HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-02-07, Page 11•
Thurs., Feb. 7, 1963-Clinton News-Record-Page 1
Correspondpnt MRS. BIIIRT ALLAN
Phone' Myth 87 ir
London with another daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Mr. Mil-
Mr. ,and Mrs. Clifton Mac-
Donald visited their son, Gor-
don, who is a patient in Gode-
rich hospital suffering from
fractured legs which he receiv-
ed due to an accident at the
salt mine. His many friends in
this district wish him a speedy
A large crowd attended the
wedding reception held in the
Auburn Community Memorial
Hall for Mr. and Mrs. William
Dobie, Mr. Chuck Stewart was
the master of ceremonies and
the address was read by Mr.
William Seers. A purse of mon-
ey was presented to them by
Sandy Andrews. Music for
dancing was supplied by the
Rythmaires and the caller was
Glen Patterson. Misses Barbara
MacKay and Carolyn Sprung
sang several numbers.
Ladies Attend
Leather Course
Colborne Township and Au-
burn ladies attended the Leath-
ercraft classes held last week
at the Colborne Township Hall,
Carlow, for five days.
The course was sponsored by
the Tiger Dunlop Women's In-
stitute and the instructress was
Mrs. W. Agnew, Downsview:
Mrs. Wilmer Hardy was the
convener of the course and oth-
ers taking the course in making
these lovely purses were: Mrs.
Gerry Ginn, Mrs. Elwin Sillib,
Mrs. Norman Durst, Mrs. Arn-
old Young, Mrs. Lenard Fisher,
Mrs, Arnold Fisher, Mrs. Ver-
dun Vanstone, Mrs. M. R. Ful-
ford, Mrs. Charles Mitchell,
Mrs. Elwin Pfrimmer, Mrs.
Gordon Dobie and Mrs. Kenneth
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cerresaanclent t fafiS, N. LONG
Phone tierIPOIr 278 W 1
Mr, and MrS. Norman Picks ,
ert are visiting a, few days with
friends in Clifford,
!,‘nsiroWs Annual
The Annual Meeting of St.
Andrew's United Church, gip-
pen, was held on Monday even,
ing, February 4, preceded 'by
pot-luck supper arranged by the
retiring stewards.
Rev, A. H. Johnston was
chairman for the meeting .arid
Emerson Kyle secretary.
A year of progress was shown
in all reports, repairs having
been, made to the church along
with: the installation of chimes
and flood lights.
Four were elected to the.
board of stewards, namely; Ger-
ald Moffatt, Robert D. Elgie,
William Coleman and Wilmer
It was announced at this
meeting that two bequests had
been left to Kippen United Ch-
urch, A congregational acknow-
ledgement will be made at a
later date,
manse committee to replace Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Craig.
Plans were discussed to hold
a preaching mission in Knox
United Church and it was pas-
sed that arrangements be made
to hold it at a future date.
Mr. Lewis showed the film,
"Beyond the Bell", which show-
ed the missionary work done in
several countries of the world,
With any one
of our
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See our new 36 poge cheque catalogue and choose
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Clinton News-Record
Albert Street - CLINTON Phone HU 2-3443
Bird-McPhee MAN Givings,
Hit New 'High.
At Auburn UC
Adastral Park Executive Council
Adastral Park, the permanent married quarters at RCAF Clinton is similar
to, any town in Canada, there is an elected council to administer the area , busi-
ness. Recently elected to the council are, back row, left to right: Sgt. Rees,
Cpl. Adams, WO2 Davies, Cpl. Hiemstra, Sgt. Barnes ,and LAC Young. Front
row, F/S Burns and F/L Wright, mayor. (RCAF Photo)
They were Mrs. Harvey Pett-
man, Goderich; Mrs. Grant
Knight, Sarnia; Mrs. Lenard
McGee, Goderich; Mrs. Ross
Sparks, Sarnia and Mrs. Ken-
neth Miller, Goderich.
The pretty little flower-girls,
were Miss Brenda McPhee, RR
3, Auburn and Miss Bonnie Mc-
Phee, Goderich, nieces of the
The groomsman was Mr.
Lance Young, Toronto and the
ushers were Mr. Ross Cooper,
Toronto; Mr. Fred Bird, Tor-
onto, brother of the groom;
Mr. George Bird, Toronto, bro-
ther of the groom; Mr. Jim
Haines, St. Thomas and Robert
McPhee, RR 3, Auburn, broth-
er of the bride.
For a reception which follow-
ed at the Harbourlite Inn,
Goderich, the bride's mother
assisted in receiving the guests
wearing a black silk dress em-
broidered with silver, black ac-
cessories and a pink rosebud
She was assisted by the
groom's mother wearing a blue,
pure silk figured dress, white
hat, black accessories- and a
corsage of pink rosebuds.
For a wedding trip to Nor-
thern Ontario the bride donned
a pink sheath wool dress, mat-
ching hat with black acces-
sories and a pink and white
rosebud corsage. On their re-
turn they will reside in London,
Guests were present from To-
ronto, Sarnia and Goderich.
Honored at Shower
Prior to her marriage the
bride was guest of honor at a
miscellaneous shower held at
the home of Mrs. Ross McPhee,
RR 3, Auburn. Neighbours and
friends were the guests and a
social afternoon was enjoyed.
Mrs. Stewart Taylor gave an
interesting reading and the
bride was escorted to a decorat-
ed chair. Two little girls, Sally
Kerr and Brenda McPhee,
wheeled a decorated wagon
holding a basket of gifts and
presented them to Miss Mc-
• She was assisted in opening
the gifts by her sister, Mrs.
Roy Williams, Sarnia.
Miss McPhee thanked the
neighbors and friends for their
gifts and lunch was served by
Mrs. Ross McPhee, Mrs. Robert
Bogie, Mrs. Wilbert Johnston,
Mrs. Bob McPhee, Mrs. Clif-
ford McPhee and Mrs. Len
Miss McPhee was also guest
at a shower given, by Miss
Irene Usher, Toronto and one
given by Miss Irene Spridgon,
Toronto, and by Mrs. Robert
Bogie after the wedding re-
hearsal on Friday evening.
W L HT Pts.
Clubs 35 16 11 81
Stars 30 21 11 71
Cleaners 28 23 n 67
Imps 26 25 3 60
Drivers 24 27 9 57
Dobbers 24 27 8 56
Budgies 23 28 7 53
Hearts 15 36 4 34
High single, ladies, B. 'Wonch,
280; men, Harold Black, 330;
high triple, ladies, T. Jones,
667; men, Paul Draper, 764;
high average, ladies, T. Jones,
178; men, Howie Grealis, 213.
AUBURN---The 'annual meet-
ing of Knox tasked Church was
held in the Sunday sphool of
the church with a large atten-
dance. The meeting began with
a pot-luck dinner being served
by the members of unit three
of the UCW,.
Rev, Charles Lewis opened
the business meeting with pray,
er and presided for the meet-
The missionary and mainten-
ance fund reached an all time
high with a large increase over
last year. This report was giv-
en by the treasurer of the MM,
Everett Taylor. The report of
the United Church Women was
given and the highlights of their
'first year were outlined by the
president, Mrs. Kenneth Mac-
The supply committee of the
UCW reported that three bales
'for overseas relief valued at
$1,700 as well as a bale of
new material which had been
forwarded to Toronto. This re-
port was given by the convener
oc this committee, Mrs. Roy
A new group, the Exporeas
had been formed during the
sear for girls 9 to 11 years,
it/e'er the leadership of Mrs.
Charles Lewis.
Mr. Lewis extended thanks tc
all retiring members and thank-
ed them for faithfully perform-
ing their duties during the past
The election of new officers
icols place and Elliott Tapp
and Keith Arthur were named
the new elders to be added to
the session. The new stewards
elested were: for one year term,
Robert Turner and for the four
year term, Torn Cunningham,
enneth Mere; 1ga 1 I Carman
Gross and Ernest Durnin. '
Mr. and a. Irs. Norman Mc-
Dawell were elected to the
102nd Meeting
For Auburn
AUBURN --a Knox Presbyter-
ian Church held its 102nd an-
nual business meeting in the
Sunday school room of the
church with Rev. R. U. Mac-
Lean in charge, opening with
a devotional period.
The minutes of the last an-
nual meeting were adopted as
read by the church secretary,
Donald Haines.
The clerk of session present-
ed the report of the session and
special thanks was given to Dr.
D. J. Lane for his leadership
and also to the Rev. G. L. Roy-
al who had been interim-mod-
erator of the charge while it
was vacant.
The auditors report was giv-
en by Mrs. Ed. Davies and the
financial statement was given
by Mrs. Wes Bradnock, church
treasurer. It was noted the
members had given more to
the budget fund of the church
than ever before.
The report of the Sunday
school as prepared by the sec-
retary-treasurer, Edgar Leath-
erland; the report of the WMS
by Mrs. Alvin Leatherland and
the report of the Ladies Aid by
Mrs. Roy Daer were all accept-
ed as printed. The CGIT re-
port was given by Mrs. Wes
Bradnock and the Ida White
COC group report was submit-
ted by Mrs. Donald Haines.
The officers for 1963 are as
follows: session, Rev. R. U.
MacLean, minister; John Hous-
ton, Alfred Rollinson, William
Watson, 3. Kenneth Scott and
Donald Haines, clerk; manag-
ers, Major Youngblut, Alvin
Leatherland, Roy Daer, Charl-
es Stewart, Gordon Dobie and
William Wagner; church trus-
tees, Arthur Youngblut, Har-
vey McGee, Donald Haines;
church organists, Miss Margar-
et Haines, Miss Barbara Mac-
Kay, Miss Margaret Sanderson.
Church secretary, Donald
Haines; church treasurer, Mrs.
Wes Bradnock; auditors, Mrs.
Ed, Davies, Mrs. Wilfred Sand-
erson; church historian, Mrs.
John Houston, ushers, Gordon
Dobie, Alvin Leatherland, J.
Kenneth Scott, Bruce Young-
blut, Murray Youngblut, Char-
les Stewart, Donald Haines.
Plans were made for the
coming year and the meeting
was closed with the benedic-
tion pronounced by Rev. Mac-
Lean and the ladies of the
congregation served lunch.
In 1961 30 percent of Can-
ada's national product was
channelled into government
Mrs. Robert Townsend went
to London on Sunday for treat-
ment in Victoria Hospital.
The 13erean Unit of the UCW
will meet on Thursday, Febru-
ary 14 for their monthly meet-
Robert Thompson has re-
turned home from hospital
where he was a patient for four
Miss Dorothy Little and Miss
Mildred Hollinger, Toronto,
were weekend visitors with Mrs,
Townsend and Mrs. Bentham,.
Harold ,Beacom is a patient
in Victerio, Hospital, •London,, and en Saturday had surgery
for a stomach ailment. "
The Good Neighbor Club met
At the home of Mrs. Earl
Gaunt with 11 members and
one visitor. Group one contrib-
uted the program and a social
hour followed with lunch serv-
ed by group three, The Febru-
ary meeting will be held at
Mrs. Nerve,
Auburn and District
MRS. WES BRADNOCK-Correspondent-Phone 526-7595
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thomson
and family of Stratford visited
on Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Millian.
Mrs. Wes, Bradnock attended
the 60th anniversary celebra-
tions at Exeter for the South
Huron District of the WI.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown
attended the annual At-Home
at the Stratford Teachers Col-
lege last Friday, evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
reys visited at Brussels over
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Tom MacDonald and family.
Friends in this district of Mr.
Archie Robinson, Clinton, have
received word from him that he
is vacationing now at Braden-
ton, Florida.
Mrs, William T. Robison is
visiting at Hensel" this week
with her son-in-law and dau-
ghter, Rev. and Mrs. Harold
Currie and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Morris of
London spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. Arthur Grange
and sisters, Jennifer and Shel-
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blake,
Faye and Maryanne, Brussels,
visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell
and Diane.
Mrs. Tom Jardin of Wingham
visited last week with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Straughan. Mrs. Jardin had the
misfortune to fall in her home
and fracture a bone in her
right arm.
Visitors over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Dodd and William Dodd Jr.,
Mrs. William Dodd Sr. and Mrs.
J. C. Clark were Mrs. Sam
Anderson of Western Canada,
Mrs. Henry Matthews, Nile and
Mr. and. Mrs. Reg Ryan, Nile.
Mr. Percy Vincent returned
home last week from a visit in
Ottawa with his daughter, Mrs.
James Annis, Dr. Annis and
family. He is now visiting in
This instruction in leather-
craft is sponsored by the de-
partment of agriculture through
the extension branch of the
Home Economics service.
• Walkerburn Club
The Walkerburn Club held
their monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. George Schneider
with 15 members,' one visitor
and several children present.
The meeting was in charge of
the president, Mrs. Leonard
Archambault and it was opened
by the singing of 0 Canada,
followed by prayer by Mrs.
Lorne Hunking.
The minutes were approved
as read by the secretary, Mrs.
Henry Hunking and the roll call
was answered by each member
presenting a gift to Mrs. Tom
Cunningham, who had lost all
when their home burned re-
Plans were made to hold a
community shower for Mrs.
Cunningham and Mrs. Elliott
Lapp, Mrs. Worthy Young, Mrs.
Roy Daer and Mrs. Leonard
Archambault were named a
committee to arrange for it in
the near future.
The draw prize (donated by
Louise Hunking) was won by
Mrs. Worthy Young. pro-
gram of contests was given by
Mrs. Lorne Hunking and Mrs.
Ariel Duizer.
Plans were made to have a
penny sale at the next meeting
and the roll call is to be an-
swered by naming something
our grandmothers used that we
don't today.
Hostess for the next meeting
will be Mrs. Elliott Lapp and
the program will be in charge
of Mrs. A. Duizer and Mrs. Jack
Hallam, The lunch committee
will be Mrs. John Snyders, Mrs.
Joe Verwey, Mrs. Worthy
Young and Mrs, Stuart Ament,
AUBURN-Baaket of mixed
floWers decorated the Nile
United Church last Saturday,
February 24 for Alma Anita
McPhee, Toronto and Norman
Douglas. Bird, Toronto, When
they exchanged marriage vows.
Rev. G. L, Royal performed
the ceremony and the wedding
music was Played by Mrs. Ro-
bert Bogie, aunt of the bride.
The bride is the youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Chester McPhee, RR 3, Auburn
and the groom is the son of
Mrs. Ida Bird and the late Ro-
bert George Bird, Toronto.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride looked lovely
' in a white floor-length gown
of silk brocade with white sat-
in roses and seed pearls down
the sides and it featured a
chapel train, a boat neckline
and three-quarter length sleev-
Her elbow-length veil of ny-
lon silk illusion was held in
place by a crown of seed pearls
and crystal drops and she car-
ried a bouquet of red roses.
Mrs. Roy Williams, Sarnia,
was her sister's matron of hon-
or, wearing a red sheath dress
of peau de soie, round neckline
and three-quarter length sleev-
es, matching headdress and
shoes, white gloves and car-
ried a bouquet of white 'mums.
The bridesmaids were all sis-
ters of the bride, wearing red
sheath dresses of peau de soi
styled similar to the matron of
honor with the same headdress-
es and matching accessories.
Appearing This Week Only
at the
"The Standard Five
Direct From London
And His Western Band
is included in the
Workmen's 'Compensation
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