HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-01-10, Page 3Adastral Park Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron --- Phone HU •2-7349 Exchange Vows in Clinton Barbara Ann Ladd and James Dwight Howard, exchanged wedding vows in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Saturday, December 29, 1962. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ladd, Clin- ton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam H. Howard, Stratford. The young couple will make their home in London. TWICE A YEAR WE OFFER A SAVING ON OUR FINEST PERMANENTS This Sale Starts Now until Feb. 14 CHARLES H BOE UA SUET)? F 74 Victoria St. - HU 2-7065 Please phone Now For An Appointment NOW is the time for MID-WINTER Reg. $10.00 FOR ONLY Reg. $12.00 FOR ONLY All Perms Complete-Shampoo, Cut, Perm, $6.75 $8.00 Style, Set. Thurs., Jan. 10, 1963-Clinton News-Record- Page.3 • • 'REXDALE' ELECTRIC KETTLE Shuts off automatically when boiled dry -- large easy-to-fill spout, cool black bakelite handle, lustre chrome finish. Long life Calrod element-cord attached, Xmend a 144;,:el/pe; te 191Ceati/f Let us assist you with your plans for that all important wedding day. • . . COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE SELECTION OF t. • 4! INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • INFORMALS • ACCESSORIES Your choice of various paper stocks, type styles and sizes, ask for Select your wedding invitations, announcements and accessories with complete Confidence as to quality and correctness of form, • • . e . * . .• • ? ..1104rif• • A a 1 '4P.tx WE ALSO DAVE PERSONALIZED WE DING NAPKINS, MATCHES reitl., AND CAKE BOXES Clinton' News-Record Sgt. and Mrs, A. Vezina had the visit of their daughter Ray- monde, fretn, Ottawa and an informal ,dinner for her .and her fiance, Among Christmas visitors at their parents' home: AC1 Maurice Huard of RCAF Ste- tion St. John's, Quebec a n d Able Seaman Air Fitter, Bob Haspeck of Halifax, .N.S„ (RCN), Visiting. with Mr, and Mrs. Bob. Peterson was Mrs, Peter- son's sister, Miss Theresa Cro- nin, who flew to these parts. from San Francisco, California. Mrs. Carl Peterson of Kingston is also a guest at her son's home for the holidays, 13eddingfield-MacDonald A quiet wedding tok place at noon on Saturday, DeceM- ber 22, at St. Paul's church. F/L Richard Bussey officiated at the double ring ceremony. The groom, Mr. Brian Bed- dingfield, had as his witness, (ONE-STOP) USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. ELECTRIC Hair Dryers Special $10.95 Electric Trains H.O. Gauge from $14.95 Coffee Mugs 18c ea. 6 for $1.00 Screw Drivers Sgt. Roger Cyr. The bride, Miss Irene Mac- Donald of Clinton, was very smart in a short white velvet gown. She carried a missal adorned with red roses. Her headdress had a shoulder- length veil, Her attendant, Mrs. Ken La- Pointe wore a cocktail-length frock in black and white chif- fon with a small black velvet hat, Folowing the religious cere- mony, a reception was held at the home of Sgt, a n d Mrs. Cyr. The newlyweds left on a trip to Ottawa. Station Christmas Party , The annual Children's Ch- ristmas Party for RCAF Sta- tion Clinton took place at the Recreation Centre on Decem- ber 19. Several hundred children Were entertained by clowns, Tex the Cowboy (Tex Mac- Kenzie), and enjoyed a Mar- and, Lucky Numbers for Last. Week and This Week 2306 and 1946 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit. Quality Economy FEATURE VALUE ! Ray Garon Qn 10 Week Course Maryland, U.S.A.; Raymond Garon is attending a ten week course at the Na- tional Institute of Drycleaning in Silver Spring, Maryland. "This course," reports A. "Red" Garon, "covers all phases of dry cleaning, and besides 100 hours of lectures, includes more than 250 hours in practical training in a modern plant." The lectures include matters of applied science, as concerns bleach, synthetic 'detergents, humidity, acids, various new fibres, etc.; also practical dry- cleaning, spotting and finishing of various types of cloth, and how to restore fabric crispness. Raymond has spent summers and holidays in his father's plant at 154 Beech Street, Clin- ton, and expects to join the firm full time, after comple- tion of this course. ionette Show by the London Puppetry Guild of London, The presentation was "Peter and the Wolf", A very special guest w a s Miss Dorothy of CFPL-TV, London. Santa Claus arrived to the cheers of the children and he greeted the small-fry on the stage and his helpers gave the kiddies bags of sweets. The entertainment co-ordin- ator was 170 Allan and Master of Ceremonies was F/S Burnside. An excellent orchestra was also in attendance during the afternoon. Guide and Brownie Party A Christmas party for the Girl Guides was held on De- cember 17 at A/M. Hugh Campbell School. A skit was put on by ;the girls and a Christmas tree was decorated. A gift exchange took place and then refreshments were enjoy- ed by all. There were 27 Guides pres- ent. Among the gifts were three for the janitors of the school. Guides resume activit- ies on January 14. The Brownies, 2nd and 3rd Packs combined, had their party on December 18 at the Ritchie Building. Each Brown- ie made a gift to take home, then games were played. The leaders served a lunch and a sing-song was enjoyed by all. Patsy McFarland, a member of th'e 3rd pack was in hosp- ital and missed the party, so a gift was sent to her. All the young girls received Christ- mas presents. Guides Receive Badges A most interesting ceremony took place on January 6 at St. Paul's Church when two Girl Guides received the "Life and Religion" badge. The parade of Guides and Brownies started at 8.45 a.m. led by the color party: the flag bearing the Guide, emblem and the Union Jack. Father R. Bussey gave a sermon and then presented Lynn Dunning and Judy Les- nick each with their badges. Two commissioners f r o Goderich were present at the church: Miss McDonald and Miss McMillan. All the girls, in full uniform, were under the leadership of. Captain S. Tremblay and Lieu- tenant It. LaPointe. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Rousseau on the birth of a daughter on December 30, 1962. RUBBERMAID Rubber Trays Reg. $2.98 Special $1.98 REXDALE Jig Saw Special $16.88 AUTO Safety Belt 5,000 lb, loop strength Nylon $5.89 Boer-Wright AUBURN - Red and white pointsettias, fern and a lighted decorated Christmas tree was a pretty setting. in Knox Un- ited Church on Saturday, De- cember 29, 1962, when Marg- aret Eleanor Wright, Reg. N. of Brantford exchanged wedd- ing vows with John Boer of Port Dover. Rev. Charles W. Lewis of-, ficiated at the ceremony and the wedding music was sup- plied by the church organist, Mrs. Norman Wightman. The bride is the elder dau- ghter. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur, Auburn and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boer, Port Dover. Given in marriage by h e r father, the bride was lovely in a white velvet strapless sheath extending into a chapel train, topped with an alencon lace jacket with a scalloped neckline. Her finger-tip veil of silk il- lusion was held in place by a crown of pearls a n d crystal drops. She carried a cascade of red roses. Miss Suzanne McKillop, antford, classmate of the bride, was the maid of honour wear- ing a velvet gown of emerald green, matching jacket, coronet and shoes and carried a white fur muff , trimmed with holly and poinsettias. Miss Barbara Taylor of Nile was her cousin's bridesmaid wearing an emerald green vel- vet gown styled similar to the• maid of honour. Miss Jayne Arthur was her sister's flower-girl, wearing a dress of emerald green and a large velvet bow for her head- dress. She also carried a white fur muff trimmed with holly and poinsettias. Groomsman was John Dyk- stra, Simcoe, and the ushers were John Wright, Auburn, brother of the bride and Clar- ence Boer, Simcoe, brother of the grom. The soloist was Mrs. George Wilkin, Auburn, who sang, "0 Perfect Love" and "The Wed- ding Prayer". For a reception which follow- ed in the Sunday school room of the church, the bride's moth- er received thee guests wear- ing a mink brown wool dress trimmed with fur and beige and brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. She was assisted by the gr- oom's mother who wore a dark brown wool crepe two-piece dress, beige and brown acces- sories and a corsage of white carnations. For a wedding trip to the Southern States, the bride don- ned a white wool dress with black and gold accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. They will take up residence in Texas following their wed- Greenaway-Ross A quiet but pretty double- ring ceremony united in mar- riage Miss Caroline Violet Ross and John Robert Greenaway on December 15, 1962 at the home of the bride's parents. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Ross, Brucefield, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Les. Greenaway, Bluevale. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was lovely in a ballerina length gown of white satin brocade, featuring a sweetheart neckline and long lily-point sleeves. The fitted bodice dropped to a deep V, at the back waist accented by a large bow and streamers. A sequin and rhinestone stud- ded crown held in place her tulle illusion veil. She carried a white Bible crested with red rose buds. Miss Dorothy Ross, sister of the bride, was maid of honour, dressed in red velvet, featuring a bateau neckline, dropping to a deep V, in the back. Her dress was styled in a princess line and she wore a matching red velvet bow clip, and carried a bouquet of white baby 'mums. The flower girl was Miss Brenda Warner, niece of the bride, dressed in a very full white taffeta covered by white nylon, and topped with red vel- vet, featuring a small collar and cap sleeves. She carried, a small nosegay of white baby 'mums centred with two red carnations. The groomsman was Robert Thompson, Bluevale. The pianist, Miss Suanne Haugh, Brucefield, accompan- ied the soloist, Mrs. Donald Lee, who sang "How Great Thou Art" and "0 Perfect Love." The reception followed being served by Helen Broadfoot and Suanne Haugh. The bride's mother received wearing a winter white sheath jacket dress of brocaded taf- feta, with matching accessories and a red carnation corsage. Mrs. Greenaway assisted wear- ing a blue brocaded sheath with accessories and a pink carna- tion corsage. The bride's table was centred with a beautiful three tiered ding trip. Guests were present from Granton, Hamilton, Sim- coe, London, Port Dover and the surrounding district. Prior to her marriage she was the guest of honour at a miscellaneous shower given by her classmates and another shower by the ladies of the Auburn community. The bride is a 1961 graduate of the Brantford General Hos- pital School of Nursing. Howard-Ladd . Marriage trews were exchang- ed by Barbara Ann Ladd •and James Dwight. Howard at a ceremony in St. Paul's Anglican. Church, Saturday, December 29, 1962. Rev, P. Dymond officiated at the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hugh W. Ladd, Victoria Street, Clinton, and the groom's parenta are Mr, and Mrs. William H, Howard, Stratford, The bride wore a floor-length gown of brocade and English lace. The fitted bodice was fashioned with lilypoint sleeves and a round neckline enhanced with sequins. Her pearl studded illusion veil was held by a tiara and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Janet Smith was the bride's sole attendant in a dress of green satin with net, and she carried a 'bouquet of yellow 'mums. Ron Zimmer was groomsman and ushers were Jerry Howard and John Broadfoot, all of Stratford. For travelling, the bride chose a black dress with. a white fingertip fur coat and red accessories and corsage of red carnations. The couple will reside in London. wedding cake, flanked by pink candles, pink carnations and pink and white streamers. For a wedding trip to London and points south, the bride don- ned a shot gold brocaded taf- feta sheath dress with brown accessories and a red rose cor- sage. On their return they will re- side in Bluevale. Guests were present from To- ronto, Wingham, Goderich, Blyth, Newton and Milverton. The bride is a graduate Cer- tified Nursing Assistant of the Wingham hospital. Prior to her marriage the bride was feted to a shower by the Brucefield community lad- ies in the church basement and was presented with many lov- ely gifts. A shower was also held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Donald Lee, Blyth, when she was showered by her many school friends. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS UCW UNIT THREE TO MEET Unit three of the UCW of Wesley-Willis United Church will hold their regular meeting on Thursday, January 10 at 2,30 p.m. Roll call will be answered by a New Year's thought. 11001 FR/ENOW i911/10,POPIIRsAye /N MARNA* NO swam WINTSNEXPECffD 0111 ). AND NO WNW EXPECTED MIT HES GE17/1/6 ALUMINUM WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS ALUMINUM AWNINGS RUSSELL L. JERVIS COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL REMODELING HU.2-9390 68 ALBERT ST- Slotted and Square Head Reg. $59c ea. Special 29c ea. Services I available at Clinton Laundry & Cleaners Ltd. 63 ALBERT STREET LET US DO. YOUR LAUNDRY At our modern, well-equipped plant on Beech Street. After hours-use night deposit box there or at our Albert Street Store. DRESS FINISHING Done to perfection on our new modem dress- finishing unit by competent operator. DRY CLEANING Leave your dry cleaning at the office or use night deposit box. One-day service if requested. All dry-cleaning done at one modern plant on Beech Street. LAUNDRY Coin-operated Speed Wash. Clean, well-equipped washers and dryers. Competent attendant on duty to help you. SHIRTS Laundered to perfection in our recently-installed modem shirt-finishing machine. Shirt rental - a new service at our laundry. A clean shirt every day of the week. Ideal for businessmen. STORE SUMMER CLOTHES If you are crowded for closet space, we can store your summer clothes in our moth-proof tempera- ture and humidity controlled storage vault - all clothes completely insured. DRY-CLEANING LAUNDRY REG .8 95 69 Albert Street 6. Garbage Cans 27 Special $2.79 BALL & MUTCH MA Hardware Phone HU 2-9505 Large Galvanized Wesley-Willis United Church at 8 p.m. Speaker: DR. N. C. JACKSON, GODERICH Come and firing..o. Friend HURON UNIT MEETING of Canadian Cancer Society WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16 THUR., FRI., SAT.-Jan. 17-18-19-Double Bill "FIVE BOLD WOMEN" In Technicolor with Jeff Morrow and Guinn Williams also: "FIRST SPACESHIP ON VENUS" Starring Aldrich Lukes and Yoko Tani Coming-"Sail a Crooked Ship"-Robert Wagner MON., TUES., WED. - January 14-15-16 ANNE BANCROFT -- PATTY DUKE and VICTOR JORY The true story of Helen Keller's devoted counsellor and companion Annie Sullivan. Now - Ian Technicolor "OKLAHOMA" Starring Gordon Macrea and Shirley Jones, with a stellar musical supporting cast. tt,. PARK Theatre Goderich "THE MIRACLE WORKER" - A First-run Attraction - NEW NOXZEMA MEDICATED SKIN LOTION 73c and 99c NOXZEMA SPECIALS 10 oz. - $1.35 NOXZEMA SHAVE BOMB Reg. 89e- 73c Reg. $1.25 - 99c COLGATE TOOTH PASTE Reg. 65c - 57c Reg. 98c - 89c Reg. $1.19 - 99c HALO SHAMPOO Reg. $1.19 - 99c Reg. $1.95 - $1.39 HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET, 59c - $1.39 DOROTHY GRAY BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION $1.50 DOROTHY GRAY NEW COAL TOUCH COLOGNE $1.25 INST A N TI N EP Reg. $1.29 $1.29 99c HEATING A $4.95 HOT WATER BOTTLES $1:98 - $2.25 - $2.50 F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUG STORES