HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-13, Page 7EN AEMENT ANNOUNCED gr. amid Mrs',. Willlaxn Lloyd Farrar inn -ounce the engagementda,i, g�1- of the±tx' ter, Naltey Ann, to Robert Jahn. S'hiPley ,Ourrelll, sell, of Lieutenant Colonel L19y4 W'' am Carrell and Mrs. Curre11. The marriage will take (place on; ,Saturday, December 22 at 12 o'clock ir> Z ion Wexford United Church, Toronto. BIRTHS BRAITHWAITE--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, December 9, 1962, to AC, and Clinton, a daughter. CUNNINGHAM-In C i i n •t o n Public Hospital, on Wednes- day, December 5, 1962, Mrs. and Mrs, Tom J. Cunning- ham, Auburn, 'a daughter, FRANKEN In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, Deem ber 7, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. John Franken, Auburn, a son.. HAVERKAMP-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Wednesday, December 5, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Haverkamp, RR 5, Goderich, a son. HICKS -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, December 7, 1962, to Corporal and Mrs. J. Hicks, Hensall, a daughter. MEDIMA-In , Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, Dec- ember 10, 1962, to Mr, and Mrs, Eddy Medina, Blyth, a son. RURAK -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, Dec- ember 10, 1962, to Corporal and Mrs. E, Rurak, Becker's Trailer Court, Clinton, a daughter. 0 United Church Presbytery Men About 100 men representing the 30 pastoral charges in Hu- ron Presbytery, :attended a din- ner meeting !in Wesley -Willis United Church on Friday, No- vember 30 to .assess' the prog- ress made in the various works organized by the Projects Com- mittee of the presbytery. ,Robert Southcott, Exeter, was chairman of the event. Guest speaker was Dr. M. Mackinnon, head of the English department at University of Western On- tario. Neil Campbell, bursar at Westminster College, Landon, told of the work and progress made in this new United! Church residence at the University of Western Ontario. Pictures of the new college were shown. The Rev. Grant Mills, chair- man of finance for 'the presby- tery, spoke of the challenges of the projects of the group. 1 This Christmas Give A MIRROR Come in today and select from our wide range of plate glass mirrors. A lifetime of beauty, only $17.00 for a 24x36 plate glass mirror - up to $28.00. at Beattie Furniture Clinton Band Plan4 Entry t CNE competition After a successful year, 'mem, bell .of tie Clinton' Community Concent and Marching Band have set their sights upon; .en, tering the band eempetition at Canadian National Exhibition tin Toronto next 'su'mmer. There '1s no :marching involv- ed in this venture at the CNE. It is strictly ;a playing competi- tion of a test piece, seleeted by men high inthe musigal field. Competition at the CNE is keen, and the Clinton band may be up against a large entry in their section. Rehearsal of the test piece has alroadd started, and inter- est is extremely high among the band) melnbers, especially after the decision given at Sea - forth Christmas parade compe- tition. The entire troup, includ- lag majorettes and colour party will make the trip to Toronto next summer to help cheer and support the band. During 1962 Clinton Band visited a number of Ontario centres. Each ,time they put on a good show and were well received. Requests from Wat- ford and Stratford to the band to appear, were received, but the band was unable to appear there. They are confident, after the season! was climaxed by a terrific show in Londbn when Clinton placed second to the Sarnia Lionettes, that the band is ready for playing competition in 1963. Storm Causes Unwanted Holiday (Continued from page one) Yesterday, however, he diid not make a bus run at all, and only one teacher, Mrs. George Carbet, principal was able to get in to work. She had ,about 30 pupils from town, in all grades, in her charge, during the day. For Holmesville P u b l i c School, troubles began early. One bus, transporting pupils from the SS 10 area with 37 youngsters aboard, did not finish, its route until 7.30 Mon- day night. That meant three and a half hours from' Holmes- ville home for driver John Semple. On Tuesday principal John Siertsema sent the pupils home at noon. Yesterday, learning in the morning that plows would not be goring out early, Mr. Siertsema cancelled school en- tirely. Meanwhile, Clinton Public School was operated as usual. There ,are no buses involved in transporting ,child en here, and despite the very bad visibility and ,cold, :only a small percent- age of the enrolment failed to show up. At the :Calvin Christian Sch- ool, 'classes; Were held as usea1 on Tuesday, with only a few pupils from theBlyth area un- able to attend. However, yest- erday principal W. VanWierren reports that school was no t held at all, owing to the storm. At the big school in this area, RCAF Station Clinton, every- thing operated as usual, ar>!d by 4.30 p.m. last night there had been no need to restrain movement off the station, The Mr Marshall Hugh Campbell School on Adastral Park, also operated normally, with Students and all teachers able to show up for the day. Neither Clinton PUC nor On- tario Hydro have experienced any particular problems due to the storm. As Frank Mutdh in the PUC office explained this; "It's sleet and -freezing rain which causes trouble with power lines". • POINSETTIAS • AZALEAS • MUM PLANTS i ROSES 4 CARNATIONS • 'MUMS Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere DTII HU 24012 Cooke Clinton Christmas Ptirrty Wednesday, December 19 in the Legion hall• a Chxi'srtmee party is planned for all band meanbers, :and parents, In fact, Parente are :asked to contribute. by providing sandwiches, gook-. ies, Oakes, etc. $oft drinks, chocolate milk ,and 'coffee are to hoe supplied. Films will be shown of the appearance in Waterloo in 1061; the Carvalcade of Bands in Clinton this spring; pictures of the Sunday afternoon show this summer when St. Marys bend was in Clinton; Seaforth and Clinton Santa Claus parades. Prizes will be awiard'ed 'in vari- ous categories, such as attend- ance, progress, etc. and remarks by band officials and guests. A dance will be held following the event. The press, ,town -officials and any interested senior bands,, men of past Clinton bands are cordially invited. Annual Meeting A banquet and annual meet- ing evening is being planned for early in 1963 when -officers will be elected for the year, and a general meeting held to discuss and.. arrange necessary details and plans: And Next Year Among coming engagements for the band in 1963, are tenta- tive plans for a concert with assisting artists for the mid'die of February and a concert with the St. Marys Me:robing Band featured' in mid-April or May. Both of these will be scheduled in the Recreation Centre at RCAF Station Clinton. Athird engagement at the. Station will be a band review on the parade square on the first of July weekend. Full details of these events will be available lamer. 0 LONDESBORO LADIES W L HT Pts. Clippers 31 811 73 }tippers 16 23 6 38 . Zippers 14 25 5 33 Flippers 17 22 6 40 Town and Packers Continue Ne ti o aeonS (continued frq%n Page 1) :000 by the year 2,000, the engineers suggest a'dditignal expenditure of :$65,500 in 1958; $23,100 in 1970; 20,400 in 1972; $25,000 ;in 1976 and in 19$0, $x00,000. It is also :interesting to note that these ,prices are figured on present costs. If the past is any guide, future installations posts• of all these improvements will be Increased. It would ap- pear that even 'if the work which would appear necessary immediately., (if the parking plant is built) will probably not be proceeded with until SP - ring at least, and by that time the 1962 costs on which' the estimate is matte, may have 1*' creased estimate. The engineers also point out that the ,present sewerage dis- posal plant in Clinton originally cost $84,000. The cost of build- ing this same 'plant today would be in the order of $150,000. Negotiations so 'far have in- cluded two meetings in: Clinton with town officials and repres- entatives of R. V, Anderson and Associates. Last Thursday a delegation from rtoawn was' in Toronto consulting with the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission, and with representa- tives 'of Canada Packers Ltd. Making the trip to Toronto were Mayor W. 3. Miller; Geo- rge Wanch, head of the Indust- rial promotion committee of council; public utilities com- missioner A. "Red" Garon and PUC superintendent Jabez Rands. - The delegation brought back an enthusiastic report. They felt that the engineers report had met with approval by Canada Packers Ltd. in principle at least. They also received help- ful direption from the OWRC concerning future steps to take in negotiations. At the moment there is no guarantee that Canada Packers Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH , (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. SUNDAY, DECEMBER '16 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Church Service A Cordial Welcome To All BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T, Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, December 16 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "God With Us" 7.30 p.m. -Evangelistic Hour "Ordinance of Believer's Baptism'.' Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Service Revival Notes. You are cordially invited to these services. St. Andrew's • Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 16 9.45 am. -Sunday School 10.45 a.m.-Church Service Albert Farthing, student from Waterloo College guest speaker. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLO'STRA Minister Sunday, December 16 10,00 ane -Service in English 2.30 p.rn.-Service in Dutch Every Sunday; 6.15 p.m,, Dial 6.80 CHLO, London, Listen to "Back to God Hour". EVERYONE WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, December 16 9.45 a.m: Worshin Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 7.30 p.m. --Children's Christ- mas program Tuesday -Bible Study and prayer at 8 p,m, All Welcome Anglican Church of Canada St. Poufs -- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh, Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 16 ADVENT III 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 6.30 p.m. -Evening Prayer Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings ori Lord's Day as follows: Services 11,00 a.m.-Breakiing Bread 3,00 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.ni.---Preaching the Gospel 8.00 Wm -Thursday -- Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading, eslegr- ribs- o1rneahtiic ttiler7 atiiitrctles REV. CLIFFORD G, PARK, M.A., Minister Subject: "How Should We beat With Evil?" WESLEY-WILLIS 11,00 a.m.-Chureh Service 11.15 a.iT-Sunday School 7.00 pan. --White Gift Service: Film "The l3irth of SaVibur", Junior arid Intermediate Choirs. HOLMESVILLE 11.45 a.in.-Sunday SehooC 12,30 p.m. -Church Service Monday --8 p.nz,--Christmat Concert hal a Ontario Street United Church 'brat F. tt-stmt CHURCIA" Pastor: REV, GRANT MILLS, B.A. 9.45 ant ---Sunday Sehool 11..00 a.m.--MorningWorship 7.30 p.m,=- J I' Candlelight Servide TURNER'S CHURCH 100 ,p.t5'G. Cliitrch 86tvied 8.00' p.M. uitdoy School Council In Action First steles were taken by town oauncii ani lyionday night, toward the objective of instal- Mals fluorescent lighting .along streets throughout town, Faced With the request ,of 'residents ocl Ontario Sreet, at the eastern nets:10 $ of town on Highwa $, ;for 'better lighting, council decid'e'd to 41 041 three fluores- cent lights there, rather than Using the Older tyye of street 1ig'hts. At the same time, they agreed to instal several lights an Erie Street and Queen Street, where residents claim the lighting is Tot up to the standard in other sections of the town. It is ex- pected that these will conform to the type already installed on these streets. Move toward this .ration in street lighting was taken on the reoommerrud'ation of the Protec- tion to persons and property committee, made up of chair- man Councillor Norman Liver- more and members Allan Elliot, George Rnimball. Also to be undertaken soon is a survey of the street -lighting in town, to find places where improvements are needed, and a' long-term plan for this work will be set up J. Rands, super- intendent of the Clinton; Public Utilities 'Commission will be consulted in this regard. A letter signed by 20 resi- dents of the "Little England" section of town protested the keeping of pigs in a barn at the corner of William Street and Victoria Terrace. This complaint was referred' by coun- eil to the Health Unit. The council accepted a letter from the insurance adjustors in- dicating $336,46 ' damage to the police cruiser in an Oot'ober ac- cident and that ,afiter $100 de- ductible was p.alid by the town, Ltd. will decide to establish the plant in AcEnton. It would ap- pear, however, that the location is good for their purpose, and they do own land within the corporation. Relations with the firm have been good in the past, and there is no reason to suppose that negotiations will not be carried through .favour- ably. Town council is anxious to co-operate and :have this in- dustry and the resulting 100 job's mmad'e available in this area. Art Monday's meeting when the engineer's report was Ac- cepted, it was noted that the PUC had spent $1,500 to obtain the ,r epont, and it was pointed out that for future meetings ,with th'e • firm, expenses will li;ab to be met. It is expected thkt this will be budgeted for by council in 1963. a claim of $236.46 remained.. Council supported .a resgtu- tion of Huron County Coungil, Petitian'ing the prov'i'nce for the establishment of a provinotal park somewhere in the county. W. C. Nelwcornbe was reap- pointed the town 'representative qn the Cllinten District Collegi- ate Institute Board,, First council meeting 'in 1963 Will be held on januaty 2. Mayor Miller suggested hay, tog ,a notice 'put in; the paper :reminding motorists' to remove oars from the streets at night during winter, so that roads may be cleared of snow, Mention was made of the 'in- stal'lation yet to be done, ;of 15 -minute parking signs in the Post Office' area. Also council discussed the problems whieb . existed last Friday afternoon, when la failure in .the traffic signal system at the main •in- terselotion., paused difficulty to motorists, Repairs were made to the system by the PUC, .and it was operating again by 5 p.m. Some members of council indicated they would have liked to have seen a eonstaible .at the earner 'd'irecting traffic. Also, Reeve Morgan Agnew protested the practice of cer- tain business places pushing snow out onto the streets. "We should request them to remove their own snow," he suggested. Building permits were ap- proved for Lloyd Batkin, gar- age and shop, $500; David Dal- es, ,sunporele $450; J. Scruton, warehouse, $2,500; A. G. Grigg and .Son, fuel •oll tank, $2,000. Approval was given the recommendation, of the general government committee, headed by Deputy Reeve John Sutter, that new table and chairs be purchased ,for the council cham- ber at a cost of $650. Queried on the :slate of the present "cap- tain's :chairs" now in use, ,coun- eil indicated they would con- °tiaue to use them in the ,com- mittee room. If otherwise, it will be .on: decision of "next years council". (All members of council this year have been returned to serve in 1963,) Wednesday, December 26 was declared a public holiday. Authorization of payment of councillors ,annual fees by De- cember 13 was given, and pay- ment of $58 expenses for a trip Last Thursday to Toronto by four men to !interview officials of the Ontario Water Resourc- es Commission and Canada Packers Ltd. was also author- ized. With council meeting stretch- ing later' than is customary, coffee and donuts supplied by ccuncillor Donald Symons were enjoyed by council, audience and the press. F�u �1 v7.d A tt. IIS 41411111ft NTE CIGARETTES AL1. pOPULAR BRANDS 8Y •tHe CARTON ORPACK • CHRISTMAS WRAP CHOCOLATE' h/s Ib. to 5 lbs. 50c to $5.00 BROWNIE FLASH FUN KODAK CAMERA ° SPECIAL $5.95 CHi1DRhj'S GIFT SETS Bubble Bath and Animal Soap 80c to $2.25 • • STOP - LOOK - SEE! The very gifts they've been hinting for are right hear at New- combe's Rexall Drug Store Gift Centre. We've enticing, excit- ing gifts . . . bright ideas for the guy or gal who prefers the unique . . . or for - the more practical ones on your list. And they're all specially priced to enable you to give the MOST PLEASURE for the money you spend. CHANEL PURSE PERFUME and COLOGNE $9.00 COMB - BRUSH and MIRROR SETS FOR CHILDREN $1.89 OTHERS $6.99 to $17.50 { LADIES' TOILET SETS By Yardley - Rubinstein Lentherio - Evening in Paris Coty and Houbigant $1.10 to $10.00 M E N'S SHAVING SETS By Bachelor - Old Spice Yardley and Stag • $1.25 tee $6.50 QUALITY STATIONERY e4.44V. BOXED $1,00 to $2.75 NEW[DMDE Pharma� te= SHONE HU 2 9511 i',' Thurs., Dec. 13, 1962-r--cM'nitgrn News -Record --Page 7 BRUcEFIEI.D Mr. .and, Mrs, William Myr- • dock, Hamilton, were guests of their parents, Mx- and Mrs. 3ghn..R. Murdoch.. They also visited Mr. Murdoeh' s sister Beth, who is in Clinton Public Hospital, Brucefield and Pommuni.ty ladies held two showers recent- ly ie the church, for two young ladies of the area, Mrs. Peter Roy (nee Doris Walker) and Miss Carolyn Ros$, who was married on Saturday, The CGIT held :their annual tea. and mitten tree on Sam - day in the church parlour. The church was beautifully decorat- ed for the occasion under direc- tion of the leaders, Mrs. Boughen and Mrs. Swan. Pouring tea • were Mrs, H. Johnston and ¥Vlrs. H. Berry, Over 50 pairs of mittens were donated and hung on the dee orated tree in the centre of the room, Tea tables were in keep- ing with the Christmas sea, son. Next Sunday evening the CGIT will hold vesper service in the church at 7,30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Personals Mr. and Mrs..Gord'on Mac- Farlane and Bob, St. Thomas, Spent the weeltend with the •tat- ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Colgu- hours and family have moved from their home on Highway 4, just south of Clinton, into town. They are occupying half of the double house, opposite Murphy's garage on Highway 8, a half block ,north of the main inter- section, ALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS S Can Be Bought at ANSTETT JEWELLERS Christmas Trees PINE BALSAM All Trees Under Cover BALL - M ACAULAY LTD. 66 KING STREET HU 2-9514 FREE DELIVERY Grand U1GGAGE '. rT 77srkf ` ' s Gifts leo by • McBrine • Samsonite • Travel and Choose a SINGLE CASE or MATCHED SET ) Gifti in LEATHER r{fir CASES CASES Initialled • �t T WALLETS CASES FRE -E!) �Jr r\-,= , t BILLFOLDS ' s„ ; • BREAST • - KEY BRIEF -"� UTILITY - (Gold Opera or Romeo Style SLIPPERS plaid top styes from $1.98 \\ <,, Cozy genuine .-, shearling SLIPPERS FOR MEN $4.95 to $5.95 { ' ` MEN'S CARDIGAN Button or $5,50 to • Sport Shirts 4 Dress G(oves °5 k <) •" Fine SockS ° l 1 (Short and GIFT*SLP and BOYS SWEATERS Zipper Styles $10.95 .... $2.95 to $6.95 $2.95 $1.Oo Long) , up up LUGGAGE & LEATHER GOODS Phone HU 2.9352