HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-06, Page 5Thugs., Dec. 64 1962---Clinton News-Record—Page 5 Young Couple Wed At St. Paul's LAC AND MRS. ROGER BOULET were married on Saturday afternoon, October 27, in St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church, RCAF Station Clinton, by Flight Lieutenant the Rev. Richard Bussey. The bride is Sandra, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, Clinton and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Camille Boulet, Kingsey Falls, Quebec. 'T.-horbpsork Cudmore A .lovely wedding was solemn,- UiPO. on, Friday evening, Novem- ber 2a by Dr, D, J.. Lane', at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Maid ,Cnchnore, Princess Street East, when their eldest darnel, ter, Mary Elizabeth, was. unit cad in marriage to Harry Alex, ender Thompson, Clinton, The bridegroom is a son of Chief H. RusSell Thompson and Mrs. Therapist:on, RR 5, Clinton, Given in marriage by her fa, they, the bride wore a 'white brocade street-length dress' with a three-quarter-length jacket and overskirt of nylon organza, A white circlet held a peek-a- boo veil, and she, wore a cor- sage of pirric roses. Miss Mary Elliott, Clinton, as bridesmaid!, wore A street-length dress of rose chiffon,, with matching headdress' and a cor- sage of roses. Gary Freeman Clinton, was groomFnant. A reception followed the ceremony. The young couple,. following a wedding trip, will reside 'in Clinton. SEAVORTH LADY WINS DOOR PRIZE AT EDITH ANN Winner of the doorprize at the Kinette-sponsored wig and hair fashion show at the Edith Ann Hair Fashions, last month, was Mrs. Lillian' Kerslake, Sea- forth holder of the ticket num- ber 237. BUDD BOYES (Photo by Phillips) MR. AND MRS. Boyes-Brown Ontario Street United ichtnleh was the scene on SatUrlda.VIalf-, tennoon, December 1 for the Wedding of Budd Wesley 'Boyes, !nrd Elaine Mary Brown. The Rely. Grant Mills, minister of the church, efficiated, • The bride is the, daughter of .and Mrs, Charles W. Brown and the groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs Bert Boyes, All are from Clinton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in floer4ength peau de faille with French guipure snugly fitted. lace bodice and three-quarter length sleeves, The till Skirt was trimmed with lace motifs and a back bustle bow from , which fell a brush train, A cluster of pearlized .arange blos- soms and tulle leaves held the double silk illusion bouffant elbow length, veil. She carried a crescent of chalice roses and tulle wit ha touch of bronze ribbon. Miss Merlyn Hough, London, was maid of honour. She wore emerald green peau sole with ballerina length scoop neckline, three quarter length sleeves with back interest cr-• eated by a large uppigbt bow with centre rosette, matching shoes, white velvet hat and white gloves, Two bridesmaids were Miss Bonnie Boyes, sister of the, gr- corn and Miss Patricia Brown, sister of the bride. They were dressed similarily to the maid of honour. The attendants each carried crescents of yellow 'mums with bronze accents. Groomsman was Beverley Boyes, brother of the groom and ushers were Bayne Boyes, br- other of the groom and Paul Draper, all of Clinton. Miss Lois Grasby, organist, accompanied The Pilgrim Sing- ers, a double trio of lady vocal- ists/ in appropriate selections. A reception; was held in Elm_ Haven motor hotel, a now build- ing at the west edge of Clinton!, owned by Mn and Mrs. William Fleischauer. Mrs. Brown receiv- ed in a gold brocade sheath with bracelet-length sleeves and black accessories. Mrs, Boyeas. Assisted in French blue chiffon, three-quarter length sleeves, a draped front panel and match- ing accessories. Leaving for a two week honeymoon in New York City, the bride travelled in 'autumn beige wool with black acces- sories and gold jewellery. Upon their return the young couple will live in Goderich, where the groom 'is employed with a br- anch office of Boyes Transport Limited. MERRILL TV SEIM Authorized . Philips Dealer Radio TV and Appliance Repairs 215 Victoria Street --- Phone HU 2:7021 "So-Dive ls Our Ehminess" BUILDER or CARPENTER Franchise available to builders to work in con- junction with company selling shell and finished homes. Mortgage financing provided: When replying, state experience and background in building trade with references. Write for appointment to: Box, No. 492, Clinton News-Record Bazaar Decor Includes Festive Sleigh and Gifts .„. A red sleigh filled with gaiily wrapped gifts, large lighted can, dies and Christmas tree, pro, -*led fa festive ,atmosp'h'ere for Christmas 13ft aar held by Ont- ario Street United Church W.o, men. The Rev. Grant Mills op, erred 'they affair and guests were welcomed by Mrs, M. Batkin, Mrs. G. 444 Mrs. C. Mel', rill; The tea table was decorated with 'a lace cloth and floral. .ar- ra,ngergent of miniature poin- settias and holly, Pouring were Miss S. Courtice, Mrs. J. B, Levis, Mrs. B. Olde, Mrs. G Pot- ter, Mrs. R. Wheeler and ,Mrs, W, S. R. Holmes. Mrs. J. Mair was in charge of the tea room. Serving. were Mrs. A, Lobb, Mrs, E. Radford Mrs, K. Pickett, Mrs. H. Black, Mrs. B. Gray, Mrs, B. Taylor, Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. 0, Stan.- ley, Mrs. A. Jewson, Mrs. E. Brown, Mrs. D, Pickard and Miss, 0. Johnson. Mrs. C, Merrill was kitchen convener and booth conveners were: treasurer island, Mrs. D. Thorndike; apron,, Mrs, G. 1r- Win; wishing well, Mrs.- C. Mc- Clinchey; kiddie korner, Mrs, A. Kotilla; handcrafts .and nov- elties', Mrs. E. Lawson; produce, Mrs. W. Shobbrock; home bak- ing, Mrs. R. Pluansteel and Mrs. M. Wiltse; decorating, Miss L. Grasby, Mrs. M. Bat- kin, Mrs, W. Holmes, Mrs. H. Black, Mrs,: R: Wheeler; candy, Miss Lois Merrill and Miss Mar- ie Trewartha; Hi-C John Mills. The Cancer Society also was represented. Rebekahs Party On To-morrow Mrs. Orrin Dowson, Noble Grand of Huronic Rebekah Lodge No. 306 presided 'for the meeting on Friday evening, Dec- ember 2, when plans were made for a Christmas party on Friday evening, December 7. O.ddfellows and wives, Rebek- ahs and husbands are invited!. Ladies are asked to bring either sandwiches or tarts. Group two held 'a Dutch auct- ion at the Monday meeting. Winners of the draws' were Mrs. John Hamilton and Mrs. Bert Rowden. A lunch of Christmas cake and coffee was served. SHEAFFER PENS •& DESK SETS at ANSIETT JEWELLERS (Intended for last week) Mrs. A. McKenzie who spent several days in St Joseph's Hos- pital London, has returned home, and is convalescing after undergoing surgery in hospital. F/S and Mrs. W. A. Reid have left for Vancouver as Mr. Reid will be stationed at a Pac- ific coast base. On Wednesday, November 21, a baby shower was held at the home of Mrs. R. Peterson, in honour of Mrs. D. Banfield. She was presented' with as gift of a set comprising, blanket, crib mattress, two.bumper pads. The mother:to-be also received cosy slippers. Refreshments were served' to 14 guests, at the con- clusion of the party. A farewell party for Mrs. Mary Reid took place last week at the 'home of Mrs. Win, Nav- en. 14 ladies had' been invited and they presented Mrs. Reid with gifts. Lunch terminated the evening, Tice .Catholic Women's Lea- gue of St. Paul's church held an executive meeting on Mon- Mary Elliott, Clinton, who was assisted by Mrs. Harry Thomp- son; and at a miscellaneous shower given her by Mrs. Ray Finch, Clinton, with Miss Pat- ricia Medd as: co-hostess. ELECTRIC HAIR DRYERS ELECTRIC BLANKETS CLOCKS — MIXERS FLOOR POLISHERS ghts $5.25 $7.75 String of 7 Indoor Lights String of 25 Ind oor Li !independently burning „ .... .,„ $1.69 Independently burning String of 15 Indoor Lights $3 3 9 String of 25 Outdoor Lights Independently burning „.,..,.„ . independently burning Quality Hardware & Housewares Electrical Appliances and Supplies Clin ton Phone HU 2.7023 MIDGET and NOVELTY LIGHTS—all descriptions—suitable for decorating the new Vinyl Christmas Trees ALUMINUM and VINYL CHRISTMAS TREES and all DECORATIONS available at VACUUMS CAN OPENERS And Many More Useful Items for the Home This Christmas Give a Gift for the Home From SUTTER-PERDUE HARDWARE COOKING WARE CARVING SETS KITCHEN SETS ELECTRIC FRY PANS ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES ELECTRIC DRY and STEAM IRONS TV TABLES New low prices This is defnitely the year to buy Electrical Christmas TDOORS, Lighting. OU On All Christmas Trees J. W. Counter BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 94 ALBERT ST. NORTH, AT PRINCESS Ammommommoommomma. BALSAM SPRUCE PINE *, Weekend Specials at CLINTON COLGATE FAMILY TOOTH PASTE (With Free Tooth Brush) 98c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE-4c off 59c lb. I.G.A., MARGARINE 18c Ib. I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER—I 6-oz. 29c MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS—..100 69c pkg. oLovER . LEAF SOLID 'TUNA-7-oz. 41c RICKS SWEET MIXED PICKLES-32-oz. „ 49c illiaRKRAUT-28-oz. 19c .101 PIM/ TABLE-R1TE .RED BRAND Short Rib Roast TABLE-RITE Rindless Side Bacon alma /WWI TABLE-RITE Country Style Sausage 59c lb. 69c lb. 69c lb. 49c lb. RED EMPEROR GRAPES 2 Ib. 29c All Children be Mite and enter our Lucky Santa Letter Contest TABLE-RITE RED BRAND Blade Roast — — ARS BES ERIE HAROLD'S WHITE ROSE GARAGE SPECIALIZING IN AUTOMA I TRANSMISSIONS GE ._. L'.." IR 1111,1,1Q13 117 VICTORIA 5T, 0---- Elliott-Shanahan A wedding was solemnized at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church here on Saturday af- ternom when the Rev. S. E. McGuire united' 'in marriage Miss Edna Marie Shanahan, RR 1, Clinton, daughter of Mr. and Aloysius L. Shanahan, and Terrance Roy' Elliott, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Elliott, Clinton. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a bal- lerina-length gown. of nylon sheer over taffeta with chan- tilly ace bolero. A headdress of seed pearls held' er shoulder- length veil of French illusion, and she Carried an arm bou- quet of red roses. Miss Patricia Medd, Clintocri, as bridesmaid, wore a cocktail- length dress of pale blue peau de sole, with matching head- dress, and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Paul • GoldSworthy, RR 1, Cl- inton, was .groomsman ; Murray and guests were ushered 'by M Hymem, Clinton. A reception was 'held at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. The bride's mother was. wearing a blee figured ensemble, with matching accessories rand ra cor- sage of yellow 'mimic, The bridegroom's mother wore a brown enisernble with gold trim and a corsage- of yelloW 'mums, For a wedding trip to Niag- ara Falls and Buffalo, the bride travelled in as red velvet dress and a black weal coat, with white accessories. The young couple will reside in Clinton. Prior to her marriage t h e bride was feted at a miscellan- eous • shower given by Miss 4 zor Of PEOPLE 4Re allEBOTTONS "POP OFFAr THE 1'VROA/6 C: Reichert, Mr$. George F. Elliott. Mrs. Bruce Bartliff and Mrs. Bartliff were in Charge of the decorations. Miss Diane Bellefleur was in charge of the J.A. table which had many items for young, vis- Mrs. R. B. Campbell, Mrs. E: itors. Friendship Club Christmas ..Bazaar In. Festive Setting Gay Chirstroas decorations and twipicling Christmas trees formed the setting at .St, Paul's Anglican !Church for the annual Christmas tea and 1.14i z a s r, Guests were recieved -by ,mrs, Peter .Dyntand, the rector's wife, and Mrs. Lawrie Slade president of the Friendship Club, Mrs. Norman Counter, Mrs. Gordon Hertrnan and Mrs, El- liott Bartliff convened in the tea room. Decorations on the tea table parried out the Christ- mas theme, with an arrange, mein !of white 'mums, red car, nations and lighted white. tapers. Popping tea were Mrs, Lillian McKinnon, Mrs. Clarence Stur- dy, .Mrs, Fred Ford and Mrs. Fred Hudie, Assisting in 'the tea room were Mrs. Ken Cook, Mrs. M. McAdam, Mrs. 'Clay- ton Dixon, Mrs. Douglas lVfor- gap, Mrs. George F. Elliatt,_ Mrs. Richard Harland, Mrs. Paul Picket, Mrs, C. G, Ander- son, Mrs. Thomas Twyford, Mrs. Lloyd Rutherford, Mrs. Agnes Dale, Mrs. Joseph Hart, Mrs. E. Switzer, Mrs. John Cochrane and Mrs. William Fink. Assisting with the 'tea were Mrs. Tom Deevee, Mrs. William Beck, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs, Bert White, Mrs, Joseph Mur- phy and Mrs. Waldby Burton, in charge of the apron booth were Mrs. Bruce Bartliff, Mrs. Robin Thompson' and Miss Fr- eida Schoenhals; the gift table, Mrs. William Counter and Mrs. Alf. Crozier; home baking, Mrs, Morris Frame, Mrs. Harry Thompson, Ms. Harold John- ston, Mrs. Alfred Dudie; candy, AN APOLOGY From Wholesale Furniture and Appliances, Clinton "We regret that in advertising certain dishes we improp- erly described them by the trade'mark WEDGWOOD, which is solely the property of Josiah Wedgwood & Sans Limited of Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent, England, and we wish to apologize if we have caused any confusion in the minds of the public between the dinnerware which we advertised and the famous WEDGWOOD china. We regret the embarrass- ment we have caused Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Limited and its Canadian Sales subsidiary, Josiah Wedgwood & Sons (Canada) Ltd. or any of their customers." The above is in reference to Wholesale Furniture & Appliances opening feature in November, 1962. Adastral Park Social Notes News Editor: Anne Aileron ---; Phone HU 2-7349 day, November 26, In the chair was, the president Mrs. R. Lapointe, Reports were given by the secretary Mrs. y. Scott; the treasurer Mrs. P. Peterson, as well as conveners Mrs. A. Thompson, Mrs. P. Huard and Mrs. L, Haspeck. Mrs. M. Royer was also in attendance as vice-president. Plans were made for the next general meeting on December 10. An invitation is extended to all ladies of Adastral Park as well as to the wives of per- Sonel living in the surrounding area. More details about this meeting will be forthcoming in a few days. o The average of wages and salaries paid in ,Canadian in- dustry is $80.88 a week, com- pared to $69.73 five years' ago. Gift Suggestions FROM MARTINS FOR THE LADIES —Stretch Slims —Dusters —House Coats —House Dresses —Kenwood —Bedspreads Blankets —Hand Bags —Sweaters —Lingerie FOR BOYS and GIRLS Complete Range of Clothing for Girls of all ages and Boys to 12 years. VISIT ToyLand 2nd FLOOR M ARTINS DEPT., STORE