HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-20, Page 10YOUR ARS BES FRIE HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS GENERAL.-- 'EPAIRS NI1,1.911""CIITNOTROI: ST BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE • INSTALLATION JOHN BEANE, Jr. Phone Collect HU 2-9250 BRUCEFIELD, ONT. RINGING-IN WITH CHRISTMAS WISHES TO ALL! NOWELL WELDING 247 Albert Street — Clinton Shop Closed Monday, December 24, Christmas Day, Dec. 25 and Wednesday, Dec. 26 1 say:MAIIEL, ) BLACK LABEL" .a Going Home for Christmas? Get tickets and reservations now Plan a dependable train journey, Ask about low week- end- fares, group coach rates, gift travel tickets. Consult your local agent, CANADIAN NATIONAL CN1 0942 Page 10--Clinton. Mews-Record--Thurs., Dec.. 20, 1963, Capture AO The family Fun Of Christmas With Photos tures you want most. Just keep your camera handy, loaded with film, and a supply of flashbulbs in easy reach. That way, you won't find yourself wishing, "If only I had a picture of Mary in the school Christmas pag- eant." Take your camera with you not only to your church and school programs, but on all your. other Christmas trips. Snap the store Nminnows with the chil- dren looking in, the youngsters chatting with Santa Claus, and your family's trek to choose 'a Christmas tree. These activities are all part of your family's Christmas story, Around 'home, you'll want 'to include the addressing of candle, junior's letter to Santa, the wrapping of gifts, decorating of the home, delivery of packag- es by the postman, and the hanging of stockings. Christmas Day offers ,a host of special photo opportunities, :beginning with the children un- wrapping their gifts, and con- tinuing -with the trying out of new toys and clothes. Later, you can snap the 'arrival of the family and friends, and the dinner itself. For a happy picture record, plan your shooting, improvise as events proceed, and above all, keep your camera, bulbs and fiilm within easy reach. That way, you will be prepared each time a picture opportunity anises. • HENSALL — The ChrietanaS meeting of Kippen Epst We- men's Institute was held on December 13 at the hph.te of Mrs. Winston Workman, Dne to weather conditions and, tele, phone communications the et- tendance was cut to 21 nrlemb- r•rs and 15 visitors, including the pre-School children, who entertained, Roll can was anewered. by "(our fevorite christmes car-. of". The .children entertaining were Linda Bell, Joan Fink,: beiner, Donnie ,Seraras a ni d Dwight Kinsman with re„cita, tone. A colleadop for the Onilnren's Aid Shelter at Gnde- rich amounted .-$8:50, with Mrs. Percy Harris the winner of the Christmas cake draw. It Was decided to postpone the euchre and dance planned for December 14, The Christ- mas cake draw will be held December 22, Members are asked to please turn in money and tickets to Mrs. Drummond before that date. Mrs. William Bell demon- strated a lovely Christmas centrepiece prepared by Mrs. Clarence Srnillie. The 60th ena niversery of the institute is to be held January 28 in Exeter Legion Hall with supper at 6.30, Kippen is responsible for the cake and will have more definite plans later. It was decided to cut out gift giving to club leaders and county honour girls. Provin- cial honour girls will receive a reward for their efforts and guest speakers will be paid mileage one way. The agricul.' ture meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Bell on January 16 at 2 p.m. Mrs. James Drummond re- ported on the area convention and the board of directors meeting.. Santa Claus arrived in spite of the snow and de- lighted both young and old. A delicious lunch of sandwiches, cookies and ice cream brought a lovely meeting, to a close. Lunch committee was Mrs. Ro- bert Bell, Mrs. Ross Serums, Mrs. Robert' Kinsman, Mrs. Tony VanLoon, Mrs. Vivan Cooper, Mrs. Alex MacGregor, Mrs:, Glenn Bell. 0 Fred Kennings 1-11ENSALL — Residents of Hensall and -community were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Mr. Fred Kennings,, a highly esteemed resident of the village, who died suddenly while attending a bingo game in the Legion Hall Saturday night. Death was attributed to a heart seizure. In his 84th year, he was born in the Dashwood area and took up .resideriee in Hens:all with his wife and family in 1922, from Northern Ontario, He was a painter by trade and a member of Hensall Unit- ed Church. Mrs. Kennings predeceased him in March 1944. Surviving are three daugh- ters, Mrs. Lloyd (Pearl) 1-led- den, St. ,Catharines; Mrs. Al- fred (Margaret) Smith, Hensall; Miss Mae Kennings, London; one sister, Mrs. Mary Gable, South River, Ontario. Funeral service was held from Bonthron funeral chapel, Tuesday, conducted by Rev. H. F. Currie, with burial in Hen- gall Union Cemetery. Pallbearers ineluded: Jack Simmons, Tom Smale, William Smale, Frank I-lantern E. T. Rowe, Garnet Moneseau. PORTER'S HILL MRS. DONALD HARRIS The regular meeting of the United Church Women of Grace Church was held on Friday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. Ray Cox. The president, Mrs. Arthur Bell, was in charge of the meet- ing which opened with the theme song, Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. 'William TownShend and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. A poem was given by Mrs. A. Lockhart and "Joy to the World" was sung. Secretary and treasurer's re- ports, were given and the yard- aid committees reported. . Rev. A, Cr. Pease conducted eletion of officers which reselt- ed as follows: presid'ent, Hrs. Arthur Bell; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Mein. Cox; second vice-presideet, Mrs Williani Cox; secretary, Mrs.. Argyle Lockhart; treasurer, Mrs. .RaY Cox; assistant treasurer, Mlg. William.. Tewinghend; pianist, Mrs. William Cam; repenters, Mrs. A. Lockhart ;and Mrs, Don- aild Harris; buying committee, Mrs. Itay Cox and Mrs. Wilm- er Riddell; visiting colitunittee, MrS. Elgin :Oak and Mrs, Wil- NAM Cok, mire, .Gus V.:441: and Jim, Royal Oak, Mich., weie weekend visi- tors with Mrs, Lou .Simpson. Mr, and Mrs. ilyfftwe attended The Little Theatre in, Landon last Friday evening, Me, and Mrs. Ed Little, Mai cia and 'Cheryl, 'spent the weekend in Windsor. with Mrs, Ltttle's sister, Mrs. Alvin Ulch. Wire, Pearl Shaddiela 'who. underwent surgery at St, Jo- seph's Hospital: Leaden, on De- ceinber 12 is doing 'nicely, LAC and Mrs. Herold Gay, Lorna atilal Barbara, left Decem- ber 13 for SydneY, NS., where Mr, Gay has been posted. Jerry lVfcClirichey left on De- cember 20 by plane to spend O.hristraas with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shupe and family et Cham- paign, Mrs. C, Coela left by 'plane on December 20 for Los- An- geles, California, to spent the winter months with her law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. M, Chelledr and family. 'obarlos Wilson, who return- ed home recently from St. Jo- seph's Hospital, was taken by Bonthron ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on 'De- cember 12. Legion Party Children' of the Hensall Legion and Auxiliary were en- tertainecl to .a -Christmas party in the Legion Hall Sunday afternoon, attended by 80 chil- dren and invents. Santa Made an, appearance and gave out gifts and candy to the children. Cartoons were enjoyed by ,the youngsters, pro- jector 'in' charge of Jack Drys- dale. Lunch consisting of sand- wiches, cookies 'and , chocolate milk was, served. Mrs. William Smale and Mrs. Gordon Munn, who were in charge of the project, packag- ed 133 gifts and penally bags. Children unable to be present will receive their gifts at 'a lat- er date. Santa, Claus Santa arrived in Hensall Sat- urday afternoon in pomp • and ceremony in the local fire truck driven by fire chief Byran' Kyle for the annual Christmas party for the children of Hensall and district. Four hundred bags of treats were given out by chief of police E. R. Davis,, and clerk Earl Campbell; and 300 bottles of chocolate milk, donated by Hurondalle Dairy, were handed out by Messrs. Geddes, H. Love, W. Shepherd, R. M. Peck, E. Smith, T. Kyle St and G. Fol. Kok, members of the euchre club who play daily in the town hall. Carmel Concert The annual Sunday School Christmas program was held in the Sunday School rooms of Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday everting with as large attendance. Jim Dougall was chairman far the evening. Each class contributed num- bers which inchided recitations, pageants, carols, A. Christmas film, "To Each A Gift", was shown by Rev, Ross MacDonald. Lanleh was served 'and' gifts distributed. UCW Christmas The Christmas meeting of the Het-dell United Church Women was held in the church sanctu- ary, beautifully decorated by Mrs. E. Chipchase's group. Mrs. Chipchase opened' 'the meeting, Miss Mary Goodwin read the scripture.. Mrs. J. Taylor gave all appropriate article on "Keeping Christmas", Mrs. S. Ramie led in prayer. Miss Sharon Strong, Seaforth, was guest soloist and sang "What Christmas Means To Me" and "How Great Thou Ant", accompanied at the organ by Mrs, Robert PrYde. The junior choir under the direction of Mrs,. Pryde sang Christmas carols between vers- es of a poem read by Mrs. •Chip- chase. The business portion of the evening was chaired by Mrs. E. Rowe, president. She announced she had 'accepted a position in the Huron PresbY- tory and was• giving up the presidency of the Hensall UCW. Mrs, Walter Spencer is accept- leg the chair of president, Arnold Circle Rev. Ross MacDonald was guest speaker at the Christmas meeting. of the Arnold Circle of Calvin Presbyterian Church December 10, on the theme, "What Christmae can do for your life". President Mrs. B. Beaton thanked the speaker, The worship' was taken by NITS. Harold Bonthron and Mrs. MacDonald, assisted by Mrs. John Skeet, Miss Hannah Murray, Mrs. Trevor Wilson and Mrs. Roy Bell, with the theme, "Christmas Message" used. Yearly reports were submit- ted and 28 visits, recorded, for the month of November. Rev. MacDonald installed the new slate of officers for 1963, . Mrs. H. Bonthron, Mrs. Roy Bell, Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. John Baker were appointed a committee to decorate the church for Christmas. The president expressed thanks for the co-operation afforded her by Two Accidents During Storm Last Wednesday HENSALL—Damage 'amount- ing to $300 was estimated' last Wednesday afternoon, Decemb- er 12, following a two ear crash at the intersection of Queen anal Nelson streets, Hensall. Anthony Rieny Van Loon, RR 2, Kippen was travelling south on Nelson, and Milton Love was proceeding east on Queen. Chief constable p. R. Davis investi- gated. That same evening, two cars collided on Highway 4 a mile south of the village. Mrs. Carl Payne, R.R. 1, Heneell, was backing into her laneway and was at right 'angles to the high- way when struck broadside by the vehicle driven by William McDonnell, London. Mrs. Payne and her daugh- ter Mary suffered: from shock. Constable D. M. Westover, Eketer, OPP detachment, in- vestigated. vsairwararsir WATCHES For Christmas at ANSTETT JEWELLERS HW$ALL—OtirWtpa..s motif farmed an attractive setting at the United Church, December 1.0 for the pageant "The Nati-. vity" presented by the scholars of the Sunday :School: under direction of Mrs. Verne Alder dice and IVirs, Leine Hay, as- eisted by the Sunday School teachei% 'Main roles in the pageant were taken by, Mary, Donna 'Whitehouse; Joseph, John God- dard; innkeeper, Ricky Buchan- an; rankeePere wife, Jerrie Smith; Samtiel, Paul Drysdale; shepherds, Robert T a y 1 0 r , Michael Davis, Peter Williams, Jerry Tudor; angels, Brenda Noakes and Ruth Qualtnere: reader, Keith Hay. Brian 5trillie • sang "The Lord is my Shepherd". Mrs, Clair McBride ,and Robert Robert For- rest favoured with trumpet duets, The junior choir sang several numbers, directed by Mrs. H, F. Currie and Miss Greta Lammie. The church was filled and Rev. H, F. Currie was ehairman, The United Church Women under the supervision of -Bill Gibson, were in . charge of the lovely Yuletide edcorations, the members while in office, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Spring- hill, N.S„ Who are visiting at the Presbyterian manse were guests for the evening. A Christmas luncheon was served by the hostesses Miss Hannah Murray and' Mrs. Roy Bell, '.1•111.111111•1•1111111•11•114. • 0 easoa tee RAY'S SHOE REPAIR 35 HURON STREET CLINTON• NOTICE As the holiday season approaches, adverse weather conditions sometimes place a maxi- mum burden on our staff to maintain our high level of service to our retail store customers. To avoid serious congestion at our stores during this peak sales period, we respectfully suggest that our customers purchase their requirements as early as possible. BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED Operators of Brewer's Retail Stores 50-lb Christmas, the most import- ant holiday of the yean is a time for family reunions, fam- ily fun and a time, too, for taking pictures, There's no better opportunity to capture appealing shots of the youngsters than cluing the holiday season. And for rela- tives and friends who'll be join- ing you for the festivities, the mood is right, the backgrounds exciting. Pictures taken now will be treasured for years to come. . Actually, Christmas is more than a day. It's a season of exciting days, staining with the first visit to your local Santa Claus, continuing with the mail- ing of cards, and ending with the youngsters, favored new toys in handl, trudging to bed Christmas night. Each step of your family's unfolding Christ- mas story should be captured, and remembered, through pie, tures. With a bit of planning, you'll be certain to snap all the pie- Kippen East Wi Enjoys Meeting Despite Weather The Natiri~yrr 'resented ensall Children HERB'S FOOD MARKET From fha Staff of PHONE HU 2-3445 A. TRY BLACK LABEL... AND YOU'LL KNOW WHY IT'S CANADA'S BEST-SELLING BEER