HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-06, Page 8po�� $�,-�Ch�fion. NewsT�e�grdY---`'Tl�yrt.. Qec� 6,
Mr, +and •Mrs. Frank Ailp -I brother—in—law_ acid sister, Mr
rw• r. w yr•--rw a. ....Y,._.... r�..,
visited her parents, Mi: Bandl
-r�. ,•+,... ,........ ,....+ r
M H. Reimer .and lltiss L
Mrs. Ed, .Stuff geoq on Sunday..
Tohnian, Kitchener, who are at
Mr, ,and Mrs: MiitoAi gearsan
teindipg S441;xtford' Teachers: Col.
an'd Scott, St, Tho1rias; spent
lege a� sroaying with. Mm. ant
Sunday with his father', John.
Mrs, George 14ttle this weel
whzl,e doing practice. teaching it
Murray an, Gathieu McArtei•,,
the Junior roam,
Brussels; visited' t'heAm aunt,
W. and Mrs. K. Ferguson,
M'rs. George Bell over the week-
Bill and I)el•la u spept Sun,
day in Stratha� With Mrs
Mrs;, George Bell. spent Mon;-
Ferguson,"s mother, Mrs,, b
day and Tuesday in Port Col-
Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs, O
i'1 her husband
,tai ne wh ewas., In
Molitor •and family,
71st part.
Miss, ,Ethel Blair, London,
IA2rst Emerson Heard •is visit.
came .on Monday to spend this
Ing rev London, this. week, Sh€
accompanied her daughter ani
week 'vitt her laarents, Mx, and
Mrs. R. S. Blair,
hnisbanldl, lY1i, .and iYIrs. Heriberl
George Lindsay accompanied
Kirkh!arn who were here or.
on, their return to the
by K Thgmp'son, Paris, visited:S�urdlay
man (Ralph Turner, Clarence
his mother and brother, Mrs...city,
George Lindsay and Brown on
F/I, and Mrs. R. A. Sirrinns;
tKonidlay and Tuesday.
Randy and Danielle, who bavE
Mr . R. H, F. Gairdner re-
been i•esiden:s of Bayfield foi
turned home on Friday after
having visited ,her slsterts in
over 'five years moved) tc
Downsview on Tuesday. Thep
Evanston :and River Forest, Il1
will be in this, comnYun.
for ten drays,
Mr. -and Mrs. Harvey, I•lohn-
E, J, Sturgeon returned hom(
er and Allany Bronson Line,
from Cllniton Public Hos+pitai
Stanley Township; were in Tor-
, on November 24, and, Mrs. Stur•
onto for the weekend: visiting•gear
who stayed) with bel
her tbrotther Edward De]ohextt,
d'awghter in Clinton aecompan•
wife and son, Ricky.
ied, ,lura. He is gradually im.-
Mr. and, Mrs, John Elliott,
•provirig in health.
Jiaimy, Nancy and' Susan, Kit -Friday,
F/O and; Mrs'
chener,, visited his. parents, Mr.
Davi®d B'atltye and! son Blair ar-
and Mrs,. William R. Elliott, on
rived from, ;St. Bruno, Quebec
Sunday, '
F/OBa+itye left on Sunday An
Mr. and Mrs. David Baird,
Cincinnati, Ohio, where he will
and Mrs. Louise Sturgeon, Lon-
be until Christmas, Mrs. Ba:ttye
don, spent Sunday with their
and Blair will remain with her
Rambling With Lucy
(Lucy R. Woods)
Did you follow Jack Dickirus' .Open Camera lash week
over Cfiinnei 10 Televis on when he was alsking, Londoners
if they felt Christmas was being comtmercaalized and the
sleason rushed?;
Some 'liked' all the carols' andChlrls+trnas advertising which
now start early in November. And some felt there was so
much ruin,, bustle and blusde, that the true spirit of Christmas
was lost.
In the latwr ca,ftory was a former Maritimer who was
,decidedty apposed to ,the cairnmercial'ism and!' singing of carols
before Chr!sttunias• Five.. 0
Lucy happened to .be raised an the Anglican communion
wh1eyet (iasi in all other branches of ,the Catholic Churob) the
•(rime period of four Sundays ,before Clixtstmas known as Ad-
vent is (or sho'ul'd be) a Penitential season—a beginning; of
the church year.
And so it has always been irritating to hear nothing
but canals befbre Chr]lxtmals on radio aind .television,, and then
never a mention, of Jesus Christ's birthday ontce the gi2its
drive ;beeru o+pene�cll arixP the rtr'+adtitlloaval Peart consumed'. In
tier younug c'Uays it utas ce'lelba+ated for :two weeks ai'terward�.
Arudl th> lady .frorxi "dbNvtru Elast" remarkgd+ that, iTu her
young day, the gufflts, were, rmad+e dor friends+ acrd' loved cave's.
Z4vat calle'dl ,ta mind. ]'loci's, awn, young days. The firnt
gifts shte mald'e, dversellf, all the, eroK�hetirig, eanbroad'ery, knmt-
ting, etc'., which wen ilnita llilem! It seemed to mean mare
(teen than +an expensive .gidt purcha'se'd and wrapped, up in a•
sthop naw -+a -drays.
Looking back and wondering just when we did commence
to think about C Tdstrntas first, it carie to Lucy that it was .
when the three Church Sunday S'rhools, Melth�oditst, Presby-
terian end'Anglican commenced+ prta'oiising for ,their Christ-
mas concerts.
..These were presented` in the church- basement, Orange
Hall or Torero Hall and, . were events m the village in those
days, especially for the c'hild'ren; and their Parents. The
Young People helped, too, with short ,pliays, etc.
Lucy recalls the f1ws,t time she was to sling "Oh Where,
Oh Where is my Little Dog, GonW' in a skit "The Afa;rriage
Machine" or some such +title. 'It was •directed- by the Rev.
W111haom. I inde. Yes, 'indeed, that evening, she was sick in
bedswith: a ' very sore threat—,aggmavaitied no doubt by trying
to sang frequently during . the day, to ,prove to her parents
she, was, able to gra. All she recalls is that Mrs, Ed. Elliott
was the oTd maid' width a dog ("Blarney") who wished to
regain her youth. She went in; the machine and Lucy was
to .have' comie out with a sltrirvg of sausage and sing the song.
Lucy was about six years of age and the :affair, was held an
the Orange Fall, .
Then there was the dblethodhst Sunday School concert
which Lucy enjoyed. One number, girls -in white fairy cos'-
tume, thea:! long tfrhlly rArimrtped! hair flowing, dr'd- a drill, They
I up across Ute stage with timisel gliste>ruing on rtlheir herr
and) win+gs,. The; Ray. Thorruas -renis (who +e,arlier had sung
a ternperamlce, !f>'all+ad!), slid' out frown the',tvings, with his hands
utnldlerr hrs caart tails ,aarld, ilii ,a daln�ce swbstitiutlirig in the chorus
of hos sang Ear:
"1lhetse ilea! little fairies
They're working for rite+, +eta"
It was ,an' excellent program since Mr. Laws had had
concent Yuan experience .in Einglandi.
And then there was! the Pr,esboyibeNian, concert. And Lucy
can still hear Beatie Browse singlrr g: "Beautiful Isle of 'Some-
where", accomtpanving. herself on the aurtodvanp. She and her
brother Tod also sang toget w.
And! remember Mlss Flossie Stanbury (Mrs. A. Stelck,
Edmonton), taking a, (part in, a play,at a ,few hours' notice?
A tteachea•', she had, just arrived hoarse and someone in, ,the
play -had' oaken 'ill,
Wiss .Nora Ferguson, Mrs. James Ferguson, and Miss
Margaret Campbell (now Mrs, Robert Scotchmer) could
always be counted -upon, to, produce h good' Christmas concent.
Sometimes ,though!,, at school 4here was 'a bit of jealousy
amongst pupils' not of ,the Presbyterian persuasion when Mn.
Ferguson asked, certain, .gtWls and !bays to stray after four
delbock. They were handed tthenr parts and were in, on a•big
secret, leaving the. others'oiut in the cold, so to spear(.
There wars a -bit of friendly ri.,valmy in, keeping our pro-
gram, numbers secret, though, sometimes children helped ftr
more than one concert when attending two Sunday Schoalis
An this of course entailed a great dead of nerve-wracking
work forthose .in charge as, Bucy was, to leaxn in, later years.
She recalls Mrs. H J. CondeR having practice, at the
rectory, She was assistedby Miss Effit'aibeth ,Cameron. Lucys
mother tpl;ayedl for the carols, and choruses,
One day some of the boys got out of hand and started
playing hii'de-anti-go-seek. Result: a foot put. ,through a, heat
box in one of the, clothes clos'e+ts upstairs and Mr•s. Condell's
best .hat ruined!
And !if •the program were short, Blob Bailey could always'
be counted- upon for a vocal sola, Richard Elliott (Dick the
Corker) for a selection on the Jew's harp, Cliff Pollock; a
violin number; Dr. G. M. Smith, a pianoforte solo, or Jimmy
Rouaitt to ,play the mouth organ.
The Yeats rolled on to the time, when Lucy and Fioy
E&v4rdls, (Mrs. R. J. Wahsarl,; Santa�luta), decided to hanre a
Sunday School conceit. Mrs'' T Baxley very kindly allowed
thein to practice the, cax+ois and songs( In her dliniog room telt
The Riaz Hotel. The children ,eve'-en't Oinghig very well oris
day.. "You've a gootd, voice; sing up and' lead the others,,"
said! Lucy to omie little girl of rh+;�s,e• drays „. F#uh!,t she,
polled, "I'm not gang to h'o,arse up my voice."
While Lucy' wait enquiring of ohne, girls 'how many had
white dresses for the concert might, one imnacenit little boy
put up his ,hand! and aisked;, ." Please,, What W-111 we wear?"
"Your clothes, of couris,el'o s1a]d tm,e gi rl next to horn.
About this time, Mrs. J+anilels Ferguson, who had retirerd!
basement ,for a Sunday School concert, She Was playing the
piano for a -boys, song_ Mild ,the boys were hot co-oiperating.
"Well;" said Mrs, Ferguslorh, "Boys, you ,ar!e making fools
of yourselves! You are r'ttalrintg foods of your parents! But
you aren't godrug ,!to make a fool of nib;." She arose from th!e
ono and left the bcyis� ]oaleitarg 'at each erne+!.
dile ntewt dray, irirsrt ane triather•xmd theta ainother Walled
mss, 1'erptrstin to 1#rraw why )she vtnastru''t ..gban+g ,tri with
tyre! cont Amdl the result way ,a rdw trf wel:1 beha+vedl boys,
a; free spmrlt oP-aperattiori am,� a. s�teh�,fd Chr~isttrrt� coialcertt,
Just t'himking ani tia" g 'of suaYi etffort fiver +tlre lash
Malt cemtut'y reeail!t9 rtvuch to nnlcA ,and many Irapgiy.. Chiist�
lti4se's,rbnr7us. the ooaYtrriercn,otihsaiay the rtts+h, hr slue turn bustle
c f modern trines,
Corresp,ondep.ti N, LQNG
t,... t
t 111
ev 0. a }
Phone Htensali 278 W f
recent ,ciirahv liz Hens�utl,
Mils. Ross Lave, Mrs. William
I le ,and r i Mc
.M, s. Robe. t�_Men.
summer' I, had fa inaM,, in mar
office, wishing to purbhase tt6i
or were lucky Wiiiiiers of trad-
lots anywhere in B'ayfi,'old, todift
houses. on, costing in the
.. _Stan'lle
Ing stamps.
Mi r x
an M G Lo e
d s ant v.
Nominated to fill positions in
the, ,gravel situation for the
�7aro, 1V1hcIr visited recently
nun ci a c i
1 u etl n
1. A i a col
p d school
r to a owes t c r f
rs, t e xom
. ar . A y.. Low , en.l ,.
with ,..and, Mrs., Edgar Mc-
M >dg
board in :Stanley Township
the 13ayfheld and Holmesville
Bride ,a�ad0,,
af ernlast FridaY con were,
pits in1962 had been 9� .ents
For Reeve, Alvin Rau (Char-
a yard, plus the cosi( of the
Mr. arid, 712rs, Harold .`Janes
les Rau, Philip Dtuand).; Ern-
gravel. The township :had been.
and boys' visited on l Wdlay
est Talbot (Nelson Hood, Wil.-
paying 76 cents, Road S4Per-
evening avibli 1VIm,. and, Miis<
lien McLachlan); Harvey Cole-
intendent William Ta l r look-,
y p
Kelth McBride, of the Goshen
Line end.,on, Sunday with- Mr,
man (Ralph Turner, Clarence
ed in the township and found
and IVirs, Jiiari Love, of the Farr
Stephenson) •
For. Deputy Reeve, Elsner
the Reid. fern}, concession 4,
had a good vein of gravel.
Mr, iand Mrs. Elzar Mousseau
Hayter (Warp Forrest, Bob
They tendered again, and the
and Mr, and Mrs, W, L. Mel-
llrs; spent ,the weekend an De-
For Council- Jack .Scotchmer,
rice there was 56 rents a yard
plus cost of However,
troit,, Mich,
(John L,, Watson, Leonard Tai-
before they had! getter moan
Mr. and Mrs, John Long,
bot); Anson. McKinley (Bruce
work done, they found that
Cowen Sound, visited on Tues-
day mid W,edhiesday with Mr.
T, lieys, Floyd Armstrong) ,
Calvin Horton' H. anl
p ( M H y,
Valentine Becker, reeve of
.and, Mrs, X. .Long, Mi Enid
..n _ _ .
John McGregor),
Hay, had purchased the farm,
Mrs. James Armstrong, 5ta1ft4
For School Area Trustee,
So using th2 power of the
and Robert Baker, Hens�all,
were Saturday visitors.
George Cantelon (John Me -
road superintendent they had
expropriated about. four acres
Vasitars the week with
Gregor, Calvin Horton), Hugh
of land, and the gravel for road
Mrs E. Dows4t inCdHendrick
(Wilm rd
purposes only',. A five year
and Mrs; James Aitcheson, Sea-
Nelson Hood),
agreement is being drawn up
forth; Wil -114m ,Clarke, Bruce-
Reeve Harvey Coleman stat.
Mr. Becker. Also the pay
field; Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Kerr,
ed his definite intentioY► of re-
15 cents a yard for the
tiring and proceeded to give
g ravel.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. R, S,
Blair until his return,
an account of work at the
county council during 1962, He
Reeve Coleman noted that re-
Staff Sergeant and Mrs. J,
noted that some changes had
lief payments had not been too
Maymaau and Jeffery, ,Glenoairn
been made in the court, house,
heavy, but the 'township would
m'o'tored' to the village, on FA.-
i',ne+luding• laninaved •heatin+$', and
still be responsible for Mrs.
day nighit for the weekend,. Mrs',that
about $$,000 had been
Kendall and her son, Mr.
Mayman went to London on
spent 'there,
Hooey, even though they were
Saturday and brought her par-
Mr. Coleman was on the war-
now living in the Sarnia area.
Mill Mr, and Mrx si. R. L. Mate-
'e,.ang. Mr. 1VIacMslter
den's committee, and he spoke
Of this cost, the Ontario gov-
ernment pays 80 percent. He
Ivan rheic' a good' recovery meter
briefly on the decision to get
said they had advised the
having undergone major sux!gg
ery in Victoria: Hospital, Lon-
Politics out of the county". He
said that each year Liberals
municipality where this :family
and Conservatives had alter-
now lives, to apply for a moth-
nated for the warden's post; and
er's allowance for Mrs. Ken -
for tax sale this year.
Letter To
whichever party was in as war-
dall, though they had been un -
successful in getting it while
the township" said Mr. Hay-
den had al{. majority on the
living in Huron.
major commlittees, He believed
that in 1J63 the warden would
Alvin Rau reported in detail
He had
Anyone who follows him will
have to work hard to do as
Holmesville OFU will hold
their monthly meeting 'on' ,Mon-
still be Liberal, and then after
about Huronview. serv-
Satu'rdiay, December 1, 1962
that anyone would be free to
ed on the committee in charge
Feill'ow citizens, of Bayfield:
run. Walter J. Forbes 'and
of the home. He said that it
Last night was! rrom,inaton
Cliff Dunbar were running for
is the largest county home. in
night. A 'crowd of 25 or 30 peop-
warden for 1963.
Ontario. There are other larg-
le ,attended), which, by the way,
Reeve Coleman commented
er homes, but not operated by
''vacs the largest cr'ow'd I halve
on the major job done on the
a county. He said the average
seen .at a nomination since coon-
Bannockburn bridge east of
expense per month at the home
+ing to Bayfield, Although it as
holt solely to ,pass out comp-
Varna this year, and his hope
was $22,000, with 184 people
limentts' I +am writing this letter.
that the bridge north of Varna
in residence. 45 percent of ,the
When, I got home I ,began to,
would be done next year,
residents were paying for their
feel a little guilty that more
Mr. Coleman also reviewed
care, at the rate of $115 a
thanks and good wishes had not
been, extepvdled, to retiring ErnieMr.
Featherstone who has, served
Rau estimated that the
$72,000 bridge at Bannockburn
therarewe'll for a number of
would have cost $200,000 if it
years. He did not do all ,thehad
been built by the Ontario
things he would 'have ,liked to,
For Goderich
government rather than by the
or maybe all ',the things he sh-
county. He corrected Reeve
ould! ha+ve, but what he did db,
he lid honestly and faithfully,
Coleman, -and said that the
to the best of ,his. ability. I.
bridge north of Varna was
sin'eerelty believe that if all of
BAYFLELD--Mrs. George Bell
scheduled for 1964.
our personne<i in public affairs
entertained 25 relatives and
He assured the ratepayers ;
would db just that, our taxes
friends' at her home here' on
that the county would have the
would) not be near as +high es,
SEturday evening in homaur of
'promised moneys ready for
they are today. I,t is aro wonder
herparents, Mr. and ,Mrs. Ar-
hospital construction. This year
we have trouble .getting men to
,thur Tichbarn'e, Toronto Street,
Clinton had received $2,000 per
stand for council, I, tor one,
Goderich, to mark their 40th
bed, or $40,000, Next year
am a ,little ashamed I did: not
,thunk you publicly for Your Past
wedding ,anniversary.
MTs„ Tichborne was' formerly
would be Seaforth's turn, at
services, +EMni:e, arid' wish you
the best of happinress •amid heafth,
Aliss Alice Falconer, daughter
$2,000 per bed, or $90,000. The
county set aside $50;000 each
Mr.. Apkelli, Mr. Poth, Mr.
of the late Mr. ,anal Mrs. George
Flalconer .and the, .briditroorn of
Year. He said that sale of
Davison, land, Mr. Pease ,were
40 years is a son of the ]tate
county barn and stock and
nominated. Mr. Ar:kell and Mr,
Mr, ,and; Mrs. William Tich-
equipment had raised $33,000
Poth bath spoke a few worlds
borne,ell of Godlerich Township.
for the general fund which
and thanked their backers for
They were married in Gori'e-
would help with hospital grants.
their past co-operation Mr.
Davison! Preferred to (bake,
rich on the eveni:irlg of Decem-
Reeve Coleman noted that
walk (before has turn to speak,
'ber 2, 1922, and made their
home on the fourth, concession.
the $2,000 per bed matches
what the province and domin-
Mr. Pearse criticized the work
of thepast council. in regards to
Later they moved to the Blue
Water Highway, .and' 16 yeiars
ion give, .and the idea was that
paving of streets 'and building
ago moved! to Gaderich.
by the county giving, the hospi-
bylaws, ,and: made some re-
They have three 'children,;
tals would not go to the muni-
mvardrs to cleaning the whole
Viola (Mrs, George Bell), Doro-
cipalities for money.
town: ,up, ,to what extent he 'had
thy (Mr's. Don McArter) , Brus-
Ernest Talbot reported to the
in, !rind, I d'o no know. He
seL's, and William, God'elcih;
ratepayers that despite talk,
-mentioned paving Tuyll St,, ;be-
.and four grandchildren, Ra-
Jack Scotchmer had riot been
fore other streets. I dant be-
lieve Pease' given this
mond tBdbek, Bayfield, Murra�,
"sneaked into council" When
,Mr. ,has
much thought. In the first place
Cathy and Joan; McArter, Brun
gels, +all .of whom were with
clerk Mrs. Elliott had resigned,
Councillor Mel Graham's
Tuy11 St, s'h'ould, be tiled' and
drained before it is' paved, and
them on this occasion.
71he evening was spent ,play -
ac -
application. far the job was ac-
I !ream .tiled deep enough so
ung euchre. Prizes for hl
CePted, a vacancy occurred on.
other streets, running to thescore
recant to Mrs. McKee, Fal-
council, and it was up to coun-
lake, someday could be drained
coner, Clinton and Bill T ch-
cit to elect a replacement. Mr.
Into the Tuyll Street drain,, and
tboraieGoderich. Consolations
Talbot had approached Mr.
run Into the river, not the' fake,
were 'received by Mr. and Mrs.
Scotchmer, who had had exper-
During the two years I serv-
ed on the ,council I never heard
Dan, Pennington, Goderich.
ience on council, to fill ,this
one request ,for the paving of
After lunch; Mr, and Mrs•
Tichlborne were surprised when
vacancy, and council voted for
Tuyll . *Street- However, there
mare requests far more cherru-
an address was read by Mats.
Jim Horton, Colborne Town;-
Mr. Talbot reported that so
r. al
-cels tie lay the dust. In tract, I
shipand McKee Falconer, Clin-
far , had been loaned to
spake to several about paving
,ran presented them with a lazy
farmers at 4 percent under the
it, 'and ,her is the one , � + er I
,� rocker and, purse of money.
'tile drainage loan act, and he
got, and I quote, "For God's
They each, expressed -thanks
had' been inspector for these
sake don't ever pave this sire-
et, It will not be safe to let our
and •appreciation to all'. Then ,a
40th anniversary weddting cake
The new heating system in
chiaden rout ,the. dbor. They w-1111
make a dh{ag strip out of it."
was peed to there to be out
the township hail at Varna,
PersonallyI believe+ all) streets
in ttraditlonial styli! after which
at utas passed to the guestfs,,
was Put in after what started
`.the centre of the vnllia a that
and Mm. on
Via$ evening �'
a joke, during a cold coun-
peopl'e are using the year round, On
Charles. Bell who were present,
meeting. hall was so
cil ting.
should be: pawed first, especi'a111y
were m , g their 34th wed-
smoky we couldn't see each
around the school area,
ding anniversary and it Was
other from one end of the table
I agree with Mr. Pease that;
alsoAirthur Tlebbcrrie's birth-
to the other," said Mr. Talbott.
Main Street will have to be
,And yet it was cold." The
resurfaced ,before lung.
Mx Pearse also criticized( the
buildunlg by-laws. it was men-
tioned by ogre ntxininee that ilf
he weirs elented ]ie weird have
rescinded. Believe me,the
reasonpaint of your Main
, „
Street ,today as in such °a rues
is because restricting by -lawn,
were not put in by some of
fin -At -At couavci9!s, I feel it Is,
my duty to ,defend these by-
laws, as while serving as coin-
~ wr"
Gi'lmarn I was the instigatoz- of
some of them and then dropped
Our Own Brand
out and lett the other m e n
sh'oul'der the blame.
HILLSIDE 320Y. Dairy
I am, ,a filar, believer that
every household where there
is ,going to be a septic tank,
MASTER 2tor 32% Concentrate
-and drinking water ,on the' some
holt, it should Ibe .a drilled wed].,
regardless of size. This does
not mean everybody has to
have a 'drilled well. You can
put as. mnany homes .as you
wish on Ante well, but it should
Regarding the other iby-laws
WQ Also Carry
as, to ,the site, of the •hou ,
I might quote a little eXample
of what could Happen. Last
summer' I, had fa inaM,, in mar
office, wishing to purbhase tt6i
MOLASSES ----in any quan+ity-�- 6r In
lots anywhere in B'ayfi,'old, todift
houses. on, costing in the
���pUm 10ht
t'ialgbboutrhood of $2,000,, and
all -of 'thhem with ouWde, 'toilets-,
thought. was,
And- dug wells, Would' you like
one of thesb next door to youy
I , r ld tha n! If 'it comei5 to t Cbnu 'A'p'e
_. _ ,,14.FI,
o. tri do Bay,Piel'd, think be-
of Grace Church viii meet on
Wednesday 'afterrriaxn, Iaeceari-
fore you mark your X!11
Adorn Flowers'
lkyf]eld, o vtario,
_ ,,._ Mory Street, --'- CLINTON ---- AU, 2{9' 92,
Saturday, December i,womw
$unday School Christmas, cuai'
note the iviill rate ngcessary,
for each. scho,ol,. Exeter was:
0,, Goderich 1,3, Cl}.ntop X5.91
yrmhartl 12,E kind Seaforth .he
thought. was,
The United Chlxroh Women
,y �,,
The reeve also noted tl}at he
thought high school beard re-
of Grace Church viii meet on
Wednesday 'afterrriaxn, Iaeceari-
pxesentatives should be elected,,
1; 12 at the kiptne .of Mrs. 1
council Kaci .Galled Menders, and,
not appointed, althougl; he felt
that Mr, Clifton and Bop Peck
$unday School Christmas, cuai'
had the new s to i s 11
.. Ys..m li .ta_ ed,
were a xcelle ob fo
i- e r
g nt.l
Gert to be held :r G. ce United
lu _.ra . _.
a, cost of $1;85$, which in-
oludes of caretaki for
,darn ..
the township, He said that he
u +
Church � a s
hur. h been Ghan,ged to
Thursday eivenin'g, Dec. or 20.
the year.
had always felt the secretary,
White ,gifit service was held
MK. Lawson, was the
on Sunday bast i race Y a n G [Tnated
(The township hall gained
schopl board a little" and he
Church tivvtl- Rev. A. G,eiase
several more usableSquare
hoped the new secretary would,
in the pulpit assis;telct by Mrs.
feet of space, with the removal
know "that the board was boss
Mary Ma?imiog, Sun School
of the old, stove at the rear of
and the secretarywould do the
sliperiritea-dent. The serlrpture
the room, and the .Ail' he ',g
lesson was read' by +the. Junior
plant rovides s okeless om
R m , c
M Co an 'i i
r. lem„_ nv ted anyone
Boys 101asts. All, classes came
_ .. .
fortable heat- Nomination day
interested to the annual meet-.
forward and presented Iheir.
was a lovely dagifts
y, and the door
Ing of the bean board in Zurich
was left open throughout)
on Wednesday , Decem
Hted that the re-- b 1
fun 71
Alae ment f the township dip_
of cents out of t?
e ?
-. �;
.. "
Reg. $1995
For $1 .49
Beating machine, which had
cent deduction on begin sales
been damaged, and a new one
would be in the mail on No-
was obtained for ;$315.
Elmer Hayter noted that
vember 30,
J. M. Stewart, assessor for
chloride was satisfactory, and
Bayfield, invited anyone inter-
the township roads rcmparedes
ted to .attend the nomination
very favoura bly with th se i_n_
Meeting in the vil_lahe that
Goderich Township where no
dust control is attempted, Mr.
I�ayter also felt that the $1,x80
H, M. Hanly, assessor for
Stanley, and chairman of the
spent on weed control on the
ratepayers meeting, commented
roadsides was well spent, He
that Stanley was fortunate in
predicted need for a now truck
Payment of taxes, and that
there were no u
a y
"Reeve Coleman has put a
good deal into the work for
for tax sale this year.
the township" said Mr. Hay-
ter, "We owe him a good deal.
10 a.m.
Anyone who follows him will
have to work hard to do as
Holmesville OFU will hold
their monthly meeting 'on' ,Mon-
T o receive reports and elect
day evening, December 10, A
committee to represent
Jack Scotchmer reported
good , attendance is requested',
Huron on Ontario Bean
briefly, stating that when he
'a5 this is the annual meeting,
Growers Association
came Iback on council the year's
was pretty well lined
' —budget
The first Canadian school
Free Luncheon at Noon
house was built at La Have
N.S., in 1932 by the Franciscan
Anson McKinley said he had
it oun-
alwa s been interested n
y L
ell work, having heard a good
deal from his uncle, Mr. Cole-
man, who had been reeve. He
paid tribute to council and
reeves in past years, to whom
the township owed a debt of
Calvin Horton spoke briefly.
Hugh Hendrick spoke briefly
for school board. Aldie Must-
ard presented the school area.
board financial statement, and
noted that the ten mill assess-
ment had been lowered to nine
mills about seven years ago,
and was only eight mills in
1962, "The board has not sp-
ent any money on capital ex-
penditures for two years. They
may .possibly be looking for-
ward to central schools," said
Mr. Mustard, secretary -treasur-
er of the !board.
George Clifton, represents-
LLVC UAL %.,A111LV1L 1 I1 VXA„L vvu 5:
ate Institute Board presented
the financial statement, and an-
swered several questions. One
questioner asked if there were
any truth In the rumour that
the Clinton school would be all
vocational, while Seaforth,
Goderich and Exeter ;would be
academic schools. The answer
was a definite No.
Mr. Clifton reported that
Harold C. Lawson, secretary
treasurer of the board had re-
signed, and .a replacement was
being hired,
Reeve Coleman reported that
at the November session all
secondary school representativ-
es had reported, and he had
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