HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-13, Page 10"i 00 %Hpw*-Reicpr+ 't"1�41r •� i�.ec. � + Yx l Dvobie^l�ealy i n ,.f w AUBURN — St Peter'e iia- r zrr€ila• QatWlc Chlu'r+ch, G 1'ri'ch, '.y z was th- p vc } :Of a qulet wed'- : s d SI y cern , ire, b'r 1 ' $,."•'�`v`�'3,;.,5...:.:. ;-.a :. ... ..'�.',..n'.Y,S ... . 'Yy.a ...'d^k:J't -. e. ! WIPPO both XW, y, i"7 0 1ch �li idD o i ,...•, m. h, vr.i, .K r , , r., Aa. r n ., r r rv. ..,m rr o4ler. � , ... �.. . �.:•.. :: , .; W�tii,.ara? $.'.'> :�•�:... >.� .v. , ...„:e: � : � .< .. Fr .icc Dobie aA uMnsVicdi :a • • a at�in Va t i h alburrp , Y U bred 1 s e daughter h of , li'e e u r � �. "ke , •3.<. • g e ur Bolger n M•as M r'.. of � a d g �' land Mrs, Sarco. Healy, Miss Ran*r3 Lirorl€'ea`, Walton vies- x?, ire ..'Sit Week '> ,:...• , .:�, ; , .�:... ;.:: < . : � •. � cod ich.; e � oo d' l�a.. W. � �uvn'trh Mr ; tin. �' m, � ett?e said Mrs.. eldc>fr seri of Mr. !and Mrs;, Cyd;- Cordons ,Ci?:'�'' N?rsily, on Dobie, RR 3,, Aubuxgj. : The Mirsi Palts�y Rarth>vvell: retgrX►!ed double -ring eoremony was per- to h!er, h1 b.m. zrat Owgn,Sq n1With. formed ,b f`at'her MoYnaha n gra 1aTpo e gi , Mr, ano Mm5• Gordom R, TaYIrR 'after a We- V and s1ais+t utas. Bert $ae4"1!i'e� . ck's boli.. bore, CGode'r1ch.. Y Givon iinu m!a'r!riage 'by her Miiss Patsy WU,kin reurned home last weep fY'o?xl Clinton f'I Bather, the bride was ,l'gvel in :. :`` •. ,� •� ,�R 3! I Publ..ic Hospital, where she had, a floor -length gowo of white.r appendix removed. velvet featuxi4U ,a scoop neck, Mss• W'illi'am J. Craig urrw :,3J.� < "S, :, •`"ms's,; ;,,y, :..�.'`'�'.`>., 1n}e and 1049 yily+poittit sleeves, ed !ito7rtir least W Ken'd after ,a The full! srkirt fell to .a chapel few �vveeltts& a lyalttenrt in Cliirtan t pft Her French allusion veil Public -Hospital, was ' , ' p . y y aA van' $tephen as; herd err � !+ace •b a tiny Mm. r d aKrs. I _.. ,..,r. , . ........... . . . .....• ..... ........ 5oru amKl sans, BUarrey Creek, growr?i+ of nhines)tomes !a se- visited over the weekend with O clurris1d she wore a matching ,her mother, Mrs. William, T. One Minute To -0 set of crystal necklace and son . earrings. Shecarred a cascade Mr, anti!! Mrs', Wilfr�dl Sandi - Earlthe Toronto stud of the CBC, a smiling Earl .Carneran waits his .cue to start another edition of red rosebuds, �ersonl ,arid' daughters, T3,arbaira, The maid of nonoil+ Miss lVDarNgaret and Mary moved' last of the national television news, Cameron began Doom `Healy, God'erinh,� sister week "into their new home re- reading the national news in 944—at that time, on of tq�a +bride, fore:.a gown of c ens l k +purCased- from Um. radio. �Ie was born to Moose Jaw Sash, 47 yearsrose red velvet reraturing -a Donald Fowler, ago and Worked briefly as a teacher before starting scoop meciclime, gatheiedl skint Miss' Hattie Murray returned her a .m last wee Sea- rs k to tarn Witt his loci] station CHAR in 1939, His .goal was with a high mdd!niff amid' olccenit- forth after several weeks, visit to do national newscasts and one month after join- ed kh ;the back with self roses, with, her friend, Mrs”. fid' ,ar ing the CBC in. Toronto in 2944, he .achieved it. She wore a tinymatching vel- Larsson, (CBC Photo) vet circlet and veil on cher head Student tearberst ,at USS 5 and carried ,a bouquet of white Hullett last week were Mises 'mums. The bridesmatd was N'ancey Henley!, Stratford and! Miss! Jarnnett Dobie, Auburn, Kennetb, Scott, Loar,detsboro, sister of the ! oom who chose Botb ,are students' at ttrb St Tait- Gf a Dutch blue velvet gown land ford' Teacbem' Colllege. A Mather O• izea,ddlress styl'cd) similar to alto Reg Asquith and Harold! As - headdress. both of Toronto, silent +ivied of honour, Miss Joanne thio 'weekend. here with. their f Healy, Gadbrioh, sister of the mother.+, Mrs. Charles Asquith. Principle bride, was flower -girl, wearing Mrs. Asquith, retug. red wi&, thein a rose -red velvet dress, small to spend the winter with mere l white velvet hot and roar , bers of hertardily in .the Toa'- :($'.J+ C�l>L H>�MTNGW4IY) •` a 00509W of. White (baby 'mums. onto district. Held , Knox Concert C,xoornsaYaian was s Kenneth most •a psg last week? Sarre- The office of course pay Hargg>t, Aulburn .arid the ushers Knox United C Church urn diary i for mileage and if ,an Ontario were William Andrews Auburn, ar&bySchol or the was fiilled to cap- dhow a ,cowpl�e of bigger pigs � .ar"ilby' ,far the annual: Sunday •fioak a dislike to this tidiv Wal B'oaTd, it Mary ,also provide o, cousin *f the groom and; ,Earnest Sroho a cbrist aas concert. Rev.. and worsted gilt to death. 'I feel $10 per day wage, In order to Porter, Goder+iah. Charles .Lewis was the ehanr- +badly about .s1t•:not so Milch be- olbibain Cors'110 it is usuailly ve'c- For ra, reception at the Tigger manus Mrs', Th%nas� Morons' was causeon of the 20 some dors • it es)sarry +for the fanner to rise art Dunlop n 5 the brid'e's rnloM � piamasrt. was worth -but more rbelcausssle T 5 a.m. rush thrrWgh ,the chores, r�e�ceived wearing a wool dress, The nursery class under the have'had particularly good suc- grab a (bite of breakfast and of voyal bVue, with white access- direction -of their teacher, Mrs. cess in prig feeding this year, drive 150 miles or so to Toronto series and Q corsage of reel ros- 'Leonard Archambault sang a aS Out of somohing ,over 100 pigs' here he must give careful Con- es, She was assisted by the Morris', ck so did Mrs', Ittio he ti's'' Morris c!Ila��. of beginners. The foci I had no treubk and. no fart- sideration to the problems of the 9VOOrn's mother in rat sheath pr+iman'Y girls,writh their teacher, alines, I was feeling r a t h e r group, He can expect to .get tunic of imported' turquod'se' bre- Mrs. Jack Armisttrong, sang,a proud of myself, Vverr my ,per- .home about 9 p.m. when he has Bade with white accessories and chorus, and.Marie Pl'ur&ett gave cenrbage of Grade A.'s improved. the priwilage o,f boadiinig to the a corsage of pink rosebud's. a reichati!on�, "HappY as a Chau. quite s'aitistfarl tfly. barn ,for chores. The bride's table was cen trod mas Tree." Why!' did, I lose this pig! It Certaftily the mo eery re- with a beautiful thsiee-tiered The primary 'boys with their t so Yrs wedding cake flanked by pink teacher, 'William L. Craig had J pp' that there was turns do -not make this ,aWon 'Larry 'Cham�ney p1'apr a T�:amo a me�etmig of the Federation of sensible. However there are and' white candles and unite and mauve 'mairnts. solo )incl ,a recitation by Paul Agriculture that day. When I other comperis'ations. For a wedding trip to Eastern Gross+• The S'un'shine girls class went to tyre rear I heard) the pigs In the least issue of the Rural with their teacher, Mrs. Bert i squealing a •little and went to Co -Operator there is a !head- Ontario the bride domned a: red, Craig gam'g'thec'lilor-us, "Walk7xng the barn. This particular pig I'i!np; granted it 1v at the bottom velvet dress with black acc'es- an the Winter Wond'eriand:" The was halving some sleight social of the front ,page and the print sones land +a corsage of white Exp'lbrer boys whose tear -her is difficulties but it didn't seem isn't too l'ar'ge but neverthele'sls rosebbuds. on their return they Thomas rCunnsmrgham had S,te- sesuaus so'I quickly throw in a it )is there. "Bring Bean Boys wM reside' in God'erich. Guests Alien H g�gitt ,play a piano solo. Bomlanza." This of, course refers were present from Toronto, !ilio GoodNWill Girls class of _couple of forktluls of bedding Dovmsview, Winighaan, Blyrth, Mrs. G:ordain MCCamnchey sang and a ifew corn nobs' to.provide to the success of that girroup im two •ehorusers and John Wrigh t!ls d! straictn'om! and everything se- marketing their crap :last year. Saltford, Godemich and Auburn class had Robert Wilkin !play .a erred settled. However when I I �hn told that this organ:- — a piano solo, returned' that •elvendng the pig Ization had all the troubles -In • samJba �C lojus �arnived; anddise,;' was dead• getting going, that bas et�s aril Vesper Service tributed 'gifts and candy much a>evs, faun groups to the •delight of ,the excited Hard I !been, -at ,home I would R Children. have watched' land if then 'Sight- I am told ,that a certain gent- By Cf IT in (Intended for Last Week) Sang started egadn I would! have lem'an m the. south of the 4Coun:- Mrs. Charles Asquidh visited removed' ;the victim -and, in a ty tramped ,the roads from last week with her sister, Mrs. month or so I would have had neighbour ,to neighbour ,promot- Knox Presbyterian Frank Rogerson and her niece a +pig to .sell; Ing this idea,. The ,first vote Miss Alice Rogerson at Blyth. was lost but agaixn he, went out AUBrURN—Knox Presbyter- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- I have since been; wondering van Church, was, the scene of Ule lips were recent visitors with •pn+amotiivg +the idea that famm- how many of those attending service vesper aamdl'ela:gGIT Du and Mrs. James Hembly at ors !should market them awn serw,i;ee of the, Aubwrur CGIT Dublin. and holding positions in our product, At last the Bean Board last Sunday afternoon:, Wei- Mr. and Mrs. R. Pyle :and farm organizations have ,had ,was,s'et up ,acid their Marketing coming the guests and distribut- Mr. Hiram Lindsay, Low Banks 9 n'ilar experiences, ! a s tem has returned many in!g .the printed service were And them: I wonder why so Sanderson and Diane Kiskco+n- rryany mien are Willie!" to take thousands of .d�alllars to those Joyce LeiarhirerIankl�, I.,iriclla Long - producers. Since the gentleman 'hiumt and Petra Tiechea.�t. neU being the candlelfiglibers these viskcs• and reaspom'bilfti`e5 veil by the president Ju mid: :ail !three spoke on ttheiF menttionled was well: on, tau years c>tl' Por 'the sake of these ,f.armr Artihnir, rine girls marched' Sato purpose 'and 'what it stood for I doubt that he received much in the world ,today. This part of mavem the church .oarrryirvg lighted Just what returnsdo they get 'ben'efit, but he slid see his•dr'eam candles and their Bibles to the the service was closed: with for their efforts? come. true. processlion'a:1 hymn; played by prayer -by the Deader, Mrs'. W. It is the dedimtIOn of purpose the ,assistant leader of the CGZT Bradnock. During the service They of. course get the iter- ,that makes' the service worth Mrs. Duncont MacKay. Call to the ging 'sang the anthem, our of holding office • to, the "Gentle Marry" wise-craclKs, cr%tieismxs, .ami ever while earld; Y feel quite snare that worship was givers by Judy Ar- wise- right lies cisco those ryvl n th'es'e will continue ,to be men; thur and she, was', in charge of carefully stay at .home, ,ami who will accept office even Those taiki!m(. part were Mar- ! though it may sornetunes mean g p if You re TIRED Mar - look after their own interests .the loss a 0g garet Sandlerson; Marjorie ALL THE TIME whale coiJ;e�ctinlg whatever bene- Yo,unigibinrt, 1Vliari�am: Youngblut, and the offerin was received Now and then_ e g ybody gets fits the orgamdriatiofin roam Obtain. g' O, Three Trustees by Well,. duet, and Brent- e da Balk'. A. dtiiet, tittle "tired -out" feeling, .and maybe T.mn of Bettidehern" was sprig bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary - Get AcclamationsGrasnge. condition caused by urinary irritation or , Albert Farthing, Waterloo bladder discomfort. That's the time to At Manchester College, student minister, gave take.Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help an �pbriing, message to tihe stimulate the kidneys to relieve this. girloy thlelir pormbs sand visitors, condition which may often cause back - AUBURN' --•AAs the 65th morn- on, whrai Cbr+is'tm,as; means to the ache and tired feeling: Thewyou feel PNYd/CALLYAND TEAS dniatio,ri meeting of the: Police world !to -Keay and 'how it should bolter, rest better, work. tether. Get Viillago of Manchester, in the be observed. Dodd'sKidney Pills"w. •Loak,`for lho yoivavwNsocrActy,� council :chanitbers, of the town Following the sermon, .the blW.b4t with the red band at, ill drug hall, clerk L7lifton MacDonald eamrlleldglitInlg. service took counters.YouundepbndanDodd's:iso received nominations. All +crus- Place with, Gail Miller, Mary ' tee: were retUtmo ll by acclama- tion. Ral�ph, ,b. Munro, Bert Craig +amid! 'W11111aon J. Craig. will .� agadrn cond'uet village 'buMnless '� • �'� for 1963. Chaim on xBerrt Clt+aig report- • • • � ecl the usntarT gravelling and oh1widbig of the streets had been clone and that 600 sgtiare ALUMINUM WINDOWS feet of sidewalk had been Maid ALUMINUM DOORS W Loftus Street, The town) hal'1 ALUMINUM AWNINGS and fire ,hall hail! received. ,s Coat -of Paint !arid -th.e, floor of the council chamber, had. been tiled, The contract to remove a large maple .tree on God'erich Street was, AWma:rded to James r 0loush6r and George HaggItt, This was the best attended meeting 'Cor 'several years and the trustee's Will Meeh 44mrly in the r5'aw year to lappoind a chdi:r- Cto',,inemo�r al Slop T. PRY0E and 5tH CLINTON — IiXtTER SSAFORTH Opoh Evaty Af+ornt)on 0HON9 'HU 21111 At othof ifimes tohfat Local RepresentaFlve—A. W $*6,60- U 14642' Grown on,. Regular Chrittmas Tree Forms FR99 DELIVOY TO 0,LINTON AND RCAF PMQ's Gibby s riviewInn Restau'rant No. 4 Highway Milo Swath of Clinton PHONE HU 14f49 , ( r D ..ivill e t - ,,., neo. e) sP 11 #she chert' operates With ver' dight weekend at his twine here, million chiokens broilers at h r. d ea first Mrs. hatched l rs - o c t M d a an.. S .r �' M. ]Floyd y t s i Y.. _ y i? . .c bury,a Ne Lnd ws t ar n 'n " ed" n h � �R.o � B Y n, vis t. ¢ , . _.un , .. a u .. ee 191 da t M tied in 1$ the rat with ?Ylr. • orad Mrs, Wil. 9 s �2 li 1 chert' !rain Seers, Gaiil .and .aye, was :built ;at Kitehener; The Mr, :and Mrs, Dunca ri Mac- largest hatchery .in the pro - Kay, it is operated b two ?�aY, Barbara and Johnny visit � �' Pd, on Saturday With Mr. and brothers, J. B, Luck aad 'C. W,. u Shipments Mrbsb John Weir,. ,roan aril R ek° are 'made Bobby Lon across Canada, U.S.A, and to Visitors on Sunday with Mr, other countries. Several farm= ,and 14Trs. Gordon :R, Taylor ers in this district supply eggs were Mr, and. Mrs, Ronald to this large hatchery, After the meeting, lunch was Rothwell, Michael and Janice, sorved in' the Sunday School Owen Sound, and Mr, and Mrs, roam of know United Church Cleric! Rothwell and son Wil= Ilam, Fort FIgir#, by the social committee of that Sunday School. Giles Boulevard United Church, 'Windsor was the scene Walkerb.urn Glue of the wedding of laarbara The Walkerburn Cluo met at Anne Fowler, Windsor, and the home of Mrs. Joe Verwey Wayne •Tames Belfrey Henry, with Mrs. Lenard Arohambauit also ;of Windsor. The groom, in charge. Roll call was answer. who resided for several years ed by each member giving >a. heesre with lois aunt, !Vers, Char- donation to tate Children's Aid i Scott and Mr. Scott, is the Society. A successful penny son of Mr. and Mrs. James sale was Bela with Mrs. John Henry, Royal C)ak, Michigan, Snyders and Mrs. Henry Hipri and now Bios at Windsor, klieg in charge. "Dig Four" Party .A: program of relay games Over 5 farmers 0 a er a their d and contest re ' char a s n 3 s e. in hreof W g wives from Lucknow, Benmill Mrs. Stanley Ball and Mrs. er, Blyth, Clinton, Colborne Garth McClinchey. The draw Township and the surrounding prize, donated by Mrs. Ariel district were guests of the Big Duizer, was won by Mrs. Joe Four Hatchery, Kitchener, at V%wey. the Auburn Orange Mall last Plans were made for the Friday evening. :Charles Scout Christmas meeting at the home (who ' has been their rppresen- of Mrs, John Snyder. Mrs. tative for the past 18 years) Stuart Ament and Mrs. Guy introduced the speakers and Cunningham will be in charge welcomed customers and pros- of the program. Children of pects. Speakers were Robert the community will be the Buck, Kitchener, son of the guests. The lunch committee FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Ce -operative of Ontario and sollcit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT .not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Fanners Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 'I To.krs!Iith#s Over $1001 O .... r 10o!�n� ;' . r�1ar olhtic . the TPwn4*p a Tw'ckei�srn'ith nri �t?><� �, I6oderlFirmsupported the �e..s.44t.o. " from A .$x 613 payroll and, o, in the 0ou??bk3° of Huron whisih. Petty Cash were -stolen .some PetitivRrs' the provincial goverp- m t e s t.. 'Thursday i t l .t d f e bhs s Th 'r a De- 'e)?'t qr iu . s t . a Y n. t, n?• eta f . h hmen �?. g ti comber 6 from. a safe .4t Gode- prov'incia'l ,pvji: i2i litre _cpunw, rich Warehousing and Trans- nn P.or'rt Ltd. Chief constable �C3ourt o,f reverien: w'a's 4-00'. ,: Fred Wrish�arll, Goderich police the Hood. Munnctpal Dram, anld c epartmeot is investigating, no'srppealo were received, lVl''un- The theft, was discovered. in. icrpal+ roiupge subsidies an all the morning; when Walter derbenture drainls were passed, Ra,thburn, co-oW.ner of the firm ror PayrnOnt, 'in :ad!drtron to the with Leo Miller, Went toopen Buchanan drainrn. P4ymeni is to the safe and found it .open, be _called ori thio Ar.chibaW dna?n, Although a rear door had been forced, police said ,the .safe door r had not :been forced open, FJNE Will be Mrs. Lorne Dunking,Mrs Bert H.unkirsrMyr English Chinn liott Lapp.and kmruod Mg, Clinchey. The Afternoon's meeting was closed with a delicious lunch ARSTETT served by Mrs. Joe l iunking, ' ' MVV- Henry Trunking, N'lrs. Wil.- ,1Ey1/ELLERS learn Hunking and Mrs, Ted HPnking, CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Pine fi - S ruceWhitep P EXCELLENT SELECTION and REASONABLE PRICES of LLQ UT Some Location - :Behind Clinton Lions Arena OPEN SATURDAY, DECEMBER .$ -- Free Delivery -- 49-50b ViSIT YOUR CiTIES ``SANTA- STATIONIP YOUR CITIES 'S' RVICE I.FT F EE Ne' Lq 5 USEFUL... DECORATIVE ...IT'S Drive in to your nearest Cities Santa -Station today and receive yqur free Christmas Gift. Cities Service dealers displaying the Jolly -Santa signs are giving away a large package of sparkling "Icicles" or a 6 foot roll of gaily - colored Christmas Wrap! Let your Cities Service dealer help decorate your tree or make your presents more colorful this year. Remember, all you do is purchase just $2.00 worth or more of Big Gallon Gasolenes and ,the "icicles" or Gift Wrap are yours absolutely free. But hurry ----supplies are limited. LOOK rOR THE ��; 'JOLLY-8ANTA" SIGNS AT THESE DEALERS . JIM'S SOUTH END CITIES SERVICE :Moria Street •CLINTON — Phone HU 14YS1 "WEST STREET CITIES SERVICE STATION 1Y West Streets GOOERICH — Phone J;A, 44651 CENTRAL CITIES SERVICE STATION Mary Streets ---- Phone HU 2-4032 Corner mg artdIRAY'S --CLINTON-- CITIES SERVICE STATION 411 Hoorn Rood GODLRICH --- Phone JA 4.8402