HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-12-06, Page 1ieirt - �-
t 0 N�
(By W. D, D,)
THE. NEW ERA,. -••-97th YEAR
Nllebolasas he appeared against No. 49 -.-The Ngme Pope:r With thp, .NeW4 C,LINT4N, ONTARIO, THU�tSiaAY, .DE�9MRi;i� 6, 1
the slt+y 11ding high! on a
special float which also trans-
ported' his, reindeer and, sleigh: •
after all, they would have Drive'
Hospital Funds filet Slushyhad so!w tri:e operating with- ' y. r Id arts
Sgven teaout sTLaw , Sazrre estxnartea � Wet Qr L �+tHiht- �(� T((�� al pare thlat there were 5,000 peg- .. a.. he, .... aS .. X a Tot s Yet
ple in town to see the parade � 9
i to PathoF Car Hurt
and the Wondrous mall of tl.e * • Calls on residents in Clinton Word of xecei ts� from the
north by the look of the P
1 �
drive 'as n� -
wer a las 1 a au t h a all
made t b ri•, l.. night n'
lawrn at Libra' Far tli mourn, S:even-ye+ai -olid „Peter Valken- !Ch'i'ef H. R. Thompson issues a d. night y group p g aI'e 4t v
Park -• :
�'' e of vio!lua�!teers, making and appeal able for publicairon at press
ing after , ,they must have burg spent a, day In Clinton a su+gges+tu'omr to parents' that
Public Hospital folloMng 'a col- they should 1varn' chil eri of far cash or pledges in and of tigne.
s .x� ;v , ,the financial need felt by the
�- o
£, �F bsion with a 1958 Chevrolet dla�ngers such as flus, be abler= board in completing
just before moon on Saturday, vant of where they are playing. the new J : aq', wing ,at the •ho �NThe boy suffered injuries to the o Re' ''ved t is�ee lour Kin Hosts For '
face forehead !and lefrt sboul'd'er, cel h vc k u! a
Sum was, the gift of $1,715 from • a and avae, talker to hospital •bYA oho Offef ed the RCAF Station. A'n aGconlp- ��GVd�+firs father and! Dr, VtT, A, Owl g an! in forte fi Ca 'and'- '_erlich Kin
Peter had been playing; with • . , Y . g r ..roan mm • • •
, W1 Sonne other boys .at the bottom Ing' Officer :Group CJarptain! J.
Re Hospital Gift Advertesin� ht
tx Y . G. Mathieson, repor'ted''th'at thins
of the !tarok on the north should -
was from the
: er of Victoria Street (Highway personnel at
Zrn error, 'this newspaper )last RCAF Station Clintonand On Tuesday evening
on. the town `sad!- of the + y v.. g
week annbuncedl that Judge the Women s Auxillary of the I ' s I
.,, tri � �i11_n'ten hosted, 25 God'e�ricR.
e Frank Fingl a, d Is�,w a s adding station,
e. , when, he darted' on dill
Ki .at h
Kin the annual jobit � e
al z e
m t
a ement 1 0 1
arm.un to• cross tri.
v , planning e $1,000 to �a fon'xrter gift of $4,000
highway He was m collision to fine current hospital funds ing held at Hotel Clinton. Press-
vvith a car being; driven south.' by c ' ai! ' 'Phe hospit had alts •Joe Heffer of the Goderich
amP gi? club conducted .a short business
William Lloyd' Pipe, Londesbaio, tended thecanva's'sers' dinner Solis and Crop
at which the Jude •aa.maunlccd • meeting with- the Goderich
y ONTARIO STREET UCW his ft. g Group Headed members, Clinton' president
gift. p d Frank Cools
,DEAN CHRISTMAS PARTY , proceeded watlr the
Actu+aaly Judige Fingl"and saiid regular meeting,
The Christmas meeting of the tom• "I )vane ,akeady gone for a •• This year thee Kinsmen will
U'CW of Ontario Street United th'ousarn ' The editor -heard By A. M�cKinle
Church will be held on Wednes- y be selling Christmas tree's from
.: this! as I have already gone Anson McKinley, RR 1 the. lot of Short 's' B A Stat,ian.
d „ y
, Shorty
's, December 2
1 at 3 p.m. A
fou � � d�. In
pnis!aun a ru�wli .af
r tl.
is v" I
Zurich, was elected president . otoria Street. 1 s i
-'- • • ' F ...,•' ., , � "..--' short executive meeting will l Iden n Sae will
take getting the -paper on the press of the Huron Soil and Crop begin on December 12 and trees
been liberally' sprinkled, with place at 7.30 p.m,. sharp. latter that night, no checking -of l P
litterbugs. In an case o this fi+ . e was! Improvement Assicaation, at its will be delivered on, request.
g Y figure possible, with annual meeting in Belgrave on The Clinton, Kinsmen stag
everyone, people, children; and, : LEGION ELECTION the result that the wrong arn- Thursday; November 29. He will beheld on Friday evenmg,
the litterbugs .among them, ap- MONDAY, DEC. '10 ount -of the earlier gift was pub- succeeds George Wheatley, RR December 14 'in the Legions Hall
parently bad' ^a goodtime ... Four. offices are being con- lashed. 1, Dublin, who served in that and, co¢nmittee chairman Wil-,
* tested in Clinton Branch of the The judge's generous gift to position for two years. liam Chowen!promises an enjoy -
BIGGER AND BETTER NEXT Royal Canadian Legion election the !hospital! was $1,000 several Others elected include: vice- able evening. It was: advertising
year , , , the plan now , , , for 1963 offa:'cem. The, all -ran- months sago, -and, an, additional presidents, Ralph Foster, RR 3, night too and waswell illustrat-
and alreadythe a =Pontatxt election; ht meeting 1000 o
merchants- are ?u$' g $ , now; a total of $2,000. Goderich, and Tom Webster, ed by the members displaying+
Laying plan's :for a better .par- is called 'for 8.:30 "next Monday We regret ,any inconvenience to .,Dungannon. D. H. Mitts, Clin- brochures .and material
ade, a bigger one anxno doubtr1gt> eCeRnber 10 at the Flimgyadorto our ton, agricultural re re entative Ingomot-
their various, businesses and
they'll) be better prepared for ion hall. eM, caused by thds error. for Huron County, is secretary- occupa=tions. A warn hand was
the :hun&ad's of youngster's, ,too treasurer, Ovpn� the float com- n tteee for
* * * • , Township directors elected theire5forts' in the Santa Claus
SEV'E'RAL PEOPLE IN THE are: East Wawanosh, John
Several Persons. Convicted and Fined parade that day.
Varna area report 'seeing a Taylor; RR 5, 'Wingham; Hay, Past Deputy Governor Malt
• • •
sir a arum object in e I McAllister, RR 1 Zurich; ang � g ' b7 � At P � an 1 ch, Edgar presented, Goderich: prest-
heaivens! Sunday night at a'bout', of lice •Court Sitting Yesterday Stanley, Anson' McKinley; Ste- demo Joe Heffes with, the tra.-
8.40 prn ... One observer frown. `� + phen, Elmer Powe, RR 2, Cen- ditional baby buggy on behalf
south of, fie: village says+ it aP- V. K. Andrews, student on successfully defended by E. tralia; Usborne, Robert Down, of the Clinton club.
peMed' to' be!' going north of. course at RCAF Station Clin- Beecher Menzies an a similar RR 1, Hensel]; Tuckersmith, After adjournment by prem-
17!arna ... and that it seclriied,' ;ton, was'` fined a minimum of charge. The McDonald and Bob Broadfoot, Brucefield; Hul- dent Frank Cook the members
to be 'about ten feet square $15 .and costs, on a conviction Spencer vehicles had sideswip- lett, Norman Alexander, Lon- enjoyed) a film of last year's
. Reports are that it was -of careless• driving in Clinton ed on a road .on PMQs. at the desboro; Grey, James Knight, Stanley Cup hockey finals, sup -
a fiery aged, and', flaming, arid' court yesterday, by Magistrate Station. Mr. McDonald was RR 2, Brussels; Howiek, to be plied; with the compliments of
that it disiinteg+ra+ted,ahto flames .Glen Hays:: Mr. Andrews' ve convicted .on a second charge selected; Turnberry, George Molson's Brewery (Ont... Ltd.
with, churft +breakii off.. , . hide had into the ditch off of careless driving, and ;paid Underwood, RR. 1, Wingham; o
Ashfield Ral -ter; Morris
Highway 4, south: of Clinton on a .fine of ; $25 •and costs, Con- , Ph Fo
SHOULD .AI FA LMEPtS, OR November 16.' . stable. M. Groves � of the .OPP Bob' Grasby, RR 4, Brussels; • •
cwarreav cone 'u n strap ob- Samuel Spencer, RR 1, Clin- Goderich was the invests atin Brussels -
West Wawanosh, Tom Webster; Hospital- Auxaiia
jects! -in the fields : '; .` kt would ton; pleaded guilty to impaired officer. ,Four crown andthreeMcKillop; Earl McSpadden, RR
be interesting to check. up and driving in the Township of defense witnesses testified. 1, Seaforth; Goderich, Edward,
see ilf ti:ets'e could( possibly have Tuckersmith on the right. of Paul Johnston, Goderich, was Grigg, RR 3, Clinton; Colborne, Annual To Be'
come from, this flaming, as yet November 11,• and was fined convicted'of careless driving,,n Douglas McNeil, RR 6, Gode- H
u7vidtmtuEied, 'flying 'abject $50 and costs and his licence the town of Clinton early on rich.
D. L. Parks, the recently ap- • •eid January B
* * * was suspended for the mini- November 7.0, and was fined pointed director of the soils and Mrs. C. M. Stearin
IT IS INTERESTING TO mum six months. $30 and costs. Con'statle Clar- g, presi-
arote that in Canada,' during L. S. McDonaId, instructor at ence Perdue was the investigat- crap branch, Parliament Build- dent, presided at the meeting
(Continued on'Page Seven) RCAF Station Clinton, was ing officer, ings, Toronto, gave an illus- last 'Tuesday night of the Hos-
- trated talk on a recent trip to pital Auxiliary. AtterThe min-
g S
Pasture conection with utes and various commtttee re -
1962 Village Trustees Rouse interest ,grasses, legumes, and so on. ports were read it was decided
petition prizes during the business session to
were awarded at the meeting hold the annual meeting on
BayField to Peter de Groot, RR 3, Blyth; January 8 at 3 p.m. in the
Bruce Bettles, Bayfield; Martin council chambers. It is hoped
Baan Walton• and Bob Fother- that by boldin the annual
inkham, RR 3, Seafort.h, meeting at this " hour more
At the banquet prec^ding the members will be encouraged
meeting, congraEulatiom were ,to attend,
Select extended to Robert Allan, Mrs. J. Cochrane • reported
Brucefield, a past president of for the nominating committee
An election as 'bem tel an Irvine W. Pease (Warner
1963, replied ithat the village the association,
who for theo and said that most offices
the police village of Bayfield Payne, J. M. Davison., definitely got its road subsidy second time has captured the now filled. The full slate will
world hay championship, Bob be brought in at the January
next Monday, December 10, A brief ratepayers meeting back. However,' at could not For.erangham, an active mem- meeting, After the meeting had
for three trustees. There were followed the close of nomina- be shown in black and white
X62 $4,00 Per Year. -10 Cents Per Copy,12 Njes:
p a7.
P y
I Li
Yrs l •�z'; #. � <�? <.�
a 3�N
'( t
:%3 •5
1 t'
7 Y.
Good Reason for Big Parade,
I, This, of course, -is 'what the whole Santa Claus parade was. about on
Tuesday afternoon. Youngsters of all ages waited along the parade route to
see the gay coloured floats, and to get a glimpse of Santa in particular.
(News -Record Photo)
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CDC[ Cadet Band Smart on Parade
First public appearance since Cadet Inspection in the spring, the Cadet
band made. a proper good show on Tuesday afternoon as the second band in
the Santa Claus Parade. Cadet uniforms, and flashing white socks and put-
tees made a smart appearance, (Photo by B. Powell)
Brief Lesson in Sewage By -Laws
PUC Replies to Charges
'By Town FChairman
seven nominated last Friday tions with J. M. Stewart act- on the financial statement. ber of the association, was also adjourned those present made Followih•ng reports indaily and property within the :limits of the costs of the sewerage systean
night, and four have qualified. ing as chairman for thu meet- The township each year places congratulated on being the re- New Yars tray favours for weeldy newspaperrs corucermumg Corporation of theF, Town of and paid an the debentures is
ing. an amount of mono serve bean champion r the the hospital Mrs. sunder the nomfta Ston nli+ght an Clinton, Clinton in each of the years and sewerage cusposat plaint
Names of - those on the, hal- y pito the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. direction of Mrs. K. Wood,
lot, will be Fred Arkell Mel Trustee E. A Featherston bank account for the village members of the. Clinton'Public 1959 to 1966 inclusive, a sum sued) for such purposes and m
vin Davison, LeRoy Poth and the 1962 chairmarn of the truss of Bayfield, and expenses
Irvine W. Pease. Both Mr. Ar- tee board spoke briefly, stat- come out of that. The village
Kell and Mr. Path am on the ing that he -had not wanted to elects trustees, and they pre-
trustee board -now, nominated for another terra. sent the laws they want to
Nominees with sponsors Fred Arkeil stated they had council which approves them
were: Fred Arkell (E, A. Fea- tried to spend the money avail- if they see fit,
therston, LeRoy Poth); Robert able as wisely as possible, and Robert Blair said he definite -
Blair (W. H. Johnston, George had added to the seating ac- ly would not stand. Neither
Blair) Melvin Davison: commodation in the park; He Mel Davison; Russell Derr nor
(George Blair, W. 11. Jahn: asked representa=tives o. Stan- Ken Brandon were present to
ston); Russell Herr (Merton ley council present, just why speak.
Merrier, Arnold Makins),, Le- the village did not :get road Mr. Poth said the job of
Roy Poth (Fred .AArkeil, J, E. subsidy. trustee was a frustrating one:
Hovey) ; Kenneth Brandon Deputy Reeve Alvin Rau, The village lacked ar, long -
(Martha Bailey, Mrs, Hopson) ; who is running for Reeve in range planning, and such a
pian was already 25 years too
late: He defended the building
o P' by-law which had been passed
Stanley Goes t oilsMo
nd a h pe c. o in 1962, stating that it
been dawn up by the village
solicitor, Donnelly, Dotnel &ToSelect New Reeva for Coming YearMurphy,
Goderich, and it Was
An election will be held in he reported to ,the ratepayers all right,
Monday, iIrvine Pease stated he was
M :
Stanley Township on onday, that of .he s allowed to go running for council, because
December 10 to select a reeve back as reeve, he is assured of the Iaws that had been passed
for the year 1963. Qualified, a job on that caninlittee for in 7962 were ridiculous: He
and in the running are the pre, the next two years. Then, "I'll felt that a limit of 15,060
sent Deputy Reeve Alvin Rau, be ready to quit," said Mr, Rau, square feet with a drilled well
AR 2, Zurich and present coup- Mr. Talbot has served on for building lots was wrong,`
cillos Ernest Talbot, RR 3, council for !the past seven Also he felt than mailh , stree
Mppen. years, and is making a bid ,for
Mr. Rat! bas served the the senior should be .paved, because M
.position on council eR'13' town the. rrua;arn street wa>s
• p y , ,. is of itis record, the "show place of the con.,.
.township fol` ten ears with on the bas
seven years on council, and the Sitting reeve Harvey Cole- munht ". He said that the plan
last three 49 deputy. reeve. For man had announced plans for to a e `Tu ll Street "wi
if e h his retirement well in advance P Y ° „ tri
the past yeas orifi a half h as -_ .._ only four homes on it was
view eon- of nomination day. He has ridiculous, before main street
been on the Huron,_. , _ - ..
mittee at county council, and been reeve for eight years and was done. ``Newcomers get a
before that served for seven ;bad aiau #reWoh of U* whole
years on council. 'Throughout village,_ fr6rYY .the poor• condi,
The Weather the ratepdyers meeting, of tion of main street" he said.
1952 1961 o. • ' oiced their appre. Mr. Featherston risked Stam
Continual$y v ..... _
h i4f h elation civ sate work Mr. Cole= ley ''l.'ownship_ douncil to ad-
Law g Low marl has cone for S `
t tan,le�► posit Bay,field's money` in the
Nov, 29 51$ 39 25 'I'ownshh '.
r P bank u. the village: Cierk Mel
30 52 3b' 3� 34
Elmer ..iiayteewho received Graham said he had enough.
Dec: 1 51. Z, 44 29 an acclamatior'r as deputy trouble keeping, 'r
P Y A... g tack of the
2 49 26 42 32 reeve fo'r ,i.96,3. statddr "Any- township's banking, without
3 51 tg 45 37 one whit follows H4r'�e will
. , 1 having another bank to .run tb.
,d _' 56 4 _ ..d
�: 5 � � Lave to work hard -f6 tb do as
.... ... Mr o son c nt n
. s': l;I' p o e. ded the
5 41 4 50 30 welt as he has dohd, " only thing tb- ,da would lie to
Rain 1,16 ins, Voll st6 ; of nomination da ' ,
rY y separate from the townsl.i and
Snovt�: '.5 hiss, rrleeibi ;art gist. ('0onta Awd, on Pogo .7)
U Ittities Commission have =pre:- equal to 'the difference 'between By -Law number 13 for 1946
ill • pared a statement Of pos- the mon" which, it is estimat- and By -Law 13 -for 19491'
Leon Auxil�ar Celebrates 35th Iti'on, in rebuttal, to c e r t'ad n ed!walli be collected by the Pub, Therefore, it would! appear that
�+i- + ehwges madethat evening, lic Utilities lCommisis'ion to be no specific stun is mentioned' in
AnniversaryWith Life Presentations Following is that statement: p1�� towards ,the capital cost anis By -Law..
PUC replies to Town Counfcd sewerage s+ysrt m anld the At each meeting of the PLIC
.A. party dinner for officers Ibitwwh included -a duet =by Mrs: ACcusationis. sewerage debenture debt oblig- a trial balance sheet, listing the
and executive of the Ladies Robert Hoanuitly and Mrs. Aub. The Public Utilities CoanmBns ation of .the said' Town, of Clint. revenue of each utility and disc
Auxilfiaey to the! Clinton Branch 'rey Langdon, and, Mrs. E. Rax- cion wasunders!tanda)bly shuck- 'ton and such sum so collected bursem�rvt of wane; Ss giveax to
Royal ''Can diaan Legion was en- ford 'played! ,two piano solos. ed, .by the remarks• of the Chair. shall be applied to the capital (Continued on Page 12)
Hotel: Clintomr on the occasion zone com�mrander, congratulated of the Mance Oomrnu eett •
joyedlast Wednesday night in Mrs. M. McCann, ,Fordl�viali, man
of their 35th' annlversaxy: 'Gu- the branch on � at the recent ed by t e. meet. $500 GreyCu Prize S lit Four Wa s,
pragxess over nig, ,ass reporded' �by the. News- �,%
ests' at the dimmer were :groviru- ye!ax+s, and presented a -gift to Record -and London Free Pr!esis., Winning
• ��Irr
rine ladies who were later hon- Y Vice and the Mrs. President, Mn.e West RLil- we ora yrs of of toh,, and" the W�nn�n Ticket (W 2$"'i. 27) Unsold
raterp vers of Clirutom,, and trim.g
oured with life membe'rth ps' in lian Reeves; Wk dwr, spoke on handling funds, This is a pret• ..
the auxiliary. th+esubject o4 h+appntvess':" "It ty ambiguous statement and A counmadttee meet�¢llg had to been mailed cheques for $143.75.
Afte.-wards, in the Legion is •a thing which cannot be pur. could be 'interpreted in different be called after the completion Winner of the first quarter
Memorial Ball, the prestdeltvt, sited sand t';anught, she! Sand, ways by many people, Web- of the Grey Cup football game prize of $25 was Jack Holland,
Watkins,M. William open 111t, is
f It only ,following tol. gter defines "gyp" as meaning last Sunday, to determine the Seaforth, who held ticket, East
they meeting and thanked the ermce,gtoodw l:, and under- to cheat or swindle, which ad,& winners in Clintdri Lions Club 6, West 0. A. L. Coiquhouri
visiting officers' rand other aux, ;t .11 up, to pretty' strong, lanlguage, annual .Grey Cup draw. The sold the ticket and receives $10.
iiliamies of Zone Cl for therm Past zone commander, •Mrs, We believe ,Clinton citizens are "winning ticket ,West 28; East The Half-time winner was
27—was not sold. Awo to Bill Lee, Maple'Street, Clinton,
attendance. L. Hail), ,Blyth; lifer -ed •comgrat, entitled to an explanation as to ' .- �'�' .
Mrs. Jessie Tompkins Brock- ullationis. Also addressing the just what the Finance Chair- -the rules of the draw, a Lions who held -the score at that twine
valla addressed, those ' present giatherbV were Miss Dorathy man m�neaM by the word "gyp, committee decides the winner West 21, Past 19; he received
and conducted the presentation H'oyle,, Strlaitford, .past zone com. 'paid'," in such a case. $50. "Red" Caron sold the tic -
of life membership-,. Other• of m'alnder^ sand a, fotmer ovdncW, In the financial statement The committee composed of get and gets $10.
ficees each detonated 'on ` 1 sidenA Richards r handed to all lent on aloin, resident S'tewaiVra for areas- Xo money was awarded the
and presented, Coin ; eitidatio , Toronto.' Mrs M h luivatioh might; the �+ance com, urer Herb Bridle; AyL.'Colqui, ticket sellers of the other priz-
ul . ' . e : . _- es as the winning ticket was
gshaibe!ful !thlams�is crud best washes .A penny sale fbllawed ,blie m2ttee budlgeted far $42,450 to noun, Russ- Hollies and Glad ,. g
I �
to SVLrs, d.. E. Cook; Mrs: Eph- :meeting, ,and, lunch: was+ coni. be spent our streets. Therefore stone Grigg went through the not sold:
,gypped,, _ ___ ):don Ted Davies scild over
rvarrn Smell, Mrs. Elizabeth' But,' veiled) +by Mrs. Harold Blaek, if the ratepayers were gypped" ..lists bf score Sheets' and found • -
ter; Mme: Jb!hri K: Corhish; Mrs. Re&hdaar 1VMeoting out of $7,600' , it Ifalhoft ihait the winners: 250 tickets on :the draw, mostly
T, Cordon 'ScribbaM Mrs. TIn- At the ar, meeting on $35,45.0 is to be spent. Trow, at the RCAF Station. One of
regui _ Four ,persons slime in ate lits customers t`c•
onlas Lelppin(gton, Mrs. G. kbr Monday eveninlg Mrs. William, over, it is •ranker amvez'iavg. to end xna or ze of $500: These four m rs bought two i
is tritnt t nd J Pri kets a week apart, and picked
ley Counter, Mrs, Fred G: Watkins+ welcomed Mrs Milton that $44,450 retie afro � held the tickets nearest to the .
Thom Mr' George S,chrieber who transferred t A* gtre0b. T`heref'ore A - o e :. " -- are: Identical scores; but one was
_ p and s Ge rge has , _ winning 28 27 sc re, They ar east and one west the were'
Wi>lsoni frail ,the Fant Xlgift Br��¢uah. gypiirrlfg. of $7,000 tInTis out to David Aristett, Mill Street, Clan- Y
Mrs: Kenineth C. Coolie, in After -a short business nieetilig, be tt bon'ua'of $x,400: ton, who held the 28.9.8 score; West 26, East 6, and East 26,
_ _, _ ..- . _ . - West 6:
aiarge of the program antes a games of euchre were Vin!- It Wag also stated than tib Bill Williams, Goderich, . who
- Over, 2,100 tickets were sold
duded elaiiex taialirieri't from vie joyed 'wir1 1
d Christmas g,ftS. Mrs, PUC is to turn Wel tb the caun bold West 28, East 26, .-Dave
_._._ w._. altogether, and when all prizes
iting Aux tal�ies itwit, g Sea- E. Riaclfbrd atcotnpazided the cif each year $15,00(1 tali'e *up- Moyle, "? Regina Road, RCAI,
4 h of Carols plied rto the a debenture io'n • tvhu st* riche ' .. as 27.' and expexnes are paid th6 Lionv
art , Hensall, Kincardine; singing lr mwvag Stat b t w
i - a a ealit': The fol3owihn is 2 ` c Rohfr%ts��h' Mit- ekpect to realise over $1,"�QO.
W nghani', Exeter anti Blyth.. ii' Ym „_.'g,. 'l, find Lin
T VCW quoted from. any -Lary number 5 ckiell, '- 01 Ing L� y
T'wQ' nuiiiibe!t�s From. the Clinton dNTetrilo S�ItEE � ast 27 West 29 ....
UNITS, S ANI) 4 1VMUT- `for 1959, .the paitgraph.pelrtanu- ,ticket. A1�NOUNCiEMiENT
,IUi�'Urly I' t 'l'kib�i E'.Y T. tib§ Threeand Four of the ft to thA' .lral-ticular a, t e m" These .wmnefls also split the Mr. and .Mt s, Willidi H:
(loderich 140s db IUV,, (Mario Street `C%niteicll' diiu i "there shall be asse edi 1e ;third quarter rite of `x15 be- X111DI t .G bbings Street-ailiim '
dni � in the farsit gam". of' „rite VVprnehl ?111.arleprt.371 file ohulrxtih twlld calilecrted at tl.e 'sazi'x�e .tune cause the score was 28.27 at will m:!adk thein 6(hth wedkBiiu9
'Wb" sd ie+chul!e� hea* alert `Nerd!-. ours • Slond fiber A. abd in the satno ilii'aiiner as mtux- three- "waste's' timet.,' arc iliiveY early _il.:. 4rt f3iear
air, q ql.''
nescli .nA t; Dec. i2 at S p.ni. at 81$0 :p h"l %hpal taxes from art rateable The four major wlz.nears have hodrik thealt M alld'ay, ]bec. 10.