HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-20, Page 9Countdown For Tommy Teen-age favorite Tommy Ambrose, the young singer with his own CBC-TV show, is now beard frequently on a new CBC radio network program, Countdown. With Al Maitland as host, Countdown is heard every weekday afternoon. It is a, fast- paced program tailored for the divergent tastes of modern youth and features news on movie cele- brities, the latest "pop" recordings, country and western, and rock and roll hits. short, terse news commentaries from across the country are supplied by the program's travelling editor, Jed Adams, (CBC Photo) A Matter of Principle (By J. CARL HEMINGWAY) .11=1•111•1•0111MOMMOilk A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON Tom Steep Local Representative ,r Gall 1-1U 2-7661 for Quick SN NV REMOVAL Efficient Equipment operated by Tom Beattie, an experienced operator 212 Victoria Street - CLINTON - HU 2-7661 Shorty's Service Station Open from 6 a.m. Service Station to 3 a.m. Daily aaaaaaac:t.,M..f CONVENIENCE • • • Supplements, concentrates, * • • molasses, minerals, salt • THIS SERVICE WILL BE • and supplies are with the n AVAILABLE MONDAY, • mill. We furnish everything • DECEMBER 24. e • you need to make fine feed. ATTENTION We absolutely guarantee to save you money and you always have better, fresher feed. • Again it is 'Christmas. time. 'and our thoughts are ,continual- ly directed to Peace on Earth, Good-will Toward Men". I wonder what progress man has made over the years? When we think of the Cuban situation and the fighting be-tween China and India it would seem that we have riot made much progress in the way of the Prince of Peace. Yet I wonder! In spite of the two world wars and all the little wars that have taken place within my memory, have there been more people killed in fighting than in preceeding times? In the early days of history it seems to me that there was continual war. 'Granted theze wars did not roach the proport- ions of World Wars but they were so wide spread. Raids on neighbouring com- munities, tribe against tribe, clan oagainst clan, this was nor- mal proceedure. T e sword, spear and arrow were all effec- tive in providing transportation to eternity but the world hear much about these things. While we haven't much to be proud of in the progress we have made I still feel justified iii hoping for "Peace in our time" as far as war is concern-. ed. If we are to accomplish this, a real desire - for peace must be- come an established fact in the hearts of men. It must not he confined to the realm of war but must extend to all walks of life. Just recently I listened to a speaker discussing farm pro- blems and the whole theme was war. To be successful a farmer must fight to surpass his neighbour. To survive he must be iabove average in ef- ficiency, he must produce above average crops, his live stock must produce above average 'gains. If he fails, to do this he will eventually lose his farm. This is an impossible pro- grant to follow 'singe it simply means that one after another, farmers will bp killed off. This theory can apply to other in- dustries as well, but 'somehow there doesn't seem to be as preaching mission promoting it. And to what end! Simply that the successful may accum- ulate material wealth and ulc- ers. Surely, if we are to make an end of war we must over- come this economic conflict as well, It seems to me that farmers ensafi WI Has Os a:Party HPNSAT,.T--410Y% Cur, Tie was goest speaker At the ChrNOnas. meeting •of :Hanson Women's on Demp, her 1.2„ ge stressed that 'owe need to pot Christ back into AO we should loolc beyond faith for the Plain of Chnfat",. The speaker was in, traduced by Mrs. . Feeh:, and thanked by Mrs, E. Beat an. Pest-Ate the weather and road ,.conditions there was 'A splendid attendance of 28 members and guests at the meeting chaired. by president Mrs. Fred Beer, Members answered roll call with a cash donation for their adopted child in Austria. Mrs, Ifarry Caldwell gave an informative talk on "143 pounds of meat", project of the WQ, men's Institute, Mrs. Orville Jones conducted a period of carol singing With Miss Greta Laramie-at the piano and Christmas meetings from different branches were read by the secretary, Mrs. Wilbert Dil- ling. A delipioas Christmas luncheon was served. The Legion Hail was most attractive m Christmas motif with P. beautifully decorated tree; and poinsettias and ever- greens accented the walls, and the table was .centred with a lovely red poinsettia. Decorat- ing committee was Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. James McAl, lister. In charge of lunch were Mrs. Florence Joynt, Mrs, Alice Joynt, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, Mrs.Dining and Mrs. Emma Shepherd. are taking the lead in Canada in this direction. There is a steady growth of co-operatives- whereby each individual fanner has equal opportunity, whether it be ai.n the purchase of sup- plies or in the sale of his pro- duct. It removes the opPor- Utility for the 'financially strong to oppress the 'financially weak, Through our laws and police forces this has been achieved in a physical sense. Let us' take the same steps in the financial field. The way is not easy but it can be done. We need only apply the teachings of the One, whose birth we celebrate so soon, to our everyday living. Let us not have a Sunday relig- ion, but rather let 115 live our religion each day of the week. Peace on Earth, Good-will Toward Men! Further - winners at the 4-g Aclilevement. Night held in Ater earlier the month, are list- (ed below; • Sob Bedy, Lholgannon„ had the champion gereNdd calf in. the county, and earned the ton Hereford Association tro- phy, His animal earned 390, and wee shown in the Diatigana VARNA Morrosp94,000, iY4c0s7n90- Christmas services will be held in the voitea. Chinch next Sunday At 1.045 14,41,, and a special candle lighting service at .3 p.m. under the direction of the choir and Yoting People,. Owing to the water shortage in the village •about 25 residents have formed a voropany and will have a -deep well drilled and the water piped throughout the village. A white gift .service was held last Sunday In the Ilnited Chureh. During the service the 013.41.drri brought their gifts to the front of. the Church, Several yoting people assisted in the service. LOL Officers The members of LOL No. 1035 held their Annual meeting last Tuesday evening and elect- ed Charles Reid as their Wor, shipful Master. Other officers elected were as tollowa: DM, John Aiding- ton; chaplain, Louis Taylor; recording secretary, Ivan 'Mc- awl-tont ; financial secretary, Charles Pilgrim; treasurer, Fred affeelytinortt; matishall, Robert Taylor; airat lecturer, William Damson; second lectur- er, Ronald Taylor. Committee, Lloyd Keys, Jahn Ostrom, Watson Websteir, fred Chuter; Frank McClinchey. 'ACM .4-1f 014 Charles Bray t he, champion grater, and took home. the .13,, T. • *opal #Pp..,1* member of the W4ssp.rp grata . Charles' eatrY earned 182. paints, Awards Were Made to ebb 4101429'ra with special meat. with Kenineth Papple earning a ,certificate for aatir$,-factory completion of 18 pro, jests in 4-.W club work, Three members have .Qcopio-oar 12 projects, Charles 13raY, 1311, 3, Rrn•s,5els; Muriel Max,. Hensall and Malcolm Stewart, 13A ,5, Seaforth.. .Completing sip projects were Kent Ankenman, 'RR 1, Gow- anatown; Brace Battles, RR 2, Bayfield; Lila Black, l>ooglas. Howaitt and John Wightman, of RR 1, Belgrave; Bill Boyd, RR 1, Wroxeter; Bill Jef fray, RR 2, Wingbara; Amy Stewart, .Raj, 5, ,Seaforth; Keith Ward, RR 1, Ethel; Phyllis Wilson, Rla Forclwich. Awards were made to leaders of the clubs who have contributa ed ten or more years of volun- tary aorviee in this work. In- eluded were Howard McCul- lough, RR 1, C..leallericit, Bayfield Beef Clab; James R. Coulter, Beigrave, the Blyth-Belgrave Beef club; Jim' Smith, ER 2, Brussels, of the Bruseela Beef club; George Ilnderwood, RR 1, Wingharn, Turnberry Beef club; Stirlen and Maurice Hallahain, RR 1, Belgrave, with the Blyth Dairy Calf club; Ron McMich- ael, Wroxeter and John Strong, RR 1, Gorrie, with the Howick Dairy Calf club; Chester Fin- nigan, RR 1, Dungannon and Jahn Clark, RR, 5, Goderich, with the Dungannon. Calf club; Howard Pyres, RR 1, Centralia, with the Exeter Calf club, and three leaders of the Lucknow Calf club, Tom Todd, R.R. 2, Lucknow and Andrew Gaunt, George Kennedy, RR 1, Luck- now. Receiving awards for five years: vniuntary service were Jim P401)5450, 114 L, F-PnlwiAti with 'ices' Beef mmd 13rigor Coleman, BR 4, .Seaforth. wiMl..crixiwanli.thCox n, ell,4 • Over` - 900., scores MOP by tateMberais clubs of this area liasteld Beef calf •qub, led' by Everett McItwain and lloward, 1.YfeColicOgh: Barbara Watkins', BB 1, -Loacleabera, 937; Fred' Tync1:4i, RR 3, ton . arid 1:14 11/nAwain, 41-i, 2, Coloninn, both with 923; Bud Yen, RA, 3, Clinton,920, Bayfield 4ala Dairy Calf club, ton; Sharon Lockhart, RCI:314131Y1.--, Goderich,. 92-14 Doug Trewartha, RR 4, Clinton 313; .,jcp,041nr. Rcatl 41'; well, BA 3, Clinton, 909, Blyth 4-H Dairy led by Simon and Maurice Hal- lahany Beigrave; Tom Riley, ER u1,owl-foattn,d.e13aSno: .T39G2ip0;woRLonalid; Sheila Henry, Blyth, 908; Can, dice Bell, RR 1, Blyth, 907; Jim Henry, Blyth, 900. s4elionef0)4,1011:04-1-1.11ycaRlf,glpupt Gem- 2, KipPert and Gordon E. Papple, Jart 5, :Seaforth Ken Papple, 945; Wilma Dale, RR 1, Clinton, 922; Linda Papple, RR 5, Seaforth, 917; Malcolm Stew- art, RR 5, Seaforth, .91.5; Scott lVfacDougalca RA 2, Seaforth, 905; Amy Stewart, RA 5,Sea-forth, 900. Seafortn 44i Calf Club (beef BACKACHE ,section), led lay. .4,41 .Strong?, Margaret McGregor; 11;11 2, geefwth, Man' l'4 0.'regor, .3f3, 2; Seaforth, 905. Seaforth :Swine led by Donald Dodds, RR 1, Sea,. forth and Alia.n. Haugh, RA 1, JarOectield: Ice% l'apple, 944 Ivan -TOw'atit,. RR 1, Beigrave, 9.:17; Ken Genrunell,, PA. 2, gip-pen, 901, Tmelmsritth 4-1-1. Corn 'gala led by Brace. Coleman, :RA ,Seaforth. Bob Fathering, haM, RR 3, ,Seaforth; Donrald Kcicprnher, .13,A 14.'1:7014 919; Norman Bell, AR 3, .Seaforth, 9Q1, Young: .11uron. 4•N Kids and 'Leaders Receive, . Awards :Exeter bent Thurs., Dec, 24, 1902-,Clinton News-Record--Poge 9 FREE Gift Wrapping at ANSTETT JEWELLERS When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache-tired feeling- disturbed rest often. may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel bettor, sloop hotter, work better. 80 BILL FINK and STAFF 84 Wellington Street-Clinton-Phone HU 2-7682 (If no answer, call collect to Hensall 36-for Oil Burner Service CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR, FRIENDS HEATING PLUMBING ELECTRICAL Atteatiskt: • FARMERS • FEEDERS • POULTRYNIM iMERYMEN introducing-Today's t Modern Farm Service 1 OUR ALL NEW ..MODERN "PUSHBUTTON" MOBILE FEED MILL See This Modern Machine at Work at Your Farm! • AT YOUR IIRFIffirAT YON FARM • Saves you Money . time ... labor • Utilize your own grain and roughage right on your farm • Accurately metered molasses blended into feed • Grain vacuumed directly into unit from granary . . . no more sboVeliing or carrying grain. • Feed sacked or air unloaded into your bin • More accurate and turbulent mixing action and grinding • Larger hammerMill and pushbutton controls • No more time-Consuming trip from' farm to mill and back to farm • We furnish formula assistance for scientific feeding CLINTON FARM SUPPLY BAYFIELD ROAD PHONE HU 24 OT613 OF CLINTON