HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-13, Page 9"Old Auditorium" Gets New Tile Next to the last touches have been put to the renovations of the "old auditorium" at the colleg- iate, Here Bob Billings; London, employed with the floor, covering firm of Fenwick Cochrane gets ion with the job of laying tile. The typing class 'has moved back into the section of this room which is eventually going to be the new library, and a temporary classroom is installed in the other half ,of the "old auditorium" 'which eventually will be- ,come a study room. This frees the large auditor- :lum for gymnasium and assemblies. (News-Record Photo) erisa y Mrs. M, Hedden • GET A BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET SETTER PER, FORMANCE. AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES = SERVIC[ INSTALtAtION JOHN BEANE, Jr. BAUCEPIELD0- 00'4 Olton# Called HU 2-9250 secretary, Mrs. R. M. Peck; treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Cross; assistant, •Mrs. N. E. Cook; pianist, Mrs. T. Sherrie.. Mrs, E. T. Rowe conducted the election. Forty attended the meeting which was presided over by Mrs. W, B. Cross, with the devotional taken by Miss M. Ellis, Mrs, Archie Rowcliffe and Mrs. George Armstrong. Mrs. H. F. Currie gave an inspiring talk on "The Nativity" Mrs. Clare McBride played trumpet solos accompanied by Miss Greta Laramie. Offering was received by Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mrs. Stanley Mit- chell: 0 Mrs. W. Smale To Head Auxiliary Mrs. William "Smale will be president of the Ladies' Auxilie ary to Hensel:I Branch, Royal Canadiatn, Legion during 1963. Other officers are : vice-presid- ents, Mrs. Howard Sinale, Mrs. W. J. Cameron; secretary, Mrs. E. R. Davis; treasurer, Mrs. By- ran Kyle; ,sergeant-aterms, Mrs. Harry Horton; pianist, Mee. Edgar M u tin; assistant, Mrs. William Brown. ,Execetive members' are Mrs. William Forrester, Mrs. Helen Roberts, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harold Campbell. Past presid- ent Mrs. William Brown con- ducted the election' at the Dec- ember 4 meeting. Christmas gifts will be sent to the 'adopted veterans in West- Minster Hospital. The Legion and Auxiliary Christmas party will be 'held 'in the Legion Hall on Sunday 'afternoon December 16 at 2.30 pan, - • 0 John Hazelwood HENSALL-Funeral service for the late John Hazelwood:, were held Friday afternoon from the Bonthron, funeral chapel, Hensall, by the Rev. Williart Weir, Stratford (a former min- ister of Carmel Prebyterian Church, Hensall) assistedby the Rev. Ross. MacDonald'. Teter- ment was in Exeter cemetery. Mr. Hazelwood passed away on Tuesday evening at the Queensway Nursing H o in e where he had 'been a patient for six years, He was born in the Hensall, area 82, years ago. Surviving is one. sister Miss IS- abelia, Hazelwood, Stratford. His wife died a tew years ago. 0 Hensall Legion Elects J. Simmons New President HENSALL Jack SiMmons has been elected president of Hensall Branch, Royal 'Canad- ian Legion. Other officers are vice-presidents William Brown, E, R. Davie; sergeant-et-arms, Ted Roberts; executive, Mau- rice Tudor, Jim Taylor, Winner Dalrymple and Wes Veneer; Padre, Rev. H. F. Currie. Fred C. Beer received a life membership 'certificate at the December meeting. Joint in- stallation of Legion and Aux- iliary officers will be held on January 2. Plane for the annual Christmas party on Sunday, December 16 were' discussed. 0 Alfred B. Evans Funeral service was conduct- ed on Monday, December 3 at the Ball and Hutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton, for Alfred Beavers Evans, late of RR 3, Clinton, who passed away in Clinton Public Hospi- tal on Friday, November 30. The Rev. E. J. B, Harrison, Bayfield, officiated, and inter- ment was in Bayfield Ceme- tery. Pall-bearers were Donald Colclough, Ivan Colclough, Al- vin Dutot, Elwin McCullough, George Wise and Percy Liver- more, Born on January 25, 1911, Mr. Evans was the son of Ar- thur Evans and Sophia Hannah Beevers, and he lived all of his life in Goderich Township, where he farmed, He was a member of Middleton Anglican Church. Surviving is one sister Mrs. Lewis (Margaret) Govier, Goderich. 0 KIRIN Correspondent, MRS. N. LONG Phone Hensall glaw 1 David Cooper, University of Western Ontario, spent the we- ekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cooper and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Taylor, Stratford, "were recent visitors with Miss Mabelle Whiteman. Visitors during the week with Mrs. Dowson included Mrs. Cameron Richardson, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Maxwell and. Fred Deters, Hensall. Charles Eyre visited an after- noon last week with Norman Long. Sunday visitors with Robert Thomson were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Priestap and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vorstenbosch. 0 Although we see countless shooting stars in the skies, only 23 meteorites have been recov- ered in Canada. The largest, weighing 386 'pounds, hit at Iron Springs, Alberta, in 1869. ELECTR I RAZORS Christmas Specials at ANSTETT JEWELLERS Aililii=11111111\ HARRY WILLIAMS 11112.6633 RR*2CLINTON WHITE ROSE EATING OILS-GASOLINE S. 1 • Bursaries For UWO Students From Huron Announced Bursaries for students at the University of Western Ontario, London, for 1962, have been "a- warded by a .committee of Hu- ma, County Council. es .follows;. Mark Bender, BR 1, Yuma; John E Hall) RR 3, A ilsa 'Cr, alg; Wiwam Marshall, ton; David L. .Noakes, William Van den Her/gel, RR, Seefeetili. Piet Van der Meer, Goderich; Anne •Sitortreed, ton. Members of the commit-Kee making the 'awards are Warden George MeOuteheoe, reeve of Wussels; J. H, Kinkead, clod- 0401. inopeictpr of public echo- elle and from the University, 13, G, Wells and the registrar, Dr, J. K. Watson. AL 4 SAL "SAY" WHEN FOLKS SHOP HERE THEY HAVE NO REGRET FOR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST YET AT youli ;urllfy%/~i/ dFaitND „ tot a NEED MONEY NO BONUS You Receive $1,600 $2,000 $2,500 $3,000 Business Loans against 30, 60, 90 day Accountg Receiveable CAPITAL LOANS TO BUSINESSES Special arrangements made on larger loans up to $250,000 each Phone FR 6-7324 Bluewater Acceptance Limited 937 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario 44-5-6-7-Sp You Pay Monthly Prindipal & Interest 440.08 $50.10 $62.62 $75,14 Number Months 60 Months 60 Months 60 Months (i0 Months Special Christmas Offer Complete Set SPALDING TOP FLIGHTS Including 4 Woods and 8 Irons. REG. $254.00 Special Christmas Gift Price .... „, $195.00 BAGS CARTS CLUBS May We Suggest: GIFT CERTIFICATES or 1963 MEMBERSHIPS BAY FIELD.- CLINTON GOLF CLUB CORNER OF BAYPIELD ROAD and HIGHWAY 21 Phone HU 2.3261 FOR THAT VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Sheepskin Rugs .4 too Deep-piled Only iff Mqny colours to choose from: white, honey, nutria brown,, black, gold, green, rod, blue, pink, GLEN LAINE BLANKETS AT SPECIAL PRICES GLEN LAINE SATIN BOUND $12.00 GLEN LAINE RAINBOW _ . _ .. ...... 11.00 GLEN LAINE SATIN BOUND CRIB „.,,,..„ 5.00 made from pure Canadian Virgin Wools Special Christmas Offerings on Fine LEATHER DRESS GLOVES and MITTS MEN'S GOATSKIN -- Hand sewn, Colours: natural and tan ......... ..... $2.50 and $3.50 LADIES' KID and CAPESKIN - Hand sewn, unlined. Colours: natural and tan $2.50 brown , $4.00 Whipstitched lined glove, natural colour CHILDREN'S LINED MITTS and GLOVES SPECIAL LOW PRICES MITTS tanned to always dry soft only $1.00 LINED DRESS GLOVE $1.50 Other Quality Gloves at Regular Wholesale Prices from $2.00 to $5.00 • • • Banton Limited BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 6 Offers Available November 29 to December 24 144)040pp $3.00 Thurs., Dec, 1902,,,Clinton News,Record,Poge Classified Ads Bring Results Going Home for Christmas? Get tickets and reservations now Plan a dependable train journey. Ask about low week- end fares, group coach rates, gift travel tickets. Consult your local agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL '9-62 NEWS OF MIDDLETON Council has declared Wednes- day, December 26 a public holi- day. Miss Hannah Murray heads the Ladies Aid at Carmel, with :two vice-presidents, Mrs. John ,Soldan and Mrs. Frank Wright. Hensall United Church Wo- men cleared over $500 at the 'Snowflake Bazaar. Winners in the Christmas ,cake cake draw sponsored' by. he Hensel]. Kinette Club were Er- vin Reichert, Clinton; and Jill :McLellan, Kippen. Tickets were drawn by Mrs. Inez Mc- :Ewen, Over 200 packages of peanuts .,and mixed nuts were sold by Hensall Kinsmen in their can- vass of the village last Thursday J. E. McE'wen is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, Where he will undergo eye stir- :gery on Thursday of this week. Wilbert Drilling underwent eye surgery 'at Victoria Hospital, London, Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. E, Hedden, Niagara Falls, were Weekend visitors with Heel) Hedden. The Legion and Auxiliary will entertain their children 'at a Christmas party in the Legion Hall, Sunday, December 16. Santa Claus will visit Hen- sall this Saturday, December 15 at 2 p.m. and will distribute 'treats to the children of Hen- sail and district, Mrs. Harold Elliott, Hensall was the winner of $50 in a draw at Exeter last Saturday sponsored by Exeter business- men. William Boa who •resides on Highway 4 south of Hensel,' •was. taken by ambulance Tues- day night to South Huron Hos- pital following a stroke. Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs, Harry Horton, Mrs. William Smale and 'Mrs, Byran Kyle were prize winners at the 30th birthday celebration of Clinton Legion Auxiliary last week. Mrs. Earl Campbell is pre- eident of the Women's Mission- , ary Society of Carmel Presby- terian Church, with vice-presi- dent Mrs. Percy Campbell. At the December 3 meeting Mrs. John Love received' a life mern- beT certificate, Rebekahs Party The Christmas meeting of Amber Rebehah Lodge was held December 5. Noble, Grand Mrs. Hugh lVfcEtwen presided. Christmas carols, readings by Mrs. A. W. Shireay, and Mrs, Harold Parker .and a vocal solo by Mrs. William Brown were enjoyed. Members Were guests of Brussels Lodge at thelr Christmas patty on December 11. Members exchanged gifts and luncheon Served, UCW Units Four, Five The Christmas meeting of Units Four and Five of the United Church Women was held December 6, Officers elected were: president, Mrs. James McAllister; vice-president, Mrs. George Armstrong; recording The :December meeting of the. United .Q1441ch Women WPA )0c at the 'Wane of Mrs, lee Con hell last evening, Where 33 artwered .roll call with • a Christmas vor$p. 4.44 'a 'Pro- segt for the, ChdiclIrn's Aid -$oc- letly, Mrs. Robert Taylor led' the warship service, Scripture lesSen, was read by We, Jahn McMh .And if/47s. J Postill, led in praYer. .Several took ixirt a candle lighting ceremony, Mrs, H. Bropze reed a timely poem entitled °Are you ready for ChriStniaS? A ,Pietto solo "Star of the. East," was played by Mrs, Ro- bert :Wang land two readings' "A Poor Little Boy's Letter !to' Santa" 'and "No Room In the 'Imr" was giver by Mrs. R. 114Y- ler, Mn.e Gordon Hal conduct, ed the business period, Gifts for the shut ins 'are te- be left this week at the home of Mrs. LOOS Taylor. 35 visits were reported duriog the last month, The lallocation for 1963 was accepted by the society.' Lunch was served. A White Gift Service will be held next Sunday, December in the United Church at 10.15 M1S,S, Kathleen MeNaughlOn. 17r, and Mrs, .AnOrPwQ014.1W g .c10141;'04., VtiSited with Mr, and Meet Fred Middle ton last .weekend• were floral larrangementS• Were placed ;hi St, James Gh- u placed on SUOday, Decemher 9, to the glory Of God -400: in loving memory of the late Alfred: Evans, by 114 farhilY, pre4tta,tioti4 Made Mr, spa. mils, Albert Col, elpuoh, who recently moved frcorn their •fleirrn on concession 7, -Go(10,1411 Township to take up residence Clinton;,in were the recipients last week of tokenS of esteem from their former neighbours And Also from the members of the Church of their affiliation, St. James, Middle- On, The .Middleton Church war- dens George and Ray Wise and and a former neighbour, Alfred HURON CROWN ATTORNEY ACTING IN PERTH, TOO Huron's crown attorney Wil- liam G. Cochrane, Exeter, has been temporarily appointed act- ing Crown Attorney for Perth. He will serve during the ill- ness of W, E. Goodwin, QC, who is in Stratford General Hospital. SIR ERNEST MacMILLAN is host and conductor on the Tuesday night 'CBC radio net- work program, Talent Fest- ival, which introduces young Canadian concert artists of the 'highest calibre. (CBC' Photo) o - FEDERATION SHOW FILM ON WHEAT MARKETING The December meeting of Huron County Federation, of, Agriculture will be hed on Tues- day afternoon, December 11, in the agricultural office board ro- oms, at 2 p.m. Russel Bolton Will be Showing .a film' on wheat marketing and how the Wheat Marketing Board operates. The meeting 'i's in, the same place as usual, cAllecT on Mr, and iris;,. -cpA0914h last week and Pre, -muted than leVelY lamp and a scatter rug With he*, wishes for their future, hap-piness St.,J.triesr47nchthi.4,44‘. Church, Middleton. WA An t The annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St. ,Jiarnies. DePoe'8.pilbee'r45P:01 y, , was hld Wedn e esda ,afternoon, me )3)3075 •Mprt714cCullpnotugh with 13 mem- ,Tt was haired by the pros, Went, Mr's. Ray Wise, who opened the meeting with 'a 'poem entitled "A thought for Christ, Inas", followed by prayers. St. Lake 2 1-20, was read by Mrs. Don Middleton, In ;the absence of the secretary, Mrs. ,John Giiigg, Mrs. IX Wise read tire, minutes, teSAvin Dutot read' a fey-. oenable financial statement. Roll call was answered by .0. favorite •Chnistreas „carol, with "Silent Night" a decided ,favor- ite. Mrs. Keith Miller gave two inspiring 'Christmas. readings, otlifel3Leirleht"„ea:rian,d the "Mir- acle iyfrs. Arnold Miller presented a. splendid perces' repOrt, which included the donation of five quilts during the last year to needy causes. Mrs, Jack Cole- reported for the card committee and Mrs. Droves for the birthday box, These annual reports indicated that 'the WA is in, a healthy condition both financially and in regard' to harmony among its' members. A splendid summary of the year's activities, which was Written by Mrs. John Grigg, was, read in her absence by Mrs. Ed Wise. The sum of $180 was voted to the eherch wardens of which $125 was des- ignated for the budget and the sum of $55 for general expen- ses. The usual honorariums were voted to the faithful:1 organist, Mrs. Joseph. Storey and to the fireman, Mr. Fred Middleton. ladMieTfoRraytheWirisspe Itherialthdid ecclo-thoi-i! o ration during her year as pres- ident :and also expressed deep appreciation to the rector, the Rev. E. J. B. Harrison for at- tending and assisting at the meetings. Mr. Harrison presided for the election of officers. The head of the nomination com- mittee, Mrs. Fred Middleton, presented the same slate of of- ficers as last year. These were re-elected by acclamation, Honorary president, Mrs. Fred Middleton; past president, Mrs. Milton Steepe; president, Mrs. Ray Wise; vice-president, Mrs. Don Middleton; treasurer, Mrs. Alvin. Dutot; secretary, Mrs. John Gregg; prayer part- ner secretary, Mrs. Joseph St- orey.; Press secretary, Mrs. Stewart Middleton; program committee, Mrs.. Edward Wise, Mrs. Gor- dan Bothwell; card convener, Mrs. Jack Cole; birthday 'box, Mrs. reeves; Dorcas committee, Mrs, Arnold Miller, Mrs. Keith Miller, Mrs. McCullough a n d Mrs. Milton Steepe. Mr. Harrison thanked the ladies for their efforts end co- operation of the past year, "The sign outside slays this is 'a fr- 'i'endly church" said Mr. Har- rison, '"And this organization bears out this slogan". VARNA oborreopondent pro mcc.41000 L.Aq.ER BEER Il FOR THE 1_1(iliTER LAGER WITH THE HAPPY FLAVOUR