HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-03-07, Page 8age g- 00913 March 7, 1401 I, I Bayfield Couple Mark 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston, Bayfield, marked two occasions at a gamily dinner at their home on Sunday, February 28. On that date, Mrs. Johnston marked her 84th birthday, while on Monday, the couple marked their 50th wedding aniversary, BAYFIELD—Judges for the Hayfield carnival sponsored by the Lions Club in the arena on March 1. were Charles Scotch- mer, J. E. Hovey, Leslie El- liott and Grant Stirling, and the costumes were given much thought. The prizes were awarded as follows: youngest girl on skates, Bonnie Makins, Elizabeth Fras- er; girl's fancy, 8 years and under, Peppy Payne, Lorilie McClinchey, Lee Ann McLeod; boy's fancy, 8 years and un- der, Pat Brandon, Blair Bran- don; girl's comic costume, Cathy Logan, Mary Lou Castle, Karen Brandon; boy's comic, 8 years and under, Paul Payne, Ricky Fraser, Bradley Turner. Boys and girls races, six years and under, Paul Payne, Ricky Fraser; 7 to 9 years, boys, Bradley Turner; girls races, 7 to 9, Lorilie McClin- chey, Sandra Telford, Brenda Makins; boys races, 10 to 12, Alden Hohner, Randy McClin- chey; girls, 10 to 12, Sharon Heard, Delores Telford; girl's fancy costume, 9 to 1.2, Lynn Brandon; girl's comic, 9 to 12, Bonnie Armstrong, Patricia Sparks; boy's comic, 9 to 12, 46, GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER et. BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER ALES • SERVICE - INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. CONTRACT at MICKLES HENSALL MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS: BETZE and PARKLAND BARLEY, available. FERTILIZER Supplied if needed. DELIVERY Accepted Direct from the Field. WHITE BEAN SEED: ONTARIO REGISTERED No. I SEA- ' WAY, SANILAC and MICHELITE. MICHIGAN CERTIFIED NO. I — SANILAC, SEAWAY and MICHELITE Check Our Prices Contracts Available for Bean Acreage Spring Seed Also Available Contact I. L. MICKLE &SON Ltd. HENSALL PHONE 103 FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday f9t •uniteo • .De-operative of Aoterle; and eetlelt your patronage, We • will _eleK. them up at your. farm. Plea Pt•IPN4 cPt-44PT net later that gaturoAy Farmers Cooperative Seaforth H. S. .11unt, Shipper Phone 669 W1 A ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY at the QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH 44141,011,41,1P441 Appearing Ali This Week, "The Corvettes II from London MEET... Gordon McGavin LIBERAL Your Liberal Candidate For Huron • He is a native of MeKillOp, where he was born 57 years ago. • Married to the former Flor- ence Stewart, of Brussels, the McGavins haste two sons and a daughter. • A succeSsful farmer and businessman, Gordon Mc- Gavin farms 200 acres in McKillop, and since 1936 has operated an extensive farm equipreent business in Wal- ton. • 'Ile is a member of Duff's United Church, Walton. • Deng active in plowing corns petitions, he was Canadian Champion in 1926, Since 1936 he has been a director of the Ontario Plowmen's Association and is a Past President of the 0.P.A, VOtT WILL SEE AND HEAR CORDON STATIONS AND MEET HIM AT GATHERINGS THROUGHOUT THE DURING THE NEXT FEW WEEKS: FOR INPORMATION CALL Ba, SEAFORTH, OR DROP, IN AT ANY COMMITTEE Room, (Published by Huron Liberal. Association) CO Interested in travel, he visit- ed Russia and other :PIM- pean countries. .1h 1958 he Ives manager a the Caned-. Ian plowmen who took part in the International...Plowing event at Stuttgart,. Germany:, IVicGAVIN ON AREA TV AND RADIO Now YOU ftLIR SBEURAg FREE Yes . . . if you have a <41WOEC E Home Heating Contract with your local SUNOCO oil distributor -- you are entitled to Free Service Calls This New FREE Service can benefit you in three ways . . If your burner fails—you get prompt emergency service free— Then when it is time for your furnace cleanup—Your SUNOCO dealer provides this service free. On top of it all, he will give your, heating equipment' a reg- ular inspection and thorough Ross Scott Limited adjustment—and of course, this service is yours free of charge, too, If you are not presently using SUNOCO heating oil, you can get this modern heating package by calling your SUNOCO heat, ing oil dealer , The Rev, and Mrs. E. 0. Lane caster, Luc:an, visited at the rectory on Tuesday afternoon. John Turner is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital having entered on Thursday evening. Mr. end Mrs. Ed Sturgeon Were with their daughter, Mrs. F, Anderson and family, Seierice Hill, from Saturday to Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond were in Detroit from Thursday to Sunday, 'They were dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. G. Wil- lit on Saturday, Miss Nellie Verhoef, Clinton, was the guest of .Miss Jackie Weston from Friday to Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Weston. Rev. and Mrs, H. G. E. Crosby returned to their home in Mooretown on Thursday last af- ter visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E, Howard. Mrs, J. H, Parker returned home on Friday after having been with her daughter, Mrs. Keith Pruss, London, from Sun- day. Miss Rosemarie Telford who fractured an ankle on. February 16, was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, for ten days. She came home on Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford, to recuperate. Mr, and Mrs. George Fellows and Kim and the latter's friend, Allison Dandle, River- side, spent the weekend with Mrs. Fellows' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraser. Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley Steph- enson moved to their home at Ipperwash on Thursday last. Mr. Stephenson leaves a fine record of service to the village in his capacity as constable and maintenance Trnan during the past year. Stephen Scotchmer in his second year in engineering (chemical). at Queen's Univer sity, Kingston, has received two bursaries One from the At-kinson Foundation for $250 and the same amount from a. po, minion-Provincial grant, Constable and • Mrs. Allan Johnston and baby Sherry, re- turned to London on Tuesday of last week after having spent a week's vacation with his Par-ents, Mr, and Mrs. Ford sten, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John ArMstrong, Stanley Township. LAC and Mrs. Angus Graham and four children, Richard, Jan, et, Heather and Jean, who have been occupying the late J. E. Howard's house on Louisa St,' for two years, moved to Ad- astral Park, RCAF Clinton on Monday Villagers and people from a distance dotted the shore line of Lake Huron on Sunday, south of the piers. The fine weather tempted them to walk out and view the hummocks of snow and ice formations. One ob, server counted about 20 cars parked in that area. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wal- lis, D'Arcy, Sask,, stayed with his aunts, Misses A, M, and E. J. Stirling from Wednesday to Saturday while visiting rela- tives of both his parents in the district. Misse$ A. M. and E, J. Stirling accompanied them to Port Elgin on Friday to epend the day with Mr. and Mrs, H. McLaren and Christine. Allen Hohner, Rand yMeClin- obey, Musical chairs, 9 years and over, Randy McClinchey; musi- cal chairs, under 9, Lorilie Mc- Clincher lady's best fancy cos- tume, Mrs. Arnold Makins; men's fancy costume, Beverley McClinchey; lady's fancy, Gayle Turner; best fancy dress couple, Peppy Payne and Lee Ann Mc- Leod; best comic, Mrs. Robert Turner and Philip Turner. 0 Miss Janet Grant Teacher at SS 4 Tuckersniith for 30 years, Miss. Janet Grant passed away in St. Marys nurs- ing home, Friday, and funeral services were held in Clinton, Monday. Rev. C. G. Park, Wesley- Willis United Church, conduct- ed the service. Miss Grant had been a member of the church during her long residence in this area. Born 91 years ago on the London Road near Clinton, she has been retired from the tea- ching profession for 39 years. Blindness and increasing deaf- ness had marked her last years, and had produced an inevitable loss of contact with the world. But it was a striking tribute to her ability as a teacher and her attractiveness as a woman of grace and personality that so many old pupils managed to at- tend the funeral to pay a last respect to one to whom they re- mained indebted through the years. She is survived by two nephews, Dr. R. G. Hunter, Tor- onto and Dr. Wilfred Grant, Ottawa. The service was held from the Ball and Mutch tfuneral home and interment was in Clinton cemetery. Residents Observe Day of. .Prayer The World Pay ' of Prayer service was held. at Huronview, on Friday, March 1 and Mrs.. Harvey Johnston and Mrs. V, Townsend had charge, The program wasat,tendecl. all the.. residents who were able to come and was also sent . the amplifier to the bed pat-. ients. Mrs. ,James Livermore read a, poem on Prayer and Mr. Geo-rge Raithby, e, resident from Auburn, gave an address along the theme' "More than Conquer- ors", Miss Nellie Colborne sang, "The Beautiful Garden of Pray-er" and miss Amelia Bamfford was. the pianist: for the meeting, Miss. Gladys Stanlelce receiv-ed the offering which amounted to $1.7.75. Wardens Against Small Fairs (Continued from Page 1) some of the schools in the dist- rict and suggested some of the public school inspectors were against them because they took too much of the pupils' time, Both requests were laid over until the next meeting of coun- cil. Snow Costs Mount Council learned that the cost of snow removal for the past winter will be at a record high when they came to pass their monthly road accounts. Costs for the month of Feb- ruary jumped to $5,359.37, plus some other expenditures for re- pairs to the grader. This is about $2,000 more than what has been paid out in recent years during the same month. January's account was also considerably higher than usual. One of the major expenses was for bulldozing when the job of clearing the roads became too tough for the township's equipment. One bill alone for bulldozing was $2,388. Terming the , past winter "staggering", de p u t y reeve Grant Stirling commented, "that's a lot of money to run into the creeks in the spring". In other business, council: Supported a motion from the Huron Cream Producers oppos- ing any legislature that would allow margarine manufacturers to color their product the same color as butter. Received a demonstration from two office supply sales- men on a calculator, but took no action on the $685 machine. Renewed their fire agree- ment with Bayfield with the usual $250 retainer fee. Repre- senting Bayfield at the meet- ing were Spencer Ervine and Les Elliott. Paid on account of $50 to a township farmer who had two ewes killed by marauding dogs. Discussed painting the inter- ior of the township shed with a paint supplier, Bob MacDonald, Seaforth, but took no action. MacDonald estimated cost of the materials at $200, but guar- anteed his product for a life- time. Decided to call a special meeting on March 18 to meet with the owners concerned in the proposed $5,250 Wise Muni- cipal Drain. Briefly discussed fixing up an abandoned cemetery in the township, bUt decided to discuss the project with interested par- ties before taking any further action. HAYFIELD — Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnston marked a double celebration at a family fete at their home last Sunday, marking their 50th wedding anniversary and the 84th birth- day of Mrs. Johnston. Life-long residents of the area, the couple had four chil- dren: Mrs, A. (Audrey) McRae, London; Elmer, Galt and Ford, Varna,. Another son, Walter, Bayfield, passed away in 1960. Elmer and his family were unable to attend the celebration but the other members of the family were in attendance. The table was centred with a beautifully decorated birth- day. cake complete with candles and Mrs. Johnston wore a yel- low flower, and the family pre- sented them with gifts. They were married in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Feb- ruary 25, 1913, by the Very Rev. Evans Davis, Dean of Huron. They made their home on the groom's farm on the Bayfield Boundary Road. In 1919, they moved to a farm on the outskirts of Varna but returned to Hayfield village in 1932. They lived in the form- UNITS TO MEET AT WESLEY-WILLIS There will be three unit meetings of Wesley-Willis Unit- ed Church Women next week. On Monday evening, March 11, the Starlight Circle (Unit 2), will meet at 8:30. The answer to the roll call will be an article for the bale, and Mrs. Lloyd Holland will be guest speaker. On Tuesday afternoon, March 12, the Fidelity Unit (Unit 4) will meet at 2:30, answering the roll call with a verse on the word "Heart". The Wo-He-Lo Unit (Unit 3) will meet on Thursday, March 14 at 2:30 p.m. All meetings will be held in the ladies parlour of the church. 0 ONTARIO STREET UCW TO MEET ON WEDNESRAY Regular meeting of the UCW of Ontario Street United Church will be held Wednesday, March 13 at 8:00 p.m. Program in charge of Unit Four, devotions by Unit One and lunch in the charge of Unit Two. er Robert Johnston house be- fore moving downtown and fin- ally building a small new home on Catherine Street. Mrs. Johnston, formerly Miss Flora Wild, is the only surviv- ing member of the 13 children of Joseph Wild, an early pion- eer on the Bronson Line, just outside the village, William Harvey Johnston, or "Billie Bob" as he was nick- named was raised in Bayfield. In 1902 he went to relatives in North Dakota and then went up to Milestone, Sask., where he homesteaded until the fall of 1912 before returning to Bayfield. Mr. , Johnston recalls that there was no snow when they were married. He recounts with rare humor how he and his bride-to-be slipped away quietly without anyone knowing of their intentions. He drove his horse and buggy to Kippen and tied the horse up there, His father, Robert Johnston, who' was in on the secret, got off the train (hav- ing gone by stage to Bruce- field) as they boarded for Lon- don. Robert Johnston then drove the horse home. A well-known apiarist for many years, he still keeps his hand in with a few hives of bees. Congratulations are extended to them by their many friends. 0 Clintonian Club Conduct Auction The president, Mrs. Colclough opened her home to the Clin- tonian . Club for the March meeting and it opened with the hottsewife c r e e d followed by prayer. Roll call was answered "wh- ere you would like to go on a trip" by 15 members and one visitor. The February visiting com- mittee reported 15 calls made and Mrs. Batkin and Mrs. Fr- emlin were appointed for April. The next meeting is to be at Mrs. Batkins' and Mrs. L. Forest is lunch conevener. Mrs. Fremlin donated a cushion for a dutch auction and it was won by Mrs, O'Connell. The rest of the afternoon was enjoyed by playing and a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. R. MacDonald's commit- tee. BRUCEFIELD By MRS. H. BERRY Mrs. Peter Roy, Clinton, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Walker. Mr. John Rattenbury, Hurl ington, is visiting with his sis- ter, Mrs, Ross Scott. Mrs. George Voth, Detroit, spent the weekend with Miss Kathleen and Marie Elliott and her aunt. Mrs. Vaire. Dr. Anna McIntosh, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Wallace Haugh and family and visited with her mother, Mrs. C. Haugh, of Queensway Nurs- ing Home, Hensall, where she is in failing health. Special service was held in the Brucefield United church on Sunday morning when Mr. John Broadfoot, Mr. Robert Allan, Mr. James Boughen were inducted as members of t h e Session by the Rev, H. Johns- ton and welcomed by the clerk of the session, Mr. William Fotheringham, UCW View Slides The Brucefield United Ch- urch UCW held their March meeting, Tuesday, with Mrs. Ham and Mrs, L. Wilson in charge of the devotion and Miss Margaret McQueen at the piano. The ,president, Mrs. H. Berry presided over the business part of the meeting. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Elgin Thompson and the roll call an- swered by a verse on "Hope". Mrs. Taylor reported for the treasurer and the offering was taken by Mrs. Ham and Mrs. Wilson. A letter from. Mrs. Arian re- questing a donation towards the Sunday School resulted in $10 being donated. The second annual meeting of the UCW will be held at Goderich, March 21, and dele- gates appointed from Brucefield are: Mrs, Wilmer Broadfoot, Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Mrs. John Henderson and Mrs. H. Taylor. Mrs. J. Boughen announced that the CGIT girls will have a short program of interest, and a demonstration of Stan- ley products on March 20. Mrs, H, A. Johnston showed over 200 slides • of pictures of interest which were enjoyed and unit 2 served lunch. Unit 3 will have charge of the Easter meeting. The roll call, "An Easter Message." Honor Bayfield Couple On 50th Anniversary Goderich Knights of Columbus an d The Bluewater Shrine Club Present A Gala Sports Night IN AID OF CRIPPLED CHILDREN to be held in GODERICH MEMORIAL ARENA Friday, March 15 8.00 p.m. Many Attractions .. HOCKEY GAME: Goderich Balntcn AN Detroit BROOM8ALL GAME: SHRINERS vs. KNIGHTS HOCKEY GAME: GODERICH OLD-TIMERS vs. CKNX BANDS - PARADE OVER 100 PRIZES! AOMISSIONt 'Tickets 5 for $1.40 Skating Judges Have Difficult Task In Picking Bayfield Costume Winners BRUCEFIELD, ONTARIO REMEMBER: You save 3 ways with this, new free Service policy, now available from your local Sunoco oil distributor. CLINTON SEAFORTH HU 2-3257 Phone 641W1 vasimow