HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-03-28, Page 3Area Girl Wed in Manitoba Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John McClinehey, Blyth, exchanged wedding vows with Harvey R. Fiebelkorn in the Lutheran Church, Selhirk, Manitoba on March 2. The couple will reside in Gimli, Manitoba. Grandmothers Enjoy Several Contests At Kippen East WI March Meeting discussion was .:held on, tbo ,sto- toP. of the neW college of Nors, ing, It was pointed out that only registered nurses and register- ed nursing assistants ,are e•el by the College to practice their profession, .Since the College MAO into being the registered nurse is BACKACHE? .itoit me! For' relief frorn backache or beat OrT4 -out feeling I 4enend en— 607.4.FNIERN4A, P441 at t. WOZI"Bea4l/SE EMITIMe OPENS *01/714 THE $1/14 Am birpirpirffvw-plufw-Dil HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING. IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GE ERAL.-, REPAIRS IN,M13 221 cVNIV:" HENSALL — Despite t h e snow Wednesday afternoon, 32 members of the Kippen East WI and six visitors answered the roll call, "A Hobby For My Old Age", at the home of Mrs. Vern Alcierdice. Mrs. William Bell, the presi- dent, presided for the business and Mrs. Harry Strang, South Huron District President en- lightened the institute on many endeavours of the institute. Mrs. Percy Harris gave the current events and Mrs. Stew- art Pepper read a poem, "Of Course You Can." Wingham Site For Presbyterian Ladies Meeting St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, will be the host church for the annu al meeting of the Hamilton • and London Synodical of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada to be held on Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday, April 2, 3 and 4. Mrs. Donald MacInnes Ridge- town, Synodical president, will preside and the theme of the conference will be "Faith and Courage". Since the Synodical comprises ten presbyterials, namely, Br- uce and Owen Sound, Chatham, Huron, Hamilton, L o n d o n, Maitland, Paris, Sarnia and St- ratford, a very interesting ses- sion is being prepared when the WMS work of the Presbyter- ian Church in Canada will be fully portrayed. The meeting will convene at 9.30 Wednesday morning with Rev. F. Cromey, B.A., Kincard- ine, conducting devotions. Mrs. S. M Scott, Kincardine, will be in charge of a short memorial service and Mrs. A. Hamilton, Atwood, will discuss the com- ing anniversary of the Women's Missionary Society. Greetings will be extended by the moderator of the synod, Rev. Nicholas Novak, while the guest speaker at the afternoon session will be Rev. Russell Self, ,missionary on furlough from Jhansi, India. On Wednesday evening t h e Explorers and Children of the Church members will be pres- ent and Lucknow Evening Aux- iliary will present an historical pageant. Following devotions by t h e moderator, Rev. MacLeod, on Thursday morning, routine bus- iness will be dealt with and the conference ends at noon of that day. Mrs. Cal Straughan, is offic- ial delegate for Huron Presby- terial and all ladies are urged to attend the open sessions. The PARK Theatre Goderich Now Playing—March 28-29-30—Double Bill "DANGEROUS CHARTER' a tale of the sea "SWORD OF THE CONQUEROR" — Both In Technicolor — MON, TUES., WED. — April 1.2-3 "LOLITA" ADMITTANC RVSTR1CYED 10 1000.41 • voisco *es 410M Starring James Mason and Shelley Winters Controversial! Daring! The picture they said couldn't be made! THUR., FRI., SAT. — April 4-5-6 — Double Bill Mickey Rooney "EVERYTHING'S DUCKY" and Buddy Hackett In Richard Basehart "SAVAGE GUNS!! and Don Taylor Techincolor In Coming — Brigitte Bardot "A Very Private Affair" — Adult Entertainment • • We bought it through the ,....A.exi.vemOV.14MSZW.I.ZW:M311914:W62$6*wo BANK OF MONTREAL atrial 'Fi once Plan LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED LOANS Clinton tranch: K. G. V7,,,ETT, Manager Londesborough (Sub‘Agency): Open MDti. & Mutt, all & Mutch Furniture Dept. Present their Annual Every Item in Our Furniture Department Goes on Sale Thursday, March 28 at 8 a.m. Best Opportunity Ever to Furnish a Room or Your Complete Home LIVING ROOM BEDROOM SUITES I SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES BIG SAVINGS on Kitchen and Dinette Suites Occasional Tables Occasional Chairs Hostess Chairs Baby Carriages and Cribs Linoleum Floor Coverings Mattresses and Box Springs --REAL BARGAINS Electric Stoves Refrigerators Washing Machines Lamp Shades Cushions and Pillows Mirrors 1 Nationally Advertised Quality Furniture At Big Savings Special • . • All room carpet ordered during the sale will have a 5% discount and will be expertly layed at no charge for the labor. We have the experience and latest equipment to assure you a professional job. Let us meas- ure your rooms and estimate the price. amouommor Some of Our Extra Specia Sale Bargains REG. $1.35 INLAID 6-ft. Green - SPECIAL 59c MARBOLEUM PRICE. lin. ft. LINO. Wide Red -Blue . .. Ian. ft. s Srrtall Lots, Many To Choose INLAID LINO TILE REG 180 SPECIAL ... 6c each Colors $11 SPECIAL 4 Only WALNUT DINING CHAIRS REG. 05.0 . . . 15 each 2 Poem Rubber Good Made R EQ., SPECIAL CHESTERFIELD Mfg. $119.95 -PIECE SUITE Cushions Cover—Green by Peppier Co. $171.95 . . . 1 Only COUCH Brown REG. $51,50 SPECIAL . . . $38.88 A NUMBER OF TRILITE and TABLE LAMPS AT % Prite ALL OTHER LAMPS GREATLY REDUCED Ball and Mutch Furniture Dept. Clinton Phone HU 2-9505 Friends Con Speed. ratio*" Recovery Doctor at total Hospital Tells .Nurses Mrs, Grant MacLean presid- ed for e the entertainment hon- oring the 14 grandmothers and presented each with a shamrock corsage. Mrs. Orville Cooper won the prize for having the youngest grandchild; the grandmother with a birthday closest to the hostess was Mrs. William Gib- son; Mrs. Richard Taylor Jr. re- ceived the prize for having the most grey hair; the grandmoth- er with a waist measuring three tea cups was Mrs. William Caldwell The grandmothers then acted out the charades given by Mrs. McNaughton which caused a lot of amusement. Interesting readings were given by Mrs. James Mac- Naughton, Mrs, Grant MacLean and Mrs. Ross Chapman. The attendance roll call con- test ended with just five points between the sides. The win- ners, Mrs, Alderdice's side are being .treated to a supper by Mrs. Bell's side on Wednes- day, March 27 at 6:30 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Alderd.ce, with entertainment provided by Mrs. Alderclice's side. The bakeless bake sale was very profitable and Mrs. How- ard Finkbeiner conducted a contest while lunch was being prepared by Mrs. Grant Mac- Lean, Mrs. Campbell. Eyre, Mrs. Arthur Varley and Mrs. Cecil Pullman, Pr, P. H Nfoogk, • M.P., as sistant superintendent at the Ontario 1-1.ospital, Goderich, told the members of the Huron ' County Chapter of Registered Nurses Association that if neighbors and fellow -workers were willing to put pp, with unusual behaviour in others, ouan people with minor ,symp,„ wins would recover more quick, ly and never have to go to mental hospitals. Spealcing at their March meeting at the hospital, he said that when in spite of the best efforts of all (the family don, tor, the minister or teacher) to help tho person with his problem, admission to hospital tor treatment is necessary, re- covery is Speedier if friends visit and if the family is willing to Fiebelkom McClinchey The Lutheran Church, Sel- kirk, Manitoba, was the scene of a wedding on March 2, 1963, at 4 p.m, when Ruth Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McClinehey, Blyth, exchanged marriage vows with Harvey R. Fiebelkorn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fiebelkorn, Selkirk, Manitoba. Pastor Bergman performed the double ring ceremony, Given in marriage by Mr. Douglas Willis, the bride wore a waltz-length gown of white organza over taffeta with a pattern of sequins on the front, consisting of a scooped neck and lily point sleeves. Her bouffant finger-tip veil of silk illusion was held in place by a silk organza rose trimmed with tiny seed pearls. The bride carried a corsage of red sweetheart roses with streamers on a white Bible. Maid of honor was Phyllis Fiebelkorn, sister of the groom. She chose a red brocade dress with three-quarter length sleev- es. Her headdress was white fea- thers covered with white veiling and she carried a corsage of white carnations with stream- ers. Groomsman was Leonard Fiebelkorn, brother of the groom and Colin Sutherland was usher. The wedding reception was held in Oscar's Dining Room, Selkirk. The bride chose for her going away outfit a green wool sheath dress with brown accessories. Following a short honeymoon, the couple will reside in Gimli, Manitoba. take the patient home as seen as. possible,. MoogIc gave- resume of the "PYinond Report" which outlined plans of the Provin- cial Department ,of Health to provide improved and expand- ed facilities for the prevention And treatment of mental illness, He noted the place _of the Mental .Hospital in the .Com- munity Health .program but pointed out there is need for individuals and groups within every community to share with the professional workers in the mental health field the respon- sibility of preventing and treat- ing mental illness, He told the nurses there was a real. need for a "sheltered workshop" in Huron County where ex-patients could be re- trained in working owls:4410m,, "'Many mental handicapped people are unable, %Because of long illness severe symptoms, to 'compete with .weal workers and the labour- he stat- , r ro He also reported many lonely, People find it -difficult to fit: into ordinary social .organiza- tions where they must dress well and share responsibilities - in the operation of the group, The nurses were told that in many cities and towns the Canadian Mental Health As, sopiation Ilea Organized ."half, way cluhs" where ex-patients and others may find fellowship- 04d where the atmosphere relaxed .and, undemanding. Ivioogic urged that .every- one interested in helping those With Mental health problems to give their fullest support to the Canadian Mental Health Associ- ation. Over 60 nurses attended the March meeting and a lengthy now known as figg,, N. and the registered .nursing assistant as The meeting want on. record to take every opportunity to in- form, the public of the status or the :qualified nurse. PlenS were -.Made for the dis- trtet meeting to be held on April 17 at the Ontario Hos* tal,,Goderich, at which Huron County chapter will be hostess. Tburs. March 2,8f 1903 Clinton Ncws,Recorid Page 3 LOANS $50 to $5,000 ATLANTIC' FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Phong HU 2-3484 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton Glenn McCreary, Branch Manager r