HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-02-21, Page 10Collie Takes a Ride Pictured above is Allan McDougall, waiting his turn, for a ride on Hazie, an eight-your-odd Shet. land pony. Every time Hazie is turned out in the yard, Lucky, the collie dog gets o>a the pony and with the reins , over his head, drives around the farmyard. Hazie belongs to Nancy Anderson but this . winter Allan and his father, Kenneth McDoug. all are breaking in the pony for Nancy who has had it for several years. Lucky also likes to ride on the farm tractor, and everywhere it goes, so does Lucky. (Braelnock Photo) Stresses Need for Daily Devotions At Knox Women's Missionary Society JAMES I. MciNTOSH, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario, S-9b And here's your Big Bonus Award! Trade in your old water heater now and you'll re- ceive a special bonus cheque for $15.00 (no strings attached). But remembe4 this special offer is good only up to and including March 30th, 1063. Choose from a variety of leading makes and models. All carrytheCanadianGas Association seal ofApproval. • ' • . , fi • ''''' ''' - 7 "00-OH!" How often doyou turn on the HOT tap and get COLD water? With an automatic Gas water heater you can avoid those moments! Automatic Gas water heating supplies all the hot water you need and provides it faster. What's more, Gas is the most economical method of water heating available—costing mere pennies a day. Natural Gas is clean, modern, and completely dependable! UNION COMPANY FINK PLUMBIsIsAilts t HEATINGE1 LTD. 84 Wellington St., Clinton HU 2-7682 After Hours Phone BILL FINK HU 2-7682 1,:wi S PLUMBING & HEATING E Phone HU 2-7062 262 Bayfield kci. CLINTON, ONT Your Local ANTHES Dealer f.090 News-RP;PrO TflurS.. Feb,, 1963 AUBURN — The February meeting of St. Mark's Anglican Guild met for it's monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Haggitt who was in charge of the program. The meeting opened by sing- ing a hymn with Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor as the pianist and Mrs. George Schneider led in prayers. Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys read the scripture lesson and the topic was given by Mrs. Ed. Davies, "The Message of the River". Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor sang the solo, "How Can I Be Lone- ly", accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. The chapter in the study book on Epiphany was taken by Mrs. Clifford Brown after which Mrs. Haggitt thanked all who had taken part in the pro- gram. The president, Mrs. George Schneider took charge of the business session and the mm- utes were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. John Daer and the be the guest speaker. The offering was received by Lorraine Chamney and dedicat- ed with prayer by Mrs. Her- bert Govier. The topic, The World Council of Churches, was taken by Mrs. John Houston. She told the aim and the work done by this or- ganization and of the third assembly which had been held this past summer at Delhi, In- dia in which more than 1,600 delegates from 50 countries were present. Assisting her were Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Alvin Leatherland, Mrs. Wilfred San- derson and Mrs. W. Bradnock. Rev. R. U. MacLean pro- nounced the benediction. Ladies Aid Meets The Ladies Aid of Knox Pres- byterian Church held their meeting with the president, Mrs. Ed Davies in charge. The secretary, Mrs. Roy Daer read the minutes and also gave the financial statement. New business was discussed and Mrs. Davies thanked all who had assisted her in serving the lunch at the reception fol- belt' in the Sunday school hospital.. AUBURN — The Women's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met for its February meeting at the home of Mrs. Duncan MacKay with a large-attendance. The call to worship was given by the president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and the opening hymn was sung with the pian- ist being Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay. The Glad Tidings prayer was read by Mrs. Frank Raith- by. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Donald Haines. She stressed the importance of daily devotions and prayer in the lives of everyone to-day. Mrs. John Graham present- ed a life membership certificate to Mrs. Alvin Leatherland who had been secretary-treasurer of the society for several years. Mrs. Gordon Chamney sang the solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer", and the roll call was answered by each member quoting a Bible verse contain- ing the word, Song. The minutes of the previous 'meeting were approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines. A card of thanks was sent to the YPS of St. Mark's and Knox for their donation for missions which had been re- ceived. A thank-you letter for flow- ers was also read from Mr. Wil- liam Watson, Plans were made for the Day of Prayer which will be held this year in Knox United Church on March 1. Mrs. Al- vin Leatherland and M r s . Major Youngblut were appoint- ed to take two prayers at this service. Plans were discussed to en- tertain local societies at the Easter thankoffering meeting when Rev. R, U. MacLean will TOP VALUE IN SEED The Proven Reliable Jones, MacNaughton Brand • Best Varieties • High Germination • Reasonably Priced "You may do worse but you CAN'T do better!" That's the kind of situation you are in when you are tempted to buy an unknown brand of seed. So why take a chance? "Jones, MacNaughton" has been a household word t hr otig liout Western Ontario for many years. It stands for reliability, dependability, and highest value for your money . . . in seeds for farm or lawn, Get complete list from your local dealer. Jones, IViacNaughtcet Seeds Exeter Crediton London 235-0363 234-6363 432-2258 H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Is Clinton Area Dealer for JONES, MacNAUGHTON SEEDS Dial HU 24792 Mary St. Clinton Mrs'. Arnold :Craig attended, a wedding recently at Oshawa, Miss Margaret R, Jackson .is visiting this week at Oakville with her niece, Mrs. Donald Kai and Mr, Kai. Friends will be pleased to khow that William limpey is recovering from aurSerY in Clinton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock visited last Wednesday with her uncle, Mr. Shearer • Wilson and Mrs, Wilson, London. Mr. William Gow was a _Me- gate last week to the Annual meeting of the Holstein Fries- ian AsSOciatinn held at the Roy al York Hotel, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ander- son and Miss Malley and Miss Margaret R. Jackson were Lon- don visitors last week. Friends are pleased to know that -Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell is recovering from injuries re- ceived in a recent car accident. Mr. Clayton Robertson, Cop- per Cliff, spent the weekend here with his wife, Mrs. Robert- son, and IVIr„ and Mrs, William Straughan and his • parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Robertson. Mr. Alvin Leatherland came home from Victoria Hospital, London, last. Friday and is con- valescing at his home on the Auburn-Blyth road, Mrs. George Hamilton return- ed to her home last weekend after a couple of months visit with relatives at Seaforth and Brueefield. Mrs, Amelia Nivins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tait and Cindy visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Machan and family near Blyth, Friends in this district will be pleased to know that Gord- on MacDonald has had his frac- tured legs set in' the Goderich hospital and is making satis- factory recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunning- ham visited her sister, Mrs. Dexter in Stratford hospital on Sunday. Mrs. Dexter was sev- erely burned when her cloth- ing caught fire at her home. Mr. Carman Shultz is a pat- ient in Westminster Hospital, London, where he underwent lowing the induction service. The meeting was closed by the singing of grace and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Mac- Kay and Mrs. Edgar Lawson assisted by Mrs. Oliver Ander- son. financial statement was given by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. An appeal from St. Mark's Cathedral, South India, was granted and . a get-well ,card for Mrs. Andrew Kirkconn,ell was signed by all present. The members decided to sub- scribe to the booklet, "The Boys and Girls of Prayer" for the children of the church. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse containing the word, "Peace" and the travelling apron was passed and each dropped in a nickel for each piece of jewellery she wore. Plans were made for the Day of Prayer and Mrs. Thom- as Haggitt and Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys were appointed to take prayers. Rev. R. F. Meally closed the meeting with prayer after which a successful auction was held and a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Haggitt assisted by her sister, Mrs. Clifford Brown. surgery last Thursday and ex,. Deets to be hospitalized for over a month. Mr. William. Gow along With other officials on the East. Wawanos.h Township council, reeve Ernie Snell, Bert Thomp- son. And Roy Fattison, attended the Municipal .Convention held at the King Edward Hotel, Tor- onto, last week. Cpl. and Mrs. Harold Hop -- kips, Harold,. Elizabeth, gitp and Patricia left on Monday to make their home in Western Canada. -Cpl, Hopkinson has been transferred to the RCAF base at Winnipeg and his family left for Wilkie, Sask., where they will make their home with Cpl. Hopkinson's family for some time. The Hopkinson family has resided in the. Tay- lor house in the village while he has been stationed at HCAE' Clinton. Marks 86 Years Dr, B. C. Weir was honored last Thursday evening on the occasion of his 86th birthday, when friends called to extend birthday congratulations and a party was held for him by his daughter, Mrs. Duncan Mac- Kay and Mr. MacKay. Despite his advanced years, Dr. Weir was in good health and enjoyed an evening with many of his life .time friends, Congratulations doctor. YPS Study Missions Miss Marjorie Smith presid- ed for the YPS of Auburn Charge when they met in the Westfield church. The pianist for the evening was John Mc- Dowell. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Norma Smith and the offering was received by Harold Campbell and Gary Walden, The topic on missions was taken by Miss Marjorie Smith and recreation followed in the charge of Donald McDow- ell. At a recent meeting, Miss Sharon Ball had Mr. Lloyd Humphreys, manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce,' Auburn, speak on budgeting. Discuss Religions The YPS of Knox Presbyter- ian Church and` the AYPA of St. Mark's met at' the rectory at Blyth for their meeting. Rev.• R. F. Meally was in charge of the meeting and Floyd Smith read the scripture the rector, lesson followed. 'by prayers by The topic on Protestantism vs, Roman Catholicism was taken by Margaret Haines and ,a discussion period followed. Following the benediction by Rey. MealiY„ Mrs.. Meally serv,- pa a delicious lunch. The second meeting of the. Auburn Angels 4-H 441-Irclub was held with the president Lynda Andrews in the chair. The meeting was opened by ail re- peating the 4-.N. pledge and the minutes were read by Rose Marie Haggitt in the absenCP of the secretary, Linda Wilson. The roll call was answered by each girl telling the style of duster she will make and show, 1:1Mtrtls! Gordon material. 7S obi e led in the, OtSPUSSion on the care of. Vieth, O. al lady .011Q" twh ettng 1°P.Q1w1CaYfstglrootItillen4g1. their best, by placing them on hangers as soon as they are taken . off. mrs. Bradnock led in the discussion on the instruction sheets of the commercial pat- terns being used and helped the girls straighten their materials and placed them ready to cut. Some alterations were made and several of the junior girls laid their patterns on their material. A demonstration on how to darn a hole in a sock took place and pe axch pl a rrls, da raa ssa tmapr sl e The second star, which is a red one, was earned by 13 mem- bers of the Auburn Explorer Group at their regular meeting room of the ,church, The, Chief Counsellor, Mrs, Charles Lewis was in. charge of the meeting and .the worship SerVtc.e, was taken by Cathy Schneider and Lynda Reed. The minutes were read by the secretary, Jennifer Orange and the financial statement was. given by Mary Wilkin, Mrs. 1-*wis gave a chapter of the study hook on Hong Kong, The girls have been making a baby's wool crocheted afghan which is to be sent to this. The girls who, had earned their red stars weret. Joyce Lea, therland, Jennifer Grange, Shel, ley Grange, Linda Snowden, Linda Jefferson,. Karen Bast, Betty Moss, Cathy Schneider, Nancy Lapp, Brenda Areham, bault, patsy Wilki.n, Mary Wil, kin .and Donna CliainneY The presentation was given for girls who had attended Stinr, day school and church 75 per, : cent of the time, attending .all meetings. and memorizing the Explorer hymns. MRS. WES ERADNOOK-,—CorresPondent---PhOne 526-7595 uburn and District Wearing of Jewellery Results in Funds For St. Mark's Anglican Guild Ladies For approxiarntely 600 lbs. of warbicide for spraying cattle for Warble Fly, Tenders to state price per 15 lb. bag delivered to Township Shed in hamlet of Egmondville, Ontario. Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender—Warbicide" and in the Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon on March 4th, 1963, and will be opened and considered oh March 5, 1963 at 2:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WARBICIDE TENDER . Township of Tuckersmith GRAVEL TENDER Township of Tuckersmith For the crushing and hauling of aprpokirnately 14,000 cu, yds. of gravel to towInship roads in 1963; 8/4 " screen to be used. Contractor to supply all requirements except gravel which will be supplied by the township at 3 locations. Work to be completed by Juist 1, 1068,- under the supervision of the Road Superintendent and subject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ontario, Tenders to be clearly marked "Tender—Gravel" and must be in the Road Superintendent's hands by 1.2 o'clock neon on March 4, 1963 and will be opened and considered on March 5, 1963 at 3 p.m, Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $800, Lowest or any tender not neceSsarily accepted: ANDREW HOUSTON, Road Sup%, Ret 3, Seaforth, Ontarlo,, 8-0b WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TRIM Township of Tuckersmith For spraying cattle for Warble Fly in 1963. Tender to state price per head per spraY, Work to be done under the direction of the Inspector in accordance with the regnlatOns of the Warble Fly Act, Tenders to, be clearly marked "Tender—Warble Fly Spraying", Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by 12 o'clock noon on March 4, 1963 and will be opened and considered on March 5, 1963 at 2:30 p.m. JAMES 1. NicINTOSI-1, Clerk, RR 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 8-9b