HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-03-07, Page 10The [11 av ere 'Firestone 238 ALBERT STREET,— CLINTON Invites You to Come In and See Our New Warehouse In the former Hanover Transport Building Complete Stock of Firestone AUTO ACCESSORIES PLAY IT SAFE! SEE US , for every electric and refri9eration service. Tom Darling, Clinton BELTONE Hearing. Aid Service Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, MARCH 14 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON `Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS • E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S. Kitchener ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS CC./ANIERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMODELIINIGs, HU_ 2-9390 68 ALBERT ST_ Married Number of Children Ca r Name Year Body Model Name No. Series Cylinders Date pur'cbasecl Cost_ New Used Is Car Used Driven Distance In Business? to Work? to Work? Estimated mileage next 12 months How long have you continuously owned an automobile? How long‘have you How many drivers held a driver's license? In your household? Has your license ever been suspended? I Has your insurance ever been cancelled or refused? I _ Are you now insured? Date it expire* I For information on other types of protection, check below: I b Home Protector Insurance El Sickness, Accident.and Medical insurance I 13 Life Insurance CI Boatowners Insurance Mail to: Allstate Insurance Companies Head Office, 790 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Ontario a Correspondent MIS. BERT ..441.444g ]Rhone R4)'0 Mr Mrs. Robert Fairservice re, to be sent to Northern Mani- Demonstate Party Fare. For Kipper', East Ladies our au turned, borne last week after spending three weeks with her daughter, Ann, in Detroit. Mr, Harold 13eacorn. arrived home on Sunday from victoria. Hospital having been a patient, there for the past month. A number from the village attended the Conservative nom,' ination held in Clinton on last . Friday evening, Mr. Donald McNeil is A pat-, ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We hope be will soon improve with treatment, as he has been suffering with a back. ailment for some time, We were sorry to hear that Mrs, George Carter suffered a painful accident last week. A fall resulted in a broken arm which necessitated a week in Clinton Public Hospital, She is at present with her daughter, Mrs. Watson Reid, Congratulations are in order for Barbara Burns who was one of the lucky Free Press Car- riers to attend the 1963 Ice Capades in Detroit last Satur- day. Last week she also won a Pullan Doll in the Westons Contest,. TIM Meet The general meeting of the UCW was, held on March 1 with a good attendance. The supply secreary report- ed that 200 pounds of good used clothing have been ship- ped to the needy in Halifax and the allocation for clothing Discuss Qualities Of Good Citizen At Clinton WI Clinton Women's Institute held their regular monthly meeting Thursday in the agri- cultural, board room and 24 members answered the roll call by paying, a penny for each shoe size. Eight ladies volunteered to take turns on the hospital cart during March and it was an- nounced that a course in "Lat- est in Home Furnishings" is to be given in the board rooms on March 19 and 20 by the home economics branch. Letters of appreciaion from Miss Gilchrist for flowers for opening day and from Don Gr- ieves, for a gift when he was leaving Clinton, were read. Mrs. M. Batkin gave an in- teresting paper on "What makes a good citizen" and Mrs. Ross read some thoughts from a report written by the commission on the status of women. Mrs. W. Colclough gave two readings and Mrs. Ron Mac- Donald showed coloured pic- tures of the Rose Bowl par- ade which she had taken while visiting her son in California. Lunch was served by the hos- tesses of the month. Mrs. Willi Int Consitt HENSALL -- Mrs. Wiliam Consitt, a highly esteemed resi- dent of Hensell for over 25 years passed away at the Queensway Nursing Home here Thursday night, having been a patient there for three and a half months. The former Flora Louise Berry she was a native of the Province of Quebec and was in her 87th year. During her resi- dence in Hensall she endeared herself to everyone and was a wonderful neighbor and friend. She was a member of Hensall United Church and active in the Women's Missionary So- ciety in former years. Surviving are two sons, Or- ville, RR 1, Hensall; James, Burnaby, B.C.; seven grand- children, and two great grand- children, and two great great grandchildren. Mr. Consitt predeceased her some years ago. Public funeral service was held from the Bonthron funeral home on Monday, March 4, con- ducted by Rev. H. F. Currie, with burial in Bayfield ceme- tery. • Pallbearers were Roy Consitt, Clarence Parke, Harold Brod- crick, Laird Mickle, Stanley Mitchell, Ray Broderick. The floral tributes were many and lovely. toba in May is One flannelette blanket, four pair boys socks and two sweaters for girls. A motion that curtains for the Sunday School windows be bought was carried and Mrs, Celia Adams and Mrs. Donald. Anderson were the committee' appointed to do the buying, It was announced that the. Presbyterial will be held in Goderich on March 27 and Mrs. Walter Tonge will be the guest speaker, The social committee report- ed that the choir will be ent- ertained at a supper on April 18. The ladies will also cater for the Institute Sunshine Sis- ter banquet on April 2, The program of the World Day of Prayer was participated in by a number of the ladies, a lovely solo was contributed by Mrs. Glen Carter accompan- ied by Mrs. Tom Allen. Mrs. Edwin Wood and Mrs. Joesph Shaddick each gave an address in keeping with the topic "Prayer". 0 Walkerburn Club Has Interesting Roll Call And Programme AUBURN — The Walkerburn Club held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Elliott Lapp with 15 members and one visitor present, with the presi- dent, Mrs. Leonard Archam- bault in charge. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read by the secretary, Mrs. Henry Hunking and the roll call was answered by each one naming an article that grandmother used which has disappeared to- day. Some of the various things mentioned were the washboard, wax candles and the horse and buggy. A get-well card was signed by all members to go to Mrs. Bert Hunking and a card of thanks was read from Mrs. Guy Cunningham. An interesting program of readings and contests was given by Mrs. Ariel Duizer and Mrs. Jack Hallam. Plans were made to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Jack Hallam when Mrs. Lloyd Penfound and Mrs. Joe Hunking will provide the program and the lunch com- mittee will be Mrs. Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. Walter Cunningham and Mrs. Torn Cunningham. The roll call is to be an- swered by naming a Huron County industry and everyone is to wear something green. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. John Snyders, Mrs. Joe Verwey, Mrs. Worthy Young and Mrs. Stewart Am- ent. 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Hold Review Night. At $S-4,Goderkh Twp.., .Farm forum_ 'The :SS NO, 4 Goderich Town,' ship Farm Forum met last ,Week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ray Lira for review night And there was an interesting discussion following the broad- cast.. On Monday night of this week the forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Merrill with eight members pr- esent. The subject for ' discussion was "The Rural church", Question — How can the ch- urch belp to develop leader- ship necessary for a strong community? This can be done by getting the young people into the young people's society by having them teach Sunday school classes, and taking part in special ser- vices, such as reading the scrip- ture, taking up offerings, etc. Question — Should the urch concern itself with corn- niunity interests beyond the sphere of religion? Discuss.. Ye$, it is interesting to know that ministers have been known to assist in starting Credit Un- ions, helping with' liquor votes, with cubs, scouts, sports, etc. The Church should furnish leadership for these and other worthwhile projects. Question — Should churches in your community work more closely together How can they do so? What are the difficult- ies? Yes, by exchange of pulpits, holiday exchange, week of pr- ayer, ministerial associations Stubborn laymen who do not want changes, older church people who do not want union, tradition and ignorance of other beliefs. Question — What do you expect your church to do for you? Provide religious -guidance and direction. MARCH SESSION THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will meet on Thursday, March 2Ist 1963 at 10:00 a.m. for one day only, for the March Session of County Council. Any documents or notice of deputations must he in the hands of the Clerk no later than Friday, March 15th, 1963. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, " Goderich, Ontario. • ,.#4 41."1 HENS ALL— Twenty-four members answered the roll call with "favourite time-saver" when Mrs. James Drummond was hostess for the February meeting of Kippen East Wo, men's Institute, Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Caldwell demon- strated "Party Fare" including an eye-catching party cake with whipped cream and fruit filling and topping and an attractive array of cookies. Mrs. Ken McKay presented the motto "Domestic peace can- not be preserved in jars," Cur- rent events were reviewed by Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, -and a health quiz was conducted by Mrs. Ken McKay. Donations were made to the International Scholarship, Nor- thern Canada, Adelaide Hood- Goderich Twp. South Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling and son, Mark, Toronto, were with his mother, Mrs. Jim Stirl- ing over the weekend. Harvey Alexander and Ernie McGee made a trip to the Lon- desboro area last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Barnet William- son recently visited his brother, Billie in the Goderich hospital. Mrs. Williamson also called on her old time friend and neigh- bor, a patient in the chronic word, Mrs. Isadora Harrison. Fraser Stirling has recovered from an attack of flu. Miss Lynn Liscombe, nurse in training at Royal Jubilee Hospi- tal, Victoria, B.C., writes of a recent visit with her parents at Comox RCAF Base. Reports weather mild but with the seas- onal rain. less and F044(1411011 Fund, It was decided to 'have a bakeless. bake sale and .each member is, to donate $1,00 at the March meeting to connt. three points on their attendance records. Mrs. Prnmmoad,, Mrs, Robert Kinsman and Mrs. V. Cooper offered to be the nominating committee to bring in the slate of officers for the new year.. It was planned to invite the district president, Mrs. Harry Strang, RR 3, Exeter, to the March meeting. Courtesy remarkswere given by Mrs. Howard Fmk ewer. Mrs„ Robert Oerompil convert- ed the program and first vice- president,. Mrs, Harry Caldwell, presided for the business. Lunch committee was; Mrs, R. Gemmel), Mrs, Ray Consitt, Mrs, William Gibson, Mrs. D. HauweM Blue Water Highway Sunny weather S u n d a y brought Mr. And Mrs, Gordon lAtettenrniller,. Seaforth, to see their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dockers, 130 and his chum, Manville. Road, London, were guest$ of Mr. and Mrs. F. ,Jost Westerners Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wallis held open house FridaY even- ing so that as many As possible. of the relatives of Mr. and Mrs, Laurence Wallis, D'Arcy, Sask., could meet these western COW- ins, Mr. Wallis is the son of Mr, Herb Wallis and his wife is the former Louella Stirling. The guests were:. Mr. and nim Irvine Tebbut and Mari- lyn, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Fish- er, Mr. Wilfred Fisher, Mr. and Mrs, Amer Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis and Cathryn. y t t till th to Page 10—Clinton NeWs-Reaord—Thurs., March 7, 1963 NEWS OF LONDESBORO record gets a special low rate. You probably qualify-8 out of 10 motorists do. 2 FAST, FAIR CLAIM SERVICE—If you ever need help, there are over 5,000 full-time Allstate claims people across Canada and the U.S. as near to you as the nearest phone. 3 MORE CANADIANS INSURE WITH ALLSTATE—Allstate is a big, reliable company insuring more cars in Canada than any other company. It's grown big because it has consistently offered top-quality auto insurance that the average motorist can afford. If your auto insurance premium has gone up, there's just one more- reason why you ought to look into Allstate's' low rates. Chances are you can save good money and get top quality protection in the bar- . gain. Allstate's across-the-board lowrates remain the same. And you get all these important advantages: 1 GOOD DRIVERS SAVE MONEY— Allstate doesn't believe that good drivers should pay the same rates as drivers who have accidents. At Allstate, every driver with an accident-free LOANS $50 to $5,000 at ATLANTIC FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED Phone HU 2-3486 7 Rattenbury St., Clinton Glenn McCreary, Branch Manager 4 EASY PAYMENT PLAN—Allstate Insurance is easy to buy—only 25% down, and 15% each month for five months. A small charge of 50 cents per payment is made for this con- venient plan. Insured motorists avoid $20 penalty Unless you carry auto liability insur- ance, the Ontario Government requires you to pay a $20 penalty at registra- tion. A stiff price to pay . . . when quality protection is so readily avail- able. For a few dollars more you can avoid thistostly penalty. Act now! May we help you? MON1//70 40TR ereir 4 GOOD MT OAI T#E BO& OM HE SWIM' TO woRe... («,„ Our New Quarters Feature the Largest Stock of Firestone Tires in this part of Western Ontario II CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! I would like more information about Allstate Insurance. I understand I am under no obligation, NAME AGE CONTACT US FOR SHOP -- ROAD -- OR ON THE FARM TIRE SERVICE SCRUTON'S FIRESTONE Phone HU 2-7681 Number of female drivers under 25 % of use Number of male drivers under 25 % of use Give number and dates of accidents in last 4 years In which your car damaged property or injured someone I 1 1 II iI 1 1 Canada's largest auto insurance company ADDRESS PHONE (P.O. Box, Rural Route or Street Address) TOWN PROVINCE Employer Position You're in good hands with ALLSTATE AUTO INSURANCE -9051 -- owe goo oli *I lit ma lit Om tot mott oiliest mot in a ra PPM in a toe not Olt irk in ito oto um *I ion on jot xi owl No no al