HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-02-21, Page 6MISCELLANEOUS WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts. Our work assures yew satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. Huron COMItY`s Oldest Esta- blished Jewellery Store. :20tfb LET US REPAIR AND MAKE yonr rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely seeeieed—don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs arid pearl re- stringing. W, N, Counter. 20tfb SALESMAN WANTED NEVER KNOW 1.1.1,4 YOU TRY THIS if there is any doubt in your, mind whether you on, 'oily ,gat into a big money 4,011. l ag .position ,can find out Pow of QurOq 't'"pWPernrs. worry about your past history, Your ambition and ability are more important to us than previous work as a salesman We can provo this with earnings from $$,000 fa 112.005 in a year paid to our men in 36 other .cities NOV started with- out previous experience in our field. Thin ,job ofisrs top comings, liberal bon- us. :ncentives, .profit.sharing retirement plan, end free life insurance, if interested, wr ite F, p. .Pres, Southwestern Petroleum - pee .pox 709, Fort Worth. 1, Hospital Wing Ready Next Nontk Annual:Report Shows Slight Deficit _ BAECHLER—In Clinton Public • Hospital, on Tuesday, FON-. ary 19, 1963, to Mr. and Mrs, Ivan •Baechier, RR 1, Zurich, a daughter CULLEN — In -Clinton Puhlie Hospital, on Sunday, Febru- ary 17, 1963, to. AC1 and Mrs,- Gary Cullen, -Clinton, a son, CUNNINGHAM —In .Clinton Public Hospital, on Wecines- day, February.1963, to Corporal and Mrs.' D. Cun- ningham, Huron Street, Clin- ton, a Son, DAVIDSON — In St, Joseph's Hospital,. Guelph on Thurs- day, February 14, 1963 to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Davidson, Brucefield, a son (Andrew, Douglas), FLEMING—In Clinton Public. Hospital, on Thursday, Feb- ruary 14, 1963, to Sergeant and Mrs. 3, C« Fleming, - RCAF Station Clinton, a dau- ghter. MOORE — In Scott Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, Febru- ary -19, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Moore (nee Lois Jones) Egmondville, a son, (Brian Kenneth), PRATT--In Chatham General Hospital on Monday, Febru- ary 18, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Lyle Pratt, Merlin, a daugh- ter (Nancy Lynn, sister for. Dennis and Terry and grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. R. MacDonald, Clinton). THOMPSON—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 19, 1963, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson, RR 2, Bayfield, a son. Page 6-,--,Clinton 'News,Record,Them., eb. 21, 1944 ARTICLES FOR SALE Or TV, excellent OoOdition,' so TV test equipment, and parts. 127 Widder Street, God- erieh, B, R. Munday, phone JA 4-7994. 3to8b „ . VACUUM, .CLEANERS Wee And Service Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and Polishers. Reconditioned mach- ines of All makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone HOW( 352w2 29 to 39p tfb ARTIaES WANT_: . (Continued from page -one) the added facilities for out- Patients, 1,110 hOSPItial staff was corn- mended by Dr. Walter Oakes., chairman of the staff commit- tee, who lncluded, everyone who worked at the hospital in his remarks. He reported 56 full-time ern- ployees and some part-time, He explained that due to the installation of pressure boilers, it was necessary to have an en- gineer on staff at all times and there would' be four engineers employed in the very near future. Dr, Oakes noted that more staff would be needed when the wing was opened and estimated that at least two graduate nuns= es .and some other help would be However, he said. it would be necessary to wait until the needed. tingent of beds were in use before deciding exactly what staff increases would be Auxiliary Also Busy Mrs, D. J. Cochrane, presi, dent -of the Hospital Auxiliary, reported her group had been very busy in the past year and their various money-making projects had been very success- ful. She gave a report on these functions, including the "Wm- • ishiog Teas", tag day, theatre party, penny sale and member,- ship drive, "We are loOking forward to a busy year and pledge our loyalty and assistance," she told the board members. Chairman H. C. Lawson ex- pressed the appreciation on be- half of the board for the Aux- iliary's work and made special mention of their purchase of the drapes for the addition, "The board certainly appreci- ated their support," he stated. A report of the house com- mittee was given by Joe Mur- phy, who reported expenditures for the old hospital had been kept at a minimum during the year in lieu of the building program. T h e financial statement showed the hospital operated at a deficit of $493.02, with ex~ penses totalling $251,370.06. Main expenditure on the total was the $168,976,81 paid out in salaries and wages, including free board. This is an increase of ap- proximately $19,000 over lest year. Other major expenses includ- ed over $14,000 for medical and drug supplies; $12,175.04 for ad- ministration which includes postage, pension fund, printing, auditors' fees, etc.; $19,458.01 for food and $14,077.60 for de- preciation on the buildings and equipment. Fees for patients brought in the major share of the income at $228,239.78, while out-pat- ients services realized $11,780.50 The remaining income was from grants, dietary recoveries and Health Unit rental. At the conclusion of the meeting, the members voted to reappoint A. M. Harper and Company, Goderich, as audi- tors for the present year. No New Members No new members were ap- pointed to the board and H. C. Lawsdn and Joe Murphy were both re-appointed for another three-year term. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT FURNISHED apartment, avail- able February 15- Phone HU 2-9928, 6th) ARTICLES FOR SALE "JOLLY JUMPER" Baby Exer- Martin'e Dept. Store, Clinton, Ontario, '7tfb. ........ TIMEX. WATCHES serviced, through ANSTETT Jewellers Ltd. .40tfb 2-BEDROOM', modern apart- ment. Available March 1, Phone HU 2-6677, Sb CHILDREN'S spring horse, like new. Will sell for $12, Phone HU 2,7755, 8b Mechanical and Body Re- Paira, Wheel Alignment and Balance, Window Replace- ments, Radiator Repairs. Protect against rust with Undo-Spray Devidsonre Texaco • Service No, 5 Highway, Goderich Phone JA 4,7231 Notice to Creditors . . .„. In the Estate of :13EULAIII FRANCES WARD, late of Die Town of Plinton itt the. County of Iftwen„ Retired Deceased, . All persons having claims Against the Estate of the above named who died on the 25th day of December, A.D. 1962, are required to file full part- icelare thereof with the under- signed on or before the 25th day of Februery, A.D. 1963, after which date t h e assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to the claims of wh- ich the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 31st day of January, A.D, 1963. E. B. MEN.ZIES Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 3 ROOM furnished apartment, Available now, Phone HU 2, 3807. 6tfb PAINT .CLEARANCE SALE— Ail our regular line of paint clearing at Bargain Prices, Out- side white and colors at $5.15 al, J. W, Counter Builders' oeipplies, 94 Albert Street, . . . DRAPERY PULL RODS — Track, curtain rods, venetian blinds, bamboo draperies, win- dow blinds. Free eetimates. given, Irwin's Dry Goods. 23tfb SMALL APARTMENT, ground floor, self-contained and heated, L. G. Winter Real Estate, 200 High Street Clinton,• phone HU 2-6692, 4tfb USED PIANO, in good condi- tion Contact Harold Widriek, phone 751'1, Zurich. 8p Dolt-Yourself RENT These Machines FULLY FURNISHED. Trailer, 41 ft. Apply North End Store, Clinton or phone HU 2-3323, 41)-6tfb AUTOS FOR SALE ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Clinchey, Blyth, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Mr, Harvey Fieble- korn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fieblekorn, Se-, kirk, Manitoba. The wedding will take place at 2 p.m. on Satur- day, March 2, 1963, in U n i t e d Church, Selkirk, Manitoba, 8p 1959 FARGO 1/2 -TON panel truck; 1960 Fargo %-ton panel. Apply Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton. GROUND FLOOR apartment, heated, unfurnished. Available March I. Apply HU 2-9928. Stfb V Floor Polisher Y Floor Sander and Edger V Belt Sander 3 Electric Rug Shampooer with wet and dry, vacuum 3 Hand Electric Sander • Duo Purpose Hand sander BALL & MUTCI-1 CLINTON 30-tfb FUEL OIL—For carefree heat- ing with Champion Oil that's insured against explosion be- cause our truck carries oil only. A. G. Grigg and Son, phone HU 2-9411, , 46teb NORDHEIMER upright piano, in excellent condition. 'Cheap, as we are moving, May be seen at lot 15, con. 5, McKillop, 2% miles north and 2% east of. Seaforth. Mrs, Peter Maloney, 8p 1962 TRIUMPH M-4 Sports Car, 10,000 miles, like new, $2,500. Sickness forces sale. Phone HU 2-9695, Clinton, 6-7p-tfb 2 LARGE TRAILERS for rent, fully furnished; also new and used trailers for •sale. )3ecker's Trailer Court, Clinton. 8p THINKING OF RAMBLER ? Visit the Bluewater Service Station, Goderich on the Bay- field Road, Phone JA 4-9461. 15tfb APARTMENT for rent, fur- nished, available March 1. Ap- ply 93 Huron Street, Clinton. 8p-tfb Notice to Creditors In the Estate of RUTH Mc- BRIDE, late of the Township of Mullett in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of the above named, who died on the 7th day of September, A.D. 1962, are required to file full partic- ulars thereof with the under- signed on or before the 25th day of February, A.D. 1963, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 31st day of January, A,D. 1963. E. B. AIENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. PET STOCK COTTAGE for rent, unfurnish- ed, just south of town, avail- able March 1. Phone HU 2- 9747. 8b CLOTHING FOR SALE IN MEMORIAM STEEP — In loving Memory of mother, Mrs. David Steep, who passed away February 18, 1962: "No one heard the silent footsteps Of an angel drawing near, Who took from us to Heaven, A mother we loved so dear," —Always remembered, sadly missed by daughter Sadie and family, Sp DIAMOND RINGS, See our newest cash specials at dis- count prices—save up to one- third. Pay cash and save. Terms if preferred. Phone HU 2-9649 for evening appoint- ments, Counter's Jewellery. 18tfb GERMAN SHEPHERD dog, fe- male, 6 months old, free of charge. Phone HI; 2-9378. 8p MARRIAGES RUSTED-McCULLOUGH--Mr. and Mrs Frank McCullough announce the marriage of their only daughter, Frances Mildred to Mr. Paul Eric Rusted, only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Rusted, Vancouver, B.C. The marriage took place at the home of the bride in Holmesville, on Saturday, February 16 with Rev, Clif- ford G. Park, Holmesville United Church, offiicating. DEATHS WALKER — In Clinton Public Hospital on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 13, 1963, James R. Walker, Clinton, in his 64th year. He is survived by one brother, Frank, Ottawa; two sisters, Mrs. • Mary Plewes, Portage La Prairie and Mrs. Henry (Clara) Pickett, Clin- ton. Funeral service was con- ducted from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Clinton, on Friday, February 15.- GENTLEMAN'S black winter overcoat, size 40 to 42, worn only once. Phone HU 2-9589, 8b 2 PUREBRED German Shep- herd dogs, one female 3 years old, 1 male 4 years old. Phone 260J3, Hensel', 8b 2 APARTMENTS, furnished, heated, private bath, one apart- ment has 2 bedrooms, the other one bedroom. Phone HU 2-3329. Ralph Cantelon, 8p SNOWSUITS, 18 months to 6x, % price; girls and ladies quilt- ed lined coats, special price $3.95; men's Dan River shirts, reg. $6, now $3.95, Bayfield Woollen Shop, Bayfield, 8b Singer February Special $40 off Singer Style-o-matic cabinet model Singer Sewing Machine Co. Goderich, phone JA 4-8431 WILL WHIDDEN Res. HU 2-9103 6to8b PIANO TUNING 4 ROOM furnished, heated up- stairs apartment in Commercial • Apartments. Victoria Street, Available March 1, Phone HU 2-6685. 6-8-tfb YOUR PIANO should be tuned and checked for moth damage and other defects regularly. I appreciate the continued priv- ilege of servicing many of the instruments in this area, George W. Cox, HU 2-3870. 22tfb PROCTOR. — In loving mem- ory of a dear brother, William Proctor, who passed away six years ago, February 25, 1957; eA Cheerytrue smile, a heart of gold, The dearest brother the world could hold. Happy memories fond and From the sister who thought the world of you." .—Lovingly remembered by his sister, Mae Vanderburg. 8b CUSTOM WORK 3 ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central location, suitable for couple; frig, and stove. Her- man's Men's Wear, HU 2-9351. 6tfb DON'T PUTTER; Call your plumber. DURO pumps and softeners sales & service. Eck- ert's Plumbing and Electric, ph- one 54r2, Bayfield, 28tfb SPRAYED APPLES for sale: Cooking a n d eating. Free delivery in Clinton and RCAF houses. Phone HU 2-3214, Fred McClymont and Sons, Varna. 3tfb REAL ESTATE Notice to Creditors In the Estate of GEORGE THOMAS BAIRD, late of the Township 01 Stanley in the County of Huron, Yeoman, de- ceased, All persons le a v in g claims against the Estate of the above named who died on the 13th day of January, A.D. 1963, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 25th clay of Feb- ruary, A.D. 1963, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 1st day of February, A.D. 1963. E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 2 FURNISHED apartments, one on ground floor, other on second floor. Heated by oil furnace. Garden ground if de- sired. Available March 1 Phone HU 2-7855 or HU 2-9479. Stfb TWO BEDROOM brick house on two good lots, in Bayfield, $4,500. Contact Ruth Van Der Meer, agent for W. McEntee, phone JA 4-7875, 7-3-9b CAN INVISIBLY REWEAVE any woven fabric—suits, dres- ses, chesterfields, etc. Contact Mrs. Spurrill, Brucefield, HU 2-9189. 4tfb FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensall ‘352w2 29 to 39p tfb $10,500.00 — Three-year-old ranch-type house on Queen Street;: 3-bedroom, oil furnace, modern kitchen and dinette combines, spacious living room; basement partially finished for recreation room. Owner is mov- ing and will sell for reasonable down payment. $7,500.00 — 3-bedroom stucco on Albert Street, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, garage, large lot. Mortgage can be ar- ranged on monthly payments. 2-storey brick store on Main Street with two apartments, immediate possession. Apart- ment now rented. Mortgage can be arranged. 1%-storey insul brick house on Orange Street, new gas fur- nace, hardwood floors in living room, three bedrooms, bath down, double garage. Immedi- ate posseSsion. FOR RENT — 4 - year - old ranch-type 3 - bedroom home with garage. Full basement, oil forced air heat, automatic wat- er conditioner, spacious lot on East Street in Clinton, adjacent to schools. Available end of month. NEW APARTMENT CARPENTER to make kitchen cupboards, general repairs to houses. Peter Lazet, 230 Dun- lop Street, phone HU 2-3422. 7tfb WEBSTER—In loving mem- ory of a dear • mother and grandmother, Mrs. Joseph Web- ster who passed away February 22, 1962: "One year has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away. God took her home, it was his will, But in our hearts she liveth still." —Lovingly remembered a n d sadly missed by her family and grandchildren. Sp AUTOMATIC WASHER, frig., Gurney stove, carpenter's nail cupboard, boy's bicycle, three upholstered chairs, 2 card tab- les, everything reasonable. Call HU 2-7327. 7-8b FOR RENT Modern -- Heated Water Included in Room 2 Bedrooms —*Living Room Dining Room -- Kitchen Available Now Adults Preferred CLINTON APARTMENTS Phone HU 2-7740 John Dzus MOTORS, generators repaired or rewound, 1/10 horsepower up, 60 cycle conversions, Parts for most makes on hand or available. Art Levete and Sons, 139 Erie Street, phone HU 2-6640. 40tfb CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for their visits, cards and flowers, treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. —SHEILA MURRAY. 8b ELECTROLUX SERVICE and SALES J. Amsing 55 Albert St. Phone HU 2-7302 41tfb NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE on Carpentry work, Whether you are building the new dr remodelling the old. Kitchen cupboards a specialty, Call: Ken McNairn, HU 2-7726. 4tfb I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, flow- ers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to Dr. Oakes and nursing staff, — MRS. WIL- FRED CHUTER, Sb Stfb ATTENTION FARMERS! SP EC I A L ; Special! Special 20% DISCOUNT on all Hockey Equipment: Skates, G l oyes, Pants, Helmets, etc. at Ell- wood Epps Sports Shop, King Street. 7-Sb 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, new oil furnace and bath, 3 miles north of Seaforth on highway, posses- sion immediately. Apply T. Appleby, phone 279R, Seaforth. 8-9p HELP WANTED Rogers Majestic TV SELL MUTUAL FUNDS—We train you Double your income! No canvassing. No delivering. No collecting. Canada's fastest growing fund pays best. Write Box 206, Watford, Ont. 6-7-Sp Thank you so much for your kindness to Sim and myself while I was away to Mayo Clinic and Methodist Hospital, Rochester, Minnisota. Also for your visits, treats and flowers while I was in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr, 3, C. Goddard, Dr. A. Addison, Rev, Harold Currie, nurses and staff. —MARY ROOBOL, Hensel]. 8p February and March Special SIMPLICITY . AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC DRYERS For Only $159.75 At your authorized Simplicity Dealer BAYFIELD APARTMENTS and COTTAGES Furnished or unfurnished Winterized Heated. Modern facilities. Water included in rent. Playground for children Close to lake RCAF personnel welcome Ideal for commuters. Phone Bayfield 803 or Stratford 271-6641 8-9-10p FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 29 PIGS, 8 weeks old. Jan Koene, phone HU 2-9987, RR 1, Bayfield. 8b TIMBER FRAME BARN, 30 ft. by 55 ft., good condition. Gordon Hill, Varna, phone HU 2-330'7. 7-8-9b HELP WANTED FEMALE K. W. Colquhoun 21 PIGS, 7 weeks old, Call Wilfred H. Glazier, RR 3, Cin- ton, HU 2-9279. 8b GIRLS WANTED to work in knitting factory. Apply in per- son to Par-Knit Hosiery Ltd., Clinton. 8b WANTED I wish to express my sin- cere thanks and appreciation to my relatives, neighbours and friends for the cards, gifts, treats and visits while a patient at Clinton Public Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Dr, Oakes and Dr, Addison, Mr. Morrison and UCW of Goshen Church, also nurses and staff at the hospital. —MRS. BERT IVfcBRIDE, RR. 1, Zurich. Sb INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE Phone HU 2-9747 • 1 BELGIAN gelding, rising 3, broke double, and to ride. Phone Auburn 526-7242. 8p COMMERCIAL RABBIT S wanted, from 5 to 7 lbs. No. 1 rabbits, 25c per lb. Phone Ralph Cornish, Bayfielcl 57 r 11. 7-8p WAITRESS WANTED for full time employment. Apply in person at Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar. Sb 8b SALES & SERVICE 2 HOLSTEIN COWS, 5 years old, due to freshen first week in March. Mac Wilson, Bruce- field, phone HU 2-9945. 8b TWO STOREY school building and lot for sale, known as Union No. 11, about two miles west of Blyth on lot 38. The lot contains about one-half acre, with drilled well and hydro. This school could be made into living quarters. Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 9. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 3. A. MeBurny, secretary, RR 1, Belgrave. S-9b Ted Ryder's TV LOGS AND STANDING tim- ber. We are paying top cash prices for hardwood bush and logs. We need hard maple, basswood, ash, soft maple and beech. Can handle other species. Phone or write Craig's Saw- mill, Auburn, 526-7220. 7-8-9p HOUSEWIVES — Make extra money from your own home, as telephone solicitors for nation- ally known aluminum company. Pleasant duties, good remuner- ation, 3 hours daily, $25 weekly. For information call Dumont Aluminum Products, J. Murray, at London, GE 8-5131 (collect). 6tfb 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 CHUTER 2 GOOD HOLSTEIN COWS; 2 choice Holstein heifers due now; also 3 Holstein bull; 1 Hereford bull. Lorne Tyndall, RR 2, Clinton. 8p , ARTICLES FOR SALE 11 CUBIC FOOT GE refrigera- tor with an across-the-top freez- er. $125.00. Alsoa washing machine. $30.00. Apply HU 2- 7640, Sb Heating & Electric 45 King Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-7652 8b FINAL CLEARANCE OF MEN'S WEAR SERVICES DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL . For DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS Call Collect Classified Ads Bring Quick Results HELP WANTED MALE BREAD SALESMAN, must be energetic. Apply in person, Bartliffs Bakery Ltd., Clinton. 8b Bartliffs Enriched Bread 2 Storey Brick Store, size ap- proximately 18' x 65', oil heating; located opposite the Town Hall; immediate pos- session, Attractive 2 Bedroom Ranch Type Dwelling, living room with fire place, modern kit- chen, dining area, hardwood floors, excellent condition; full basement, oil heating, garage, lot 80' x 100', Early possession. 3 Bedroom Dwelling, living room with fire plate, dining area, kitchen, sun porch, 3- piece bath, oil heating, gar- age; lot size 82'x1.32', situat- ed two blocks frail business section, Early poseession. Income Pro pe rty-2 Apartment Dwelling Down: Living room and dining area, 2 bedrooms, kitchen 3-piece bath. Up: 5 room, kitchen, • 3-piece bath. Gas beating, full basement; stolen windowe, double gar- age, lot approx, 132' x 100'. Early possession. Ranch Type Dwelling, large living room with fire place, den, 2 bedrooms, Modern kit- Chen, 3-piece bath, oil heat- ing. Early possessibn, $1,000 Down-2 bedroom ranch type with living room, dining area, modern kitchen, Excel- lent condition. Lot 66x182. Inntediate possession. Mort- gage call be arranged, DARLING The Freshest, Tastiest Bread in Town & Company Of Canada Limited Phone Clinton HU 2-7269 Licence 262-C-63 Phone Seaforth 863w1 Licence 240-C-63 7-tfb CASUAL COATS BARON MAJOR OIL COMPANY hos opening for Farm Petrole.um Agency In Clinton Area Men's and Boys' reg. to $24.95 SPECIAL RACK ONE PRICE $9.95 EA. LONG SLEEVE SWEATERS reg. to $11,95 ONE PRICE $6.95 EA. Marlati's Dead Stock Removal I-ighest cash prices paid for disabled Or dead cows and horses over 50() lbs. Please call collect: BRUCE MARLATT Brussels, Ontario Phone 133 HOUR SERVICE License No. 95163$3 46t.fb Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY at 1.30 p.m. Government Inspected Scales Cattle Sold by Weight TERMS: CASH JOE COREY, Sales Manager BOB McleTAIR, Auctioneer W, COLQUHOUN, Clerk OUR FRIDAY SPECIAL FROM OUR STORE ONLY SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL RACK 1.95 [A. SWEATERS ODDS-N-ENDS Price. BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Reg. 50c cloz. SPECIAL 43c DOZ. On the job training provided, with guaranteed income while business being established. 1V1inimUtn eapital required; $2,000. Financial assistance available, Qualifiedperson should have sales ability and be well knoWn in the area, For further particulars, write to Box 80, Clinton News- Record. Boys WHITE SHIRTS HAT CLEARANCE CHOP SUEY LOAF THIRD ABERDEEN ANGUS SHOW and SALE At FARM SHOW Western Pair Grounds Friday, March 1st, 1963 SHOW — 10.30 a.rn SALE —.1,30 p.m. 41 FEMALES--,- Yoong COWs, 18 Bred heifers, 15 Open HeiferS. QUALITY STEERS SOME 4-H CLUB PROJECTS Outstanding type, top families and Sires represented Catalogues available from: Cat Patricki Murray McTaggart, W. K, ilderton Odrest 06tinty London MENS WOOL, and flirt FELT reg. to $10.95 each 2P:1COeS $ i0 etfi d $3.95 ea. Reg. 35c each SPECIAL ODbS,.N.ENDS ROO each 8-9.10b Bartliffs Bakery NOTICE I HU 2.9721 Liiiiited CLINTON Bakery and kautaurant H. C. LAWSON ANNUAL MEETING of the MeKillop Municipal Telephone Systein id Forrester's Hall, WeclneSday, Pebruary 27, 1963, at the hour of 1:80 p.m. Leslie J, 1:tyce, secretary= treasurer, • 811 Pickett & Campbell Limited Moist Street Clinton Phone HU 2-032 INSURANCE and REAL EstAtE 5Rattenbury. St. E., tlinten Dial HU g-5644--business HIE 1-9787—residence