HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-29, Page 11HERB'S Food Market SPECIALS Effective Nov. 29-30 and Dec. 1 Inclusive FALL ROUNDUP SPECIALS DEL MONTE TOMATO JUICE—Lge. 48-oz. tins 29c DEL MONTE WAX BEANS-15-oz. this 19c DEL MONTE PEAS—Fancy-15-oz. tins DEL MONTE BLUE LAKE CUT GREEN BEANS-15-0z. DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE-48-oz. tins THRIFT LIQUID DETERGENT—Lge. 40-oz. plastic ..„,. 69c ',OAK PEANUT BUTTER-4-lb. Cookie Jar $1.49 ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES—Twin Pack, All Flavours 20C LIBBY'S WHOLE SMALL POTATOES-15 az. tins loc OAK LEAF CHOICE CORN 2 20.cyz. tins 33c CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP MIX 3 pkgs. 29c CALLA L I LY PASTRY FLOWER-144, bag ..... $1.49 MEDFORD TABLE POTATOES 75-16. bag $1.11 DELMAR MARGARINE -- „-„ ................ 4 Lib, pkgs, 95c iviAXWELL NotitE„ INSTANT COFFEE-,-4 0-oz, jar $1.39 Free Deli'Jery Phone HU i-1445 2 for 39c tins 19c 35c Thiomf 1902-,Clinton News,Re rd.-Poge 11 BRING THE CHILDREN TO THE • SANTA CLAUS SEAFORTH SATURDAY December 1 at 2 p.m. 8 BANDS 8 29 FLOATS 29 SEE,,, • PAGE 5 FOR • INFORMATION PLEASE 1962 4-Door, 6-Cylinder LARK An executive car Automatic transmission ' - Radio,Seat Belts, etc. 1962 4-Door, 6-Cylinder LARK Overdrive,' 'Radio, Regal Deluxe 1961 /1-Door, 6-Cylinder LARK with overdrive. 1959 2-Door, 6-Cylinder LARK See the New LARK WAGONAIRE in our Show Room The Modern Family Car, The Studebakers For You I H. Dalrymple & Son BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2-9211 FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later that Saturday nights. Seaforth Farmers Cooperative H. S. Hunt, Shipper Phone 669 W 1 ELECTRIC RAZORS Christmas TSifiTals at JEWELLERS CONCENTRATES YOUR GRAIN plus SHUR-GAIN DAIRY CONCENTRATES WILL HELP INCREASE YOUR DAIRY HERD PROFITS Grains are high in Energy but low in other essential nutrients. Shur-Gain Dairy Con- centrates are specially formulated to supplement your grain, by providing these other essential nutrients thus enabling your herd to obtain maximum value from your grains. Shur-Gain Dairy Concentrates make your grains complete and balanced in every way. In addition they supply a high level of Vitamin A to promote increased rumen bacteria activity, permitting more efficient digestion and release of maximum nutritive values from roughages also, The result . .. your home grown feeds become more valuable to you for low cost milk production and body maintenance. FREE! There's a brand-new, easy-to-read "Custom Mix" folder waiting for you at our mill. This folder is jam- packed with facts and figures to help you get profitable results. CLINTON FEED MILL 28 Huron Street — CLINTON Phone HU 2-3815 At BALL & MUTCH I.H.A. HARDWARE Model Craft and Toys HO TRAIN SETS "BIG T" FORD CARS ROAD CAR SETS READY TO FLY PLANES ELECTRIC TRAINS . and MECHANICAL TRAINS Hi Kids! Put Your Letters in Santa's Mail Box in our store All children's letters will be answered by Santa, personally, through the mail. FREE BALLOONS FOR ALL CHILDREN SCIENCE KITS for older children! Visible Man .--• Visible Woman Pyro Heart — Eye In Our TOYLAND You Can Choose From A Big Selection Of PLUSH TOYS GAMES — all types MUSICAL TOYS DOLLS -,--- all types SLEIGHS BOWLING SETS PLASTIC TOYS TOBOGGANS TRICYCLES PAINT.BY-NUMBER SETS — ETC. BALL & MUTCH IHA Hardware HU 24505 Albert Street Clinton' CONSERVATION CLUB DONATES TO CHARITIES The Ladies Conservation Club met at Alma Grove on Mandan November 26. $10 was donated Plays Leading Role in "Hayedlot" to the Christmas Seals, $10 to Tuberculosis, Association, $10 to 1V4useular Dystrophy, The regular monthly donation of $15 was given to the Retarded Chikiren. ClItnt013.. "Ad Astral" Players w:'li PreSent their first 19.62. PrO.O4ction, the 'original inusipal Satire "Havealet oh December 4, 5 GPO 3 44 the R,CAF- :Sta.., tion Theatre, .Quittain time will be 9 p.m,, the charge •s .50 - cents and Hayealet is .epen to • cove and all, pro„.5. mhpar,s4.l will be at 4 p.m, on Deeember 3, when the musical Will be shown to the Seutor gradea of the local public schools. W02 "Alex" Vellernan of der .and Communications School RCAF Station Clinton, is the producer, and Its wife "Ester" the director. Costumes' are by the ladies of permanent mar- , vied quarters, Scenery was designed by Cpl. "Saintd,y" "Welland, who also de- signed the e,dvertising posters and made the preliminary cos- time sketches. Sgt. Deslauriers is the sound operator and Cpl, Lussier is in Charge of props, WO2 Coombs and Cpl., Villiard Will apply the make up. Male .soloists are Paul El- liott, Bob Blundell, Don Whitey and Dick Genge. The female leading roles are sung by Den- yse LaRue, Lois Smith, Joh441'• na Van' Vleet and Pat Muir. Haveialot depicts life as it may be 40 years from now 'at one of the schools' of the future. There is a cast of 24, with more than 30 people helping behind the footlights. Ad OrteidyerS, Presett Nanalot" Show At Halifax Wren Karen J. Buck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Buck, 15 Regina Road', RCAF Station Clinton, has successfully completed an 8- week basic training course -at -1-1MCS-Cornwallisnealk Dighy - N.S. She has begun train- ing . in naval operations at H MC S Stadacona, naval shore establishment, Halifax, NS. Wren Buck attended Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute before entering the navy at HMCS Prevost, Lon- don, on July 1. (National Defence Photo) BRUCEFIELD Mrs. H. F. Berry, Correspondent Unit, Four The Willing Workers held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Mel Graham, with 27 pre- sent. As a replacement for a bazaar this' year, contributions were ibrought in, and there was a nice dal-lotion of used nylons to be !forwarded. A slate of officers was pre- sented for next year. The war- Ship was under the leadership of Mrs. L. ThompSon and Mrs. Aikenhead, and Mrs. J. Beane was in Charge of the study — "Declining Standards and Getting By To-day.", A buzz session and 'discussion fol- lowed. Mrs. J. Aikenhead was in charge of the entertainment !and Mrs. Leppington and her assistants served refreshments. UCW Meeting Brueefield United C hu r to h WoMen met 'in the basement of the Brueetield United Church on Novernber 6. Mrs. W. Broad- foot called the meeting to ,ord- er land Mrs. L. Eyre and Mrs. G: Graham began with. the de- votional period. Mrs. G. Hen- derson Was at. the piano. Minutes were read by Mrs. E. ThoMpSon and roll call an- swered by a comment or saying for peace. Following the busi- ness meeting anld reading of several invitations, it was de- cided to ha.iVe, is ChriStnws thankoffering prograin, Decem- ber 4, in the everikitg. All mem- bers are .cordiailly invited. A reading called "Aunt Jane of Kentucky" was given ,by Mrs, H. A. Johnson, A chair of ladies from Unit Two enter, tamed with some Well laved songs. Lunch was served tby Mrs., J, McNaughtotti and her • COmMittee, Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Allan Finch (nee Carol Ann Lockhart) LONDESBORO HALL Friday, Deeehiher 1 NoRRIS ORCHESTRA Lune h' Cotititet 9 4£1',41:i Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phil- lips visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell at Benmiller. Charles. Hooker, Belmont, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Davies. Mrs. Robert Arthur and her son John Wright, were Toronto visitors last weekend. Miss Hattie Murray, Sea- foath, is visiting with her friend Mrs. Edgar Lawson. Mrs. Arthur Grange is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, James Hembly, Dublin, visited last Friday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davies. Mrs. William J, Craig is a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young moved last week and have tak- en up residence on South St. in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin and family visited on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Harry Worsell, Mr. Worsell and Mast- er Terry. George Timm and Miss Erna call was issued at the joint con- day with Mr. and Mrs. Mait- land Allen and Harvey McGee. The librarian of the Auburn Public Library requests that all county books be in by Satur- day, December 1. Mrs. Peter Hellinga and her new daughter, Elizabeth arriv- ed home last week from Gode- rich hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox, Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Marsh and Mrs. Herbert Mogridge. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Rutkowski on the birth of their son in Goderich hospital on November 26. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rath- well, Michael and Janice, Owen Sound, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don R. Taylor. Mrs. John Sclater and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hemberger, Seaforth, visited on Friday evening with Mrs. Edgar Law- son. Mr. and Mrs. Gormley Thomp- son, Brampton, spent the week- end with her mother, Mrs. Her- bert Mogridgc and her sister, Mrs. Bert Marsh and Mr. Knox United UCW Regular Meeting AUBURN—The United Church Women of Knox United Church met in the Sunday School room. Mrs. William J. Craig played quiet introductory music. Mrs. James Craig presided for the devotional. Mrs. William Empey read the scripture lesson and Mrs. John Sprung presented the medita-, tion followed by prayer by Mrs. Roy Easom: The study book was taken by Mrs. Gordon McClinchey. Mrs. Gordon Chamney and Mrs. Nor- man McClinchey sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. W. J. Craig. The offering was re- ceived by Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs. Robert Arthur. The president, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall took charge of the business session. Mrs. Fred Toll and Mrs. Oliver Anderson were called forward and after Miss Margaret R. Jackson spoke a few words of appreciation, Mrs. Kenneth McDougall and Mrs. Sidney Lansing presented life membership certificates a n d pins. T h e ladies expressed thanks. 0 Three out of four who recov- er from a heart attack are able to return to work, according to the Ontario Heart Foundation, 'Marsh, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Taylor and family, Wingharri and Mr, and Mrs. Chester Taylor, St. Helens, visited on Friday even- ing with Mrs. Maud Fremlin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humph- reys attended the play,, "My Fair Lady" at the O'Keefe Cen- tre in Toronto last Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Robert J. Craig, Ilderton, visited on Sunday with his father, William J. Craig and his mother, Mrs. Craig who is a patient in Clinton Public Hos- Pltal. Mr. and Mrs, William Straug- han visited on the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas Jardin, Mr. Jardin and family at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Fren- ch, Detroit, visited relatives in the district on Sunday and also with her mother, Mrs. George Beadle at Huronview. Miss Laura Wagner, Syra- cuse N.Y., visited a few days last week with her sisters, Miss Ella Wagner, Miss Minnie Wag- ner, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson and other relatives. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott, Keith, Wayne and Eric were Mrs. Leo Ziler and son John, Detroit; Miss Mildred Scott, Mitchell and Miss Grace Scott, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sand- erson and daughters Barbara, Margaret and Mary, have pur- chased the home of Mrs. Don- ald Fowler, Goderich Street, and will take possession on De- cember 15. Mrs. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan and JameS McWhinney are moving this week to their new home on East Street, Goderich. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finnigan, Mrs. Don- ald. Fowler and James Mc- Whinney were Miss May See- burg, Denver, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy, Wa- sago; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook, Chesley; Mrs, Etta Roberts and Fred Webb, Lucknow; Gordon Bailey, Lenore, Manitoba; Kit- chener Finnigan, Goderich; Mrs. Rena Caldwell and Bill Gibson, Hensall. The Stratford Music Teach- ers Association Branch of the ORMTA has awarded to Ro- bert Wilkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin, an honor certificate for having obtained the highest marks in Grade 2 theory for the February exam in 1962. This report was re- leased last weekend. Robert is a pupil of Professor A. E. Cook, Westfield. Rev. Charles Lewis conduct- ed.the-Sacraxnent of Baptism at the morning service at Knox United Church. Baptized were: Tracy Denice Machan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Keith Machan; Shelley Yvonne Patterson, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Patterson; Vickie Lynn Powell, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gor- don Powell, and James Craig Wilkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilkin. Friends of Corporal and Mrs. Stanley Polich, former resi- dents of this district will be pleased to know that he has received the CD (Canadian Forces Decoration) at RCAF Station Clinton. While he and his wife, Josephine and their three children resided on the former Sturdy homestead here, he was attending classes at Clinton, but was transferred to the Canadian West before re- turning to Seaforth to make their home. New Minister Rev, Robert 1. MacLean, Petrolia, has accepted a call to the Clinton, AubUrn and Blyth, Presbyterian Churches. The call,was issued at the ojint con- gregational meeting of the three charges held at Clinton last week. Next Monday, Rev. G. L. Royal, Goderich, will conduct the Sacrament of Holy Com- munion at the afternoon service at 2.30. The following Sunday, December 9, the CGIT girls will hold their annual vesper candlelighting service at 2.30. Al I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 Auburn and District MRS. WES BRADNOCK—Corresporident,--Phone $26-7595 DOUBLE SAVINGS Save up to 30% on cost plus continuing savings on fuel bills. 1" ALUMINUM Self-Storing Combination Door l'ttgE S32 95 Regular $49.95 1i4" DELUXE Self-Storing Door, push-button handle Regular $59.95 ALUMINUM Self-Storing Combination Windows Regular $21.95 SPRIgE so 95 l't4E $38.95 TV TOWERS SELF SUPPORTING NO GUY WIRES All Aluminum Tower All Welded 40 Foot Structure with two all-channel antennas complete with lead-in, stand-offs, etc. You Install We Install $139.95 $149.95 Twice-Galvanized Steel All Welded Sate as above 60 with steel tower. You Install We Install $119.50 $129.50 CALL The ALUM " A SEAL COI 2 7664