HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-03-28, Page 5• • Special Prices on . CHROME SUITES 5-piece $49.00 7-piece $79.00 9-piece $99.00 Thum, March 28, 1.963---Clinton News-Record-,,Page i• ENTIT.AINMENT NIGHTLY at the UEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORT.H. Appearing All This Week . . , FLOYD SILLITO and His Western. Trio Coming Next Week . . . Your Favorite LORNE ALLEN ORCHESTRA Wholesale . FURNITURE & APPLIANCES YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC DEALER 57 Albert Street Phone HU 2-7601 . CLINTON Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service Special Values and Reminders This Week CILTONE Satin Latex • Dries in 20 minutes • Goes on easier, covers better than other latex paints NOW Quart $2.85 Gallon $8s90 Sutter-Perdue Ltd. C-I-L PAINTS DEALER CILTONE Semi-Gloss . For woodwork and trim • In colors matched to CILTONE Satin Latex Colors NOW—Quart $3.00 ^1 7 Gallon $9.35 en) CILTONE 1 4,0 4# t. 41°5Emvario Don't lust paint your home. Paler yot:rco'f a Masterpiece —with famous C-I-L Paints. Deveiow.:a in Canada to meet Canadian needs by Canadian Industries Limited. We've Got $30,000 to Give Away COME AND GET IT! You may already be a winner in the C-1-1- Paints "Master- piece" Lucky Number Contest! Your number is in the. April issue of the Reader's Digests so bring in your copy and check the number against our master list of Winners. If you don't have a copy of the Digest, come in anyway and find out how to get your "Materpiece" booklet and a chance at $30,000 in prizes. Hurry. Sutter-Perdue Ltd. Quality Hardware and Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies PHONE HU 11023 CLINTON I Kindergarten (lasses Porents are requested to register all children eligible to attend •KINPFROARTFN CLASSES, PPM', mencing September 3, 1963, To. be eligible for Kindergarten enrolment, a child must be five years of ..age on or before Decern, ber 31, 1963. Registered by letter not later than 'April 5, I.963, On day of enrolment in .September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the principal of the. Public School. Send applications stating name of pupil, birth date and telephone number to: J. A. GRAY, Principal, CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL, Clinton, Ontario. 12-3-4b 'THE Timberlane ROOM' ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HURON STREET WEST— CLINTON' Entertainment Friday and Saturday Nights //The Standard Five" Brought back to the Timberlane Room by Request of Many Regular Customers Dining Room Specials Both Nights Chicken In The Basket Homemade Spaghetti & Meat Balls A SpeCial Invitation is Extended to You to Enjoy Our Sunday Dinners served from 12 noon to 8 p.m. OUR DINING ROOM IS SERVING FULL COURSE MEALS EVERY DAY FROM 12 NOON TO MIDNIGHT Classified Ads Bring Results 16011111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111. with Cascade Tuner "Instant On" Picture and Sound. New "Power Pac-100" chassis delivers 20,000 volts of picture power. Wide screen 23" Bonded Picture Tube. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor "Your Westinghouse Dealer" HU 2-6646 Clinton BABY CARRIAGES from $32.00 up STROLLERS from $7.88 up BEATTIE FURNITURE stogimimiEgilniv BABY CARRIAGES and STROLLERS GENDRON THISTLE LLOYD SPRINGTIME and SUNSHINE Wiiittyl,Walker On Saturday morning, March 23 at 11,00 o'clock, Hussey solemnized the wedding of Mary Elizabeth Walker, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker of Alderpoint, Cape 13reton, to Donald Francis Whitty, son of Mr. and Mrs, George Whitty, Sydney, Nova Scotia. ' The sanctuary of St. Paul's church was adorned. with white and mauve chrysanthemums. The wedding march WAS played by Ross Dawe at the organ, The bride was smartly attir- ed in a ballet-length white dress of satin with lace appli- ques on the full skirt. Two large roses of the same mater- ial were tucked at the badk of the waist. Her veil was held by a dainty tiara and her flowers were a crescent of red roses. Her attendant, Miss Len den I-laan wore a sky-blue fitted frock of organza with peplum, and a stole to match. Her small. hat was of the same shade and made of overlapping petals. trimmed with pearls. She car- ried a spray of white blooms, Little Miss Linda George as flower girl was dressed in a white nylon dress with a bolero. She carried a dainty nosegay. The mother of the bride wore a ochre-yellow printed ensemble with brown accessories. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and the groom had LAC Eric Gebhardt as his witness. The ,ushers were Bob Blundell and Gary Ed- wards. During the ceremony, Miss Denyse LaRue rendered "Parris Angelicus", ,"Ave Maria" and her last solo was an old French hymn, "Prends mon coeur le voila, Marie ma tendre Mere." After the signing of the reg- ister, the young couple were tendered a reception at Hotel Clinton. They left later on a trip to Ottawa. Guests froth out of town in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker from Nova Scotia and Mr. Gil- bert Walker from Ottawa. Visiting at Sergeant and Mrs. Arthur Vezina were Mr. and Mrs. R. Gauthier of London. Flight Sergeant and Mrs. B. McConnell and Mrs. A. Vezina spent a few days in Ottawa. Adastral Park Social Notes. Aileron — Phone HU 2-7349 "tester" for the intricacies of pleasure skating. Badges went to; Judy Lesnick, Francine Pa- quette and Shari Sabourin. The group then went to the Guide hall for warm refresh- ments provided by the food committee headed by Mrs. F, Morrow and Mrs. D. Cole. Games followed with the Win- ners being given prizes. Some 35 Guides and their guests enjoyed this affair, un- der the leadership of Captain, S. Tremblay and Lieutenant, R. LaPointe. Mixed' Curling The station mixed curling league ended the season last Sunday, March 17, The playoffs saw the rink of Cpl. and Mrs. F, L. Roblin and Cpl. and Mrs. B. Dunn take the victory over the rink composed of WO2 and Mrs. H. A. Davies and F/Sgt. and Mrs, G. Ellis. The trophies awarded the winning team were donated by "Maritime Life Insurance Com- pany". The curlers were: skip, Cpl. Dunn; third, Mrs. Roblin; second, Cpl. Roblin and lead, Mrs. Dunn. The opposition was, skip, F/ Sgt. Ellis; third, Mrs, Ellis; second, Mrs. Davies and lead, WO2 Davies. The trophies awarded the winning rink in the ladies' NA- ing finals had been graciously donated by Mr. M. Corrie. Mrs. Ian Hodgson, Vancouver, .B.C., is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Cpl. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn for a few weeks. 0 St. Andrew's WMS and WA Hold March Meetings The March meeting of St. Andrew's WMS and WA was held in the school room of the church with the president, Mrs. William Blacker, in charge. The meeting opened with a hymn with Mrs. Mervin Lobb at the piano and the scripture lesson was read by the presi- dent and Glad Tidings prayer, Mrs. McLean. Roll call was an- swered by a verse containing the word "courage". A letter was read from Mrs. Anderson, Belgrave, accepting our invitation for the Easter Thankoffering meeting. Mrs. Farquhar was appointed for the lunch committee and to pick her own helpers. The WA conducted their part of the meeting which was fol- lowed by the WMS study book read by Mrs. Shaddock. Following closing prayer by Mrs. Blacker, lunch was served by the hostess of the meeting Mrs. Cook.- • o Gives Report Of IICW Annual . Unit No. 4 of Ontario Street United Church Women met in the church parlour on Mon- day with Mrs. Carman McPher- son presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of two Easter hymns. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Don Watson and Miss Bernice McQueen. The chapter on "Mir- acles" from the study book, was given by Mrs. Keith Tyn- dall. Mrs. McPherson conducted the business meeting and Thankoffering envelopes were given to all members in readi- ness for the Thankoffering meeting to be held in the ch- urch on April 10. Mrs. Norman Trewartha, a delegate to the Huron Presby- terial of the United Church Wo- men, held in Goderich on March 21, gave a very interest- ing account of the meeting. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Elgin Dale, Mrs. Elmer Dale and Mrs. Don Watson. The next meeting will be held on April 22. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball and Mrs. Laura Saundercock, all of Clinton, attended the funeral of the late John H. Bedford in Sault Ste. Marie. The deceased was a brother- in-law of Mrs. Saundercock and a cousin of Mr. Ball. Mr. Bedford had been born in this area, moving away at an early age. DANCE LONDESBORO HALL Friday, March 29 1963 Sponsored by LONDESBORO WI Desiardine's Orchestra Dancing 10 to 1 ADMISSION: 75c Mait Edgar CHSS Teacher Completes Cadet Instruction Course Mait Edgar, staff member of Central Huron Secondary Sch- 001, was one of 31 school teachers to receive his certifi- cate for completing the instruc- tors course of the Cadet Ser- vices of Canada, Saturday. The graduation parade was held at Wolseley Barracks, Lon- don, terminating the 21 week- ends of training for the teach- ers. The course included general military subjects such as drill, weapon training, military law, map reading and the organiza- tion and administration of the Canadian Army. All candidates receive Cana- da Grade A certificates a n d are eligible to receive commis- ions following one year's serv- ice, Reviewing officer was Col. C. F. Way, commandant, 27th Central Ordnance Depot. The parade included an inspection, march past and presentation of certificates. 0 Adine Writes . (Continued from Page Four) across by 45 miles long. This is where four million people live in various cities which are all incorporated into the city of Los Angeles. The Union Station where we left our train, is a most beauti- Mexican architecture, in some respects resembling a huge cathedral with its high vaulted ceiling, colorful mosaic marble walls and floors. In the centre is a courtyard with fountains, flowers in profusion and palm trees all with the greenest grass I have ever seen. During the next few weeks perhaps you would like to visit some of the places we saw, and I hope I can give you a word CiODHRIM 'Flu at Huron- view has been kept under con- trot by the .doctor and nurses much as could be expect, ea," Superintendent Harvey Johnston reportea to county • council on Thursday, Since January 1 there had been 16 admissions and "a IT- .pord, number" of deaths from 'flu and other causes. There had been eight deaths In the period, and one inmate discharged. "We haven't had any visitors In the past two 'weeks," Mr. Johnston stated, "and the ban may not be lifted for some time. A nurse told m e this morning we still have about 28 people running a temperature, "One time this month we had 194 people'in the Home, but to- day it is down to 190-79 male and 111 female. We have one person committed by the mag- istrate, five from the Ontario Hospital, London, and one from the Cobourg Home." The superintendent gave a breakdown showing the number of inmates from each Huron municipality: Ashfield three, Blyth two, Brussels four, Clinton 16, COI- borne five, Exeter 1,5, Goderich 25, Goderich Township five, Grey three, Hay seven, Hensall four, Howick 15, Hullett seven, McKillop one, Morris two, Sea- forth 10, Stanley 11, Stephen three, Tuckersmith nine, Turn- berry six, Usborne two, East Wawanosh five, West Wawa- nosh nine, Wingham eight, Zur- ich seven. "Some have been with us a good many years," the superin- tendent remarked. The Huronview committee, of which Reeve Cliff Dunbar, Grey, is chairman, reported that work to cost about $1,000 will be done on the roof of . the 1954 addition, in hope of avoiding expenditure of four or five times that amount. "The roof was of a type or- dinarily put on in 1954," said the chairman, "and litigation would be inadvisable." Chairman Dunbar noted that while "lots of these people are on a 40-hour week (on Huron- view staff), Mr. Johnston's time goes on seven days a week, and we thought for his extra duties he should get an extra week of vacation, but the per- sonnel committee has not con- curred." Warden Forbes said the op- position was not from the com- mittee, but the department of welfare would not approve. picture of a few of the most famous—Disneyland, Palm Sp- rings, and I would love to take you to the races at Santa Anita sometime! Savings this Week at I.D.A. These SPECIAL PRICES end Mar. 30 BRECK Shampoo with BRECKSET $1.00 COLGATE Dental Cream reg. 98,-- 89c HALO Shampoo Famil y Size 99c I.D.A. MOTH KILLER 16-oz. 49c 1.D.A. STOMACH . POWDER 1:- $1.89 LADY ESTHER Four Pur pose Face Cream 69c SCHICK t'93:e KRONA Blades 2 for 79c SHULTON CREAM DEODORANT 2 for $1.25 SHULTON ROLL-O N DEODORANT 2 for $1.25 Theatrical Cold Cream "}-=-10:. 87c WHITE RAIN Shampoo gg• 2 for 99c Shop this Way at IRA. IDAYITE LIQUID Convenient way for everyone to get their essential vitamins. 16 ounces $2.49 YOUNG LADIES Ask for MISS MAGAZINE at your I.D.A. DRUG STORE Beauty, ,Fashion and Fiction, Exciting W Spring ardrobe Contest. Special Money-Sa\./ing Coupons. Only 10C F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2,6626 Clinton Ontario Guides Skate The Girl Guides were treated to a skating party at the arena on Friday. The event included free skating and a game of broomball as well as the award- ing of proficiency badges to three girls. Mrs. N. Sabourin was the Happy Doubles Vote to Purchase New Hymn Books The Happy Doubles Club of Ontario Street United Church held their March meeting on Wednesday and in charge of this evening were Mr. and Mrs. Don Symons, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Aiken, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter. The president, Ross Trewar- tha conducted the business. Thank you cards were received and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finck, Mrs. Frank Potter and Mrs. Cecil Elliott. It was decided to purchase 25 hymn books to be used in the church auditorium. In charge of the Nursery is Mrs. George Colclough, who is replacing Mrs. Joe Finck. Mrs. Willard Aiken then took charge of the devotions based on Easter. Mrs. Robert Hunter led an informative discussion on "In- telligence" which is one phase of Vocational Guidance. Donuts and coffee were serv- ed and the meeting closed with the benediction. News Editor:. Anna Reports flu Takes Toll At Huronview