HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1963-01-10, Page 2MEAT FEATURES Loin of Pork Rib Portion 49c lb. Tenderloin Portion 55c lb. WHYTE SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls ........ 69c lb. Table Rite Wieners— I -lb. pkg. 49c Weekend Specials at GROCERY FEATURES IGA Bread 19c loaf IGA Apple. Juice-48-oz. 29c Campbell's Tomato Soup 4 for 49c CLOVER LEAF or PINK SEAL Pink Salmon— I -lb. tin 59c King Size Surf . 99c BLUE BONNETT Quick Color Margarine 3 for 89c IGA Apple Sauce— 15-oz. 2 for 29c Puritan Beef Stew-24-oz. 39c PRODUCE FEATURES Head Lettuce „ . ...... „ * . , . 2 heads 15c No. 1 Grapefruit—size.... 5 for 39c Oranges-,--size I 13 „.„,....,. ... , ,s•Se dox. zERO-PAOK Vegetables Peas, Cauliflower Mixed Vegetables 3 pkgs. 69c MaftTONt Dinners TurkeY;,Cliloketi.. Oeef.7•11,68, pkg. 59d'etto IGA FROZEN FEATURES OCEAN Perch' 1.1b. pkg. 39c CLINTON INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance .— Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, B rown Srdyth. Diingannon; Vice-Pres,, Hersori Irwin, BelgraVe; Directors, Paul 'Amu., It. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagen, Goderich; Ross Mc- Pheep R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maelntyre, R. 5, Lticknow, Win, Wiggins, R, 3, AUburn. For information on your in,. surante, tall, your nearest,direc, tor who Is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thonipson, Dungannon. 21.4th REVCO =FREEZERS The Revco Farm Freezer construction assures you of highest quality materials and workmanship. Choice of Steel or Aluminum Lined. More storage space in less floor space. Outside always clean and dry. Entire food compartment is used for fast freezing and safe storage. Easy to read control dial setting from 0 to 20 degrees below zero. No rust or paint to chip. Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish, Proprietor HU 2-6646 Clinton Staniforth SHOE STORE REDUCED PRICES ON SLIPPERS If Santa 0‘ierlooked You, Now Is The Time To Get The Pair Of Your Choice MEN'S — WOMEN'S — CHILDREN'S ' NOT ALL SIZES IN EVERY LINE Promoted At RCAF Clinton F/S DESLAURIEIfS Andy Deslauriers, NCO in charge of Release and Re- selection at Radar and Com- munications School, RCAF Clinton was promoted to the rank of Flight Sergeant. F/S Deslauriers lives at Goderich and has one son, John, six years old. He is a member of Goderich Legion, director of the Community Credit Union and a member of the Institute of Radio En- gineers. He holds the United Na- tions Medal, with the Congo Clasp, for service in that country. F/L McGILLICUDDY "Con" McGillicuddy, a tele- communications officer at the "Guided Missile" School, • RCAF Clinton was recently promoted to the rank of Flight Lieutenant. F/L McGillicuddy is a na- tive of Woodstock, New Brunswick, and a Bachelor of Engineering from St. I. X. University, Antigonish, N.S. and Nova Scotia Technical College, Halifax, N.S. He is married and the fa- ther of one son, Colin Wil- liam, aged two months. Guides Need Leader, Help! Help! Help! There is an urgent need in Clinton for another leader for the Girl Guide Company. Ex- perience is not necessary. Any- one willing to help, please con- tact the District Commissioner, Mrs. Cameron Proctor, Raglan Street, HU 2-9548. 111....1•1•1111•11111111/1116 THE INDUSTRIAL MORTGAGE and TRUST COMPANY Capital and Guaranteed Funds BALANCE SHEET — October 31st, 1962 Assets • October 31, 1962 Mortgages and Agreements for Sale $12,151,515 Loans on stocks and bonds 357,800 Dominion and Provincial government bonds 5,070,382 Canadian municipal bonds 268,710 Corporation bonds 1,017,380 Preferred and Common shares 427,396 Cash on hand and in banks 1,027,811 Office premises and equipment 286,019 Other assets 65,333 • Estates, Trusts and Agency Funds 20,672,346 6,153,314 $26,825,660 Liabilities dUaranteed Account Trust deposits and interest $ 7,861,389 Guaranteed Investment Certificates and interest 11,359,841 Provision for income taxes and other liabilities 34,298 Capital Capital Stock Authorized-20,000 shares par value $50 each Issued and fully paid, 12,700 shares par value $50 each ....... 635,000 635,000 Reserve fund .„ , ' ... ... ....... , ... . . 635,000 635,000 Dividend payable, January 2, 1963. „„„.. 31,750 31,750 Balance—Profit and Loss account ........ ..... 115,068 101,663 EstateS, Trusts and Agencies 20,672,346 17,763,067 6,153,314 5,164,278 $26,825,660 $22,927,345 John Covvan,Q0C. President B. Charlton General Manager BOARD OE DIRECTORS JOHN 'COWAN, P'rosidonf toga HOMER LOtkHAttt, VICEi-Presklibitt Sarnia WILLIAM 0. ititoUtoti, Vida-lieoildent ...„ .... „ S6thla WILLIAM 0. MackENZIE .......... Ooeou JOHN H. '14600Att ....... ..... ...„ .......... 0.4 „ „ ................... o 0 tCE W. -PARittrt Sarnia ROGER A. WILSON ........ CARLES HAtZARti Walt4dtie4 CALVERT M4 CARRUTHER5, M,D., Sarnia HARRISON COREY Refrolia GR GOR-Y A. HOGAN, ......... „,,Sarnia CORDON' SCARROW, M.D. ,„ ..... ........... „„Earhfa STANLEY WILT( SAWS W. LOGAN MILLMAN, .... Ili L. RIVER: 8 Manager of rorett Office December 31, 1961 $10,583,480 370,515 4,728,802 267,260 816,361 385,827 275,916 295,745 39,161 17,763,067 5,164,278 $22,927,345 $ 6,90,143 9,392,231 21,280 OopERI1-f ,f2t4r, Dancing Every Saturday Ali ht for the, Young •Crowd "The .(rescendoe! WE CATER TO WEDDINGS, LUNCHEONS, BAN QUETS, ETC. 1.-tfb • Happy Workers Combine Two Regular Sessions The Happy Workers Club met at the home of Mrs. Hugh Ball on January 2 with ten members present, and thank- you notes were read prior to the treasurer's and secretary's reports. Roll call was answered by every member making sugges- tions for bettering meetings in the future. Officers elected were: presi- dent, Mrs. Kenneth Gibbings;, vice-president, Mrs. Elmer Dale; secretary, Mrs. Norman Dale; treasurer, Mrs. William Hol- land; quilt committee, Mrs. Gordon. Dale and Mrs. Elgin Dale, New groups were arranged as follows: group one, Mrs. El- gin Dale, Mrs. Elmer Dale; grOup two, Mrs. Ken Johnston, Mrs. William Holland; group three, Mrs. Hugh Ball, Mrs. Donald Watson; group four, Mrs. Arie Vandendool, Mrs. H. Klaver; group five, Mrs. Ken Gibbings, Mrs. Norman Dale; group six, Mrs. Gordon Dale, Mrs. Bill Flynn; group seven, Mrs. Mel Wilson, Mrs. Cliff Glazier. The flower fund is to be com- bined with the treasury, and the tea money will be changed to 25c. Mrs. Elmer Dale won the lucky draw. Due to weather conditions the December meeting had been cancelled, so the group exchang- ed gifts at the January meet- ing. The hostess served lunch and an enjoyable social hour was spent. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Henry Klaver on Wednesday evening, Feb. 13. 0 Mrs. William S. Craig Marshall of OES Mrs. William S. Craig has been appointed to complete the year as Marshall of Clinton Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Mrs. Howard Fretts who was elected to.. that office in September has moved from the area. At the meeting in St. Paul's Parish Hall last Thursday the OES made plans for a card party on January 17, and ten- tative arrangements for an old time dance sometime in Feb- ruary. Business and Professional Directory bishop in Canada dies or re,- tires, his successor is chosen by the bishops of thp ecclesiastical province, The nominee becomes archbishop, instead of bishop, of his diocese and his see the metropolitan see. As Metropolitan of Canada, Archbishop O'Neil succeeds Archbishop John Dixon of Montreal, who announced his retirement last September. Mrs. O'Neil is the former Marguerite Isabelle Roe, At-' wood, They were married in July, 1931, and they have one son. —o Mrs. Wm. Eagleson On Saturday, December 22, 1962, Mrs. William Eagleson passed away at her home, 603 S. Jay St„ Aberdeen,• South Dakota, following a short ill- ness. She was 91 years old. funeral service was held Wednesday, December 26 at the Gates funeral home with the Rev. R. A. Kline, Plymouth Congregational Church offic- iating. Burial was in the fam- ily plot in Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Eagleson, the former Alma Stevens, was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Stevens. She was born Novem- ber 12, 1871, in Colborne Town- ship, Huron County, where she greW to womanhood and went to work as a dressmaker. On February 13, 1900, she was married to William Eagle- son in Clinton. They Went to Aberdeen and established their home at the present Eagleson residence. Mr. Eagleson pre- ceded her in death. She was a member of the Plymouth Congregational Ch- urch and was an honorary member of the ladies organiza- tions of the church. She was also the oldest member of the church. Survivors include two dau- ghters, Miss Luella Eagleson, with whom she made her home and Mrs. Carl (Alma) Schwarz, Aberdeen; three sons, Frank, Anaheim, Calif.; Jim, LaHabra, Calif.; and H. W. Eagleson, San Francisco, Calif.; one sister, Mrs. Nettie Hughes, London, Ontario; 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Joseph E. Rose Joseph Ernest Rose passed away in hospital, Vancouver, B.C., December 20, 1962, in his 83rd year. He had been a pa- tient there for a month. Funeral service was held on December 22 at the T. Edwards memorial chapel with Rev, Wil- liam Garbett officiating. Cre- mation followed. Mr. Rose is survived by his wife, formerly Mabel Alexand- er, a descendant of the Gode- rich Township Alexanders, and others whose names appear in the obituary of her brother, Orval Alexander (printed in Clinton News-Record on June 7, 1962). Also surviving are two sons, Jack and Robert and one dau- ghter, Mrs, Fred Miles, all of Vancouver, as well as one sis- ter, Mrs. G. McKee, Vancouver; two brothers, William Vancou- ver and Mark, Mission City, B.C. Some 50 years ago Mrs. Rose and her brother Captain Har- vey Alexander of the Pacific Mail Service, (from Vancouver to Dawson City), visited rela- tives in Goderich Township. Following their marriage a few years later, Mr. and Mrs. Rose again visited relatives in Goderich Township. Tax Payments Discussed. At SS 4 Forum (By Mrs. Ira Merrill) The SS No. 4 Goderich Township Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Ira Merrill, with an at- tendance of ten members. The topic for discussion was "Taxation—who should pay?" A topic, similar to this one, was discussed in the October 29 broadcast, and most farm- ers felt that education costs should be paid out of income or sales taxes, with property tax providing only local ser- vices, such as road mainten- ance. The Forum agreed that there should be a preference for higher rates of income taxation, and also they would favour the stricter enforcement of income tax collection in Canada. They also agreed that if a propenty tax is inevitable, they prefer a taX On land and build- ings, not on land alone, or on buildings alone. If eduCation costs Were handled by the Dominion gov- ernment rather than by the Provincial government, then taxes on land and buildings would be very fair for local government (whether rural. or urban),„ This topic has been a Very vital one in Farm. Forum for the last two or More years, and is one in which every far- Pier Shottid be interested. There Was a Short recreation period, and lunch wa'S Served: The next Meeting Will be at the home M qt.• and Mrs. Tr. 6,L . Page 2--Clinton News-,Record ,,Thugs., Jan. '10,..1963 Former Anglican Rector in Bishop A. Harry O'Neil Promoted. A former rector of .St 'Patti's Anglican Church here, Most. TOY, 4, H, O'Neil, 0,, has been named Metropolitan of the essiesiastipal province of Can- ada, He automatically becomes A re h b is ii o p of Fredericton, where he has been bishop sinee. 1957. Bishop, O'Neil was born in McGillivray Township, Middle- sex' County; and graduated from the University of Western On- tario in 1928, and from Huron Theological College .the next year. In 1930 he was ordained to the Anglican priesthood :at Holy Trinity Church in Lucan. During the next 11 years he was curate and parish priest in. Huron Diocese, serving at At- wood, Gorrie and then at Clin- ton for two years, leaving in 1941 to become acting principal and later principal of Huron College. He was the first graduate of the college to become its prin- cipal. Bishop O'Neil is largely credited with the building of the new Huron College. The ecclesiastical province of Canada is the oldest one in the dominion, and comprises the dioceses of Montreal, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Fredericton. Archbishoprics of the Angli- can Church of Canada are not fixed sees, unlike those of the Anglican Church in Britain, and of the Roman Catholic Church. Whenever an Anglican arch- Legion Groups To Install Officers The 1963 offieers of Clinton branch 140, Royal Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxil- iary will be officially installed in a joint installation ceremony Monday evening, January 14. Installing team will be a gr- oup of past presidents of the Legion. Dancing and lunch will be available after the meeting. 0 Mrs. Anna Baker Sarah Anna Baker, Aneroid, Sask., died suddenly on Thurs- day, January 3. Funeral ser- vice was conducted at Aneroid and Clinton with burial in Clin- ton Cemetery. Mrs. Baker was born in Clin- ton, the daughter of Robert and Marie Walker, Clinton. She married Arthur Baker, Aneroid, Sask., who predeceased her in 1957. She is survived by two sist- ers, Mrs. Mary Plewes, Portage La Prairie, Man.; Mrs. Henry Pickett, Clinton; two brothers, Frank Walker, Ottawa and James Walker, Clinton. Those attending the funeral from a distance were Mrs. Mary Plewes and Mrs. F. N. McClelland, Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. , 0 GOOD OLD DAYS At the turn of the century in Amherst, Nova Scotia, cus- tomers were charged for elec- tricity according to the number of lights installed. They paid three cents a night for light in the drawing room, five cents per night for a light in the kitchen and seven cents a night for a light in the lower hallway. Average cost of elec- tricity for urban residential customers in Ontario today is only 1.13 cents a kilowatt- hour, a rate among the lowest in the world. M-L Auxiliary Holds First Meeting of Year The, January meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Orland Johnston, 23 Gibbings Street, with several members present and five new members joining the group. With the new president, Mrs. Robert Homuth presiding, the meeting opened with a hymn after which the 23rd Psalm was read in unison and Miss Larene Langford leading in prayer. Two thank you letters were received and it was decided the Auxiliary would hold a Valen- tine tea and bazaar on Satur- day, February 9 from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. with apron, candy, home-made baking and penny draw booths. The lesson, entitled, "Facing Receives Gift of Painting Ron Rudd, instructor at School of Instructional Technique, RCAF Clinton, is shown admiring one of the original paintings presented to him by Frank Bastien, a noted Montreal artist. A recent graduate of the School of Instructional Technique, RCAF Clinton, Bastien is an instructor at the Federal Training Centre, St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, Montreal. The work is a "Halifax" bomber, the same type of plane in which Mr. Rudd was shot down while a navigator in the RCAF during the last war. (RCAF Photo) Special Instructors Award Frank Bastien, Montreal. Federal Depart- ment of Justice, Was: a recent graduate of SIT, RCAF Clinton, and showed his apprec- iation by presenting his instructors. With two of his own originals, G/C J. George Math- Cormanding Officer,is shown pre- senting one on behalf of Bastien to S/L Dennis Dolan, OC, SIT. (RCAF Photo) the Year in Faith" was read by Mrs. Frank Mutch. At the close of the meeting, a draw for aprons and a con- test were conducted by Miss Larene Langford. Assisting the hostess, Mrs. Johnston, with lunch were Mrs. Dorothy Hymers, Mrs. Clarence Neilans and Mrs. Ronald Mc- Cann. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Cook, 44 Mary Street. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS UCW TWO UNIT MEETINGS Unit Two of the Wesley-Wil- lis United Church Women will meet on Monday, January 14 at 8.30 p.m. Roll call will be an- swered by presenting in writ- ing an idea for this year's pro- grams, or pay a 25 cent fine. There will be a payment of fees at this meeting. Unit One will meet on Janu- ary 15 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Garnet McGee will lead the worship. Mrs. Brock Olde will show pic- tures of her western trip. r CHARTERED ACCOUNTA 3 HAMILTON St GODERICH oNT A. M. HARPER INSURANCE K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE tt REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFP OPTOMETRIST OPTICIAN CLINTON MEDICAL CENTRE Mondayi Only HU 2-7010 Seaforth — 791 G. B. CLANCY, Q.D. OPTOMETRIST -- For APpointrhent Phone JA 4-7251 GOOERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478 NTS 'TELEPHONE JA 47562