HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-20, Page 7ihissimus. , , , cc SEAFORTH JUNIOR FARMERS ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DANCE Thursday, December 27' with Al Cherney and His Westerners. SEAFORTH LEGION HALL • ADMISSIQN 750 51.b CLINTON __BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) pastor} Craig peters, B.A. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Church Service Monday, December 24-7 p.m.—Candlelight Service A Cordial Welcome TO All Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's — Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Friday, December 21— ST. THOMAS APOSTLE AND MARTYR, 9,30 a.m.—Holy Communion Sunday, December 23— ADVENT IV. 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 7,00 p.m.—Evening Prayer December 24—Christmas Eve- 4.00 p.m.—Holy Communion (Shut-Ins) 11.15 pm,—Holy Communion (Sung) December 25—Christmas Day- 10.00 a.m.—Holy Communion (Family Service) December 26th— Stephen The Martyr, 10.00 a.m.---Holy Communion (At Huronview) Christian Reformed Church • REV, L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, December 23 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2.30 pen.—Service in Dutch Christmas •Day—Dec. 25 10.00 a.m.—Special Christmas Service: "No Room for Christ." 2,30 p.m,—Christmas Program for Sunday School, EVERYONE WELCOME St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev, LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 23 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 10.45 a,m.--Christmas Service ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, December 23 9.45 a.m.—Worshie Service MOO a.m.—Sunday School 7.30 p.m.—Evening Service, Mr. John M. Martin, Hawkesville, guest speaker Tuesday—Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. All Welcome Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows; Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.ni.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. Peolegeglillis—Aoleteenitle Pititeb (fillurthes REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister CHRISTMAS SUNDAY SERVICES Subject: "Accord Him Room" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.—Church Service 12.15 a.m.—Sunday School HOLMESVILLE 11.45 a.m.—Sunday School 12.30,p.m.—Church Service Ontario Street United Church "THE FRIENDLY CHURCW' Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Christmas Service. Junior and N Senior Choirs singing. 7.30 pm.—Special Carol Service by Junior Choir "Nine Lessons of Christmas" o TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 'p.m.—Christmas Service 3,00 p.m.—United Church Women Candlelight Service BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, December 23 . . 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School, Children's Christmas Program 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service, Revival Notes New Year's Eve Watchnight Service Monday, December 31 — 10.00 p.m. Moody Science Film: "Windows on the Soul" Everybody Welcome You Are Cordially Invited To All Of These Services Homemakers Bowling League Team standings: Satellites', 27; Meteors, 27; byna-soars, 27; Go-Getters, 26; Real McCoys, 26; Try Herds, 25; Astro-Net- tes, 25; Cornets, 24; Sweet Peas, 19; Blowers, 19. The turkeys were won by: Joan Madge, Jessie McKay, Shirfey SaUnders, Bernice Lod- en, Jackie Eslinger, Celia Bel- son Ilene Shultz, Joyce Gale, Jennie Tryneliuk, Loos Hill. ekeee.:::•teeeeeme WE EX'CENb OUR FOND WISHES FOR. A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS DAY Willard and Art Aiken Kin Set to Aid Area's Needy Members of Clinton Kinsmen are in the midst of their• annual project of packing clothes, food and toys for distribution to needy families in the area and three of the members are shown here sorting out toys for the Christmas good- will parcels, The members from the left are: Jerry Wilson, Jim Lait and John Bilyea, who is chairman of the committee. Some of the materials for the pack- ages have been donated by area citizens, while much has been purchased by the local club. (News-Record Photo) 0111.•11.11 111=NOT• IMOINalm••••,••• mom.. ••••••=n1011•••••••••••=11. o ----1,401S4 The Management and Staff at LEE'S LADIES' MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR CLINTON HU 2471 I "4107.444111,Q.:!! ....eeeeeeeeee.! J. W. COUNTER—Builders Supplies "Bill", "Pete" and Lew" Corner Albert and Princess Streets, Clinton F • Gifts for Her Perfumes Bath Powders Bath Salts -- Soaps Manicure Sets Colognes Hair Brushes Bte. Gifts for Him Electric Razors Sparklet Syphon For Soda Water Shaving Sets Cameras Pens e. Pencils Wrist Watches MERRY CHRISTMAS To Everyone , It's fine folk like you who make Christmas q pleasure . . . and it's always so nice to wish you joys Without measure! Best Holiday Wishes from our entire staff. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Irwin — Marg. Carter and Irene Colquhoun LADIES' WEAR and DRYGOODS HENSALL — CLINTON — EXETER • • POINSETTIAS • AZALEAS • MUM PLANTS • ROSES • CARNATIONS o 'MUMS Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke Dial HU 2-7012 Clinton SINGING OF JOY AT CHRISTMAS • • The joyous Carole of ChrietnlaS echo the ManY greetings We Sena your way. ANDERSON —4n Clinton; PUb•- -epBttall1R: TPAHMSPuclaY, 196?, tO. and Mrs. Anderson, RI. Clinton,Olint ,deughteie • AN.S.r,l'ETT-4e! ,Clinton Public Hospital, on. Tuesday, De- cember 18, VA to Mr: and Mrs, J. Aeetelt, :Clinton, a In lirutozi Public •HosPital, SAtgrtlaY,. De- ceniher1062, to Mr, and Mrs, 4, Bennett, Walton, a daughter. NIlDA --- In Kitchener- Water_ Hospital,, on Mos- day, December- 11, 1962, to. Mt', and Mrs, Grant (nee Ardeee. Inkloy) 220 Heirriati Street, Kitchener, daeghter (Valerie Faye, pis, ter for Lynda, Nancy, Bar- bare, Cheryl, Patricia., Jet, fBS I r7 4-4c1 Sr Scott GI Memoeial Hospital, Seaferth, on Mon- day; December 10, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs, A. Craig Gibbs, I:u3,5, Clinton, a. daughter (Wanda Mary). MOWATT—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, Decem- ber 17, 1962, to Mr. and Mes, William Mowatt, RR. 1, Exe- ter, a eon. SMITH —In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, De- cember 15, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs„ Harry Smith, RR 1, Hensel!, 'a son. DEATHS CAMERON — In London, on Wednesday, December 19, 1962e Miss Mildred I. Camer- on, Thamesford, formerly of Bayfield, ,daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Cameron. Resting •at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, until Saturday, and • from one o'clock that afternoon in Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield, where service will be! held !at 2 p.m.; interment to follow in Bayfield Ceme- tery. DOLMAGE —Funeral .services were conducted on Monday, December 17, from the Box funeral home, Seaforth, for Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dol- mage, RR 1, Seaforth, killed instantly in a highway crash, Friday. Mrs, Dolmage, the former Adeline Siemon, was born in McKillop Township and was in her 42nd year. Her husband was 47. The couple had two children, Karen and Glenn. Also sur- viving Mr. Dolmage are bro- 'tilers, Stewart, RR 2, Sea- forth; Leslie, RR 1, Seaforth; sister, Mrs, Robert (Muriel) McLachlin, RR 3, Kippen. RAINS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, Decem- ber 17, 1962, Frank Charles Hains, beloved' husband of Catherine May Hain% Isaac Street, in his' 81st year. Legion memorial service Tuesday night, Service from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Olin- on, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, Decem- ber 20 'at 2 p.m. HODGES—In Wingham Gener- :„.al Hospital, on Friday,. De- cember 14, 1962, George Kit- chen Hodges, Lucknow, dear brother of Edgar Hodges, Clinton, in his 72nd year. Service Monday afternoon, December 17, from the Mac- Kenzie memorial chapel, Lucknow, to Dungannon ROBERTSON — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospi- tal, Goderich, on Friday, De- cember 14, 1962, William Henry Robertson, f or m e r publisher of the Goderich Signal-Star, in his 89th year. • The funeral service was con- ducted from the Lodge funer- al home on Monday, Decem- ber 17 with interment in Maitland cemetery. WILKEN—In St. Thomas, On- tario, on Saturday, Decem- ber 15, 1962, IyLiss Ida Frank- land Wilken, -dear sister of Karl Wilken, Bayfield, in her 75th year. Srevice from the Beattie funeral home, 55 Rat- - tenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, December 18 by the Rev. Clifford G. Park. CARDS OF THANKS 'I wish to say thanks to all my .friends and neighbours who sent me flowers, !cards and treats while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. — MRS. eeeTER KUIPER. 51.1b ! I wish to express my sincere tanks to my friends and neigh- bors who sent cards, treats and visited me while I was a pat- ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. —BOB MORGAN, Sip Sincere thanks to many friends who sent cards while in hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Addison and nursing staff on first toot far kindly !end efficient service. —MISS M. SLOM,AN. 51b My sincere thanks to all those who sent cards and fleWers while I was a patient in Clin- toh hospital. Special thanks to Die Oakes and Dr. Addison; the superintetelehts Mrs, Phinney and Miss Elliott: my special nurses, and all the nursing staff Who , were so very kind to —MRS. ALBERT BOND: 51p. , wish to express my sere thanks to all My friehde and neighbors who, visited .rrie. and sent cards and' reats while Twas a patient in•Clinten Pub.. I ii ,HOspitel, •and later , in Vic- eerie ,Ho,epitel, Special thanks for the kindness- of out now, here ,,who have helped us as a family in so many ways.---WIL,. 13UP. JEWITT: 51b I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation foe cards, flevvens and expressient of empathy front my 0friends, relatives and neighbors during my husbancl'S elekness and death. Special thanks to Roe.- C. G. and IVIine. Park, the staff of Clinton IiosPitai, Grade Fetb- ee and 'the UCW of Wesley- Willie United Chinch --RUTH MULHOLLAND, t 51b Frank C. Hains Frank Charles Mains, 80, a former member of the Clinton police force, lied Monday in Clinton Public Hospital follow- ing a lengthy heart ailment. Born in Ottawa, Mr. gains came to Clinton in 1931 and served for 13 years' as bailiff of third division court. He also served as a taxi operator for some time, retiring only last month. A veteran of the First World War, Mr. Rains' is survived by his wife, the former Catherine May; one daughter, Mrs. Pearl Whiteduck, Toronto; a brother, Nazaire, North Bay; a •daugh- terein-law, Mrs. Violet Laur, Sarnia; son-in-law, Alfred Ro- berts, Sarnia. - The funeral service will be conducted! from the Beattie funeral home, Thursday at 2 p.m. Dr. D. J. Lane will offici- ate and members of the Clin- ton Legion, Joe Silcox, M. J. Agnew, Thomas Steep, George Wilson Sr., 3. K. Cornish. and C. W. Bertrand' will act as pall- bearers. On Wednesday night, mem- bers of the Legion conducted special service with Chaplain, Dr. D. J. Lane, officiating. - Burial will be in Veteran's Plot, Clinton Cemetery. o Kippen Gun Shoot On Boxing Day , The annual Boxing bay trap shoot will be held at Kippen, Wednesday, when shooters will vie !for the Labatt trophy on a 50 bird handicap. Other events will be staged if time permits and the shoot is open to anyone and is spon- sored by the Kippen Gun Club. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ladd, 209 Victoria Street, Clinton, announce the engagement Of their daughter Barbera Aam to Mr. James Dwight Howard, Stretford, son of Mr. and Mrs. William How- ard, Stratford, the wedding to take place on December 29, at 6 p.m. in St. ,Paul's Anglican Church. 51x FINEST VALUE ANSTM JEWELLERS Phone NU /-9525 CLINTON 1 Carat OF DIAMONDS $39950 For the set in .14 carat gold AT FLASH BULBS 'To Fit Ali Flash Cameras Get Them Now — Don't be disappoint- ed Christmas morning. by Smiles 'n Chuckles and Jenny Lind All Christmas Wrapped 1 lb. and 5 lb. boxes 50c to $5.00 CIGARS - CIGARETTES All Popular Brands in Flat 50s Tobacco Pouches Lighters -- Pipes GIMMICK ASH TRAYS 1.50 To Suit Every Household CL INTC