HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-02-14, Page 11Wins Awards in Public School Speaking Contest Over 150 people attended the annual public speaking contest sponsored by the Clinton Legion for the top speakers at Clinton Public School, A/11/1 Hugh Campbell Public School and Central Huron Secondary School, Wednesday. The picture on the left shows the three winners in the senior division in the public school contest. From the left they are: Brenda Kingswell, second; Muriel Wilson, first and Danny Rees, third. On the right are the junior winners, from the left: Tommy Koch, third; Judy .Collins, first and Susan. Pugh, second. J, William Counter, a past president ,of the. Legion, was chair- man for the event, (News-Record Photo) HENSALL Mrs, Carl Payne is a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for a few days in the interest of her health. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook, and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook left Wednesday of this week by motor for Florida, where the former will vacation for a month, and the latter for two weeks. Mr, and Mrs, Don Joynt, John and Pat, left by plane on Monday for Florida to vaca- tion for two weeks. Forty friends of Mr. Clair Deneau, local barber, surprised him Saturday evening with a party on the occasion of his birthday, A social time was sp- ent in games, dancing and con- tests, and a delicious luncheon served. Guests attending the celebration from Centralia, •-• tynda-MoDonald Named President Of Girls The first meeting of the .Chn, ton. 4 H giris was held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Fred Ontario Street, and the -pledge. was repeated by the pine members present, Also present were Mrs. 1-Tart, ley Managhan, assistant leader, and Mrs, T.4obb, Necessary lectures were giv- en to each member and .also samples were distributed on how to choose the right hind of material. Officers. for the year were then chosen as follows; presi-, dent, Lynda MacDonald; vice- president, Helen Livermore; press secretary, Mary Ann liy- mers, Binders were decided upon in which to put reports, pictures and information of meetings, Information was read by each member in the leaders' pamph- let. As yet a name for the club has not been decided upon. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19 at the home of Mrs. Fred Tyn- dall, 0 KIPPEN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Henson 278 W 1 At the senior citizens meet- ing in Exeter last week, Ken- neth and Grant Jones played and sang several numbers. Mr. Ray Cooper, Exeter, vis- ited an evening last week with his father, Mr. W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones visited Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Homey, Exeter. Messrs Robert and Lloyd Thomson visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pries- tap, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Love and Elaine, Mrs. Pearl Love and Wayne, all of the Parr Line, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Jones and boys. February Specials SEW and SAVE MONTH RANNELETTE SHEETS 80 x 90 $5.95 WHITE BROADCLOTH 36" Wide ' 39c yd. BABY DIAPERS Flannelette $2,98 doz. COLORED BROADCLOTH 86" Wide 39c yd. TEX.MADE Cotton Fitted SHEETS DOUBLE —$3.29 ea. SINGLE ---$3.19 ea. DRAPERY MATERIAL Barkcloth — 36" 9tk yd. WHITE FLANNELETTE 2," Wide 35c — 3 Yds, for $1 COTTON PRINTS 36" Wide 39c yd. Everything hi Sewing Notions ire stock also McCall 411d Simplicity Pafferns. SALE ENDS FEBRUARY 28 MARTI DEPT. STORE cr_) cn, 11\if PANTRY WARE and SMALL APPLIANCES Heart of a How HOUSEWARES and COOKWARE VAST 1E 11D, i nN~y„..x :;', t: „... •V-i*ii*VN§ViW Vk ,... ',p;*i;;Vig." , “ •. .. *LliestBentL &:•••• ..•.:::,:t:::,,,:::::.,:::;::::::::::,•.:::.:••'•••,:::••':::itni•m •:. i; ... g:::„,.:::,,,iini*:, ::: $*:*::: ',%',.."•::''''....W.'”' i::?. 4 PIECE Canister Set Set includes Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Tea Canisters. Colonial silhouettes indicate contents, Bright aluminum with black trim. formerly 12 50 n°w $799 " ,, , 1•'''.. t .. ,• . ., • ../.,, • ' '' COFFEE . ,.., FLOUR SUGAR TEA •':04tftisIl%, .. ,.. • • ••- only ' ' .$41,vuto for $2995 - ' .., — w "IgtgaZi [TatAlai . • .. Bright has handy spout cap. 21/2 qt. stainless SINGING with comparable solid copper bottom West Bend stainless push button Genuine copper capacity. kettles $695 steel TEA KETTLE x kettle to opOate t botton ,AVilv..."--;57: .., . only $ 5 99 ..,. ' " lars's I , , 4i*.:„, 10v, S ILI. T " ' .. . , • 0Y .;'it" vo1/4. sms sums 4 .„...,. MN '' - .." , NI Beta kA 6)*, t ., FOR YOUR • ktt•• OIPT.GIVINO .,1‘. . P, .• Seleet your gifts Wisely, and you Wilt be known for thoughtfulness, regardless of the pries, paid. Few gifts at this mod- est mice can compare to stainless steel cookware by West Bend. Pot Wife or mother, brilliant long-lasting stainless S4 utensils Ideal, Continental Mated knobs, clean struction skillet. dies, Gift OT COVER 0 0 CRAV E I goo., tail CONVENIENC Would be a welcome replacement. too, for beginning homemakers.. has a flair all its own — aim. walnut browrt handles and cover copper-color accent rings and -easy stainless steel. TIST-PLY con- in the utensil used Most, 1014" Contoured, heat-resistant hen- Cover knobs With steel flame guards. -boxed. • / . -`-. .. 77.7.1 ' .;.:1,"' X 2 z;. '•'• r.'... 1 Simmer ' stoneware good -QT. BEAN flavors, -halting $7.99 bring ELECTRIC POT , Out in genuine natural . Automatic! 5 to 9 CUP PERK • Perks satitfying full-flavored coffee auto- tnbticanY• Keeps it pipi ng hot. Polished aluminum; topper tone cover. Walnut brown handle and bate. . , $1199 1, , „:'po' HMI RUIN .,,,:, , . , .... 12. to at) cup automatic "PARTY' PERK" FOY' parties, card clubs, area" rooms ....wherever 6 or tnore gather. Brews end keepS eotfee hot automatically.- . Polished aluminum. reg, $ 2 99 3/.06 UTTER -PERDUE LIMITED Qualify Hardware Electrical Appliances and Housewares and. Supplies Phone HU 24621 Clinton • 'ii Asia , ' A '' FEDERAL RIDING OF HURON LIBERAL NOMINATING CONVENTION to select a Candidate to contest the riding in the forthcoming Federal Election Wednesday, Feb. 20th, at 2 p.m. LEGION HALL — CLINTON HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION A. Y. McLEAN ROY LAMONT HAROLD SHORE President Treasurer Secretary S This Week Is National Electric Week February 10 to 16 110USEWORICI AS EASY AS :*teit .".•••••, SASS:rss..SSent.tat;r: Your electric dryer, your vacuum cleaner and your electric range provide speedy and efficient service. These are just some of the many benefits you enjoy when you put electricity to Work in your home. More and more people every day dis- cover the value of electricity's low-cost versatility. In the past few decades it has helped us take charge of our chores . reduced home,,-,v, to something that's almost enjoyaile and helped raise our living stand-trL Li) a now high. Clinton Public Utilities 17 PARK LANE — OFF PRINCESS ST. is Willing to Advise and Assist Yoil +o Live Better 5leetridally INQUIRE ABOUT ELECTRICAL HEATING BEFORB YOU BUILD A NEW HOME, Miss Grace Goodfellow spent Thursday evening with Miss Edith Beacom. Mrs. Earl Gaunt spent a few days last week at the home of her son in Clinton. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. Jo- seph Youngblut and family in their recent bereavement. , Mr. Dave Ewan who has been in Clinton Public Hospital for the past three • weeks for a check-up, returned home on Monday, much improved. Mrs. Marjorie Davey, daugh- ter of Mr. , and Mrs. Emerson Hesk, Londesboro, has success- fully completed her hairdres- sing course at Paul Pogue Beauty School, London. Miss Edith Beacom, Mrs. Laura Lyon and Mrs. Milly Bentham spent Saturday in London visiting with Mr. Har- old Beacom and Mrs. Robert Townsend who are still patients in Victoria Hospital. Both are progressing favorably. WI Donate to Hall The WI held their meeting 0 • Meet to Launch Beef Association Thursday, February 21 is the date set for launching of an- other new county organization, the Huron County Beef Im- provement Asseciation. At a recent meeting held in Toronto, the Beef Producers of Ontario agreed in principle to a constitution and by-laws for the organization at a provincial level, At the county meeting open to all beef producers, at 2 p.m. in the agricultural board room, Clinton, the Huron County Producers will be asked to ap- prove the county constitution and by-laws and elect• a board of directors and executive to carry out the objectives to be outlined. Mr. Ed. Starr of the Ontario Live Stock Branch will be the guest speaker and will outline some activities the county or- ganization can do to help the beef industry in this county. Every person in Huron County who produces beef cattle shall be a member of the association. last Thursday and made grants to two different groups during their business session. The group voted to contribute $100 to the Hall board and $5 for the Mental Health Assoc- iation. The president opened the meeting with a poem, and fol- lowing the reading of the min- utes, several thank-you notes were read. Mrs. Glen Carter gave a full report on the Hospital Auxil- iary and Mrs, Edwin Wood and Mrs. Tom Allen were appointed to the nominating committee and Mrs. Harvey Taylor, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Jim How- att were named as a committee to arrange for the "Sunshine Sister" banquet. The topic, "If you have an idea, put it to work, not to bed', was taken by Mrs. Stanley Lyon and minutes of a meeting held in 1933 were read by the president and Mrs. Harvey Taylor gave the current events for 1962. Miss ' Josephine Woodcock, guest speaker, gave an inter- esting talk, 'stressing "getting out neighbour talent" and also reminiscing of her stay in Blyth where she and her mother came to reside 50 years ago. Mrs. Harold Livingstone fav- ored with a lovely solo and Mrs. Glen Carter conducted a con- test, after which lunch was served from a lovely Valentine table, Goderich Twp. South Relatives of Mrs, Sam Scoyne, Port Stanley, will be grieved to learn of her sudden illness in Florida where she and Mr. Scoyne are spending the win- ter. In hospital there, the. doc- tor is pleased with her prog- ress, The former Ruby Stirling, in her girlhood she lived on the sixth concession and attended SS 5, Goderich Twp. School. Wayne Stirling, on his dis- .charge from Clinton Public Hospital following an accident, spent a few weeks touring Cal- ifornia and now fully recovered, is able to take up his farm duties. Mr. Bob Rathwell, a patient in . Victoria Hospital, London, for some time was visited re- cently by Bob Stirling who found him cheerful and re- sponding to treatment. MIDDLETON fipPLVTON--The •Women's Auxiliary of St. JanIPS .Cinirgii, Middleton,. met en' Wednesday .afternoon, February 6 at the home of Mrs. Fred Middleton with 3.3 members and, three .visitors, present, Actually t hese '`visitors" were former members of the WA, who were warmly welcomed to their old "quilting-grounds.," , was a work meeting With most of the afternoon spent in quilting, and was fol- lowed by ,devotions and general business, Mrs. Ray Wise presided and led in the Ray prayer.and the Lord's prayer; Mrs, Joseph Storey gave the special prayer partners' prayer and also read the Scripture lesson,. The roll call was answered by a verse of Scripture includ- ing the word "witness." The minutes were read by Mrs. John Grigg and the financial statement was given by Mrs. Alvin Dutot. Mrs. Arnold miner outlined the Dorcas requirements for 3.963, The president reminded the members of the Wqrld Day of Prayer service to be held 'Fri- day, March 1, in the Wesley,- Willis Church this year. It was decided to hold a bak- ing sale in Bayfield this sum- mer, if our usual site is avail- able. The rector, the Rev, E. Harrison then conducted the Litany as found in "The Living Message," A bounteous lunch and social half-hour concluded a very int- eresting meeting. PLAN CARD PARTY AT IIIIDDLMON The Women's Auxiliary of St. James Anglican Church, Mid- dleton, is planning a card party social evening in USS 9, Tip- perary School on Friday even- ing, February 15 at 8.30 p.m. and everyone is welcome. 0 The life expectancy of males in Canada increased from 60 to 68 years between 1931 and 1956, and life expectancy of females increased from 62 to 73 years. Granton, Exeter, Hensel' and area presented him with many lovely gifts. The BS No, 4 0oderich Town,, ship Farm Forum met on Mon- day night at the home. of Mr. and mrs. JIm Loh, with ten members. present, The radio topic for .diacus- sicn was "A.R.P.A, and the. community." Question; Do you feel that your area qualifies for assist-, ance under A.R.D.A.1. (a) What kind of assistance do you need? We feel that we do not qualify for assistance under (b) What type of projecti would you .undertake? Clearing scattered areas of sub-marginal land overgrown with thorn trees are projects too costly for individual' farmers to under, take, Question; If your area does not qualify for AR,D.A. assist, once; what is being done and What agencies are Assisting in rural development? ' (1) The Maitland Conserva- tion Authority is Assisting with one proposed farm pond in the district, -.(2) A game sanctuary has been developed privately on sub-marginal overgrown land, which contained a spring water supply. This provides. .a very interesting spot for children, as wen as adults, to visit, (3) The 'Fish and Game Con- servation Club has carried out several projects in the .area, some - which are pond con-struction, stocking streams with fish, and reforestation, There Wa$ a short recreation period following the discussion, when "50Q" was played. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The forum will meet next week at the 'home of l\ffr, and Mrs. Donald Lobb, NEWS OF LONDESBORO Correspondent — 1V1 S. BERT ALLAN Phone l3lyth 37 x- 5 SS 4 Club The SS No. 4 Goderich Town- ship Community Club met at the home of Mrs. Irvine Teb- butt for the February meeting, The president, Mrs.. Murray Forbes conducted the meeting, which was opened with the Creed, followed by the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. The minutes of the January meeting were read and approv- ed and the treasurer's report showed a balance of $40.40. A gift is being donated to the Tom Cunningham family, RR 1, Auburn, recent fire vie,. tims. The roll call was answered by 12 members and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction and then work was done on a quilt. • Lunch was served with Mrs. Morgan Jones and Mrs. Jack Merrill assisting the hostess. rws., Feb. 14, 1963—,Clinton News44eCord-,--Pq9e 11 Farm Forum Discusses /Ulla WHEN, YOU'RE LIVING BETTER ELECTRICALLY!