HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-20, Page 5FiS D. Dohoo Receives' CD Flight Sergeant Dudley Doha°, once of Saskatoon and now of 151 Princess Street, Clinton, was recent- ly presented with the CD (Canada Forces Decorat- ion) by G/C J, G. Mathieson MBE, CD, Command- ing Officer of RCAF Station Clinton. (RCAF Photo) Thum, Dec, 20r 190,-,clintpn News,Rec9r0,_ 094.5. CHRISTMAS JOY AND PEACE TO EVERYONE ' Beattie Furniture David Beottie and Harold Tyndall tiristmas Greetings To PLANTS O POINSETTIAS CYCLEMEN AZALEAS E `MUMS D MIXED PANS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT FREE DELIVERY 4, . • '4,•••:•.e.,••4,:::••• e ••••:•••$,:e•:, MULL TV SERVK Authorized Philips Dealer Radio TV and Appliance Repairs 215 Victoria Street — — Phone HU 2-7021' "Serbiee Our. Business" CHRISTMAS JOY TO ALL LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS Ladies` and Wirls' Stretch .Slims Dr, Penton .and Stretchy Sleepers La dies . and. iris Pusters .Boys' Hockey Sweaters , Socks _I<NWOOD.BLANKETS BEDSPREADS ' Seamless Rein-.Proof Nylons TOYS TOYS Road Race Set Chatty Baby Talking Bugs Bunny Nurse Sets ..:•,.. •,:e.....Z,:,:, :,,,:::,:::,:, :::,,;,,, . .ii.i..ii.i..,i,,:„.„:1,,Iii:•,,,1 'k'i:t.-:Cii-i,--1.-'44*'..:-,- . .,,,,,i, :;:;.,*:.;:::.,iV:::.:•. . ;.,,,: iK.. .:::::: f..::,., .• / - - --.--- - V.$. ,.,.....;......v . .: 4...;.::!.:.:;:;:;.'...,.!.,• , -_AVV A:•.*:",... A :::,::',::"N••••:::•:. ' . '''' • •'''.: :,.:,,,,,,...:.,,,:,,:i,..,,,:. ,., ,,..,..;,..4''.:*::':: . I 1 I tt t I' 7 • .......:,.,,,'MN...1••,•:, ,,,eT,‹, ''...,i4,:.:,•?,4::.-. 4 ....,.:....:4....:4:.• ....,-4,:, .,?;" ".s..-.,............ MARTINS May the Christmas message shine in your heart, bringing new hope, courage and fulfillment. COMM) DRY-CLEANING:'. md, -LAUNDRY ing been the charter president. Miss L. Walkinshaw submit- ted a financial allocation for the year 1963, which was en- dorsed by the general meeting. The business. meeting adjourn- ed and Mrs. George Beattie presented a Christmas program $he spoke , of the age-old story of the three Wise Men. Her theme was supplemented with some thoughts read by Mrs. William Murch, and the scripture lesson read by Mrs. B, Menzies. Miss Nancy Olde treated the audience to a lovely piano solo. Mrs, Ernest Eppa gave, by memory, an amusing poem ab- out a "Husband Who Snores", Mrs. Audrey Derieux sang two delightful solos, accompanied by Mrs. .. C. Park. The program ended with the benediction The ladies were then treated Fred C. Prest A well-known resident of Lonclesboro, Frederick C. Prest, 64, died suddenly at his home on Thursday, Born in Wales, England, Mr. Prest was • a decorator and painter and was predeceased by his wife several years ago. He is' survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Junior R. (Mary El- len) Thom, Rock Creek, B.C. A son was drowned a -few years ago in the Lond'esboro area. The funeral service was con- ducted from the Ball and Match funeral home, Tuesday, with Rev. D. J. Lane and Rev. Henry Funge officiating. Temporary burial was in the Clinton Mausoleum, with burial in the Hope Chapel cemetery, Hullett Township, in the spring. Mr. Brest was a member of the Hullett Lodge AF and AM. Pallbearers included: Harold Beacom, James Nellans, Cliff Saundercock, Gordon Radford and Fred Pickett. There were 199,507 widowers and 578,716 widows in. Canada at the time of the 1961 census. Aill••••••••••,..0111•111W M01.111=11.1 .011VMONMIIIMIEMINI HOUSE OF ARGAINS CLINTON — HU 2-7735 GIFTS Merry Christmas t• ore,t. We Also Have Retiring W00011114 UCW 'President Mrs. F: Commended ,Mrs., .14-rank ,Fingland, .gbarter t .converted by 'Mrs, rranic. An- USE THE NIGHT DEPOS- IT BOX AT OUR STORE 63 ALBERT STREET FOR DRY CLEANING OR LAUNDRY. DROP YOUR BUNDLE IN BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 12 P. M. THE LUCKY NUMBER THIS WEEK IS 1400 Check Your Calendar. If the numbers match, take the calendar to our office and claim your $3 credit LIMITED "Grae. Mee Cat dcA " CLINTON 9ze HU-2-7064 LAUNDRY• ,._CLEANERS B1 TGOSN E RIN A Specialty at ANSTETT JEWELLERS pres'id'ent of the UCW of Wes, !eye:Willis United: church WAS. presented with a 1.fe Member- Ship at the group's "annual meeting, Wed'nesd'ay, Ws. Doug Andrews, who waS elected president at the meet- made the presentation .and expressed the appreciation of the group for Wins.. Fingland's .untiring efforts in the ,first year's operation, Despite a blustery snow laliz zard, 45 inerhhers Attended the meeting land were commended by Mrs. Fingland for their ef, ferts ..during the past. year. .She said that the success during the first yoar 'was the result of the co-Operation and special efforts .of Many of the Members, She Added; that she felt it was an honour to be president of the UCW, especial- ly in its charter year, The regular meeting of the T-TCW was. held first, and routine reports given', The Women vot- ed to pay their share of the membership fee to the National Film Board so that any organi- zation in the .church wishing to show a film may so without charge. The supply of fruit juice glosses. for the church kitchen is to be replenished. The recom- mendations of the executive were accepted unanimously, A committee of Mrs, J, .1\ied- iger, Mrs. George Beattie, Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. B. Sutter and Mrs, Doug Andrews plus two, members of the Board of Stew- ards are to look after the in- stallation of new washroom facilities, A new Hoar will be laid in the church kitchen if finances allow. The regular meeting was then adjourned. Mrs. Fingland then opened the first annual meeting of the UCW. An encouraging treasur- er's report read by Mrs. B. Sut- ter, showed that each of the four units, had met its alloca- tion. Each convener then presented a written report of the work of their committees during the pri- mary year of the UCW. Finan- cial secretary Miss L. Walidn- shaw gave the financial state- ment of UCW for 1962. MiSs Katie McGregor spoke of her work as corresponding secretary; the literature report Was given by Mrs. C, Park; the report of the flower committee, Brews .showed 67 goads and _5P .roses were Sent Awing the Year, Mrs.. Eugene MoLaron, i0Atting-.00m.misttee, reported 147 borne ealiS and 76 hospital calls, The manse report was given by Mrs. ToinOliver., It. hag juet been redecorated, Miss Esther Jamieson, mem- bership .convener; reported an enrolment of .170 ladies and four UCW life memberships presented this year, The kitch- en ,report was given .by iViraf G, Manning, the press and pub, report ;by Mrs. B. Men- zies. ra.T.o the program, by Mrs, George The Christian E'd'ucation con- vener told of the three girlYs groups under the auspices Of the VOW, These are; Messeng- ers, age six to eight; Explorers, age nine to 11 and' CGIT, age 12 to. 15. Mrs, Jack Necliger reported for the social committee, Mrs. Viola Nelson mentioned that six bales have been sent for over- seas 1.1elief. The unit leaders each gave .a short resume of (their year's work, Mrs. Doug .Andrews; re- ported for Unit One, Mrs. Man- ning for Unit Two, Mrs, Fred Reid for Unit Three and Mrs. N: Shepherd for Unit Four. Mrs. G, Manning then read the slate of officers for 1963: Past president, Mrs. Frank Fingland; president, Mrs. Doug- las Andrews; treasurer, Mrs, Semen Sutter; recording. secre- tary, IVIrs. Percy Livermore; program, Miss Katherine Mc- Gregor; coresrpanding secre- tary, Mrs. T. McGill; pianist, Mrs. Harold Wise; membership, Miss E. Jamieson; finance, Miss L. Walkinshaw. Press land publicity. Mrs. echer Menzies; Christian education and i--rrisslonary ed'u- cati'on, Mrs. Norman Holland; supply secretary, Mrs. Charles Nelson; literature, Mrs. C. Park; flower convener, MEM. Frank Andrews; manse, Mrs. Malt Edgar; visiting, Mrs, How- ard Currie; nominations, Mrs. H. G. Manning. The official installation of the officers for 1963 will take place at -the first regular meeting of the UQW to be held on Wed- nesday, January 9, Mrs. Doug Andrews', the new president, took the chair and thanked Mrs. ,Fingland for hay- to a lovely Christmas tea, Small tables had been decorated in a festive theme, and everyone en- joyed the annual' Christmas party. MAY CHRISTMAS GLOW WITH JOY FOR EVERYONE! . IRENE'S WESTINGHOUSE COIN-OPERATED DRY CLEANER 70 Albert St.—Clinton Phone HU 2-7833 FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY BOYS' GIRLS' LADIES' MEN'S WEAR • HU 2-7168 CLINTON GREENHOUSE and GARDEN CENTRE 182 CHURCH STREET From Your Family Clothing Store ORDER EARLY — And Let Us Cook Your Christmas Turkey ALL OUR FOWL IS STRICTLY Grade "A" Also . —0-ider Your NEW YEAR'S FOWL . Now! for the best in Christmas Fowl and Hams SWIFT'S BUTTERBALL and "TEND-R-FLESH" TURKEYS