Clinton News-Record, 1963-02-07, Page 10GET A HARRY WILLIAMS HII2.6633 RI1+1CLINTON EATING OILS-GASOLINE GREASES-MOTOLOILS,- 3S4* WHITE ROSE I GUERNSEYS at Auction PARTIAL DISPERSAL DALEVISTA FARM GUERNSEYS At the Farm Clinton, Ontario FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 0, 1:00 pm. 44 HEAD REGISTERED GUERNSEYS 16 Open Heiterg--,-- 8 Bred Heifers /6 Cows Consigned are sonde of the beet from our herd. Featured are calves for 444 Club work, Selling because We are short 6r remi t short of labour, and short of money. Sok Managed By GUERNSEY cAtTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO ijok 06 Guelph ontarle PANTRY WARE and SMALL APPLIANCES ro-thei Heart or a Nonce, 04° HOUSEWARES and COOKWARE [WEST BUD ........._L..... ' -4, 4.,.,..i . '.'' ,...;.,,..:„ .,,,,,,...Nowtow* 64arit; ..voi*i.":::,ii:i:in .. .,,, > , „„, of* WestBena ' .... ' ......".•''.1.z.zi.....;:-,km-- -..:...: " ,....oMObia4iiinagki:i*1:::in:iik • . iinguiiiKiwo, ... . .. 4 PIECE : Canister Set Rv Set includes Flour, Sugar, , . Coffee and Tea Canisters. Colonial silhouettes indicate • contents. Bright aluminum _ with black trim. .„ COFFEE formerly .P• FLOUR now $ 799 sUGAR $125° .E: TEA • •:, for $2995 , memo only • .. • •,, .•.. ,. , . 3 0 I V al g st exasoej •:. ,.... „.. . v ,, . ..: % „ ,. , ., . jam Bright has handy spout cap. 21/2 qt. stainless SINGING with comparable solid West capacity. push Genuine TEA KETTLE copper bottom Bend stainless button copper kettles $695 steel to operate kettle , bottory .,-ofr. //)•,:, ,,, -, . . , . . , M ,.., ' only $ 599 ,,,...ome ,:. ... .. -..• ., •. ., ..,,,. :;:,... „.•• ., ..,•:.::i ii-,..:0,,•_, • - ....,. • ',.. -4.„d....• '• . i : MR A AL ACV R Dslch RrA0 'JIM^ SAICAt . Mgr - .... O tft hanks All otiv „,s . kk ,, ' 104 FOR YOUR .,,,,, .;at,\,-,.,Y OIPT-OWVING . . Select your gifts wisely, and you will be known for thoughtfulness, regardless of the price paid, raw gifts at this mod- est price can compare to stainless steel 'cookware by West Bend. rer wife or mother, brilliant; long-lastiog stainless ... Ales, Gift 44 utensils Ideal, Continental elated knobs, clean struttion skillet. 41 .00 CUD CONVENIENCE would be a too, for beginning has a flair walnut brown copper-Color -easy stainless steel. in the utensil Contoured, cover blebs with -boxed. welcome S ,,,„, all handles heat Steel its accent used If replacement. homemakers., TIMMY -resistant thune own — gyn. and cover rings and con. most, 1.12.%” hats. guards. stainless MIXING 1/4 every wide Complete Handy qt. for piece BOVVL St/2 qt„ oh- West Bend mixing need. easy gripping: set steel qt, bowls Rims SET *599 , , . ,,, and for - are 5 to 9 CUP PER Perks satisfying, full-flavored coffee tirrilua rilticietnitifrit.i ke ebeppis,eirt_ttipniengtobvoet.r.P.wolaisliineudt brown handle and b ase. utturiatic! $1199 .,. • KI ' $ atet,;.- ' .... .... . . f . ..- . ,,,, •-, 1111EST•gEllD De •,,, -.1 to 30 cup automatic "PARTY PER Per parties, card Clubs, uret" ream A 4 AwhOrever 6 Or More gather, BreWS and keeps toffee hot, automatically: Polished altirninutn. 3ZOS 24" SUTTER PERDUE LIMITED Quelify Hardware anti Hdta6WdrdS PhOlie 'HU 24021 Elecfrital Appliances ancl Supplies Clinton page lo,ontor4 News-Recoirii,-1'hurs., Feb. 74 1903 Folk-Singing Team Songs of the sea and the land, from Canada and abroad, are featured when folk-singers Elan. Stuart and. Bud Spencer team up in a new CBC radio network program, Songs from Here and There, broadcast each Wednesday from Halifax (CBC Photo) A Matter or Principle (By 3. CARL BEMINOWAY) UC Annual The 1963 annual meeting of the Brucefield United Church was held on Monday, January 28, commencing With a pot luck supper. Rev: H. Johnston was chair- man and Mrs, Edgar Allan, secretary. On behalf of the congrega- tion, Elgin Thompson, express- ed regret at the resignation and retirement of Rev. Johnston, which will take place at the end of June. During the election of offic- ers, the following were named: Elders—John Broadfoot, Jam- es Boughen and Robert Allan, Jr. Board of managers—Ken Mc- Cowan, Harvey Taylor and Ray MCNaIL Reports of the various groups in the church were given by the following persons; Young people, George Elliott; Sunday school, Robert Fother- ingham; Explorers, Mrs. Bough- en; CGIT, Mrs. Glen Swan; Cubs, Mr, Stewart Broadfoot; choir, Mrs, John BroadfoOt; Messengers, Mrs. Ed Allan; junior congregation, Mrs. Vic- tor Hargreaves; UM, Mrs. Elgin Thompson and Mrs. Har- vey Taylor; cards and flowers, Mrs. H. Berry; trustees, Ross Scott; church treasurer, Mrs. Mae Wilson; auditor, Mr. T, Baird. A vote of thanks was ex- pressed to all who had helped in any way and the Meeting was closed with prayer by Rev. Johnston, UCW Elect Officers Mrs. IT, Berry was detted president of the United Church Women at the January meet- ing of the group held recently. Other officers elected include Vice-president, Mrs. Gordon On January 29 a meeting of the Ontario Beef Producers As- sociation was held in the Sea- way Hotel at Toronto, X would say that the attendance was the largest I have seen in the past six years. The purpose was to discuss and approve the draft constitu- tion for the new organization, the Ontario Beef Improvement Association. In general the new Associa- tion will be under the direction of the Ontario Department of Agriculture with an Ontario government appointed secre- tary - treasurer - manager and with the county agriculture representatives acting in sim- ilar capacity in the county units. The plan will be financed by grants, supposedly from the Department of Agriculture and donations. At the insistence of those attending "membership fees" was added so that the organization could become pro- ducer financed at some time in the future if the producers so desired. The board of directors will be made up of one director el- ected by the producers of each county. Anyone who sells cattle or calves for slaughter is deemed to be a "beef producer". This will include those who produce dairy cattle. Inthe draft constitution, the objects mentioned dealt only with production of better quality, but ,from the program of the day it was apparent that improved methods of feed- ing, management and feed con- version would also be dealt with. The matter of marketing or selling of cattle and beef pro- ducts was conspicuous by its absence. Again at the invita- tion of the meeting changes were made in a few clauses which would allOw the very important problem of selling at a profit to be dealt with. There will be county meet- ings in the near future to ac- quaint all those interested with details of the amended consti- tution, At the Ontario annual meeting which I believe is to be held in March, there will be opportunity to approve the constitution and the new or- ganization will at that time become an established fact. Now for a little comment on the whole situation. On Thursday evening on the Farm. Focus program, Vaughan Douglas was discussing the WPM •Parrelwandent., MRS, N, LONG gTO:'W mr, And: Mrs. Pan :Peterschl 44P.1 family :MVO "attird43' from Mr, Lebb's 'house to Mr, end Mrs, Carnet Ship- inert and family, gxeter, were SaialaY guests 'With Mr, ATI.d. Mrs. Harold Jones And boys, • And. :Mrs, Arthur .ex and faraiIY, clarkson, were weekend. visitors with Nip. and MrS. Vern Aiderdice and faintly, Mr and Mrs, Alf Moffatt left Tuesday morning by motor for. Vero Beach, Florida, where they will vacation a month. On their trip. clown they visited a brother of Mrs. Moffatt, at . Pontiac, Mich. • FarollY 4allies Meet The family .Sailies held the first meeting of their new pro- ject '$eing -Well Dressed and Well ..Groomed" at the home of their leader, Mrs. Russell Con- sitt. • The new officers are as .fol, lows: president, Wendy Jones; Vice, President, Ann Clifton; treas, urer, Gwenneth Hendrick; pian, ist, Marilyn Keyes; press. sec- retary, Nancy Consitt, Each member will record the minutes of each meeting in their record books. Patterns and materials for their dusters were discussed. Mrs. Consitt demonstrated pat, chins and Mrs. Hendrick show- ed how to do the slip stitch. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Hendrick. HENSALL — At the con- gregational dinner and annual meeting of Hensall United Ch- urch, Wednesday, January 30, the following officials were added to various boards and committees: Robert Caldwell, Eric Mans- field, James McGregor, Jack Simmons, Mrs. Peter Mc- Naughton and Mrs. C. Christie to the Committee of Stewards; Douglas Cook, Miss M. Ellis, Mrs. Ken Elder, Nancy Kyle, Edison Forrest and the minist- er, Rev. H. F. Currie, to the committee of Missions and Maintenance. Mr. Clen Christie, Mrs. James McAllister, Mr. Donald Joynt, Mr. Howard Scane, Mr. Clarence Smillie, Mrs. Jack Simmons, Mr, Roger Venner, and the minister to the Christ- ian Education Committee. Ushers elected were; Wilmer Ferguson, Ross Jinks, Roy Br- ock, Gerald Flynn, Wayne Sm- ith, Grant McLean, Grant Mc- Gregor, Eric Mansfield, Ken Richardson, Douglas Cooper, Cecil Pepper and Ross Corbett. Auditors elected were James McAllister and H. W, Horton and the trustees are Lorne Hay, Yards in Toronto. If producers join this new organization with enthusiasm, what will it do to this balance between production and mark- eting that is so important in the eyes of the gentleman from Denmark? Thursday, FebrIIM 7' W, ll , Daugan who has been patient in St. jotephs Hospital, London, has retied home. Mr. R. M. Peck, a patient at Clinton Public Hospital is im- proving nicely and is able to d be ay up for a short time each Mrs. Chester Lee left Wed- nesclay, February 6, by jet for Tampa, Florida, Where she will vacation with relatives for the. winter months. Mrs. John Henderson who has been a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital for 'the past six weeks returned home on Sun- day, wo John Beer of Moose Jaw, Sask., spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beer, also with Mr. and Mrs. •George Beer, Linda and Betty Ann. Mr, and Mrs. Keith Lind- say, Pamela and Sheila, Lon- don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Henderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Ben- gough, Mrs, Ed. ,Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren were visitors in Kitchener and with Mrs. Margaret Evans and family in Waterloo. Elgin Rowcliffe, W. R, Dougall, Harvey Keys and Lorne Chap- man. The annual financial state- ment presented to the congreg- ation indicated that in excess of 533,000 had been contributed to the support of the church during 1962 including $15,000 pledged to the new christen education wing now in process of being built. There was an increase of nine percent support of the Mission- ary and Maintenance Fund. Mr. William L. Mickle present- ed on behalf of the Committee of Stewards their budget for 512,884 for the ensuing year which was accepted by the congregation. Mrs. Douglas Cook and Mr. Howard Scane expressed on behalf of the people their ap- preciation for the ministery of Rev. Harold F. Currie and Mrs. Currie. Mrs. Currie was pres- ented with a beautiful floral arrangement by the congrega- tion. The minister expressed his commendation to the officers and people of the congregation for their loyalty and devoted services to the work and wor- ship of the church of Jesus Christ in their midst. The session report presented by Walter Spencer indicated that 26 members had been added during the year on Prof- ession of Faith bringing the total meMbership to 400. a Employment in Canada's manufacturing industry achiev- ed a peak of 1,360.000 in 1957, will average about 50,000 less during 1962. NOTICE Annual Meeting of the Children's Aid Society of Huron County will be held in the Court pause, Goderich, Ontario on Wednesday, Feb, 13, 1963, at 2:30 p.m. ALL WELCOME John G. Berry, Secretary, Board of Directors. Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs, Mary Taylor, Mrs, W. J, Cam, gran, Mrs, William .$male, Mrs, John Skea, attended a card party at Clinton foegion Hall Wednesday, January 3Q.. Mrs. ,Srp410 was a Wittneg. in a draw prize. Mr. William Henry celebrat- ed his 85th birthday Saturday at Clinton Public HosPital where be is a patient. .Qeie,, hiong with him was. Mrs, Henry and .their son Pr, -Camp eron Henry,' London.' A birth, day cake which WaS included • in theluncheon W4.5 -Pr1,7.03 and Mrs. •Siiri. Ropbol, Hensall, also a patient in the hospital, read the congratulatory cards to the celebrant. Guests attending the 103rd birthday party for Mrs. Agnes Baird of ' Queensway Nursing Home here last Wednesday Were: Mr. and Mrs, Norman Baird, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Baird, Mrs. Goldie Graham, Mr. Arthur Chapman, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Baird and Dianne, Mr, and Mrs. T. Baird. The cele- brant, Mrs. Baird, received 70 congratulatory cards; two tele- grains, from • Pretnier Roharts 'and Hon. Charles MacNaugh- ton, minister of highways; a birthday cake; gifts and sever- al lovely potted 'plants. Kipper, East WI 'Euchre Eighteen tables were in play for the euchre at community centre, Friday evening, spon- sored by Kippen East Women's Institute. Winners were; ladies—Mrs. Ervin Willert, Hensall; Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot, RR 3, Kip- pen; Mrs. Alex McBeath, RR 3, Kippen. Gents—Jim Hamilton, RR 1, Hensall; Wilmer Broadfoot, RR 3, Kippen; James Drummond, RR 2, Kippen. Lucky lunch prize was won by Mrs. Verne Alderdice, RR 2, Kippen, and music for the dance was provided by the "Collegians". Explorers Meet The Exporers of Carmel Presbyterian Church opened their January meeting with the Lord's Prayer, Purpose, Motto and ,hymn, 4ou. call was by ,lpinice BOn', throng collection, 1.ats, Wright; Prayer, PaYc Troyer; mintlteS and annual report, Mariorie Schwalm; Bible readings, T r a y r , John Tirmaermans, John Thompson. The gxplarers received ,a thank you air letter from 4 nnS, SionarY, Miss 7-1ildtir Herinan- son, Reg-N, for maple leaves she received last fall. She also sent a Chinese, newspaper show- ing her distrbuting fleece-lin- ed undorWear to 90 mountain Children and giving medical care alSo While Mrs. Gordon Schwaint was reading a missionary, story wriger Tail Village", the boys and girls wore the Chinese p4Per hats they made the pre- Viotia Meeting and they were eating the roasted buttered Puffed rice with chop sticks. The federal government col- lects about $100,000,000 a year through the sales tax collected at the factory on Canadian made motor vehicles; the prov- incial governments collect ab- out $375,000,000 a year in gaso- line taxes and $150,400,000 in registration fees. HARD EARNED MONEY riagi HELP YOU CONSERVE-STILL GIVE THE QUALITY YOU MEN 010111101MINIMMIEEPEENIENEMENIMERIIIIIIMI Canadian situation with a rep- resentative from Denmark. The visitor remarked that Canada's problem in the dairy industry seemed to be produc- tion without consideration for the demand. He concluded by stating that it is most import- ant to have production a n d market in balance, It seems to me that farmers have done well in this respect in the beef industry and almost as well in hogs. We have slipped at times, but producers of hogs did man- age to overcome, much more quickly than was expected, an incentive support price of a few years ago. Beef producers also weather- ed the difficulty of a promot- ion program which urged great- ly increased livestock produc- tion in the west when we were advised to market grain through livestock. What then will happen to the Beef Industry under the new organization? All the speakers ‘of the day talked only of improved quality, improved feeding, better feed conversion and breeding for faster gains. In spite of the fact that the problem of selling o u r product can be dealt with it certainly received no consider- ation at the meeting except that we were told of improved facilities at the Ontario Stock, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON * EXETER SEAFORTH °per) Every AfitrilOon PHONE HU 2-7112 At other times contact Local Representative---'A, W. Steep HU 2-6642 2lifb BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER 8t BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMAI,,ICE AND LONGER WEAR PROM A BADGER 'ALES 5ERvitP • INsTAftAtION JOHN BEANE, Jr, Phone Collett 1-111 2-9250 OnticEPieLb, 0NT. # NEWS OF BRUCEFIELD By MRS. H. BERRY Elliott; second vice-president, Mrs. John Henderson; secre- tary, Mrs. Elgin Thompson; treasurer, Mrs, Harvey Taylor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. John Broadfoot. The committees of the group are as follows: flowers and cards, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Allan and Mrs. Ross Scott; finance, the president, secretary and treasurer; manse, Mrs. G. Rich- ardson, Mrs. M. Swan and Mrs. Brodie; press reporter, Mrs, F. Welland; church, Mrs. John Broadfoot, Mrs. 3. Henderson, Mrs. Lobb and Mrs, Berry; social, Mrs, D. Triebner, Mrs. E. Thompson, Mrs. John Mc- Gregor and Mrs, Horton; com- munity and literature, Mrs. John Broadfoot; community friendship and visiting, Mrs. Ham, Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. L. Wilson; nominating, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. R, Scott and Miss Bowey; representative to the managing board, Mrs. Gordon Elliott; social and supply, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. G. Bell and Miss Ham; kitchen, Mrs, E. Forrest and Mrs. Tam Clark; Christian education, Mrs. Al- Ian, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs, Glen Swan and Mrs. E. Allan; pian- ist, Miss M. MCQUeen, Jahn Mitchell will observe his 96th birthday Elect Officers, Hear Annual Reports At Hensall UC Congregational Meeting PLAY IT SAFE! SEE US for every electric an refri9prafi*n service. Torn Darling Clinton CUT THE COST OF PREPARING RECORDS MOORE REGISTERS AND FORMS GET ALL THE FACTS ON EACH TRANSACTION „ . .RIGHT AT THE TIME . RIGHT ON THE JOB_ , .• IN ONE WAITING A MOORE REGISTER AND FORM FOR EVERY FORM OF BUSINESS CALL US TODAY FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION Clinton News -Record Inquire Today At PHONE HU 2-3443 ALBERT STREET