Clinton News-Record, 1963-01-17, Page 9Pope 0—,Clinton News-Record Thursday, .lan, 17, 1963
BAYFfgLP The anneal.
meeting of Trinity .Church, Bay,
field, was held on the .evening
of January 11, in the parish
hall and .opened by. the rector
with Prayers and seppture read, ing; followed by the secretary's
report of the last annual meet-
The rector .emphasized the
Ileac" there is for :greater ehurch
attendance, and an over all
spiritual. advance,, Re said, 'It
requires a real effort; lint the
effort shoulld be made, es it
is far from satisfactory in a
spirittial sense; much, .as it may-
, satisfactory financially.!'
H thanked the wardens, the
members of the board of man.
agement, the Sunday School
teachers, church organ*, choir
leader, and all .officers of the
organizations, fOr their great
help during the year, especially
the padding of the kneeling
benches which were dedicated
and used for the first time on
Remembrance Sunday, as a
memorial to all who had served
in the Armed Services.
Also the gift of the Trinity
Club to the wardens for the
purchase of new prayer hooks,
which can not be officially used
beginning from Advent Sunday.
Mr. Harrison announced the
resignation of Jack Stewart, who
for the past eight years had
been rector's warden, a n d
thanked him for his help at all
times, during his years of ser-
He reported that the bequest
of the late Miss Rose Snowden
had been legally finalized, and
is now invested to bring in
much needed annual income to
this church, which will be found
necessary more, and more, as
the years -go on.
The Cent-a-Meal Fund, estab.
lished about five years ago, has
proven very satisfactory, and
this year contributed $700.00
to the expenses of repairs to
the church.
Mr. Alfred Scotehmer, peo-
ple's warden and chairman of
the property committee, pre-
sented a brief summary of the
maintenance and property im-
provements far the :year:.
Repairs had been made to oil
tatikS, re-finishing of the Re-Table of Altar, re-finishing of
brass VaSea. on Altar and the
gift of two large brass vases in.
memory of the late Mrs. R. M,
LaagFOrd, by friends,
Also a gift of .W9.00. to start
an organ fund, designated as
the JaMe4 Adorns Memorial
Organ Fund, gift of Mrs. Percy
Danforth of Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, daughter of the late Mr.
New New cupbpa.rds have been
stalled in the kitchen of the
rectery, flew wells And peiling
re-finished, half of this expense
being paid for by Trinity
Church Guild.
On behalf of Trinity's peo-
ple, he conveyed .appreciation
to Mr. Harrison, for his out,
standing hard work, and his
always helpful advice in carry.
ing forward the work of the
chi:web, throughout the year,
Special appreciation was ex-
pressed for the careful and
regular care of the church
grounds and lawns by Perry
Fitzsimons and the care of the
church and parish .hall by the
one responsible for it.
Treasurer's reports for the
years were read by all organ-
izations by; John Stewart, Mrs.
Lloyd Scotchmer, Mrs. R, J.
Larson, Mrs. John Stewart,
Mrs. William Parker, George
Bellehamber, Mrs. J. Jewett,
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, J. E.
Hovey, and scrutineers appoint-
ed for the election of officers
of board of management were
Mrs. William Parker and J. 5,
Off leers for the year 1963,
are: rector's warden, Alf.,
Scotchmer; people's warden,
Lloyd Scotchmer; treasurer,
Mrs. John Howard; secretary,
Mrs. R, H. F. Gairdner; Cent-
a-meal treasurer, Mrs. George
Bellohamber; a g e n t Huron
Church News, Mrs. George
Bellchamber; envelope secre-
tary, Mrs. John ..jowett;
Sidesmen, E. A. Featherston;
Anglican Rector at Bayfield
Rev. E. J. B. Harrison is the rector of Trinity
Anglican Church, Bayfield. He is seen here in the
entrance of the church which this week reports a
full year of activity and successful projects.
(News-Record Photo)
Correspondent — MRS. F. MeCULL017613
'Bay-Field s Trinity 'Churth Has
Review S:.bowins Prosress s
ce Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest Rohn were home frpin.
Tapsday to Tfairstlay .and -
Jan'tea Dewar, Kinston, David .
Dewar, Tara% and son, Geo-
rge Powor, Port Ai thnr also
left 'T/11W$CIPy after spend-
ing a day :with their mother
after the burial of Mrs. D.
quild. elects Offiaera
Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer was
hostess ferthe annual meeting
of Trinity church %did at her
home on January 8.
It was opened' by the .recter,
the Rev, E. J. B. Harrison,
With prayer and the scripture
Mrs. Percy Weston, presi-
dent, chaired the meeting.
Reports showed a substantial
balance on hand. The beard of
management had been assisted
by the Guild in the task of
installing the kneeling bench
pads, and guaranteed half the
Cost of renovation to the rectory
• Funds had been raised dur-
ing the year by a dinner and
bazaar, card parties and a bake
Mr. Harrison took the chair
for the election of officers,
which resulted as follows: hen,
wary president, Mrs, R. H. F.
Gairdner; past president, Mrs.
Lloyd Scotchmer; president,
Mrs, Percy Weston; first vice-
president, Mrs. R. J. Larson;
second vice - president, Mrs.
Lloyd Scotchmer; secretary,
Mrs. A. M. Bassett; treasurer,
Mrs. L. B, Smith; card and
flower secretary, Mrs. F. P.
Arkell; visiting committee con-
vener, Mrs. H. K. King.
Mrs. Weston resumed the
chair and it was decided to
hold a card party in the parish
hall on January 25.
The rector said the closing
prayers after which the host-
ess served refreshments.
Mrs. p. G. Dewar
BAYFIELD — The death of
Mrs. David George Dewar, 68
St. Germain Ave., Toronto, oc-
curred in Toronto General Hos-
pital, Monday morning, Janu-
ary 7, 1963.
Formerly Miss Elva Eliza-
beth Wheatley, she was born
at Constance, the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheatley.
She graduated from Seaforth
High School and attended the
Eastern High School of Com-
merce in Toronto for a year.
For three years she was a
secretary with the Imperial
Life Insurance Company, Tor-
In 1934 she was married to
David G. Dewar and they made
their home in Toronto.
The deceased woman was a
member of St. Andrew's United
Church, Toronto, and a mem-
ber of Eaton Memorial United
Church choir.
Surviving are her husband,
and a son George, Port Arthur;
a sister, Mrs, C. (Blanche)
Leslie, Toronto and her moth-
er, Mrs. G. Wheatley, Clinton.
Dr, William Briggs and Dr.
G. Kilpatrick, St. Andrew's
United Church, Toronto, offici-
ated at the funeral service held
at the chapel of Morley S. Bed-
ford, 159 Eglinton Ave. West,
Toronto, at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.
And the Rev. G. Mills, Ontario
Street United Church, Clinton,
took the committal service in
Bayfield Cemetery, January 9
at two o'clock.
Persons attending the funer-
al from a distance included:
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Metcalf,
Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Rehn, Grosse Pointe Farms,
Michigan; J. R. Dewar, Kings-
ton; Mrs. C, Leslie, Toronto.
There has been a succession
of sightseeing ships named Maid
of 'the Mist in operation at
Niagara Falls since 1845.
January S ecials
20% off
20% off
keg. $14.95
Now $11.95
Reg, $4.95
Now $3.95
20% off
20% off
Reg, $10,00
Now $8.00
Reg, $3,95
Now $1.98
Pull-on Style
Reg, $13.00
NOW $10,40
Wide Waistband
Reg, $5.95
Now $4.15
.Mrs, George Reid, Varna, is
apending this week with her
sister, Mrs. K, King, •
and Mrs. Peter Martens,
Landon. 'Visited M. and Mrs.
Ferguson pn SandaY,
Mrs, George Fellow, Eiver-
side, came on Monday to spend
a few days with her parents,
Mr; and and Mrs, Fred .Frazer.
Mr. and Mrs, IL Kirkham,
London, visited her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, .Emerson Heard
on Sanday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayae Chats-
erten and Cassie, -yelp, Mich.,
were the guets. Of Mrs, Bruce
Menerey over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Taylor,
London, were with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Steckle'over
the weekend.
Mrs. Beverley MeClirchey is
a patient in Clinton. Public
Hospital, having entered on
Thursday last. •
E, Alfred Westlake was talc.
en to Clinton Public Hospital
on Saturday night where he is
Herbert Sturgeon who has
been staying with his niece,
Mrs, J, Cruickshank, Holmes,
is a patient in Clinton
Public Nospital,
George Pell returned to his
house in the village on Friday
night after having completed
his work on the "Leadale" ber-
thed in Toronto for the winter.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Fraser,
Ricky and Elizabeth, London,
spent the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fras-
er, Elizabeth remained with her
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Sparks
were here owing to he 'death
of his mother, Mrs. Alex
Sparks. They left on Friday
for their home -in Marion, In-.
diana. Miss Verdi. Alderson,
who has been Mrs. Sparks'
housekeeper for over 30 years,
accompanied them for a visit.
F/O David Bettye returned
to the village on Tuesday of
last week and on Wednesday
Mrs. Battye and Blair who
have been with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. R, S. Blair, for
several weeks, accompanied
him to their home in St. Bruno,
Mrs. Chris Parker returned
to her home here on Saturday
after spending a fortnight with
her daughter, Mrs. Keith Bran-
don and family, Stratford. She
was accompanied by her' sister,
Mrs. Ernest Parker,. Naicam,
Saskatchewan, who is visiting
with her.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith
spent the weekend in London
at the homes of their son, Glen
and .family, and daughter, Mrs.
Ed. Rowse and family. On
Saturday, they attended the
wedding of Mr. Smith's niece,
Miss Gloria Uptigrove, -to Rich-
ard Crane, Flint, Mich., at Col-
borne Street United -Church,
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Metcalf left on Monday for
Toronto en route to Montreal
after having been with her
mother Mrs. David Dewar sin-
Bayfield School
Edges Station
Hockey Team
BAYFIELD—Bayfield Public
School hockey team won over
Air Marshall Hugh Campbell
School, RCAF Station Clinton
by 5-4 in play at the local
arena on Friday night last.
Adam Flowers was coach of the
locals, and Howard Scotchmer
of the RCAF team.
The -Lions Club won 6-0 in
the broomball game with the
firemen the same night.
On Friday, January 18 the
Squirts will play the first game
in the Bayfield Arena. The
Varna boys hockey team will
play the local public school
boys, this will be followed by
a moccasin dance.
:New Snow Tires-
750 X 14 450 x 15
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Clinton News-Record
Albert Street — CLINTON Phone' HU 2,3443
W L tits,
Crabs 25 17 54
Minnows 21 21 45
Suckers 20 22 44
Sharks 18 24 37
High single, ladies, Barbara
Telford, .1.8; Met, Gordon Seat-
chmer, 237; high triple, ladies,
Earbara Telford, 586; men, Bobs
Turner, 597.
Trinity Club Has
Session in Home
PAYFIET,P—Th.e.,first meet-
ing of the Trinity Clgh this
year w4s. held at the home of
M. R,, H. F. Gairdner On Weds
nestlay _evening, January 9,
Gay Christmas decorations
adorned the house .with the fee-
el .point in the living room he.
Mg the Creche.
Mrs, Maynard Corrie, Pre*,
dent, opened the meeting with
a poem "At this New Year's
Ending" and led M the Inp111.,
bers' prayer,
Mrs. R. H. F, Gairdner read
the Gospel for The gpiphany,
St. Matthew, chapter 2, With
Mrs. .Corrie at the piano, all
sang the. hymn, ."The Year is
Gone Beyond Recall".
The officers for 1963 were
installed by the Rev, E. J, 13„
Harrison, after which he ex.
pressed thanks to the club .for
$75 towards new prayer books
for the church and a contri-
bution of .$46.95 to the Adams
Memorial Organ Fund.
Mrs. Adam Flowers read a
peeni "New Year's". She also
acted in her capacity of assist-
ant secretary owing to the un-
avoidable absence of Mrs. S.
B. Higgins.
It was decided to have the
yearly bake sale on July 7' in
the afternoon, and in the sp-
ring to send a box to the crippl-
ed civilians society.
Mrs. J. E. Hovey commenced
a review of the book "A Gift
From The Sea" by Ann Lind-
Mrs. Gairdner read a letter
from her friend Mrs. Dick,
written from 'The Raffles",
Singapore, describing Christ-
mas customs in Indonesia.
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. J.
Land on February 5 when, the
club hopes to have Miss hir-
ley Brandon, recently returned
from an extensive trip abroad,
show pictures and tell of her
The president closed the
meeting with prayer after
which all repaired to the din-
ing room for refreshments: The
dainty serviettes printed with
carols prompted those present
to sing them.
Mrs. Maynard Corrie poured
tea and coffee. Mrs. Spencer
Ervine assisted the hostess in
Mrs. Ross Middleton thanked
Mrs. Gairdner for a most en-
joyable evening.
Before dispersing, a note of
hilarity was added when Mrs.
Gairdner in her inimitable
manner read ten verses of the
original version of "Ten Little
(Correspondent Mrs. Bert Allan
Phone Mirth 37 r 5)
Mr. Robert Thompson is a
patient in Clinton Public Hospi-
tal. We hope for him a speedy
Mr. and Mrs, William Ham-
ilton, Moorefield, are with Mrs.
Thompson and Linda.
UCW Meet
The Berean Unit of the Unit-
ed Church Women met last
Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Crawford conducting the de-
votional period and Mrs. Clark
giving the scripture passage.
Roll call was answered by
paying fees,
A chapter taken from The
Word and the Way was given
by Mrs. Livingstone; Mrs. Tom
Allen gave a solo "Someday
I'll Understand"; Mrs. Pipe
gave a new year's reading,
"Meditation" and Mrs.. Stanley
Lyon presented a chapter from
the study book on Korea.
Explorers Hold Expedition
On Thursday the Explorers
met and the Chief Explorer,
Margaret Stewart, called the
expedition to order, The Ex-
plorer purpose was repeated,
followed by the theme hymn,
Mrs. Lyon took the study per-
iod which starts the mission
study of Hong Kong. Worship
service was led by Elaine Vin-
cent and Mrs, Lyon.
Expedition closed with the
singing of a hymn and prayer.
The annual congregational
Meeting of Grace United Ch-
urch was held on Wednesday
afternoon, January 9 in the
church basement.
Rev, A. G. Pease conducted
the meeting with Argyle Leek-
hart as clerk of the. corgrega-
tioa. Reports from the various
organizations were given, all
showing a very successful year.
Election Of officers were as
follows:. Session, John Torrance,
Argyle ockhart and Ray Elgin
committee of stewards, Elgin
Cox, Willietn Cox, Chester
Sturdy, Donald Harris and
Austin Harris;
Parsonage board, Themaa
Sowerby, Mrs. John MeCOWati,
Co, and Mrs, Arthur
Bell; board of trnateea,, Alien
Betties, Jim Young and Ray
Clerk of eaagregatieb, Ar-
gyle Lockhart; treasurer, Dens
aid Harris; missionary, and
maintenance Wiltialril
Cox.; auditor,, Allen Betties', organist, William. COX; as..
sistant organist, Mrs.,Maths
Harria;. Superintenent . of
Sunday &hoot,Mrs.. Mary
Manning,-. pianist Of Sunday
School, Mit, Atkin:
of ,
deputy .chairman sidesmen, Rc-
bert Turner.; lay delegate to
Synod, John Stewart; sub ,dele-
gate, J, S. Hovey; Bible fel.
lOWSbila secretary, Mrs,
F, Gairdner; press correspond,.
ent, Mrs, Carl Pieb1;. rectory
committee, the rector and war-
dens; auditors, R, Roy Fitz,
aintaias, George Bellehamber
and J, E. Hovey;
Board of management, elect-
ed, S. Hovey, • George Bell- chamber, Mrs., -Percy Weston,
Mrs. John jowett, Fred
ken, Mrs, R. H, F, ,Gairdner;
appointed by rector, John. Ste-
wart, Mrs, 1.4ff, E. A.
Featherston, Robert Turner and
J. B, Higgins,
At the close of the business
meeting the rector closed with
prayer, and the ladies of the
Chtirch Guild served refresh.
Congregation To Meet
T h e annual congregational
dinner and meeting of Holmes-
ville United Church will be
held on Thursday, January 24
at 12.30 noon.
UCW Elects Officers
The United Church Women
of Holmesville United Church
met in the Sunday school room
for their regular meeting on
Tuesday, January 8.
The program was in ,charge
of Mrs. William Norman's
group, with Mrs. Norman in
the .chair. The call to worship,
was given by Mrs. Norman, fol-
lowed by a short talk by Mrs.
Mrs. Wilfred Biggin led in
prayer and Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt
read the scripture lesson.
The Bible study for 1963 is
to be oh the Parables of Jesus,
and to introduce this study,
Mrs. Norman spoke on and led
in a discussion of Jesus' teach-
ings and What they mean to us
Mrs. 13, E, Gliddon read a
poem "The Message of the New
Year" and the roll call was an-
swered With a thought for the
new year.
The president. Mrs. Jack Yea
Conducted the business and rev
ports for the work of 1062
were giVen by;
Mrs, Stewart Farquhar. sup.
ply committee; Mrs. Nihian
Heard, visiting committee; Mrs,
W. Yee, flower committee; Mrs.
Lloyd Bond, manse committee,
and Mrs, Leslie Jervis, buying
Mrs. Carman Tebbutt gave
her annual treasurer's report
and Mrs. Frank McCullough
gave the secretary's report,
Mrs. Lloyd Bond gave a very
interesting talk on looking at
the United Church Women af-
ter the first year.
Mrs. W. Bender read an ar-
ticle on stewardship, and Mrs.
D, E. Glidden gaev a short talk
on the differences between
church life in India and here.
Mrs, Norman spoke the
thanks of all to Mrs. Jack Yea,
for her splendid leadership in
Hostesses for the day, were
Mrs. 0. Blake, Mrs. Harry
Cudmore, Mrs. D. 5, Glidden
and Mrs, Harry Williams.
Officers for 1963 are as fol-
lows; president, Mrs. Jack )tee;
vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd
Bond; secretary, Mrs. Frank
McCullough; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. Kenneth Trewartha;
treasurer, Mrs. Carman Teb-
butt; pianist, Mrs. Jim Lobb,
Program, Mrs. William Nor-
man, Mrs. Elmer Potter, Mrs.
John Grigg, Mra. Barrie Wal-
ter; social and property, Mrs,
Reg. Miller, Mrs, D, E. Glid-
den, Mrs, Harry Cudmore, Mrs.
Ken Harris; supply, Mrs. Stew-
art Farquhar, Mrs. Eldon Yee,
Mrs, Wilfred Biggin; finance,
Mrs, Ben Whiteley, Mrs, W.
Bender, Mrs. John Huller and
Mrs. Canaan Tebbutt; tom-
triunity friendship and visiting,
Mrs, Milian Heard, Mrs. J. B.
Flowers, Mrs. Edward Grigg,
Mrs,William Yeci, Mrs. Mar-
gait Jones; buying, Mrs, Leslie
Jervis, Mrs, Orville Blake, Mrs.
Irvine Tebbutt; amine, Mrs.
Lloyd Ilona, Mit, laliniart Heard,
Mrs, Jack Yea; nominations,
Mrs, Harry Williams, Mrs,
Wikkiarri Yeo, Mrs. Ilarry Cud-
More; auditors, Mrs. tint Labb,
Mrs, Elinor Potter; Christian
education, Mrs. X. Trowartha,
Mrs. G, Ginn,