Clinton News-Record, 1962-11-22, Page 11JFirst
t:'.... 1.lage 5'uess
AUBURN — Der 100 441
Heine -Making Ciu'h leans ere
and leaders of the fail project
"•preeeing up Vegetables" at-
tended the Aehieyentent Day' in
Alublzrn 'Ca n rilerdty Memorial
Hall cast Saterd'ay..
Miss Isabelle Gilchrist, (home
economist for Huron 'County,
wee in charge of the :d'ay'e pro-
* gran, assisted by Miss Lois
Smith, one economist for
Middlesex County and Miss
Marie H'odgine, Thome econorn.-
ist for l✓llgln •County..
Clubs and leaders' present
were Blyth:, Mrs. Wellington
Good and Miss Lenora Halle -
hen; 'Dungannon', Mrs. Lein
Hasty :awl Mrs. M. Reid; Tiger
Dunlop, Mrs, Eilnier Hunter and
Mrs. Reichard Buchanan; Gocleu-
idle, Mrs. A. Porter and Mrs.
Donald R:ieihi; Kintail, Mrs,
John 'Colillnsoiy and Mrs. Bill
Ross; 'Ba se's, Mee, John Wh-
eeler aind Miss Diane Kirby;
Auburn, Mrs, Wes .Bradnock
and Mrs. Gordon Dobie,
Each 'girl displayed her box
lun'dh for school, the printed
Meng, her record book: a n7 d
recipe'tiles in the Clula displays.
All took part in the judging
of 'fa telly menus an d echoed
lunldhee and gave reasons,
The afternoon program con-
sisted of demonstrations, skits
and an exhibit by the Clubs.
The Aubrinn' Club d'emonstrat-
Homemaking Club County Honours
County honours to four girls completing six projects in 4-I homemaking
club work were presented by Mrs. Wes Bradnock on Saturday in. Auburn Com-,
munity Mall. From the left are Sylvia hoover-, Brussels; Helen Hollinger, Ely-
th; Janet Young, Tiger Dunlop; Jannett Dobie and Rose Marie Haggitt, both
of Auburn. (Photo by Bradnock)
s '
MRS. WES BRADNOCK--Correspondent--Phone 526-7595
Allan 'Crarig, Wingbam and
his father, William J. Craig
visited on Sunday with the l'art-
tler's brother, Ernest Craig,
Godeffiele who is a patient in.
Westminster Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Law-
lor and son Jimmy entertained
relatives to a fowl dinner in
honour of Thomas Parks' 86th
biirthd. Fallowing the serving
of - the Idlecoratred cake, giiVbs
were. peeeenteel. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Parks,
•Dungannon; Mr. and Mrs. Olen"-
legton Ladd, Blylth; Mr. and Mrs.
' George Lawlor,' Auburn.
143 Pounds of Meat
Sixteen ladles registered last-
week for the fall project "143
Pounds of Meat", sponsored by
the Auburn ibranlch. of the Wo-
men's Institute through the
home economics ser'vice's of the
extension branch of 'the On-
tario Department of Agricul-
The leaders, Mrs. Thomas
Lawlor and Mrs. Lloyd Hum-
phreys were in charge of the
classes. which introduced' this.
meat course. They explained
that the purpose -of •the -course
its to extend the homerinaker''s
knowledge of meat and meat
cookery so that she can plan'
and serve meals which give the
greatest enjoyment and satis-
faction in terms of money and
time spent.
The ladies were instructed
on the laws regarding the sale
of meat for human consump-
tion; the grading; how to iden-
tify the different cuts, and how
to cook them, Those ladies at-
tending these classes were: Mrs.
Ed. Davies, Mrs. Thomas Hag.
gitt, Mrs. William Em'pey, Mrs.
Gordon Channney, Mrs. Harry
Watson, Mrs. Donald Haines,
Mrs. Gordon Dobie, Mrs. -Geo-
rge Schneider, Mrs. Elliott
Lapp, Mrs. Roy Daer, Mrs.
Norman McDowell, Mrs. Arnold
Craig, Mrs. Robert Turner,
Mrs. Frank Raithby, Mrs. Ro-
bert J. Phillips. and Mrs. Wes
CGIT Vesper
December 9 was named the
Sunday for the annual Christ-
mas Vesper candeliight service
of the Auburn 'CGIT to be held
at 2.30 pen, in Knox Presby-
te re n Church. Miss' Judy Air-
thur, the ipresident will' be lead-
er and (there will be a special
speaker. President Judy Ar-
thur welcomed two new mem-
bers 'at the regular cmeeting.
Margaret S'arlderson was sit the
piano. -Minutes were read by
G ala Mililler in ,the absence of
the secretary, Betty Moss. Ruth
I was' read) by Brenda. B'al'l and
the story at Rath. was told by
Mrs. Wes. Bradnock.
Roll call was answered by
each 'girl telling her favorite
winter sport. Most ,answered
with 'skating". The girls. plan-
ned for their vesper service and
made Plans for'their autognai h -
ed• quilt. Offering was receiv-
eceived by the treasurer, Mary S'an-
derson. The next meeting will
be held Friday, November 23
at 7 p.m..
• St. Mark's Guild
The Ladies Guild of St.
Mark's Anglican Church met at
the home •of Mrs. Robert J.
Phillips, with a good attend -
since. Mrs. Phillips opened the
meeting with . the (birthday
ihyriens' Cif 'Mrs. -Gordon R. Tee -
lee and Mss. George Schneider.
Mrs. George Haggitt read the
scripture lesson and Mrs. Ed.
Davies led in prayer. A duet
was 'sung by Mrs. John Deer
and'Mrs. Andrew Ki'rkconisell,
accompanied by Mrs. Robert J,
Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys read
an. interesting; letter from a
missionary friend 'of :hers in
Japan telling of her work
there. Two readings were given
by Mrs. Frank Raithby. Roll
call was answered by each tell-
ing her 'favorite parable.
AecordIon solos were played
by Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor. Rev:
Robert Meally'gave the topic on
the parables.
The president, Mrs. George
Schneider took charge of the
Ibushiesis period. Minutes were
read by the secretary, Mrs.
John Deer. The financial state-
ment was given by treasurer
Mrs. G. R. Taylol. The apron
was passed 'anal each placed a
penny for each letter in "Love
thy neighbour". Plans for mak-
ing money were discussed and
Weekend«I N r °N
Specials at
ORANGE JUICE--48-oz. • 38c
PORK & BEANS-20-oz.Tour Choice
4 for 63c
OATS, Reg. or Instant -5 -lb. 59c
BEEF STEW -24 -oz. 38c
CAKE MIXES 3 for $1.00
ORANGES. --.6.16
APPLES-3=fib. bag .......,....
TV DINNERS ................
U..AWE PERC14-'-,12-oz.
45c lb.
55c lb.
69c lb.
49c lb.
......,., .. 29c
,, • 39c pkgy.
Rev. R. Meallly closed' with
PraTh s hostess ,served a lunch
assisted, by Mrs. Lloyd Humph-
reys and Miss Laura Phillips,
ee s ndrews
AUBURN •--- A Pretty fall
wedding was solemnized on
S'aturdaiy afternoon, November
17 at the Presbyterian manse,
118 Huron! Street, Clinton, when
Dr. D. J. Lane officiated for
the double ring ceremony unit-
ing in marriage Miss Marjorie
Kathleen (Kaye) Andrews and
john F. Seers. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Andrews and the 'groom is the
son of Fred Seers and the late
Mrs. Seers.
The bride chose a floor -length
gown of 'nylon not over taffeta,
with long lily -pointed sleeves.
The 'chantilly lace bodice with
squa+e neckline was enhanced
lauish'y with sparkling cup se-
qul'neeand simulated pearls. The
large bouffant skirt featured
chantilly lace to the hipline and
this was topped with a double
row of ,scalfoped'lace. Her bouf-
fant shoulder'- length veil. of
French illusion was held in
place by a crown of simulated
pearls and sequins and she car-
ried a cascade bouquet of yel-
luw rosebuds,
Miss Lynda Andrews, sister
of the b ride, as bridesmaid
wore a street -length strapless
gown of blue teal nylon 'sheer
over taffeta with matching
jacket and accessories. She car-
ried .a cascade bouquet of blue
tinted 'mums. The groomsman
Was William Seers, Auburn;
brother of the groom.
For a wedding reception
Which followed at the Auburn
Community Memorial Hall the
bride's mother received the
guests wearing a Sheath dress
of figured green aquil'an crepe,
black accessories 'and a white
'mum corsage. She was assisted
by the groom's grandmother,
Mos. Caroline Seers, Mitchell,
wearing it. navy ,blue ensemble
and a white 'mum corsage.
The hall was attractively de-
corated with bouquets of yellow
and bronze 'mums and the din-
ner was served by Misses Jan -
nett Dobie, Auburn, and Miss
Joanne Meehan, Goderich, cou-
sins of the bride; Miss June
E'aelohle'r and Miss Rase Marie
Haggitt, both of Auburn.
For a trip to southern On-
tario, 'the bride donned a teal
blue knitted suit with black
eeceaao'7ies and a white 'mum
co ,'sage. On their return they
will take up residence in the
'rrooni''s house le Auburn. The
leekle is a member of the staff
of the Clinton Public Hospital.
Guests were preesent. 'from
Toronto, Mitchell,' Lucknow,
Goderich, Dungatnon, Wiinghaan
and Auburn.
UDPC Holding
Several Meetings
Members of the tUn+ited Dairy
and Poultry Ca operative Will
meet in the Wan 'hall at leMyth
est Tuesday, Novernbe'r 2'l, be-
ginning With 'registllaticns at
11.30 sed tunoheon et 12
o'clock. 'P'res'ident i5 Jeeep'h
Creitchl'ey, Durham.
Inlolnded in the program will
be election of Sone director for
the corn' g tenni; electing voit-
irigg: delegates for the animal
nieebi'ng it Guelph On December
4, and _ hear fikg the maned re -
poet, 'financial, Managerial and
bard reports.
Adequate time 4or iluesthene
and Otihef disicus'sion is 'a11'1 vod
this is ethe of ,five meetings
bled t>'hrMzgjhout the 'eale re
one 'at Pakenhtini etid
e ' .atGa
ed "Crest ne :up Vegetables f r
a Neter" with Sharon B'ai'l,
Marie Leatherland and Marion
Hickey participants.
Peovin Honours puns, .con-
tificatee and an ancyolopedia
bock Of the year were present-
ee tie Joan Alcook :and Andeey
Wheeler elf the Brussels Club,
This presentation was made by
Mns, Donald Riehl„ Ooderich,
first viice-pzles'ident of the West
Huron District WI, These gal.
had 'completed 12 4-H home-
making 'projects.
County 'Hgn'our pins and cer-
tificates for completing six pro-
jects were presented by Mrs.
Wes Bradnock, secretary -trees-
wee for West Huron. Receiving
them were Sylvia Hoover, Br-
ussels; Helen IIdllinger, Blyth;
Janet Young, Tiger Dunlop;
Jamnette Dobie and Rose Marie
Haggitt, Aebe nn.
Miss Gilchrist preseeted' the
leader's certifinate for leading
live clubs to Mrs, Jelin Wheel-
er, Brussels,
The 'girls and their 'leaders
voted for the Supper .Club for
the fall project in 1963. The
spring project will be "Being
well dressed and well groomed."
A large attendance of Insti-
tute members' and parents, wh-
ioh filled the Auburn Hall was
Very encouraging to the club
members and leaders for this
the feet achievement d'ay to
be bead in Auburn.
Horticultural Society Plans For
Christmas Decorating at Auburn
AUBURN—The executive of
the Auburn Horticultural So-
ciety met at the home of the
presidenft, Mrs. Ed. Davies, with
ten members present. ' MinTutes
were approved as read by the
secretary, Mrs, Gordon R. Tay-
lor. The financial statement
showing 'a balance of $133.07,
prepared by treasurer Mus,
Bert Craig was accepted as
read by the secretary.
• Much waist was; given to Mr.
and Mrs. Wiliam Stnaughan
for keeping Manchester Garden
Phone Blyth 37 r 5
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen were
guests at the Collins -Fletcher
wedding at Centralia an 'Satur-
Barry "'Brown, Campbellford
and Keith Allen, students at
OAC, Guelph, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Allen and Karen.
The intermediate CGIT group
is holding a bazaar in the Sun-
day School room on Saturday,
November 24. The Messengers
will be in charge of the candy
The community extends sym-
pathy to the sisters of Miss
Jennie Cowan who passed away
in Victoria Hospital, London, on
Friday evening. She was of d
kindly and gentle disposition
and will be sadly missed from
her circle of friends.
The night of sacred music
sponsored by the senior group
of the CGIT last Sunday even-
ing was quite well attended.
The numbers by the Pilgrim
Singers, Clinton; solos by Harry
Lear and Karen Allen and duets
and quartets by the Snell fam-
ily were all enjoyed and ap-
preciated by lovers of good
Berean Unit
The November meeting of
the Berean Unit of the United
Church Women was presided
over by Mrs. Clarence Craw-
ford. Mrs. Townsend read St.
Matthew 13: 1-15 with com-
ments by Mrs. Crawford. Men-
tion was made of the appeal by
the Rev. H. A. Funge for mit-
tens for the Christmas mitten
Mrs. Dennis Penfound read
Jeremiah 10: 11-16, comment-
ing on the fact that each of us
have different talents and are
required to make use of them.
She mentioned Remembrance
Day and read a suitable poem.
A splendid review of the first
chapter in the study book "On
Asia's Rim" Was given by Mrs.
Crawford and a poem "A Pray-
er for Christian Unity" was
read by Mrs. Durnin,
in trim 'order this year; also
to Wilfred Collinson for trim-
ming and cutting the grass
around the letters at the wee -
ern approach to the villlalge.
A nominating committee of
Mrs. Duncan MacKay, Mrs. Ro-
bert J. Phillips and Mrs, Frank
Raithby was named to bring
pn the 1963 slate of officers at
tale December meeting.
Plans were made to hold a
Cheisstmals party on December
3 with Mrs. ,Gorden R. Taylor,
Mrs. Robert J. Phillips, Mrs.
Frank Ra'ithlby and Mrs. Wil-
liam Sttraugharn to be in charge
of the decorations and the pot-
luck lunch. An exchange of 25
cent gifts will be held with
Mrs. William T. Robison and
Miss Elnnia Match in charge.
Mrs. Duncan MacKay and
Mrs. Wes Bradnock will be the
program committee.
'acrresnoinden:ce was read rby
Mrs. Taylor. Shle' presented the
tax notice on Manchester Gar-
den which the executive in-
structed the treasurer to pay
and.also the Ontario Horticul-
ture dues. A letter was read
concerning the school for judg-
es of flowers to be held in
Hamilton. This was left over
as no members could be found
that wished to attend this two-
day school.
The society wishes to let all
contestants ,tin the contest, "My
Garden Scrapbook", know that
their entries must be in the
hands of the secretary by De-
cember 1 in order to qualify
for the money prizes. The presi-
dent requested that all mem-
bers and friends in the village
would decorate their homes and
grounds for the coming 'Chr'ist-
mas season. The 'hostess serv-
ed 'a delicious lunch assisted by
Mns, Thomas Lawlor,
Goderich Twp. South
Douglas Stirling motored to
Amherstburg on• Saturday. Mrs.
3. R. Stirling accompanied him
and will visit there and in To-
ronto for 'a few days.
Bob and Bill Mcllwain re-
turned Saturday from a hunting
trip in the northern woods.
Their party of ten bagged two
Peter Harrison .has rejoined
the grain carrier, SS Goderich
at Sault Ste. Marie, and the
vessel is continuing its trip
down the lakes.
has been appointed local agent
Cattle Oiler
Can be, quickly installed Or wooden frame
or mounted oh born doorwey.
With .. .
A Refined Mineral Oil
Controls horn flies, lice, ticks and
other biting insects.,
With the addition of proper systemic insecticides
this will control Warble Fly damage.
Clinton Farm Supply
Bayfield Road — CLINtON i u 2-96i3
111 IIIA 'r' l.m, NOY• 2tAf 19 ► -^-c» nto Neuss ;ccgr4r-Par; a
�.�. 0...s .i•9 ��. of
CWL ExecutiYe At St, Paul's
Flight Lieutenant the Rev, R, B, Bussey, Roman Catholic chaplain at RC-
AF Station Clinton has made public the names of the ladies who will guide the
women's activities at St. Paul's Chapel in 1.962.63 They are form left to
right; Mrs, P. Huard, Mrs, P. Peterson, Mrs. Y. Scott, Mrs. M. Royer, Rev. Rich-
ard B. Bussey, Mrs. R. Lapointe, Mrs. B. Betts, Mrs. A. Vezina, Mrs, K. Wick-
ware, Mrs, L. Haspeck, Mrs. A, Thompson,
Adastral Park
Social Notes
News Editor; Anne Aileron. -- Phone HU 2-7349
Sincere congratulation to
F/O and Mrs. J. M, McGilli-
eudy a'n the birth of their son,
Friday 16, in 'Godecich hospital.-
ospital.Mies Pamela Muise, on the
staff of the Bell Telephone in
London will be going to Toronto
for 'a two weeks course.
Corporal D. A. 'Mathews is
on the injured list as a result of
a blew on a cheekbone during
the hockey game last Sunday
afternoon. Cpl. Mathews is pre-
sently !ire 'hospital in London.
Te St. Joseph's Hospital in
London 'again is Mike Huard.
We hope he will return home
very' some
Protestant Chapel Guild
The November meeting of the
Protestant Chapel Guild was
held .in the chapel annex an
Monday, November 12. Th e
meeting was presided over by
Mrs, Ada Koch and here open-
ing greeting was followed by
devotional period led by Maas.
The main item of business
was the tea 'alnd bazaar to be
held in the A/M Hugh Camp-
bell School on November 24
from 2 to 4.30 p.m,
The conveners reported that
completed articles were being
turned in and .that a very suc-
cessful bazaar was anticipated.
Tea tickets are reported still
available at 35 cents.
Conveners for the various
tables are preparing a display
window for Pickett and Camp-
bell Ltd., which will go hi on
Wednesday November 21.
A letter from the ladies of
Wesley -Willis: United Church
inviting members of the Guild
to their 'aiutunnn thank -offering
meeting was read . The presid-
ent urged all members who could
attend to do so, as the special
speaker, Rev. Walton Tong e ,
chaplain of the 'Chung Chi Chr-
istian 'College for 'refugees in
Hong Kong, gave promise of a
very interesting .and worthwhile
Following the business me-
etihug, the ladies of the Catholic
Women's League joined the` lad-
ies of the Protestant Guild to
hear Miss Anna MacDonald,
women's editor, Station 'CKNX,
Wane -ea n, speak on a recent
trip to Jamaica. A delightful
oup of tea provided by the con-
binecl tea conveners' brought an
interesting evening to an end.
Santa To Visit Hensall
Hm.-S'ALL -- S;;unta Claus
will visit Hensall on S'aturda'y
'afternoon, December 15 at 2
o'clak. He Will distribute .candy,
oranges and nuts to' the chillci-
ren, and also supervise a free
picture ehow in the town hall.
The businessmen of Hensaill
have arranged for free skating
in the vidliage ,'arenia for every-
one, each Saturday afterxinoon
during Decen'ilber and January.
Stores will be open every Mon-
day ,in December, as well as
Ftnii'da'y and 'Saturday evenings.
Also, the stones will be open
evenings on December 20,- 21,
22 and 24.
ALL too soon the years of bare summer
feet, sugar -and -butter sandwiches and
cartwheels are yesteryears, Memory fades,
but fine photography comes as close as
people can to capturing and holding child-
For Christmas Portrait
CALL , .
Jervis Studio
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centrates are specially formulated to supplement your grain, by providing these other
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In addition they supply a high level of Vitamin A to promote increased rubien bacteria
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front roughages also.
The result your home grown feeds become more valuable to you for low cost milk
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l REEL There's a brand -hew, oasy-tb-read "Dustbin Mix"
folder waiting for you at our miff. This folder is late
packed with foots and figures to heli you get profitable
28 Huron POO
CUNTON Phone HU 2431115