Clinton News-Record, 1962-11-22, Page 3Coin Collectors at Exhibition The success of the Huron County Numismatic Club's first Annual Exhibi- tion is reflected in the expressions of this group of enthusiasts. From left to right are, guest speaker, Mr. Uttley, Waterloo, member of Waterloo Coin Soc- iety. .Jack Dietrich, RR 2, Clinton, president of Huron County Numismatic Club, Guest speaker, Rod Rekofsky, Waterloo, president of Waterloo Coin Soc- iety; Lloyd T. Smith, London, 1st vice-president of the Ontario Numismatic Society. (News -Record Photo) Be especially careful not to overexert when .the weather turns hot and humid. The heart has to work harder under these conditien's 'the Qntaa'i:o Heart F.Oundartibn says. Hardening of the arteri'es, high (blood pressure and rheu- matic heart diseases cause 95 percent of the deaths attributed to diseases of • the heart and blood vess!ehs. The PARK TheatreGoderich Now ---Nov. 22 -23 -24 --Adult Entertainment "THE INTERNS" Suzy Parker and Cliff Robertson Saturday Matinee only—William Holden & Glenn Ford in "THE MAN FROM COLORADO" --Color MON., TUES., WED. — November 26-27-28 Tense Courtroom Drama "TOWN WITHOUT PiTY 11 Filmed in Europe. From A�MIZIAMC� Manfred Gregor's shocking novel. REST /11(71r° PT r o Starring 191949101119119101181 Kirk Douglas -- Christine Kaufman -- Robert Blake THUR., FRI., SAT. -- November 29-30, Dec. 1 "TARZAN GOES TO INDiA An Edgar Rice Burroughs' Adventure—In Technicolor Starring Jock Mahoney and Simi Jai • J Business and Professional. Directory INSURANCE H. E. HARTLEY All Types of Life Term Insurance — Annuities CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Clinton, Ontario K. W. COLQUHOUN INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phones: Office HU 2-9747 Res. HU 2-7556 THE WEST WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, DUNGANNON Established 1878 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, B r o w n Smyth, Dungannon; Vice -Pres., Herson Irwin, Belgrave; Directors, Paul 'aesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, Goderith; Ross Mc- Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich; Allan Maclntyre, R. 5, Lucknow; Wm. Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your in- surance, call your nearest direc- tor who is also an agent, or the secretary, Frank F. Thompson, Dungannon. 27-tfb OPTOMETRY J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined OPTICIAN Oculists' Prescriptions Filled Includes Adjustments At No Further Charge Clinton—Mondays Only 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Clinton Medical Centre 44 Rattenbury Street West Seaforth--Weekdaya except Mondays, ground floor. Phone 791 G. B. CLANCY, O.D. — OPTOMETRIST — For Appointment Phone JA 4-7251 GODERICH 38-tfb PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario Telephone Box JA 4-9521 478 A. M. HARPER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 33 HAMILTON ST. TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONT. JA 4-7562 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Office -- Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: . ToWn Dwellings • All Classes Of Parris Property • Sunimer Cottages . Churches, Schools, Hails Zxtended coVera'ge (wind, Smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) IS also available. AGtNTS: James keys, Rlt t, Seafortii; V. r. Lane, AR 5, Sea- Retold Sq'illlnes, twltiton George Coyne, Dublin; 3onatd G. Paten, forthf Wm, Leiper, Jr., Lbndesboro, Selwyn Bakery Brussels; Sea.toltrth • United Church Men Re-elect Wingham Man ' United 'Church Men of Huron Presbytery at their annual rally m Ontario Street United Chur- ch recently re:-eltcted Wilfred Caslick, Wingham, as president. Others elected to the 1963 slate: Honourary presid'enit, Rev. J. C. Britton, Seafozrth; past president, Robert South- cott, Exeter; secretary, Kenmeh E. Woods, Wingham; treasurer, Gilbert Beelcrolit, RR 1, Bel - grave; zone chairman, Lorne Honking, Londesboro; Ronald Mock, Hensall; William Leem- ing, 1318 2, Warton; George Da- vis, Clinton; Clayton Shackle- ton, Wingham; Kenneth Gra- ham, Fordlwich; Bert Dunn, Bayfield and J. A. Snider, God- erioh. A banquet attended by upwards of 200 preceeded the annual meeting. Guest speaker was Collin Mc- Nainn, of the University of Western Ontario who was •a member of the "Crossroads' Af- rica" 1962 team. Mr. McNaartn told of his experiences; in South- ern Rhodesia and mentioned the work of the 300 crossroads .members including 18 Canad- ians. He said the idea of the ven- ture is to exchange ideas, break down cultural barriea-s and a challenge to meet the need of the new continent. Ma. McNairn said •Crossroads Africa opemis up a new bridge of friendship with the ,opportunity to know one another ,better. Hopes are that 30 percent of those visiting the different countries will return to render their services in some capacity. LORA CARD PARTY ON SATURDAY NIGHT The regular carrd party of the LORA was, held! on Saturday, November 17 with a good at- tendance Prize winners were ladies high, Mars. Wilfred Col- elaugh; :lone hands, Mrs. Tom Leppington; law, Mrs, Gertrude Glazier; menls high, Frank An- drews; lone hands, Art Huck; consolation, Jack Cr'ee, A mys- tery dlratw was won by Frank Andrews. munch was: served. 300 Attend Coin Club's First Exhibition Here An estimaited 300 coin collect- oils ani; interested': people $roan X11 var'to of southwestern Qa ta'rio thmerki .put Sunday after, noon to Hunan 04uoty Nome- mat'ic Club's first coin exhxbi- tion, he'1d in. Legion Memorials Hell, Dirk Street,. .Clinton, Highlighting the many ex- hibits Mas. the "Golds Coins of the World" display by Lloyd T, Sanith, I:om'don. The coins, insured for�/ $10,000, carded in size from 14 inch in diameter to ahnost 3 tmchos and Were every shape 'fr'om square to donut shaped. Another London exhibit of Coins of ,the Wonrid was displayed ed by Howard Whit- .fi'eld. Thee poi'ns, representing 125 ancient and modern count- ries dated as fax back as 120 BC. The Huron Numismatic Club, completing its (first year with a membership of over 50, had many members displaying their collections, J, Burke, Goderioh, displayed his int'ere'sting Can- adian coin and bill collection; Wes Bradnock, Auburn, Foreign and Canadian Bins; Bill Mc- Ash, Varna, Canadian silver dollars, Patrick Meilligan', Clinton had an ;interesting Show of the dlif- ferent vari'eti'es of 1962 cents, caused by die defects. Mr. Mei- ligan exgiai!ned the :reason for the unusual number of defective coins as .due to the sales tax which had the mint running at full capacity to supply the needed amount of new Pennies. • Jack Dietrricah, RIR 2, Clinton, -Canadian Service Medals and an unusual collection. of ancient coins f ori the periods of many historic rulers dated from ap- proximately 100 B.C. t o 400 A. D. J o e Trynchuck, Clinton had a coin display. Doug Mai ', Clinton Canadian cents; Mrs. Muriel Mack, Cred- iton, Canadian coinage and M'rs. Staldelanann, Blyth, Swiss gold pieces. Ample use was made of the coin appraisal service under the 'expert eyes of Pat Du. mayne ,arid Bill McAssh. Joe Trynchuck .displayed the var- ious library- material available. Mrs. Tack Dietrick was in ch. targe of the Bourse table and Carl Radford, Crediton, 'hand- le'd nurntismatic supplies. At 3:30 Mr. Uttley of the Waterloo Coin Society gave ,an interesting and well illustrated talk -aro displaying coins:. He discussed many inexpensive but .attractive methods the average coll'e'ctor. could utilize. Mr. Uttley's speech was fol- lowed by a coin auction with Mr. L. T. Smith, London, as ,auctioneer. The high price of the .auction was $24 paid for ,an 1889 Canadian quarter. Bid - .spent mom, than $150 on a very good selection of coins. Following the auction 52 members and guests attended a delicious turkey supper at Hotel Clinton. Staited at the head table were Lloyd T. Smith, London, f rst vice-president of the .On. taro Numismatic Association, and editor of the London Num - ate Society (many of the menvbera were •aquainted witch Mir. Smith through his nunvi;s- Martie column int the London Free Press); Jack Dietrich, president of Huron County Numismatic Club; Mr, Uttley, of the Waterloo Coin Society; ?dad Rekofsky president of the Waterloo Coin Society and founder of the Ontario NUM/s- martie ui s-martie Association. Other guests included Mrs. Mueller, Water- loo, secretary for the ONA amid Mr. Mueller, first vice -President of the WCS; Howard Whitfield, London, treasurer of the Len - don Numismatic Society and Mayor W. .1..Miller, Clinton. Supper was followedby 'a talk on: coin photography, ex- cellently illustrated with colour Mrs J. !. Fre,ntgni Fkunerai .service was' eondltgct- eii rYn kP.day, Novegx>,ber 16 at the 133a11I and 4utch funeral home, 155 High Street, for Mrs Jeseph ientry Free- maau, who passed away suddenly an Tuesday, November 13, in Hullett Township. The Rev. grant L. Mills, Ontario Street United Church officiated and in. terment was in Clinton 'Ceme- Pall -bearers were four sons of the deceased, Douglas, Har- ry, Louis and Clarence Free- man, all of Clinton; sans -in- saw of the deceased!, Cale Dou- cette, Clinton and Frank Wil- liams, Guelph, Flower -bearers were granddomss, Donald Shana- han, Chippewa; Gary Freeman, Clinton; Wayne Williams, Han- over and Joseph Williams, Guelph.. Born on May 6, 1890, at Suns nerhi'l1, the daughter of slides given by Mr. Rekofsky. Jack Dietrich ,presented the guests with a token of apprec- iation and adjourned the pro- ceedings. Women's Institutes Are Praised by Huron C.A,S. (The following is a letter received by the secretary -tress- isrer of ttllhe West Huron Dist- rict concerning the Children's Aid Society of Huron County.) The members of the Women's Institutes of Huron' County are to be highly commended for the project they have been working on during the past two years. It is already 'bearing fruit. "At their 1960 annual rally the WI members unanimously decided to establish a bursary for a Huron County guys or bay in the care of the Child- ren's Aid Society, to .l!oarn a trade by which he or site could earn a 'living by working with his .hands. "This fund is called "The Huron County Women's Instit- ute Bursary Fund for the Ch- ildren's Aid Society for Huron County" and is not to be used for the higher education brack- et teenager, Anyone wishing to contribute to this fund may do so. The bursary is to he used at the discretion of the Children's Aid Society Board, and upon recommendation of the local director. "This year two girls have beenu nsisisted by this 'fund in courses at schools of hair de- sign!. This cost approximately $400 for the first six months. Included an this amount is tu- ition, uniforms and kit. It us- ually takes about eight months to complete the course and ex- aminations. Both girls chosen this year have no one but the Children's Aid to 'help them. They are most appreciative of this op- portunity to achieve their chosen careers and are ,doing so very well in, their work. The Child- ren's Aid has received splendid progress reports from the Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE HU 2-7712 At other times contact Local Representative --A, W. Steep—HU 2-6642 21tfb .Furniture T he Ideal Christmas Gift for Mom ... or The Home ! Make your Christmas Gift one or more of the beautiful CHESTERFIELD GROUPINGS shown, here Let us help you choose a suite to blend into the co16r scheme of .your living room. WE WILL DELIVER YOUT, SUITE TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO ON CIIRISTIVCAS EVE FIT ANYONE'S BUDGET No Carrying Charges at Peattie Purniture Beattie F Phone HU 2.9521 Clinton. Ont. schools, "Huron County can w01 be proud of their women who are undertaking such worthy pro- jects through the Women's In- stitutes. " Thurs., Nov,. 3, 1943-- Clinton: ;News-Recor..d–,-Page 3 llzr a'nd WS. John Johnston, she was 7ay4 a Pears Johnston, .gibe nnarried Toseph Henry Freennan. on ,714,1e 16, X908, and lived( alli of cther fife 'in'inthe Cl'in- ton, d�iat 1, $ s ivin!g are four soak Harry, Loi an' l -1)01701:e7, alt of Ciintgn and two daughters, ;Mrs'. Frank (Thede) Williams, Guelph and Mrs. Cale (Vera)'Doucette, Clinton; ane sister, Mrs, F. Provost, Port Huron and grand- chlildren, Mrs. Don Shanahan, Chppewa; Gary, and Donafda Freemlam�, Clinton; Wayne, Tay dila and • Joseph T�iiiiliams', Guelph ,and Maz'ian Doucette, Clinton; great gr'antlehu dren, Kevin, Karen and Kathy Shwa - :hen Chippewa. There were 1,954,000 eonrvic- bionsl for parking offences in Canada in 1960, H. K, Nusgrave New SFA Head A, H, K, Musgrave, Clazrks- burg, a!n' .apple grower, moved up to the presidency .of the Oritarip Federation} .of Agrioul-. tore .last w.eel, at the anMua1 meeting of that group 1n Tor, onto. The Rev, A, H. Daynard, Sta$13a, is the member on the board, of governors represenhing this area, known as Zone Two, arid made up of brute, Huron. Grey, Perth; Wellington and Waterloo. Leadership of this, the ;senior farm group in Ontario, is 'cis- tonnarrily held for a two year term. Mr. Musgrave succeeds William Tilden. g/at GODERICH , OMT, Sorry{ no dance Saturday, November 24 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st "The Crescendos" DANCING TO THE SOUND OF THE 60's ' WE CATER TO LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, WEDDINGS, ETC. EVERYONE WELCOME! Tea and of Wing New Hair Styles by EDITH ANNE HAIR FASHIONS LADY WINDSOR WiGS Guest Hair Stylist ---- Miss Karen, Woodstock MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 AT EDiTH ANNE HAIR FASHIONS CORNER OF RATTENBURY and GIBBINGS STREETS, CLINTON 3-5 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. DOOR PRIZE — $15.00 PERMANENT Sponsored by Kinette Club of Clinton SiLVER COLLECTION—KIN'ETTE WELFARE WORK PROCLAMATION MUNICIPAL ELECTION Town of Clinton NOMINATIONS ELECTION Monday, Nov. 26 Monday, Dec 3 NOTICE Is Hereby Given That a Meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the Positions of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, 'Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioners and Public School Board for the Ensuing Term will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the TOWN HALL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1962 Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening. JOHN LIVERMORE, Returning Officer And if Necessary, an Election to Fill the Above Named Positions Will Be Held On MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1962 at the Following Places and by the following Named Persons, That is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer Ernest Radford. ST. JAMES' WARD— At the Legion Hall, Kirk St. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Margaret MacDonald. ST. JOHN'S WARD— At the Ball -Macaulay Show Room, King St, Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Charlotte Freeman. ST. GEORGE'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Marion Andrews. Commencing �t the Hour of Nine O'clock in the Forenoon and Continuing until the Hour of Six O'clock in the Afternoon and the Results Will be Publicly Declared in the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1962, at 12 O'clock Noon.. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk and Returning Officer NOTICE Every nomination shall be in writing ands late t the Candidate ,esidence, and oc- he name res cup and the resi- dence and occupation of the proposer and seconder and shaft be signed by the proposer and seconder,, both of whom shall be municipal electors and present, and shall be filed with the returning officer within one hour from • the opening of the nomination meet- ing. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is evidence satis- factory to the returning officer that he Consents to be so nominated, 45*Gb 1,15" sofa. From $159.00 104" sofa. From $120.00 Small li--7- Na"m'""m I Large cornetgrougthg• �s+rms .er Frorn$199.50 ',' �, (Ieterchahrje tablo to and m.tchtn4 foes Cushions with it tap o1 tho wrist.) tornetgrouping, From $10.00 Let us help you choose a suite to blend into the co16r scheme of .your living room. WE WILL DELIVER YOUT, SUITE TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED TO ON CIIRISTIVCAS EVE FIT ANYONE'S BUDGET No Carrying Charges at Peattie Purniture Beattie F Phone HU 2.9521 Clinton. Ont. schools, "Huron County can w01 be proud of their women who are undertaking such worthy pro- jects through the Women's In- stitutes. " Thurs., Nov,. 3, 1943-- Clinton: ;News-Recor..d–,-Page 3 llzr a'nd WS. John Johnston, she was 7ay4 a Pears Johnston, .gibe nnarried Toseph Henry Freennan. on ,714,1e 16, X908, and lived( alli of cther fife 'in'inthe Cl'in- ton, d�iat 1, $ s ivin!g are four soak Harry, Loi an' l -1)01701:e7, alt of Ciintgn and two daughters, ;Mrs'. Frank (Thede) Williams, Guelph and Mrs. Cale (Vera)'Doucette, Clinton; ane sister, Mrs, F. Provost, Port Huron and grand- chlildren, Mrs. Don Shanahan, Chppewa; Gary, and Donafda Freemlam�, Clinton; Wayne, Tay dila and • Joseph T�iiiiliams', Guelph ,and Maz'ian Doucette, Clinton; great gr'antlehu dren, Kevin, Karen and Kathy Shwa - :hen Chippewa. There were 1,954,000 eonrvic- bionsl for parking offences in Canada in 1960, H. K, Nusgrave New SFA Head A, H, K, Musgrave, Clazrks- burg, a!n' .apple grower, moved up to the presidency .of the Oritarip Federation} .of Agrioul-. tore .last w.eel, at the anMua1 meeting of that group 1n Tor, onto. The Rev, A, H. Daynard, Sta$13a, is the member on the board, of governors represenhing this area, known as Zone Two, arid made up of brute, Huron. Grey, Perth; Wellington and Waterloo. Leadership of this, the ;senior farm group in Ontario, is 'cis- tonnarrily held for a two year term. Mr. Musgrave succeeds William Tilden. g/at GODERICH , OMT, Sorry{ no dance Saturday, November 24 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st "The Crescendos" DANCING TO THE SOUND OF THE 60's ' WE CATER TO LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS, WEDDINGS, ETC. EVERYONE WELCOME! Tea and of Wing New Hair Styles by EDITH ANNE HAIR FASHIONS LADY WINDSOR WiGS Guest Hair Stylist ---- Miss Karen, Woodstock MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 AT EDiTH ANNE HAIR FASHIONS CORNER OF RATTENBURY and GIBBINGS STREETS, CLINTON 3-5 p.m. and 8-10 p.m. DOOR PRIZE — $15.00 PERMANENT Sponsored by Kinette Club of Clinton SiLVER COLLECTION—KIN'ETTE WELFARE WORK PROCLAMATION MUNICIPAL ELECTION Town of Clinton NOMINATIONS ELECTION Monday, Nov. 26 Monday, Dec 3 NOTICE Is Hereby Given That a Meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the Positions of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve, 'Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioners and Public School Board for the Ensuing Term will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS of the TOWN HALL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26th, 1962 Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening. JOHN LIVERMORE, Returning Officer And if Necessary, an Election to Fill the Above Named Positions Will Be Held On MONDAY, DECEMBER 3rd, 1962 at the Following Places and by the following Named Persons, That is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer Ernest Radford. ST. JAMES' WARD— At the Legion Hall, Kirk St. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Margaret MacDonald. ST. JOHN'S WARD— At the Ball -Macaulay Show Room, King St, Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Charlotte Freeman. ST. GEORGE'S WARD— At the Council Chambers. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. Marion Andrews. Commencing �t the Hour of Nine O'clock in the Forenoon and Continuing until the Hour of Six O'clock in the Afternoon and the Results Will be Publicly Declared in the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 4th day of December, 1962, at 12 O'clock Noon.. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk and Returning Officer NOTICE Every nomination shall be in writing ands late t the Candidate ,esidence, and oc- he name res cup and the resi- dence and occupation of the proposer and seconder and shaft be signed by the proposer and seconder,, both of whom shall be municipal electors and present, and shall be filed with the returning officer within one hour from • the opening of the nomination meet- ing. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper shall not be valid unless there is evidence satis- factory to the returning officer that he Consents to be so nominated, 45*Gb