HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-20, Page 8WISHING ALL, THE JOYS OF THE SEASON TO OUR MANY FRIENDS. D. A. KAY & SON 33 Huron Street — Clinton Phone HU 2-9542 SALESMAN Opening Available. for :44144V, aggressive Man, tck, -10P44b/- represent a company selling And .1)14,1ding.' NAtiPOOY AcIvrtiaecT Name Brand shell and .P4i*pq homes, Experience not nece4gnry, Age AP Wimer, Training wlII be Provided. Mortgage financing with no. down-payment can he provided. ?lease write •AtAitip..g qualifications, etc' BoxU.,O14 ciintgn .Nows,Recgrcl 51b FINE English China ANSTETT JEWELLERS 1.iantern, Page 8-r-Clinton tiews-Record-r-4hurs-, f ec. 29# 1903 PlAitS for the iimprovernent pf' the railwaY. crossing; between lots 2S and were :passed Aft the, final meeting of TuelWr- smith council, Saturday, The Flans ,45!. drawn by W. Amin:bald of Archibald, Gray And 1,4feNtw, were approved And will be presented to the 'hoard of transport commissioners and the ONA.: for final approval. These 'two groups pay tip to 87V .percent of the cost of the :project, which if approved, is e)4)POted tO start in 1963. At the final meeting the fol- lowing appointments were made ocker'sniith tomtit Approves Plans To Improve 'Dangerous C,N,R. Crossing RINGING OUT YULETIDE WISHES It's a real pleasure to wish all our friends the Merriest Christmas ever! H. C. LAWSON Insurance and Real Estate Phone HU 24644 — Clinton OCEAN SPRAY-15 oz. CRANBERRY SAUCE or JELLY 23c STOKELY'S-15 oz HONEY POD PEAS 2 for 29c GREEN GIANT-14 oz, CORN NIBLETS 2 for 33c STOKELY'S-48 oz TOMATO JUICE 2 for 49c RO ZIEEVil MIXEDc PICKLES 39c gTinfai inch-18 59c SUNNY MORN COFFEE lb. 58c GRADE "A" "cripy 2UCR K E Y 20 lb. & over lb. 39c -O DINNER HAMS lb. 89c TSAI 16 LE BACON lb. 69c SUNKIST ORANGES Size 113s .. doz. 59c Size 88s doz. 69c U.S. No. 1 CELERY STALKS 24s 29c STOKELY'S FROZEN POLY PEAS or CORN 2 lb. 39c ZERO STRAWBERRIES-15 oz., 2 for 69c , BROWN and SERVE ROLLS eaknoir Reg. 33c ea. 2 for 55c — SAVE lie .Satur'd'ay night APO Sunday, .Son Are at their home on Main the village onSunday. Stret.. was an the village for a couple of hours on Sunday, their home here over the week- end. Randy and :Danielle, Downs- view were at -",$hatigri,-La" over chmer, Petersburg, were at Mr, And Mrs. A4M.;a14 Seot- Mr. and MM. E, W, Pddlief,- Mrs, A, NV...Hayman And Miss F/L and Mrs R, A, Simms, KISS Alyce. '1.)tininr, bond", • Mr, and Mrs, C. Barker and London, were *: members Are invited. , - January 2 at the home of Mrs.. to which parents and church at thdS -Meeting, it Was -decided. Lloyd Seotebiner, to bold the annual meeting on. Fred Weston .served refresh- meats. Sunday Sgliefal Chnistinas party, day, December 27, ,at 7,30 P.M. the not ‹If SaMe. in the R4r,,lsh Hall on Thurs.,. erg' said 'by the rector, Mrs, .As the Attendance WaS small Tt WAS decided tO hold the Following the closing prey., Bonnie,. Soarlioro, spent the weekend with .his 'mother, Mrs. J. H. parker, Mr, and Mrs, Willis VanEg- .MOnd, RR 1, Clinton, were the Vesta on Sunday of her bro- ther and wife, Mr, and Mrs, J. Fraser, Janis .Galbraith, and Beth Armstrong, Clinton, spent the weekend with the former $ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bell. The Rev. and Mrs. H. G. Crosby, 1V.fooretown.:, visited her sister Mrs. J. E., Howard on Sunday and .also called on J, E. Howard in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, George Little were in Seaforth on Tuesday, attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs, V, Marie Brownlee, aged 77, who died in her home there on Sunday. Harold Weston -motored from Ferndale on Saturday and took his father, George Weston, home with him for the winter. George Weston passed his 92nd birth- day on December 4. Services in Trinity Church 'on Sunday, December 23, will be 8 a.m., Holy 'Communion; 11 a.m., Six Lesson Carol Service. Christmas Eve, Holy Commun- ion, 11.30 pm. Christmas Day, 9 am, quiet celebration, Holy Communion, Donald MacKenzie, president, and Mrs. Fred Weston, secre- tary-treasurer .of the Bayfield branch of the Canadian Bible Society are grateful. to the col- lectors and contributors who this year turned in $167.94 to headquarters in Toronto. Trinity Guild Trinity Church Guild met at the home of Mrs,. Fred Weston on Tuesday evening, December 11. The meeting was opened by the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison who read the scripture from St. John chapter 17. Mrs. Percy Weston, president, was in charge. She reported from the board of management regarding the cost of renovating the kitchen at the rectory, The Guild decided to contribute half GREETINGS AT OIRISTMA "Bob" Dalrymple "Stu" Broadfoof W. H. Dalrymple & Son Your Studebaker Dealer BRUCEFIELD — Phone HU 2-9211 to the area !boards:: .,George '1si, caner, Central linron SecOndal7 Schoal; Clarence 'STOW% South 14rPa District High School; William ,,Oanieron, Scott Mem, oriel nospital, The resignation of James Mc- Intosh, the township's -mita-aye on the Seaforth Dist- rict High School Board' for the past 10 years was received.. As 704. no repijacement, has been+ named, Following the townsinWa plicationo a grant was received from the Department of Agri, culture for the township athletic field and was turned over to the Seaforth T.konS 'Club who main- tarn the vatik. During the past year the councillors attended 33 replay and 10 special nteeth'Ig$ PS ‘Vell attending to the usual num- ber of prOjeas and visits to enquiring residents. 1 Weekend Specials a CLINTON Mrs. M. Gray entertained some 19 guests at a coffee party on December 12. Mrs. H. -afters was co-hostess with Mrs, Gray who will be moving early in January. i F/O Part Gray and his family are going to a base in northern Ontario. Sgt. and Mrs, H. Fretts and their children are also leaving soon. They are going to a sta- tion on the west coast, Sgt. 'and Mrs, Victor Filion have left for . Montreal where they will spend the Christmas holidays, F/Sgt. and Mrs. Richard Du- buc 'and their two 'boys are spending the festive season in Montreal. Going to Quebec City are F/Sgt. and Mrs. D. Tremblay and their daughter Louise. In the account of the Brow- nie enrolment of last week one name was left out: Diane Filion, Protestant Chapel Guild The December meeting of the Protestant Chapel Guild was held an Monday, December 10 in the chapel annex with: 23 members present. A special devotional session, led by Mrs. Bingham was held in the chapel proper and helped lend a special 'Christmas spirit to the meeting. Following the business meet- ing a Christmas party was held. A gift exchange, beautifully ar- ranged' under a small white tree was a 'highlight of the party. Carols and charades then fol- lowed, and a lovely "Christ- mas" lunch 'brought the meet- ing to as close. Catholic Women's League The Catholic Women's League of St. Paul's Church held its monthly meeting December 10. Benediction took place in the church "and then the business meeting was held, presided over by Mrs. R. LaPointe. The entertainment was in the form of -a Christmas party with gifts for over 20 members 'as well as a special gift to Chap- lain Father R. Busgey. Record- ed music provided carols, and an evergreen tree was suitably decorated. A delicious lunch was served by conveners Mrs. J. McGilli- cuddy and Mrs. J. Hall. Bird, Judy Reekie; Shepherds, Leslie Fehr, Garry Mae:Fara:and, Jimmy Servos. Wisemen, Earle Baggaley, Ivan Hopkins, Brian Ludwig. Ushers were: Lynda Adams, Marie Paul, Torn Newell:, Ed'- ward' Grant, all of the Young People's Dep't. The introduction was given by F/Sgt. R. Bush, superin- tendent; followed by the prayer by Mr. Dymond. Car'ol's were sung by nursery and beginner departrnents': "Happy Birthday We Sire and "Christmas Secret". "Infant H. was sung by primary department, grades one and two. The' pag- eant "The Birth of Jesus" by grade three, junior and inter- mediate departments, The congregation sang "It Came Upon The Miclat,ght Clear", then' a film was shown: "The Song of Christmas", Benediction was given by Mr, Dyanond and on leaving the chapel all children were handed a Christmas treat. The pageant was also present- ed to the residents' of Huron- view on the evening of Decem- ber 18. Brownie Enrolment On Wednesday, December 5, four Tweeiiies of the Second Clinton Brownie Pack were en- rolled. They were Sharon Salt, Robin Burke, Nancy Balcer 'and Deb- bie Daum. Wendy Brace was enrolled on November 27 as her family was leaving for Cold Lake. Most mothers were present and refreshments were served. Many thanks to Brown Owl Davies' for officiating at the ceremony. CHARLES House of Beauty 74 Victoria St., Clinton CHARLES PROCTOR Sutter-Perdue Ltd. lowing FRI wishes May the spiritual Light of Christmas brighten your day. From the Staff at Phone HU 2-7023 dastral Park Social Notes News Editor; Anne Aileron — Phone HL/ 2-7349 Teen Town We are informed key the pre- sident of Teen ,Town that dur- ing the evening, of December 15, a draw took place for a transis- tor radio. The, lucky winner was Sharon Lussier, of Apt, F-2, Champagne-Troth Nuptials The wedding of John- Claude Champagne, Ottawa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donat Champagne, and Miss Betty Troth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jules Troch, Seaforth, formerly of Belgium, took place in St. Paul's Church on, Saturday, December 15. F/L the Rev, Richard Bussey officiated. Best man for the groom was Patrick Dobbin and the bride was given away by her father. She was wearing a floor-length gown of white lace, high-necked and with long sleeves. The skirt had a very bouffant style' with white sequin trim. The bride wore a short veil held in plaCe by a pearl tiara. Her flowers were red roses. A sister of the bride, Miss Ingrid -Troch was maid of hon- our. She was 'attired' in, a bal- lerina-length gown of bronze faille with overskirt. She car- ried 'mums in the same bronze tone and her small hat was in a matching colour. The young flower girl was Marie-Claire Troth and she %vas dressed in pink nylon and car- ried white 'mums, The altar was adorned with white and yellow 'mums. Dur- ing the ceremony Paul Vigor sang several vocal selections with Mr. II. W. Dawe at the organ. A reception for the newly- weds was held at the horde of the bride's parents in' Seafonth. They left afterwards on a motor trip. Christmas Pageant A 'Christmas pageant was presented by the Protestant .School of the .Cburch, on. Sun- day at RCAF Protestant Chap- el, The Rev, P. L. Dymond of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton; assisted in the absence of Padre Bingham. Theme of the pageant was: "The Birth of Jesus". A choral speaking proup led 'by narrator Miss Lynn4. Rees (Young People's Department) was com- posed of primary department, grade three and junior and in- termediate departments, While the story was being told, he following boys and girls in cos- tume, acted' out the pageant: Joseph, Greg Bush; Mary, Su- san . Adams; Angels, Wendy ANNUAL MEETING SS No. 4 Stanley WED., DEC. 26 1.00 p.m. to be held in WEST SCHOOL At the meeting, bids will be received for two caretakers and a treasurer. s. CH MIA/1AS_ C10-511- TO; ALL f-toill Ellwood, Isabel and Staff at Christmas Trees PINE BALSAM AD Trees Under Cover FREE DELIVERY TLAS ALL-PURPOSE 6-Volt SAFETY LANTERN FOR ONLY ...„ ...... $3.95 Available .trom your Imperial ESSO Agent SPORTS SHOP HU 24621 Kihti Streef-,-,Olinfort etteve,oct L P S U BALL MACAULAY LTD. HU 2.9514 66 KING STREET