stirling was
master of ceremonies and pre-
sident Harvey Coleman wel-
comed the guests, Lions and.
The toast to the ladies was
proposed by Lion Russell Kerr',
and responded to by Mrs. Jack
The guest speaker was Dep-
uty District Governor William
Lumby, Goderich.
Winners of the draw were
Mrs. E. Schilbe, Mrs, W. Lum-
by, Mee. Ken Teeple (Port Dov-
er), Mrs. James Cameron, Miss
Edith Beatty,
Morris Lavolie, chief engin-
eer at RCAF Clinton, delighted
all with colored views of the
various countries in which he
had worked and lived in the
last few years.
Illustrated were the native
dregs, places of worship, re-4
ligious symbole, architeCture, in
surrounding areas int thailand,
Hong Kong, Siam, Tokyo and
Honolulu. Of all the places he
had been the latter was the
most beautiful,
A Short movie filth of the
fashion show last year was pro-
looted by Adam Flowers with
commentary tape-corded by
Mrs, Arkell,
Renierhher the program-Control queckgtass with Cytrol; keep yields up with Aero Urea ; orate! broad-leaved Weeds With AtraZinti
:10-41..M.44.3114r X.E/
Cyanamid or Canada Limited, Montreal x, Quebec