HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-03-28, Page 9County . .'Eiudget .Reaches me Rate Maintained With Aid- of Surplus BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. • . F. Wettiaufer Mary Street FEED MILL HUPI12°-9;92 Clinton Memorial. Shop T. PRYDE and SON CUNTON — EXETER — SEAFORTF1 Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other limes contact Local Representative—A. W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21tfb IIIIIIIMMINNIMINIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIN111‘1.1111111.1110., WIMP PLANT AR WEB SEED GRAIN GRASS and LEGUME SEED JACQUES and P. A. 6. Hybrid Corn HAAPALA SWEET DENT "The Silage Corn with a PLUS!" --0 Competitive Prices on ELMIRA FERTILIZERS SEE Clinton Farm Supply For . QUALITY THAT PAYS! •" Don't forget your Bonus Award! Right now trade in your old water heater and you'll receive a special bonus cheque for $15.00 (no strings attached)! This special offer is good only up to and including March 30thi 1963. So choose now from a variety of leading makes and models. All carry the Canadian Gas Association seal of approval! This young mother needs an automatic Gas water heater! Nothing can beat Natural Gas—the fastest method of all. In addition, Gas water heating costs mere pennies a day. That means more hot water—all the time at less cost to you. Gas water heaters are clean, mod- ern, and compleiely dependable. UNION S COMPANY Cyanamid of Canada Limited, Montreal 2, Quebec SERVING THE MAN WHOSE BUSINESS IS AGRICULTURE AERO PHOS ptiospturt,. FEArriLizRs. CYANAMID FERTILIZERS Are All Available Through ho Your Local Dealer 2$ Huron St. Pne CLINTON CLINTON FEED MILL HU 2-3813 Huron county tax levy will be 15 mills next year, if high, level of road and bridge construction is to be maintain- ed, and even with this increase Of one mill "it will take eare-• NI planning 411.0 financing to complete all the programs nec- essary," council was advised by Clerk-treasurer .John G. Berry in his report at the March ses- sion, The rate is held at 14 mills this year only by drawing upon stirplus funds in the amount. of $110,000, and "we must stab aline our program from this date on," the treasurer said. "Originally our mill rate was seven mills for general purpos- es and seven for highways. We altered this ratio in order that the highways would receive eight mills to step up the pro- gram, and at the same time the general rate was cut back to six mills plus the surplus funds we have been able to accumu- late, This cannot parry on in- definitely." Including the transfer from surplus, council budgeted f o r a record total revenue of $2,- 224,334, of which $899,944 will be raised by county rates and an estimated $1,164,790 through provincial grants. Estimated expenditure of $2,207,435 includes $1,665,300 for roads. "We are spending half a million more than we have ever spent in the county before," county engineer James Britnell reported, "and if the road from Brussels north is approved we Will spend $2,000,000. We Are Also Taking Orders For SEED GRAIN with a full "range of samples from Alex M. Stewart & Son Ltd. We can also supply you with local grown SEED OATS. For Your FERTILIZER Requirements We Stock C-I-L. FERTILIZERS For Treating Your Own Grain We Have CERESAN M Two development roads are in the budget, $80,000 at Sea, forth and $347,000 from Sea- forth to Walton, cost of both being paid by the Ontario Pe, partment of Highways, Work ..on the road within ,Seaforth will be carried out by the county, the other by con- tract to be awarded as early as possible in this year,. The road committee's report mentioned that the members. had ,visited Hon- C. S, Mae- Naughton, highways minister, February 11 and requested that he consider providing funds to carry out complete construe, tion, with exception of paving, on Huron Development Road PE-669 in 1963, The committee also requested designation of County Road 4 as a development road from Creditors to Highway 81, a distance of 10.25 miles. The one first mentioned is from- Walton through Brussels to Highway 86, May Extend Time Due to the severe winter and possibility of a late spring thaw it may be necessary to enforce the half-load restrictions beyond April 30 to May 15. A bylaw has been prepared but will not go into effect unless warranted. Mr. Britnell mentioned again the plan to 'replace cold mix pavements or hot mix with a more economical driving surface of a prime and a double surf- ace treatment, the cost being less than half that of a cold mix and one-third that of a hot mix paving, Asked by Reeve Glenn Fisher Exeter, for more details, he said the cost was $3,500 to $4,000 a mile. "It is a waterproof, dust-free driving surface, maintenance of which we are hoping will. be low", he added. There is a trial section of a mile and a quarter north of Brussels. I am a little doubtful about snow plowing effects on it." Report of the agriculture and reforestation committee, as it is now called, told of a dele- gation to the annual meeting of the Plowman's Association in Toronto, with a view to gathering information about the international match. Seek Jnformation "There is quite a lot of in- formation to be. gathered yet," said Reeve J. R, Adair, Wing- ham, chairman. "We will be able to bring in a better re- port in June." Meantime, the wardens and personnel committee has recom- mended that all members of the agricultural committee at- tend plowing matches from 1963 to 1966, inclusive, to seek information which may be use- ful. Clerk-treasurer Berry's re- port had a reference also: "In the future, not too far distant, will he our 1966 Inter- national Plowing Match and in 1967 we shall celebrate t h e Centennial of the Dominion. What plans we should be mak- ing for both these events are matters for discussion by com- .rnittecs„ We do not want to be .extravagant in expenditures .on either, but on the other hand we must realize that the name of Huron County is being br- ought, to the forefront by the International Match and we want to jive up to our good name." John W. McIntosh .„ . Funeral service for John Wil McIntosh,liam ft was Yield from the peattie funeral home, Friday, March 22 with Rev, A, H. Johnston, Brucefield United Church, officiating. The deceased had been a resi- dent of Huronview for the past year and had been in ill health for some time. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. David McIntosh, he was horn i nthe Brucefield area and far- med there all his life 1,4411 retiring, He is survived by one bro- er, William, Bilicefield. Palbearers included Thomas Baird, Glen Swan, Victor Har- greaves, Mac Wilson, Walter McBeath and Gordon Elliott. Interment was in Baird's cemetery. Mrs. - Gordon. Troyer is a Patient in Vlotoria Hospital, Landon. Dr, B, A. Campbell, Toronto, formerly of Zurich, is a pat- ient in the -Orthopedic Hospi- tal, Toronto, with' .a fractured 14- suffered in .a fall on the ice around his home. Cpl. and Mrs, Jerry Ziler, Robbie and Michael, who have resided in the Fink ..apartment left Satarday to visit relatives in Cluelph. and Windsor, before proceeding to their new home in Quebec where Cpl, Ziler has been posted. Miss Agnes Shirray Miss Agnes $hirray. of .Cum- berland, passed away .in Ottawa General Hospital, Monday, March 1$.. PPM on the Shirray Home, stead. in 1-Tay Township, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs, Nicol. Shirray and is survived by one sister, 'Mrs.: J. p, (Helen) Cooke, Oshawa; one brother, David Shirray, t.xeter, Funeral service was held Tuesday at Rockland, with bur- ial in Hensall Union cemetery on Wednesday. Rev, Herold F, Ctirrie conducted the ser, vice at the graveside and 1-Ion, thron funeral home was in charge of funeral Arrahgemeots, xplorera atUdy Rev, RI:* MacDonald gave a 15 minute Bible study to the Explorers, or -Carmel. Ch- .ureli 'Tuesday afternoon, in pre- Paration for Rally Day, Mrs, Gordon, .5.011W41M pre- sented the study on "Tiger Tail Village", Janice Bonthron pre- sided for the business, DifFjorie minutes,Schwalm. read xhe Faye Troyer gave. Gale treas, grer's report, .John .Thompson led in prayer and Beth Troyer .gave a poem. ,A. birthday eake was served in honor oR John Zimmerman's: .birthday, Thurs., March 28, 1903---,ciintotot NgwOtccord,Page VERNAL ALFALFA RANGER ALFALFA ONTARIO GROWN ALFALFA DUPUITS ALFALFA ALSIKE CLOVER SEED DOUBLE CUT RED CLOVER SWEET CLOVER TIMOTHY—Common TIMOTHY—Climax WHITE DUTCH CLOVER LADINO CLOVER • BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL BROME GRASS ORCHARD GRASS MEADOW FESCUE SUDAN GRASS HARDI-GREEN PASTURE MIXTURES—in formulas: "A" -- "A-Plus" "B" "B-Plus" packed in 24-lb, bags— enough for 1 acre. ATTENTION FARMERS! GRASS SEED & SEED GRAINS FIE P OUR FE TILIZER NEW A E R rim PHOS 18.46.0 AND 11-48-0 • Do you wait for hot water, too? • New Aero-Phos 18-46.0 and 11-48-0 make it possible to grow small grains, corn, hay and pasture On clay soils without additional ferti- lization—crop response is excellent, too ! • New Aero-Phos is highly water soluble, quickly penetrating the soil and allowing topes dressing application, meaning immediate availability to get crops off to a quick start. • New Aero-Phos does not leach out of the soil—both the ammonium and phosphate portions are tightly held in the soil until used by crops. • New Aero-Phos 18-46,0 and 11-18-0, be- cause of their high concentrations, mean savings in handling and transportation — giving you more plant food at lower cost. • Order new Aero-PhoS 18-46-0 or 11-48-0 from your fertilizer dealer or agent today! Visit your plumber dealer • FINK 84pLum.T Wellington 18(8,11.51,A.1\TFEIG LTD. inton HU I82 wisE PLUMBING gf HEATING Phone HU 2-7062 262 flayfield Rd. CLINTON, ONT After Hours Phone BILL FINK HU 2-7682 Your Local ANTHES Dealer