HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-06, Page 3UC Meeting, in December The thst general meeting or Wesley-Willis United Church Women for 1962 will be held on Wednesday, December 12 at 230 p.m. This will, be the annvial will also be a Christmas meeting with a suitable retaries, and officers for 1963 will be elected. It meeting. RePOrts will be given by the various Re- program, and a social period, Full attendance is hoped for by the retiring executive. UNIT ONE Members of Unit One were taken on .a delightful, though imaginary trip to Europe, last Tuesday evening, November We when Mrs, 'Stewart Middleton,' DE 3, Ceintony told of her re- c'eset trip 'WINO. Her etnesing aceouet was supplemented with eolotired slides. While in Scotland, Mr. Mid- otended an Aberdeen Angus sale, the "raison creeire". After tan days visiting castles; epthetinals and 'viewing the lux- uriant .counerypide of England FINEST VALUE and Scotland, the Middreterss joined a global tour wideli took them through many European countries. They found the Riv- iera resorts as splendid as they had anticipeted, and aVers. Mid- dleton; interested in history, en- joyed visiting the many sites in Europe where history has been made. The devdtional service was taken by Mrs. KaPPler, who cleverly related the problems of bibical history to contem- porary problems. Site spoke of the various leaders who have in the past, tried but failed to dominate the world, Mrs. Robert elemeth,, 'accom- panied by 'Mrs. A, Latigclen, sang,delightful numbers and led the group in a short sing song. The business meeting was conducted in the church parlour by Mrs. Douglas Andrews (in the absence of the unit leader, Mrs. W. Hearn). The nomin- ating conimitttee was asked to bring in a slate of officers reo the meeting on December 4, The early meeting was necessary to allow all reports to be corn- pleted for the annual meeting of the UCW plamned for 2,30 p.m. December 12. Mrs, John Nediger spoke for the social committtee, request- ing help from members' of ethe unit in preparing for the dinner for the Jenkins family reunion Brucefield Man Weds In Goderich MR. and MRS. WILLIAM ALLAN WALTERS, Waterloo, were married on Saturday, November 10 in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich, by the Rev. R. Moynahan. The bride is Barbara Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston, Goderich and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walters, Brucefield. (Photo by Nephew) 1 Carat OF DIAMONDS $39950 For the set in 14 carat gold AT ANSTETT JEWELLERS Phone HU 2-9525 CLINTON Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Budd &fifes (nee Elaine Brown) ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE Saturday, Dec. 15 Desjardines Orchestra Dancing 9 to 12 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME Business and Professional Directory ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 449521 478 "'OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST ' Eyes Examined OPTICIAN Oculiste Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Further Charge Clinton—Mondays Only 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 liattenbury Street West Seaforth--Weekdaya except Mondays, ground, floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. -- OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 Inrwmainwmamoomm•momiiin lislimdmilw•mmuliamsraiawmiuissmaaaiim, THE McKILLOP MUTUAL ARE INSURANCE COMPANY Office — Main 'Street sEAVOitrii In.sures • toWn Dwellings • All 'dailies of '"arm Property • Minimar Cottages • Churohee, Schools, Halls Extended Coverage (Wind, atniike, \valet datrAge, falling objects, etc.) is Alen atiallable. AGtisrlt: Jnmeig Iteya, Ait 1, Seaforth; J. tarie, kR, 5, 80a,- HAMA Squires, Clinton; Geoge, Coyrie, benaki d, Won, fottill Writ. 1..eitser, p:nideibornii; Sei#Yri talker, Di*** Seatottli. „ INSURANCE H. E, HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2.7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Brown Smyth, Dungannote Vice-Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul -Saesar, IL 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderich; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan MaeIntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, (tall your nearest direcs tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon. ',t7-tfb airmsominnow "The Crescendos" very Saturday Night DANCING FOR THE YOUNG CROWD We CATER TO LUNCHEONS, SAM:WETS WEDDINGS, ETC 4Stfis Friday, December 7 NORRIS ORCHESTRA Lunch Counter 48-9b ALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Can 8e Bought at ANSTETT JEWELLERS tl GODERICH ONT. Clinton WI Has Regular Meeting Sees Meat Film Mrs. Charles Nelson, presi- dent of the Clinton Women's Institute chaired the meeting of that group in the Sunday School room of, Wesley-Willis United Church last Thursday, when several members answer- ed roll call by presenting a cookie recipe, and a sample of the cookies made. Arrangements were made for the Institute's annual birthday party at Huronview Home on December 5. Miss Isabel Gilchrist showed a film to complete the course on "143 pounds of meat". Mrs. Forbes read' the life story of Emily Murphy (Janey Canuck). For the time benig, all In- stitute belongings have been moved from the board room of the agricultural office, and safely -stored. A place for the December meeting is being ar- ranged, -and it is hoped that in January the` new board room will be available. Lunch was served by Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes and her group. Members were remind- ed of Summary Day for the meat course on January 6 at 1.30 in the Legion Hall, Clin- ton. SS 5 Pupil Has . Essay Competing In Ontario Trial Miss Elaine Townshend, pupil at SS 5 Goderich Town- ship, has been declared the winner in an essay competition, conducted by District 3 (Perth- Huron) of the agricultural hor- ticultural societies branch, On- tario Department of Agricul- ture. Topic for the competition was "The School Program at our Fair". Miss Townshend's entry was first prize winner at the Hayfield Fair in September, Gwen Finkbeiner, grade 6 at Exeter Public School was second, and Sally Mowat, Sea- forth Public School was third. Elaine's entry will now go into provincial competition with winners from the 15 other dis- tricts. Judges were English depart- ment staff from Seaforth Dis- trict High School, assisted by F. S. Cosford, also on staff there. Mrs. Joseph Grummett, Seaforth, is district representa- tive in charge of the competi- tion. Thors„ Dec. .6.; 1902- Piotoo News-Record ..Pooe. 3. Clinton. '.14entorial Shop •T PRYPE and 'SON cioN.ToN, EXETER SEAPORTit Open Every Afternoon PHONE HP: 2,7712 At other times,. contact Iseeet Repeeeeintietlecee-A, W, Steep,IW .24642 2140 see At rib rARK TheatreG c rick. The , °cl . . . , NQW-Herry Lewis in "SAD SACK" with David Wayne MON., TU.E$„ WED. December 10-11,12 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 'Angie Dickinson Maurice Cheveller and Noel-Noel From Flora Sandstroms' amusing novel about domestic ' life in a small Sicilian village "JESSICA"- in Color THUR., FRI., SAT. — December 13-14-15 DON'T MISS THIS! BING CROSBY DANNY KAYE and a host of top-line entertainers in a truly grand family-type picture. "WHITE CHRISTMAS" In Technicolor Coming — "A POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES" Bette Davis BELTONE Hearing Aid Service Clinic SECOND THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. HOTEL CLINTON Sponsored by Newcombe's Drug Store Phone for Free Home Appointment SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 8$ Queen St. S. Kitchener ADDITIONAL STORE HOURS FOR DECEMBER OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY OPEN EVENINGS MON., DEC. 17 to SAT., DEC. 22 to 9.30 p.m. CLOSED—Mon., Dec. 24 at 6 p.m. Boxing Day, Wed., Dec. 26 Clinton Retail Merchants Committee R. B. Campbell, Secretary NOTE: The additional open evenings are by request of the majority of local stores, for customer convenience. Meat and Grocery Stores will be open only on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, December 20-21-22. Walters-Johnston Ph* and white .'nitirri$ were used in $t, Peter's i3„nintir tholie Church, Goderich, for the marriage on November of Miss Barbara Jena Mire etoe end Williem Allan Wel, tern, The Rev, R, .Moynahan officiated, -The bride's parents are Mr, and Mrs, .James. Johnston, -Gode. eere of Mr, and Mrs. Bert. iers, Brecefiele. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in, floor-length peau de soie, styl- ed with lilyisoiet sleeves, a baseette bodice, bateau neckline appliqued in French lace, and e flowing skirt which featured a bell-seaped draped beck, en- hanced by .a Jorge bark bow. which fell into a chapel train. She carried a epecade of Am- exican beauty roses, showered with sweetheart roses. Attendants were Miss 'Weil- lye Orr and Miss Kathleen Johnston, as bridesmaids and matron of honour, Mrs. Ron- ald MacDonald, all of Gode- rich. They were identically et- tired in street-length gowns of turquoise peati de sole with bracelet-length sleeves a n d bell-shaped skirts, caught up with a self flower in the back. Their headdresses were of mat- ching tulle, and they carried colonial bouquets of pink 'mums; Robert Walters, •.Seatorth, was groomsman and ushers were Glen Walters, -Seaforth, and James Dreahmann, Brant- ford. Mrs, Carl Schneiker, Gode- rich, accompanied the soloist Mrs. Bert Baechler, also of Goderich, in providing suitable music. For a reception in the Blue- water Lounge, the bride's mo- ther received guests in a brown sheath with champagne accessories and a corsage of yellow gloria roses. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore beige flowered taf- feta sheath with sheer over- skirt, winter white accessor- ies and a corsage of white Kill- arney roses. Guests attended from Kitch- ener, . Stratford, Seal orth, Sarnia and Detroit. For travelling the bride don- ned a brown double knit suit with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow gloria roses. Following a wedding trip to Northern Ontario, the young couple is living at Weterloo. officially sworn in last Wed- nesday. A squad of Liberal members, including the leader the Hon. John Wintermeyer, accompan- ied Mr. Gaunt to the office of Roderick Lewis, clerk of the legislature for the brief cere- mony. The next oldest member is Robert Gibson, 30, Liberal member for Kenora. You cant qo, ALLNOUT, IF you feel 10 ..44114164 These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, overwork, worry— any of these may affect normal kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, "tired-out" feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. es Glamorous gifts in a gay Christmas wrap Gaily wrapped gifts of pleasure ... Give her a LAVENDER gift set by YARDLEY J Give her a Red AC4,e4 gift Ed by YARDLEY $ $2 BATH E-Stzt SALT TABLtrg and SOAP- 200 TALC POWDER 50 PuEs COLOGNE Ymodone Jiat laic of the attractive rardteg gift sets V ENGLISH LAVENDER $1'15 and SOAP ' TAU OAP rawDER 1.60 *id S ADMIRAL Titer6'8 a Yardley gift set for everyone on your list at DIAL HU 26626 PHOTO CLINTON SERVICE ONT. eiSeeeseeeKaessesee,,,,,,,,e,,,sese ENGLISH LAVENDER $9.60 13ATH SALT TABLETS e" and SOAP ENGLI8II LAVENDER $2.95 TALC POWDER end SOAP ere NoSelnher g.4• Mensbere are eelsed to 'Pone. plate their yearly givers the December Meeting. The 'tree' serer A Mrs, Q. fforima, The unfit is still snort 0,,f its alio- Patten for the year Mrs. B. Menzies cootinued the study lessole "Not Tomorrow Now" by A, C. Forrest, She spoke of the racial problems in white South Africa end of the controversial leeisietere relating to Apartheid. One of every three or four people in South Africa is white, :and tire social land ec- onomic problems that exist there are not being satisfact- orily solved by the nationalist party now in power, Mrs. W. M. Nediger thanked Mrs, William Jervis, program convener for planning such an interesting evening, ,and ex- pressed the appreciation of the members to each of the gueete. (UNIT Two) ,1)/ere. Ken Johnston presided for the meeting which wax high- lighted by a play "Land of Faith and Fear" directed by Mrs. Donald Grieve. The play gave some insight into living prob- lems in Korea stressing the fact that Christianity is on the In- creage there. Characters in the play were portrayed by Mrs. George Okahashi, Mrs. R. Mac- Dooald, Mrs. Glen Wise, Mils. Donald Jefferson, Mrs, Frank Finigland, Mete. G. Steepe and Mrs. IC, Johnston Discussion followed' the presentation. Mrs. A. Wise expressed' re- geet that Mrs. Grieve was leav- ing shortly to live in Guelph and thanked her for her work as program convener for the year, On behalf of the mem- bers she presented Mrs. Grieve with a gift, Plans were discussed' for the Thankeffering meeting an Nov, ember 9, and social convener Mrs. Steve called for donations of food. Mrs. H, Currie, visit- ing convener, reported 50 home calls and 33 hospital calls' dur- ing the year. Supply convener, Mrs. G. Cantelan showed a crib quiet which had' been made with mat- erials donated by Mrs. C. Nel- son and Mrs, G. Cornish The December meeting was set for December 3, at the home of Mrs. R. MasiDonald and host- eeses will be Mrs. Okahased, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Mac- Donald. Memlbers are asked to bring a 50 cent gift for exchan- ge.• UNIT THREE Mrs. Fred Reid 'convened the meeting 'at which 16 ladies at- tended. -She gave the lesson thoughts on "The Word land -the Way". Mrs, Luella Waticin shaw led in prayer. Rol earl was answered by a verse on "justice". -- "The Star" was sug- gested for December. The visiting corrirretttee - ported 23 hospital and 14 home calls made 'during. November. The next meeting was to be on December 5, and lunch to be served. Mrs. Ken Wood will de- monstrate the making of Christ- mas' candles. An invitation from Holmes,- ville to their 'bazaar on Decem- ber 14, was accepted and sever- al ladies offered cars. During nominations, Mrs. Harold Adams retired, and Mrs. Les, Bail was elected: to fill that place on the executive. MrseM-urch dealt with chap- ter "On Asia's Rim" ab o u t geography and 'culture of Korea. UNIT FOUR Weeship service was led by Mrs. Shepherd, Miss Diehl and Mrs. Jervis, The hymn "Blest Be the Tie the Binds" wag sung Lobb -and Miss Mary Alen:a Stone who had been members of the unit. A challenging motion picture on the stewardehip theme en- tiered "The Will of Augusta Nash" was shown by the Rev. C4 Park. All members of the executive agreed to serve for another year. Reception for Mr. and Mrs, Allan Finch (nee Carol Ann Lockhart) LONDESBORO HALL Giving $25 As Centennial Gift Turner's United Church Wo- men met in the basement of the church on Thursday -afternoon, November 29. Ten members -answered roll call with a verse from the Bible containing the word "Love". Mrs. Greg McGregor had charge of devotions, 'assisted by Mrs. H. Johns'. A centennial gift of $25 is .being sent -to the Huron Presbyterial UCW, $20 will go to theTurner's UCW buying committee for children's- clothing to be sent to the Fred Victor mission, Toron- to, along with any donations given by the children at a White Gilt service in Turner's church on Sunday, December 9. The hostess, Mrs Grant Mills, served a dainty lunch. The next meeting is to 'be held at the home of Mrs. D. Crick at 2:30 p.m. January 10, 1963. 0 Murray Gaunt Is Youngest Member In Ontario House Murray Gaunt, 27-year-old member for Huron-Bruce rid- ing, is the youngest member of the Ontario Legislature. Mur- ray, known in this area as as- sistant farm editor at CKNX Radio and TV, Wingham, was matimrs 100••••n 011MIN POTTED PLANTS Clinton Greenhouse and Garden Centre 182 Church Street Phone HU 2-7168