HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-29, Page 5FIRST: 2-WHEEL BICYCLE Second: WAGON Third: HOCKEY GAME 6 Beautiful Prizes 3 1::i TO BE GIVEN AWAY AT Clinton Stor During the GOLD BOND STAMP - IGA Lucky Letter to Santa Contest 3 BOYS' PRIZES 3 GIRLS' PRIZES First: GIRL'S BICYCLE Second: DOLL BUGGY Third: DOLL STROLLER & DOLL Just Drop Your Letter in The Lucky Letter Box Inside Clinton IGA. Store THREE SIMPLE RULES: 1, Open to children from 1 to 12 years of age. Z Letter should not be over 50 words. 3, Write full name, address and telephone number on back of envelope, Draw- will be made Friday Evening, December 21, at Clinton IGA Store WEEKEND SPECIALS at CLINTON IGA Shirriff's Good Morning Marmalade--24-oz. 49c Maxwell House Instant Coffee—I 0-oz.—Save 40c „, $1.19 Royal Guest Ginger Ale--8 qt. bfls..................99c plus deposit MANY ITEMS WITH EXTRA STAMPS Fresh Grade A Frying Chickens ,„ ............... ....... 35e lb. Ontario No. 1 Potatoes-25-lb. bag 68c Morton's Pot Pies Frozen) „ ..... .... 3 8-oz. pkgs. 69c BACKACHE? ..tiot me! For relief from bachathe or that fired-out fe'eling 1 depend on— I L • New Coterie _Spray 5.00 in elegant fluted fabric-tapped cylinders no cap to remove, 5Pitay Set 14.75 new Parfum Spray for the purse with matching Esprit de Parfurn for vanity refillable Parfum Spray Both Powder 3.50 encha nting see-through cover with colorfUl *4'0\44 puff z).47:3763175M4.4.• THE BALANCE SHEET of the New Wing and Adjustments of the Clinton Public Hospital Total Cost - 325,000.00 Den.' ALtilg .ff/eiVelled tea. Ernest .1)!Itrei rived theH gl•te§tA At the Ropnng dtt4ng the ofternoon. were IMire.. Witter A, 0Alce4. em. Mrs, Clarence. A Treiiit,. At the 'eve,Olg,shown , Mrs. Frank 'Finland. 'And Mrs. Ken,- iteth, Qiyuielg ,poured, Serving were Mrs, TOonoth ScpVt, M. Maitland Edgar, Mrs, Brian Keyes, .Mrs. Jame§ Lait, Mrs, Wlillurrn, 040M.'"no Mrs. Ronald Smith and' Mrs. Frank .09911,. Tn1 the lcitchep were ndbr Peterson, Mrs. Robert VanRieSehl and 'NA'S, ,T0,114 Yee.] I sm st ies by All of the Kinettes were done by Mrs, jeliosteil And Miss Kan en the day 'Wcire. The door prize was. won 'by le holder et ticket 1.•••1-Q, 237, aria Whoever has this ticket, should contact Mrs, Johnston 'at Ann Hair Fashions, Mrs. ,Qh.Arlea. 13VPWA, enter, tained on Saturday,. November giving' trousseau tea 'in . honour of her daughter Mrs. Prewn and aus.1.3ert Boy- er ifisg!sted the Inicle-eleet, receiving guests, The tea table Was, tastefully cleceratied With Pate yellow candles in pivotal holders with, a central hOtiTtet of yellow bronze 'mums on an ecru lace cloth, Mrs, G, W. Nett, grandmother of aldcl Boyes, the groom-tote, poured, tea lin the .atfternoon assisted by Mrs. Lorne Brown, In the evening Mrs. Willis, Van- Dgmond was assisted by Mrs. Wilbur ,Johnston, Tea was .gracefully served by Miss Barbara. Durst, Miss at Harland and Miss Susan Brown in the afternoon' and in the evening by Miss Elaine Alex- ander, Miss Nancy Caldwell and Miss Ruth Ann Lewis, London. Showing the gifts were Miss Bonnie Boyes, 'Miss Merlyn Hough and Miss Marie Riley.. The guest register was in the charge of Miss Patricia Brown, assisted by Miss Heather Van- Riesen. Several showers for the bride-to-be have been given. One was held at the home of Miss' Gail McBride on Tues- day, November 6, when Gail, Pat Harland and Carrie Brand were' co-hostesses for a kitchen shower. This was' attended by About 20 ,school friends'. Mrs. Lorne Brown was hos- tess at her home on Friday, No- vember 9 for a lovely miscel- laneous shower, when many neighbours and friends attend- ed. Mrs. W.. VanEgmond, • on Wednesday, November 21, was assisted by Mrs. Jack VanEg- mond, in bostessing a gathering of neighbours and :friends at their home. Elaine was, Oven a lovely set of cornflower cry's'- tal. Movies were shown of Elaine, taken as she grew up. A group of friends of the young couple met and endOyed a pleasant evening at the apart- ment of Misses Merlyri, Haugh and Marie Riley 'in London. Wigs ,A0WO. At '1.41kly Tea In Edith Ann Shop Kftnettes report a successful SheWing of b.* fashions` and wgs, at Edith Ann Blair 'kWh!, Ws, '23 Street ell Monday 'aiflternowl '41.14 .even,. SPellsered by the Kinette Club Clinton,, the affair was put op by Mrs, OrlAnd .Jeh,netet)4 PLIWArietor the ,beauty 004sted by her niece Miss' Kar- en .Johnston, 'Woodstock and William Galin, Lentlen. The wigs were reedelled. by three Kinettes, Mrs. Willni• Fink, Mrs, 'Pat Hardie arid. 111r$, Fleming. The event was convened by Mrs, POnald ItaY, and Mrs; Clarence -Clinfonian Club Now 11 Years Old 'The.,0,t1A•ten.44u .0.10. told Me nth Ibinthiday party ph day right in the 'Orange Hell,. WiAlt aTtIttrite3r. supper; for ,mein- berg preceed'ing it, in 00E00 Street Vnite4. 011.treh, Euchre Was played Eincl win- 045 Were three ladies frcan. Wingharn„ high, Anita Ches, sell; loge hands, Mrs, R. Pree- 1141110; low, Mabel Pesjerdine. The higicy chair prize was won by Mrs. H. Morenz, Exeter, Readings were .given by Mrs. F, Sitade, Das'hwood pocii M, McLean, Mitchell; solos !by Mrs, R. Good, Goderich and Mrs, M., Ni147-is', Olinton were accompanied by Mrs, E, Rad- ford, Clinton, Mrs, Royce Fremlin was the lucky winner of a lovely cot'sage, won in a surprise relay, planned by :Mrs, J, Butler, Mitchell,. Birthday cake was' served 'with lunch. Mrs, L. Forrest, secretary ,and Mrs,. A, Robert, son, treasurer who, are retiring this year, each received a love- ly cup and saucer, A gift of appreciation was presented' to Mrs, Wilfred colclough, presi- dent, Visitors were from Genie- rich, Wingham, Exeter, Dash- woad end Mitchell 85th Anniversary Celebration St. Andrew's WMS The fall thankoffering and 85th anniversary of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of .St Andrew's Presbyterian Church Clinton, was 'held in' the school room of the church on Tuesday, November 20. Members from the ,Goderich, Seaforth and Me- Killop societies and the Madel- eine Lane Auxiliary were pres- ent. President Mrs., William Blacker was' in charge of the devotional exercises' and followed the Thanksgiving serViee of worship in' the Glad'. Tidings with Mrs. W. J. 'Cook, Mrs. Rae Shaddicir and' Mrs. A. ,Thmbar taking part, followed by prayer by Mrs Robert Scott. Scripture lesson from Psalm 148 was read by Mrs. Blacker, who also wel- comed the visitors. Mrs, Jean Cairns, Seaforth, sang a solo, "Have Faith in Him" and Mrs. Robert Homuth sang "Now Thank We All Our God". Mrs. Wilson., Goderich, gave on iapppropriate reading, "Unawares". Guest speaker Was Miss Lil- lian MacArthur, .Goderich, who was introduced by Mrs. Mervin Lobh. She gave an interesting talk on "our offerings to God," stating that "our time and tal- ents Working for the WMS are a good will offering and God will accept any gift from a lov- ing heart. There is great need today for us 'to spend time in prayer to do his will." Following the program the ladies- were seated in circles around a table which held a birthday cake for . the 85th anniversary of the founding of the WMS in the church. Mrs. Ed Farquhar gave the history of the society up to date and read names of a number of charter members. She stated that most of the present mem- bers are .all life members. The birthday cake was cut by Mrs. W, I. Cook. A vote of thanks to all who helped .and game of their talents was given by Mrs. William Cook. Lunch was served and a social hour spent together. 0 MIDDLETON The 'annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of St, Jam- es Anigi Church, IVIiddlebon, Will be held on Wednesday afternoon, December 5 at the home of Mrs, Ben McCullough, R611 call is a favourite Christ- mas carol, Social Evening Success A successful social evening under the auspices of the Wo- men's Auxiliary to St. James Church, Middleton, was held on Ftriday evening, November 23 in SS 9, the Tipperary school- house. This party was well iat- tended and Mrs. Ray Wise, president of the WA, welcomed those present and expressed the hope this would be one of many good parties this, winter. Euchre was played 'at 11- tables. Prizes were wet by Mrs. EclWarci Wise and Bill Smith., high; Mrs. S. Collins, Stewart Grigg, low; Mrs. Bert Rowden and John Smith, most lone- hands. MAR ART SUPERVISOR The regular monthly meeting of Federated Women Teachers Association of Ontario will _be held next Tuesday, DeCernber 4 at' 8 p.m, in ;Clinton ,Public School. Mrs. Eleanor Hirsch, art supervisor of, Ititchener Public .SehOols will be guest SPeaker. AU public school tea- chers Welcotne, List of NoMitioes, And Sponsors. Town of Clinton MORGAN J. AGNEW, 236. Mai7 Street, reeve (.4, W. Groves, 0, LOW,. WILLIAM J. MILLER, 169 Outsrio :Street,. mayor (Donald Symons, A. Gre.rou) • .CHARLES BROWN, 201 Al- bert. Street, public utilities (4, Q4ren, D. -$Ynn911S), DONALD syyrom$,.7.1 Oess . Street, councillor (W. T. Miller, A, .0aron), MRS. Fftgla (Alice) THomP, SON, 41 Ontario Street, ,coun- cillor (Mrs, L. q, winter, Mrs, A, lieddy), A. GABON, 166 Beech .street, public utilities (A, G. Grigg, ;Ton 33ilyea.,), JOHN SUTTER, 225 Ratten- bury Street, councillor (A. W. Groves, C, Labb), LAWRIE SLADE, 123 Town- send Street, public .school trus- tee (C, Dixon, 3, Sutter), ALAN ELLTOTT, 20 Town- send Street, councillor (E. A. Ryder, R. Smith). -NORMAN LIVERMORE, 12S East Street, councillor (J. E. Dale, R. Smith). CLAYTON DIXON, 219 Prin- cess Street East, public school trustee (R, N. Irwin, L, Slade), GEORGE WONCH, 17 Erie Street, councillor (J. D. Thorn- dike, E, Switzer). GEORGE LAVIS, 54 William Street, public school trustee (P. Livermore, R, D, Fremlin). FRED SLOMAN, 344 Matilda Street, counicllor (N, Shepherd, James Cox). GEORGE RUMBALL, 360 Victoria Street, councillor (a. McFarlane, J. Edward). ROBERT HOlVIUTH, 127 Vic- toria Street, councillor (R, D. Fremlin, D, L. Slade). o— Most easels of rheumatic fev- er can be prevented by prompt medical treatment of "strap„ infections, says' your Ontario Heart Foimdation. 4111111•1111Mar Faborgette 3.75 elegant slimlined golden perfume-filled purse applicator Perfumed Soap 3.50 three bath size cakes boxed for gifting AlEE Gift Wrapping JEWELLERS ANSTETT at ti Many Pre-Nuptial Affairs Honour Miss E. Brown PUT BEAUTY At Their Feet . This Christmas • • • Decide On HARDING CARPET A Gift that will be remembered Christmas, after Christmas after Christmas. See us soon—there's still plenty of time for installation before Christmas. Ask About Our GIFT CERTIFICATE PLAN At Beattie Furniture a.tAta Federal Help — Provincial Help — County Help - — Legacies and Gifts — BALANCE - Thum, Nov. 29,f News-Record Page 5 Aphrodisia ...Woodhue F. B. PENNEBAKER ADMIRAL PHOTO SERVICE Dial HU 2-6626 Clinton, Ont. $54,000.00 - 76,000.00 — 40,000.00 — 90,000.00 $260,000.00 - $65,000.00 This Is Just One-Fifth of the Total Cost which Clinton and Community is Required to Share to Help Itself. What is Your Share of it? Canvassers will call at your home on Wednesday, December 5 To receive your answer. (over a three-year period, if desired) DONATIONS ARE DEDUCTIBLE FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES LET US HELP OURSELVES AND D ED1CATE THE NEW ADDITION TO OUR HOSPITAL FREE OF DEBT GIVING THANKS FOR THE SERVICE IT WILL AFFORD US ALL