HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-06, Page 7fivishqo expresi my thanks to friends and relatives for their visits, flowers and cards during my illness. Thanks also to the doctors, to the entire staff and to Rev. Grant Mills. -MRS. WILLIAM HOGGART. 49p My sincere thanks to all those who visited me and sent cards, flowers and gifts while I was a patient in Clinton Pub- lic Hospital. Also thanks to the nurses and doctors in at- tendance. -JANET HARRIS. 49p Mr. and Mrs. William Pick- ett wish to thank relatives, neighbours and friends for cards, flower:, and gifts. Spec- ial thanks for the care of the hospital staff and Drs. ..acidison and Newland while we were in Clinton hospital. 49p I wish to express my sincere thanks to everyone who sent cards and treats during my stay at Seaforth hospital, Special thanks to Dr. the nurses of •the hospital and George and David Beattie. -ORRIN BAIRD. 49p To all the friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats and visits while I was in Clinton Public Hospital, I wish to express my sincere thanks; special thanks are ex- tended to the nurses and Dr. Newland, -TERRY PEARSON 49p May I take this opportunity to say thank you to all my friends, neighbours and church organizations for their lovely flowers, treats and cards sent me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Addison and nurses, -MRS, ALFRED SCOTCHMER, SR. 49b I wish to thank all my friends and neighbours who Sent treats, cards and flowers and visited me avhile I was a patient in Seaforbh hospital. SpeCial thanks to Rev. A, H. Johnston, Dr. Brady, Dr. Mal- kus and the nurses of Scott Memorial al oapit a I. -MRS, FRED BURDGE. 49b My sincere thanks to friends, neighbours, businets ,associates and the Anglican Church as- sociations for kindness shaven me; also calls from Rev, Dy- mond, Dr. Lane, Rev. Mills and Rev. Parks. A special thanks to the capable and courteous lilies- es, also Dr. Addison who at- tended Me, while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital, -W. E, PERDUE, 49p wish to express my sincere thanks to my ix tmy friends; neighbours and relatives for the flOWeta,. cards and Visits received While a patient in. Vic, totia Hospital, London, _With sPeCial thanks to Dr,.A. J. Geraea, /Obedient...Dr, W, Oakes, C linton; also ,tO nurses and staff of the fifth fierier, and 66 Floyd Lodge .arebtzlithee ,G,Code- eeLES . , 4 N. 91i MARRIAGES PORIEeHEALY-e-In St. Peter's R 0 m 31 C4thelic Church, Goderich, on :Saturday, De- cember 1, 1962, Dianne Eliza- beth, daughter of Mr. and Miffs. Saito Healy, Goderich, to argilliern. Frederick, Debie, Auburn, soil of. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Dobie, RR 3, Auburn. FENNER-SMYTH - I n Dua-gannen United Church on Satarday, November 24, 1962, Elizabeth Anti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Smyth, RR 2, Auburn to Stanley Wil- liam Fenner, Goderich, sop of Mrs, Isabel Fenner, Oshawa. PROVOST-BROADa'OOT - In Dundas street United Church London, on Saturday, Nov- ember 10, 1962, by the Rev, B. Hoddie, Jean Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Broadfoot, RR 1, Bruce- field, to Paul Provost, London son of Mr. and Mrs. A, Pro- vast, Kapuskasing. ROY-WALKER- In Brucefield United Church, on Saturday, December 1, 1962, Doris Evelyn, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walk- er, RR 1, Brucefield, to Pet- er Ailed Roy, Clinton, young- est son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Victor Roy, Clinton. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all 'those who visited me, and sent flow-' ers, cards and treats, while I was a patient in the 'Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr, Oakes and the staff. -Bauce Falconer 49b The relatives, of the late Ade- line Willis wish to express their appreciation for the floral trib- utes and the many acts of kind- ness. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff of Clinton ,Hospital: 491s Mr. and Mrs. Albert , Col- clough wish to thank St. James Church, Middleton; friends and neighbours for their gifts and kind wishes since leaving 'the neighbourhood. 49p I wish to thank everyone who sent cards, flowers and treats and visited me while I was in Clinton hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff for their kind attention. -MURRAY EAST. 49b I wish to thank those who sent me cards, treats and flow- ers, and who came to visit me, and the doctors and nurses who were so kind to me while a patient in Clinton hospital. Mrs. Will Clayton, 49b • • Cozy genuine shearling SLIPPERS $4.95 to $5.95 Opera or Romeo style SLIPPERS Plaid top styles from $1.98 MNINI.MPOWNNOWINIMOIMMOIW MEN'S CARDIGAN SWEATERS Button or Zipper Styles $5.50 to $10.95. • SPORT SHIRTS „ $2.95 to $6.95 • DRESS GLOVES ..... $2.95 up • FINE SOCKS $1.00 up (Short and Long) AIKEN S LUGGAGE & LEATHER GOODS Phone HU 14352 1r ipeellemi Londesboro Ladies Served Dinner Londesboro ladies are noted among Federation of Agriculture farmers for their skills at feeding a large number of people in a hurry. Shown after the annual dinner of that organization last week, were from the left, standing, Mrs. David Anderson, president of the UCW that catered; Mrs. Bert Allan; Mrs. Glen Carter, convener of the job; seated are Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Beth Knox. (News-Record Photo) • Rogers Majestic TV SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-9320 ar Attend 'Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICE S ON STANDARD TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School *we. 11.00 a.m.-Church Service A Cordial Welcome To All ezieu- alias-puhttezwite puiteb alittecites REV. CLIFFORD G. PARE, M.A., Minister SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER Subject: "Behold What Manner of Love!" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.-holy Communion 12.15 p.m.-Sum:10y School HOLMESVILLE 11.45 a.m.-SUnday SchOol 12.30 p.m.-Tioly Contnunion 7,30 p.m.-Joint Study, of "The Word and the Way" in Wesley-Willis Sunday School Hall. Ontario Street United Church "TEE FRIENDLY CHURCH" Pastor: REV. GRANT MILLS, S.A. 4.45 att.-e-StInclay School 11.00 aertee-Morning Worship 7.30 pat.-Evening Service at Wesley-Willis. TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m.-White Gift SerVite 3.00 .0.na.--Stinday School B I RTHSTON E RINGS A Specialty at ,ANSTETT JEWELLERS An Unusual Offer! Due to the unprecedented warm weather we are going to discount the balance of our Ladies Winter Coats at 20% Off LEE'SShop at for Gifts for Men, Ladies and Boys Open a REVOLVING CHARGE ACCOUNT and do ALL your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING on one convenient charge account. LEE'S Opposite the Post Office Between Newcombe's and Cloud 9 'CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed Special 50 Cards 98c-Single Cards Sc to $1.00 Christmas Gift Wraps.- Paper - Tags - Seals Christmas Tree Decorations-25c to $1.50 Christmas Tree L1-,hts-Indoor 7 Lights-Only $1.39 • Bows - Ribbons NO.5 HEATING CHANEL PAD Liphtsup when pid is on VU-LIGHTERS - $4.95 MANICURE SETS $1.25 to $2.50 MEN'S SHAVING SETS $1.25 to $6.50 BONNIE KIT 1,1 MiatUre Brush & Comb Travel Kit ,11A, 4 emu. ELECTRIC RAZORS By SCHICK - RONSON SUNBEAM - PHILISHAVE PLAYING CARDS 79c to $2.50 TOBACCO POUCHES $1.00 CHOCOLATES By JENNY UN() and SMILES N' CHUCKLES YARDLEY MEN'S SET $375 SOAP ON A ROPE Cp," $po " Our Store Open Wednesday Afternoons In Docet»)e, Open Every Evening Till Christmas, Start- ing Monday, Dec. 17 StYLETTE HAIR DRYtit $995 NEWCOMBE Pharmacy NONE HU 2. 9511 ory Of one we loved so dear." -Always remembered and sad- ly missed' by wife and family, Mrs. Thomas. Adams, Londes- boro. 49b MEMORIAM ADAMS-In' loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas E. A3claans. passed away Deoemfber 7th, 1954: "Many a lonely heart 'ache Often a silent tear But always a beautiful mem- Cancer Society Lays Plans For Annual; And For Christmas Gifts Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday, December 9 9.45 a.m.-Worship Service 11.00 a.m.-Sunday School 8.00 p.m.-Guest Speaker: Mr. Harold Swanson, Woodstock Tuesday-Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. All Welcome Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's - Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh. Rector Charles Merrill, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 9 ADVENT. II 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer 7.00 p.m.-Evening Prayer Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christians gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above (hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11,00 a.m.-Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.-Sunday School 7.00 p.m.-Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.-Thursday - Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading. 'Boyfield. To Vote For 1963 Council (Continued from Page 1) make •Bayfield a village, She gave council .credit for t.peping the little short hill for Wes- Wart 'traffic. Mr, Pease asked if it were true that 13ayfield was out of bounds for ECAF. people. The answer was that trainees only are barred from the This action; had been requested in mid-summer by the Peovire cial Police detachment at G.ode, rich. No answer was .available for the questioner from the aud- ience who wondered if the vil- lage could issue debentures for. paining, and get more streets done in one year, The village trustees'handled almost $8,350 this year. (The Chairman receives $75 -minim- eratien, and the other two get $50 each.) Of this, $3,979,82 is spent on streets 'and tractor; $329.14 on recreation and com- munity service; $1,075.00 for street lights; .$3$0 in grants (To Lions Club $30; $250 to the fire &Pearl-lent; $35 to the agricalt- trial society; $40 to 'the library board and' $25 to the cemetery board); $1,950 for police pro- tection; $207 for insurance; $80 for the 'dump and the rest in sundry expense, Tax levy in 1962 raised only $7,314.72. A total of $34,303.94 was bud- geted for in the village, hut the majority of this is spent with no control by the trustees. The county receives $6,773.90; the school boaed receives $3,213.44; plus $2,419.32 for debenture re- tirement; the collegiate recei- vers $7,694.01; the dog tax raises $26; Tuckerstmlth telephone sys- tem, $3,859.15 plus long distance tolls, $405.65; street lights, $1,064.54. member of the Clinton Cancer Society. These gifts will be distributed to the pationtS at Christmas and at other times during the year when a special "lift" is needed. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor 1 Sunday, December 9 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "Playing With a Loaded Bomb" 7.30 p.m.-Evangelistic Hour Wed., 8 p.m.-Prayer Service Revival Notes. You are cordially invited to these services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, December 9 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 10.45 a.m.---Church Service Albert Farthing, student from Waterloo College guest speaker. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US yes Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOPSTRA Minister Sunday, December 9 10,00 a.m.-Service in English 2,30 p.m.-Service in Englieh Every Sunday, 6.15 p.m., Dial 6.80 CHLO, London. Listen to "Back to God Hour". EVERYONE WELCOME - A Xvilty wing t004. 1).040 ' at RtePrielcl Vffitell Church on. S..ahttrdaY, December 1 when the Rev. A. H..Johnston united in marriage Doris Evelyn Walker and Peter Allan Ray, The bride is the rarely .daughter pf Mr, and Mee. Norman "Walker, RR 1, larunefield and the groom 'is the youngest son of Mr, .and Mrs. W, V, Roy of 'Clinton The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a floor length white .hylort and lace gown, trimmed with seed pearls and mother;of-peari quirts Her veil of chapel length was double and trimmed to match the dress with •seed pearls and sequins and was held 'in place by a tiara of seed pearls ,and mother-,of-pearl quirts, She carried a white Bible crested with red rosebuds. Her bridesmaids, Miss Spam Haugh and Miss Adrian?, Car- trier, Brucefielci, were identic- ally gowned in royal blue ny- lon chiffon over taffeta. They carried „circlets of looped 'white ribbon and pink carnations, Murray Rey, Couttright was his brother's groomsman, while Bruce Ray, Londesboro and John Walker, brother of the bride, were ushers. After the ceremony, a recep- tion and dinner were held in the Church parlours, The bride's mother received, wearing navy with white and wearing a cor- sage of pink, carnations. The groom's mother wore sapphire blue wool amid a pink carnation corsage., For going .away, the bride wore an orange sheath with bl- ack accessories'. Upon their re- turn they will take up (resi- dence at 373 James Street, Cl- inton. Friendship Club Members of the Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church met in the parish hall on Wednesday, November 28 and made plans for the "shut-in baskets" which 'are to be pack- ed. Each member is to bring cookies and Christmas cake for these baskets. A bale of used clothing and hand knitted mitts was packed to be sent to Prince Albert, Sask. The next meeting will be a Christmas party on December 12. There will be the usual exchange of gifts. 0 The First Column (Continued from Page 1) October theye were 106,000 more people employed than in that month, the year before . What does 'it mean? Are we Canadians becoming mare in- chrstaions, . or is the auster- ity 'program paying off . . . Do you suppose that the slogan: Buy 'Canadian, is' having suffic- ient impact, that people are actually doing it . . In any case, We've developed a habit of turning things up to see the label, and when it seems possible at all . . we do buy Canadian * FOURTEEN STUDENT S from Grade 9 business practice classes visited at each of the three town banking 'institutions yesterday . . in as 3-4 'p.m. field trip . , . The young people. were able to observe • actual banking practices . . . * • HAVE YOU EVER CONSID- ered how some 500 rural stud- ents at the collegiate manage to eat without a lunchroom, or cafeteria . . . Especially when classrooms are in use the full clay on a staggered system, even through the lunch hour . . . well they eat in, approximately three shifts . . and there are tables arranged down the length of 'the lower corridor . . , When classes chabge down there . . . the imagination boggles 'at the thought * * HERE'S A QUESTION . . . why is it that in Tuckersmith Township, where we presume 'the dogs run at large all year round, dog tax revenue amounts to $1,196 . . . while in Bayfiead, stern by-law reStrain5 the can- nines the whole year round, and revenue from village dog, own- ersta.mounts only to $58 . . . ? * HERE'S AN ERNIE WAL- tonism which has been going the rounds this past week . . we forward it, for those un- fortunate folk who are not "in" on the day-to-day coffeestop talk , . . It seems that two monks Went into business in a fish and chip shop . . One was asked If he were the `frier' . and his reply was, "No, I'm the 'chip' mane . . -0 CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL W L Pts. Lively Ones22 14 50 Untouchables' 21 15 49 Defenders 15 21 35 Flintstones 15 21 32 High single; Mrs Robert Mc- Donald, 303; bdwlera over 200 were Bonnie Thomason, Jim Ilerriey, Mrs, Olga O'Sullivan, Betty Middel, Mrs, L. Childs. Mrsi Louis Forrest has ate- turned 'teem a•We...0Va visit Detroit .and Southgate,. Mioti, igan. Mr, and -Mi,s l J. Welsh, inton, spent the weekend with their sister-hi-law, Mrs, Nixgn Wels4, Lamboth, Mr, And Mrs, Ronald Mao, Donald and Lynda *pent the weekend with Mr. and M.As. Lyle .Pratt, Merlin, • Arable Robinson', Albert St., left on Sunday to spend ,a week's vacation 'in 'Bay City, Flint and Detroit, Mich, Mr, and Igns. Howard Pypi and .fainlily, Elimville, visited with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lobb, on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Ada Adam's during the past week were Mr, 'and Mrs. George Campbell, Hanover; Mrs. Arth- ur Culbert and daughter Cora,. Dungannon. 'Mrs. Ralph Cave's, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Ball, Rattenbury Street, left London by plane on Wednesday mein- ing after 'spending two weeks here. RC CHURCH LEAGUE W L HT Pts. Halos 21 9 9 51 Woodpickers 19 11 5 43 Pixies 12 18 4 28 Sleepers 822 2 '18 , Mr, and Mrs, Jack ..bowtoigtPo! and family, Mr. and Mrs, TOM TeePiRtnaitett metered on Sunday north on the 31,LieWater nigh- way to the MO:04P pewer start, ion at Douglas. Point antl home .via Beavia. and Wingliern. Mr, end Mrs, .Gepald Kendall have relented to their home in Detroit after enandIng the past six weeks at the home of their son Murray East who was can, fined' to the Clinton Ifospital suffering from severe electrical ,urns Mr, EaSt is now home. Corporal and Mrs .Gordon Burchill and children, Metz, France, visited a week with the lady's parents, Mr, 'and Mrs. Lloyd Millar, RR 3, Clinton, and Mr, ,.and Mrs. Ross Millar and family, Townsend Street. They left Wednesday for their new posting to Cold Lake, .Alta. Mr. 0.1,14 Mrs. Joe Carter and Faye, 386 James Street, spent last weekend in Kitchener with their son, and daughter-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter, 54 Aip:plievvood Ave. Saturday night they attended the 4-act NW' "The Matchmakers" at ,Ea st- wood. Collegiate, for which Ken, on, staff there, was production manager, and head of the scen- ery :committee. Sunday morning at Forest Hill - United Church they attended baptism service for Mr, and Mrs. Ken Carter's daughter, Mary Catherine. The family of the late Al- fred B. Evans wish to express their sincere thanks to the pall- bearers, many friends a n d neighbours, Rev. E. J. B. Har- rison for their kindness shown to them during their recent sad bereavement. 49b STURGEON-In loving mem- ory of our mother, Mrs". William Sturgeon who passed away Dee- ember 1, 1958: "We often think of you, dear Mather In mansions bright and fair Where Jesus reigns in glory There is no sorrow there." Ever remembered by her fam- ily. 49b An interesting and compre- hensive report of welfare and service work was presented by Miss Esther Jamieson at the December meeting of the Clin- ton branch of the (.'anadian Cancer Society. Miss Jamieson was the Clinton delegate to the service and welfare conference of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety, Ontario Division. She spent three days in Tor- onto at the Lord Simcoe Ho- tel hearing lectures frem doc- tors, •researchers and leaders in the cancer society. Her re- port contained useful know- ledge at the branch level. She stressed the need for reducing travelling expenses of patients,. the need for gift cupboards, and mentioned that drivers should check on the insurance provided when transporting cancer patients, There are 47 auxiliary services to the cancer society at the present time. The new president of the Clinton branch, Mrs. Doug Bartliff presided over the busi- ness meeting held at the home of Misses F. and E, Jamieson last Wednesday evening. Min- utes were read and the trea- surer's report showed that $54 had been donated to the "In lVfemoriam Fund during Octob- er and November. It was decided that cancer literature should be placed on display at the Ontario Street United Church bazaar held December 1. Letters are to be sent to each organization in the community early in the new year, asking them to pre- sent a cancer film at one of their meetings. - Rev. C. Park, education con- vener, reported that literature racks had been filled and sev- eral new racks installed in the medical 'clinic, in two doctors' offices and in the hospital. He described new material avail- able. The meeting sanctioned his ordering 1,000 pocket cal- endars plus several new pam- phlets for the literature racks. Mrs. Bartliff announced that Miss Sayer, field secretary for Ontario Division, service and welfare work, was to be in •Clin- ton on Tuesday, December 4. Miss Sayer asked if she could meet with the members of the Clinton Cancer Society at the home of Mrs. Alex Heady, Rat- tenbury Street, The Huron Unit meeting will be held in Clinton on Wednes- day, January 16 at Wesley- Willis United Church at 8 p.m. Plans were discussed for 'this annual meeting in Clinton. The president is to secure a speaker. Mrs. L. Salzman, convener of dressings committee, reported that two patients are being supplied at the present time. The service ecmmittee reports three cancer patients under Thurs, Dec, 6, 1962-1-41iutou News-Record-441p 7 PERSONALS their surveillance. Ernest Mar- rel, campaign manager, spoke on the necessity of speaking to various oragnizations prior to the annual campaign. He men- tioned he would be planning his campaign strategy early in the new year, and requested that workers of other years assist him. "The gift cupboard is bare and it is so close to Christmas", declared the president. Mrs. Bartliff suggested it should be replenished without delay. Any- one wishing to donate a gift, not necessarily a Christmas gift, should leave it at Bart- liffs bakery or give it to any