HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-22, Page 1J . .
thenew;; that Kenneth G. Wait No, 47 --The How i'.gpeK With the News C4INTON, ONT�►RlO,''TF�URSpAY, .�10YE,MBBR 22,. 1962 $a.00 Per Yegr---1,0 Ceni�s Rehr Copy
ers. is among ten people look. 9.
_. _.
ang for 'a Control Of
the Tor,au'uta
Board of Conl4ol .. . 1 Of these F � '. i i�t a Y � �m� *D XARI '4 .e:'. • 1
hexa four till!, be elected ,y,� r a ' `; ig ., .. Highway Accident Saturday
will .. i l ` ''£*d..x n.a' y yd' a ',qz f,�\.,.`a:•�. Commencement t�'1�i�y��•�i�l��l�l��l,�i��,��
Now it may not seem riot to � � � � � min � y l . .
be, u4'dvising the big city people � �.
'what to db .. but iropey �* '� '� s ?x
db 'when ;1s 'best for their city n4x'i3:
.. we b0leve -they should
,' g For
To-M' him on, to that board' ... �t,i ... i p.,...... € :. �V1 T, oil ow
of Clinton in 1W0 ... be was
a young man with ideas, ,and
a way of getting things done
The town was too small
however, and he sought his for-
tune in the Queen City ...
operating a florist business
there . , . He served on school
board for +a couple of yearn,
and then became an alderman
,in ward one ... where he 'has
remained for the Vast 9 years
Now he's making a bN
far a bigger ja`b We'd
pike to see him .get it .
a �
which many good news items
have Itheir source is indicating
that thele may be -some -action,
on Amiliriation might. yet .
We thought that all' we *.needed
to do was predict acclamations
all, -mound ,and ls'ome'bodY would
set out to 'prove zas -wrong ...
In any case, there are certaan'ly
a .lot of capable people in, Cl-.
Onto n who could serve the 'town
.vreay well In 'capacity of. coun-
d2l!ar, school board member or
some such t'hft, . .
* * ip
maims street will. 'be :the prettiest
this Christmas ever•More '
lighing :has been added by PUC i
worlanen ... -arid when the
power Is turned on, should, be
't Ito,wdl Th mown
CDCI Expecting 1,100
point, already . That mush
A total of $5,dJ00 in cash,,
John Alexander McEwen
the weslt to the east sidle of
tended -at the Scene. An inquest
z , _
B FallFl!gh'ted,
bursaries and merchandise will
life�Zorug xesidhaat of Brucefield
the highway, just before six
will be held, for whleh the
Last week rat the' mee ftg o8 this enir•ol went, plans were
'District Collegiate In- to the.
be.vr%on'ted to students and
an eonnrriumtit was instants y
o'clock. He was struck b a
' y
.dalt,e is not set, am'd Dr, J. C.
have been at �Ch,urch,ill, Mani-
stintute Board, principal, D. J.
metal shop to a welding shop,
graduates, at Cltinton; District
kill on Saturday night,
� S �. g , as
car travelling north, diliven ,by
Goddard, Hensall is coronet=,
Their tbree-year-old' daughter,
Cdllegiate Institute to -morrow
he crossed Highway 4 on his
Hugh Lloyd Fuller, 24, 86 Mani-
The ,accident was investriga,ted
27' after','te , "months of .. iti�'e,aSt
night, November 23, cit the
way home for Supper.
calm, Goderich, in the east lane
by Constable Bev. Hilt, Ontario
operaOng with Clinton In, the
in weldfing.
commencement exercises- plan,
Mr. McEwen had been at
of -the highway, about 200 feet
Provincial P.ol!ice, God'erieh.
which she was 'born with ...
tthere would be 1,100 enrolled
of October was, reported for
next br the auditorium in the
Paterson s Grocery store, and
north of the intersection.
Funeral service was conduct,
further checking .. , Mrs.
of srhlool.
was going home walking from
i D2; A. Addison, Clinton, at-
_ed on Tuesday afternXm, Nov-
attendance of 96.52 percent:
Adcintians to the string of
The 'b'oard authorized a bus
ember 20 ,at the Brucefiead Un -
trap to London; for one of the
iawards available, have been
ii o& i'h•ght up to last weed,
CanvassersDinner Set
Zted Church .by the Rey. H. A.
Johnston, Pa11-bearers were
Swealgard reports being, very
•be overcrowded by the .fall of
when, word was recerived that
busy, ,and! the: Sunday School
Gregor McGrgor, Jahn Modiat
The 'board! also authorized
growing steadily' ....
Janet Henderson had' received
errs- Atkinson Foundation burs•
purchase of now vacuum clean-
Hospital Funds Drive
and Basil O'Rourke, and thrree
beds of session, Norman
and Bonnie Ham'ittorr had
eX ��%eer
! aus
Zicem, W+il1'iam Fotheringhaanbeen
Norman, Counter pointed out
Ex l
given the third Cartel
to K i n s m n
that eight teachers .had missed
days in October -owing colds,
and William D. Wilson.
scholarship avarlalble In thi's
„ „
A "kick -oft" rl'inner was hili
Judge Frank Finglan:d, a far-
Flower-+bear'ers were Norman
Baird, John Beaare and, other
civic night, the Kinsmen Club
Always k t secret until
in Hotel Clinton.± last night at
mer member of the hospital
members of the session. In -•
mately $15,000, a board again
Cbunmencement night are the
which a dozen ,team captains
were briefed on their jobs' with
board, recalled that Clinton,
Public Hospital 'had: always been
torment ,was; inn Baird's Ceme-
two spouts club awards', m'adl
by tine club members them-
regard to leadiav a door-to-dboi
8in'anced! by
y gifts donations; and
y Towwnsh'
terry, Ste Township,
Born, on August, 7, 1877, an
was added at a cost of $130,000.
canvas's of in the town
bequesyts, Now that ,the OHS'C
the Stamey Township farm. wth-
;, ,
Miss Bonnie Hamilton will
to raise an, estimated, $65,000
had, taken over the problem of
ere he ,farmed until. moving
At the present time a renova-
deelivex the valedictory address
to complete pay�rrg for the new
operating expenses, pawn
to the vflllage 'in September of
at� ;titre conclusion of the pro-
was' still in a position, ,to main-
1960 '
, Mm. MoEyzem� was the sorer
.O.f the $164,000 which the Clin-
there they needed bettweeri 3-4
Chaarnlan was Orval L, En-
taro the building and equip-
of !the late Duncan McEwen
by the late Dr. Gunn in 1905
gelstad. Cha'irm'an of the Clip-
ment In, the same way.
and 1VTamgaret Mustard.
Mr. Menzies explained the
Tuesday, November 20, to open
ton H'osphal Board Harold C.
"One thing is sure," said -theHe
married Lillian Stevens
the cornier of Victoria and Cut-
ed the support of the Kinsmen
business ,adhnis� strator`s posi-
ter Streets. In 1908 he received
Lawson pointed out that the
Judge,. "the money you need is
aril Jude 16 1.921
Kinsmen 'Learn of Clinton Hospital Funds Campaign In Third Year U Ontario HosptWl , Services Com- in the community, People .in Mr. McEwen was aactive
pmission does not pay for cap- the .area have 'been served well
muber of Bznzcefielrl Presby -
E. Beecher Menzies (seated right) of the fund-raising committee of Clin- ital expense, and' fundis- for this ,by this. hosrpital. for years. They ter+ian Church, and after union,ton Public Hospital Board, was guest speaker at Clinton Kinsmen Club annual Gets County raze -purpose must be raised by the have always been willing to of Brsucefie].d United Church.
press and civic night. Pictured here getting the facts on the hospital funds GODERIm varria ant Hen- Pe'opl'e- support a worthy cause,' -and Heserved as marrager far many
drive in which the Kinsmen CIub will be canvassers, are President Frank Cook, sal!l students have won Huron there is 'no reason to supose suppose and then as a menter
also a member of the hospital board, seated left; standing left to right, three County scholarwships at the Un� they are: not just , willliu•ng to, of session Wtfi his death. He
banker Kinsmen, Ernie Morel, accountant, Bank of Montreal; Andy Peterson, kersi�ty of Western Ontario, Two o Properties s'p°ft this one' taught Sunday School and' 'head,
treasurer of Clinton Community Credit Union, and Al Johnson, accountant, of county em er was adK�ised ;at • 1 years
figured that n- sung In the choir.
the Royal Bank of Canada. its November' session by reg- the 30 years hie plait been coai� A staunch Liberal, he served
Y (News -Record Photo)-, , •imar J. K. Watson.. He asted Bung Scouted netted with the hospital there the Huron Liberal: Association
public workg men put 'up 'a
Christmas tree on Post Office
CDCI Expecting 1,100
point, already . That mush
be a near record for the pre-
Yule.season .. • and at will �Students
B FallFl!gh'ted,
too, ofcourse ...
Last week rat the' mee ftg o8 this enir•ol went, plans were
'District Collegiate In- to the.
Mrs. Kenneth Sweiglard whoClinton
maw convert present
have been at �Ch,urch,ill, Mani-
stintute Board, principal, D. J.
metal shop to a welding shop,
toba for several years .
Cochrane ,reported that the
the better to fit in with the
Their tbree-year-old' daughter,
best predletions' that could be
new courses,. Shop dhrector R:
Daphne is hbnn�e until. F'ebrL=7
made; aper coriisultimg' principals
Harland' pointed. out it'he meed
27' after','te , "months of .. iti�'e,aSt
in. . t'he other three, schools co-
an lies area for people' skilled
memt ,at the Shrhwr's Hospital
operaOng with Clinton In, the
in weldfing.
Winnipeg fol.• a �,��ed hip,
carnposite school here, was that
Total enrolment at the end
which she was 'born with ...
tthere would be 1,100 enrolled
of October was, reported for
and ibhen, must go hack f o;
next September at the, openhig
775 students with 43 of these
further checking .. , Mrs.
of srhlool.
in. Grade 13, and •aur avertage
Sweiigard sent along a picture
The new structure is being
attendance of 96.52 percent:
of Datphnie . , . ,arid ,also a col-
built with .a planned capacity
The 'b'oard authorized a bus
our photo of ,a polar bear wh-
of 1,250 students. The probab-
trap to London; for one of the
ich Ken had oaken ... Mrs.
hlity is that the building will
grades to see Shaw's "Arms
Swealgard reports being, very
•be overcrowded by the .fall of
.and the Mann'.
busy, ,and! the: Sunday School
The 'board! also authorized
growing steadily' ....
In order to help cope with
purchase of now vacuum clean-
Hospital Funds Drive
er at a cast of about $400, and
purchase oaf blinds; for the old
1'ilbrary, and the downstairs
home economh'ds room.
Norman, Counter pointed out
Ex l
a i n d
to K i n s m n
that eight teachers .had missed
days in October -owing colds,
and suggested getting them,
For their, annual press and
given as a ,hospital. Renovated
some vitannan pallLs.
George Flakoner reported
civic night, the Kinsmen Club
in 1935 at a cost of approxi-•
that work on the draki .across
of Clinton lead E. Beecher Men-
mately $15,000, a board again
the back parking lot had been
zies; local solicitor . as guest
headed by Dr. Shaw was in
approved, •arid nit •would go for-
speaker: Most appropriate for
charge. In 1947 the south wing
ward: soon. Fainters were to
such an occasion was the speak-
was added at a cost of $130,000.
stanTt work 'in the new library'
er's address on the current
In 1952 'the nurses residence
Ori Thursday.
fund-raising campaign 'of the
was built.
Irvh* Tebbutt reported that
Clinton .Public hospital Board
At the present time a renova-
Paul, Jameson haat been hired,
of which he is a member.
tion arid 20 -bed addition is in
:to -assist in the English depart -
Mr; Menzies reviewed the
progress at a cost of $334,000.
merit. The inspectors had told.
history •of hospitals in Clinton;
.O.f the $164,000 which the Clin-
there they needed bettweeri 3-4
the first hospital 'beitng started
ton Board were obliged to
more teachers for English..
by the late Dr. Gunn in 1905
raise, they still require $65,000..
A meeting had been set for
in the building now known as
Mr. Menzies explained the
Tuesday, November 20, to open
Commercial Inn Apartments at
fund-raising campaign and ask-
the 45 applications .received) for
the cornier of Victoria and Cut-
ed the support of the Kinsmen
business ,adhnis� strator`s posi-
ter Streets. In 1908 he received
Club as Canvassers. ,If we
tion, made necessary by the
a charter to operate a public
fail an this canvass for funds
resignation of H'arol'd C. Timv-
hospital. The late Dr. J. W.
we wall .have failed our fore:
son, who 'has been secretary-
Shaw was chairman of the
feathers in their foresight," said
treasurer for .a number of
:hoard. Closed during Worlds War
the speaker. He was referring
I, the hospital opened again
to the whole -hearted support
The name of the school was
in 1919 with a ladies board as
given to former campaigns for
changed' toCentral Huron: Sec-
funds for 'hospital renovations
ondary School: (to take Wept
In 1923 the McTaggart pro-
and additions,
January 1). This was not ,ac-
perty on Shipley Street was
The speaker was introduced
comrplish,ed( withoult some
des -by
Don Kay and thanked by
(Continued on Page Seven)
and School
Mast Edgar
Kinsmen business ,at this
included hockey
� �
- "IdIng Fence
Hear 9MO Address
meeting minor
plans, getting started on their
Special speaker Ib• t�
annual toy repairing Campaign
mon`th's: meeting of Cltihgtm
and plans for Christmas tree
F; ark
Pub1c School Hame arild, S!ciipoli
sales. The club gave $35 to
Association will be T. Murray
the Clinton Santa Claus paradeAnother
Goderich, thee bin-
.and treats event and appointed
ertgethicy measures• co-ordinator
David Beattie, Keith Salzma��t
The park bo�sid d'ia.s ron,tinuad
for the county.
avid Larry Jones as repreSenta-
a longterm. proleet to fence the
The- xn eetrmg convenes at $. 0
tives to the parade committee.
Clinton Comae unity Park, by
p.m. lis the ;audkori'uah of the
V6rmer Clinton Karisman
erecting,abouit 500 feet of linked
01attorn public Sdhool on ThUO3-
l3nllle Hahiy, now of Goderaeh
frost fence along the' sidle o& the
day, Novernb'ei 29 Vol]owing
Kinsmen,, requested financial
park to t'he inorth of the main
the tddress by Mr, 1Vlacbonald,
support from the Clinton club
gate': In d'onng so, the board
when be will outline coursers'
toward the electric organ be.
hiasr included the street allow.
of action ;iii dose- of an +erner-�
ing Installed at Huronview,
arn'cc refit at the chic, of Beech
genre, A questrion mull answer
Guests 'at the press and civic
period wulZ be held,
nil ht banquet 'were 1VI:zj�or Wil-
lit rills title year's ago that
Liam J, Millet; P/L Cain
the first section of fend- was
'Wright, mayor of the RCAP
erected to ,the south of the
Station permanent inarried
bat hiiouse at the swimming po-
•h Low Iigli Low
quga tern; Polida Chief H, Rug-
ol, anld a Iegi9m, of about 250
sell Thompson; A. L, Colqu�
feet was done, . -at that time.,
Novy 15 45 36 41 24
I-,oun of the N'e'ws.AZe ord and
The next s'ecto n to be fenced,
16 41 32' 57 34
,. .., ,..
,,e Ott daily
� . Muir 1 Tr y news
ba1�y' m!ext sniarirner, will �be
17 46 92 47 3(l,
a. ' re tier; Stewart Tay.
pap" po f y
; : _:
alt ;tho � src� o$ the park, .aw
8 4 2 35 N
_. _ _
lot' reSiddit. Clinton Lions
� p ,
15jig, , ; `'" • .
Iarrg WMIh!exii Street. plans call
i .
1.9 37 19 30 1,0
.... .. _
Club, J, Douglas Tli'orndike
,a f n : all iblr ea ce all 2aou�riv:1 tfie, ,park,
, '
'20 4+1 9 32 23
pxeS(c%:ttt, . Clint6h Legion, a'hd
with the +etc of the ,al, e�
! 1f 45 � 31( ,,,,23
Erid Collins president, Huk6h
irl xi]itatrrieside oP the area, Thi
Tfain4. ,3+l, m'i. Aaln,. ,0 in,
Fish Game Coriservatioii
k klig be cloatio "' funds ds� b�
'Show" S in.
bbft* d bXe,
Mark Bender, Marna, and Mins was prolbably $100,000 given for 25 years gas secretary, and
Clinton Cubs Need E..J'aane Hortton, Heausan. voluntarily to the institution continued his active support
• "'jMr, Bendier;" the letter stat_ For Post Office outside of the major gifts by of the party.
Some More Leaders ed, "Is, now registered in the (By W.D.D.) the .Rance -and McTaggart fam-. Ile ns Survived by his wife;
Clinton Cubs need -the assts- third year H6,ours! Arts, and ilies, one daughter, Mrs. Russell
hence .of more leaders. Anyone bad an..aver4age of 85 percent an Consideration of a site` for "My own, experience is," he (Margaret) Zurbi-igg, Wing-
rnterested in :the worth while his least ye'ar's work. Miss Har- locating ,the proposed new fed:- said, ''twat when you want a ham; bolo gnanddaughrteas, Pat-
sea-vace, in the commune tom's general average was. 75 era] building (or post office)
shoulcl� contact Duff Th �', � in Clinton,:is continwin hospital�,y+au want it in. a hurry." rieia 7,urrbx7igg sand Marlene Mc-
ompson, percent in her second year Hon- 'g• Dr. Walter A. Oakes outlined Ewen; Two sons' predeceased
edrd of the boys' ,axed' girls cath; ours French: and! Latin:" About two weeks ago, reap- what the n'ew wing would• pro- h!ian, Duncan in 1942 and Walt.
rrnittee of Clinton Liens Club ':On behaiif of the University resenitatives .of the federal d`e- vide: increased bed capacity, er in 1952. Also, one sds'ter,
which sponsors the group, or antsy I express aur �thiannk's for pai•trnent of Public Works werte with 20 beds in the new wing Mrs. Hugh' (Margaret) Giln wie
Lennard Fawcett, one of the the encouragement and support in town, considering the lot equipped' with piped in oxygen predeceased him.
Cub Leaders. `;. pu gnbe•stvdentssuch as these. . to ,the soult'•h of WesleyWillis �amd. sggtion, etc.;. a new labour o
ilm3ted •ChorL*Yr. Included is a . ,..•�, •,x•-.. r
vacant lot f=oih which Tom na ro�arn. anal "delivery' i c�onii; "`i�wv' `' �....�.
" Chuter recently removed a kitchen ,and e; storage new 1ruci ffid m R
k1l C Invited To nurseswalk-in,
cafeteria; storage roams,
house; a double :house, occupied walk-in refrigerator; new aper- •
by the Freeman family ,and ,ating room with modern, equipthe dry - Overpass Badge
See Santa December 4thmingo'el'at'ed cl'eamatng establishment mens •and corvve n then large�+p by Bert G1idY1'ononfloor; station en the groundToo Low to Pass Street. floor; improvennemrts in Ovate••
No word, has, been h.e a2 d supply, sewage, heading, .plant: An estimated $5,000 damage
Santa Claus will visit Clirrtton Institute Cadet Carps Band. from the department since that move convenient location for of- was done early Monday moM,
this year with considerably Some local:.businessmen are time.fire near the front door. Ing to a tractor trailers loaded
more dash and splendor than entering floats inn the parade, Another property under con- E. Beecher Menzies outlined with ,insulati:on. The trunk, pro-
past Yule seasons. There and more of these will be wed- sideration is that of Ball -Mac- details of the campaign,, with ceedang into Clinton -on t h e
wnli be two bands, .galla floats, comed. Anyone interested sh- aulay Ltd. on King Street, in- each of the team captains in Bayfield. road, was too high to
and' a treat .for all the childIren. ould' contact Gordon Herman, cludling the ,building and lum- charge of 8-10 canvassers, and go under the CNR overheard
The date set for Tuesday chairman of that part of the beryard behind it, the date for the carn#ass set' for ,brdd and the impact sheared
arLternoan, December 4, -at 3.15 p�arradle, or any member of the y P
W. laud all, children in Clinton'committee, R. B. Campbell, G. Though announcement owner December 5. A canvassers �dinv the top of the truck off.
made recently that the, $80,000 ner is planned for next Wed- The !truck was owned' by
amid surrounding area are in- Ross MeZ an, H. E. Hartley, placed in tlie, federal estimates nesdiay night at St. Paul's Pa>, Overland Express Ltd., Woodd-
ted bo attend the show. Jahn' Anstett or Lawrie.Slade. ,for 1962 had been cancelled, nsh Hall, with an expected 90 stock and &iven by Hillbard
Thebands will -be the, famed • P'arents 9f .children in any of It is presumed! that the Dom- persons present. He pointed- out Chappell', 44, Chatham. Minor
Linton Community Concert the public schools in the -area ,nion :government will continue that the area surrounding Cl n- damage dg reported' to the :bv-
and Marching Band, and also or younger tots: -are invited to ,p;llatis Ito !build' :a -new post of- ton would •certainly be canvas- idge, 'and ago one was ;injured.
Clinton, District Collegiate ,bring the youngsters in �fxir• this fire in Clanton,! :as ami gas a sed, but not at this :particular Constable Donald Hobbs, OPP,
preview of Christmas Eve. suitabTe suite can, be obtained. tame. Gaderaoh, in!vestigaited:
ani Employees
n Near Holdup
At Toronto Branch
Two 1u'ron County young
ern figured in a hol'd'up • at-
emprt in Toronto, Monday,
Kenneth .Knights, .a clerk in
e Clinton ,branch of the Battik
Montreal' was on e of 43
ink employees to be, gagged;
1indfolde;dl, chained, and locked
the basement of the Yonige
and Front Street brand, by ,
tree b'ari ts.
Ma. Knights. is -ort a two
eeks trainahLg course at the
pronto branch.
HtTo of the episode appar-
euitly was William 01M, eh,
ative of Zurich, accountant at
he Yotio ,and, Fro¢itt Street
ranch, who was a title late
,arriving for work, .acrd! by
at time the ,bandits had, run
it of chains, et -c. A fonner
hleto from; Zurich, ]Bill rrla'h-
g'ed to ,get free; and. escape
,rough ,a basennerrt wanlxlaw.
It ;s, coAlecturetl that a
okout outsldb* the batik, sail
Dtlens 1eavirig; ani` alerted
e wuside •gang, who forcod ah -
her •accountant to open the
utero vault doter, crit i, this trig.
eted lam; alarm which notified
S,pera>1bi,Y>Ig by •teleph�onse to lens
arIhat, Leroy O'Brien in 20r;
that nni'ght W.1 repotted,
After 1: got o'tirt' onto the side
alk, Bruce Kidd could never
ave cattight rte." (Kidd as
anada's lnopt-' fol- a 44hiftutd
iTa; and, is 'i�sentl* compet,
-at the CamnioriwealtJi
arneii an Au'str'alia).
25 police officers surrounded
e baulk, The occowufant whet
!akl opener' the vault for the
bandits, ftch!ahged shots with
police!, 'tiunAdlig 't�h�yg tboy w'erb
inilforicediie to the, ,bandifs"
rt@ie mearniand th,6 11661 Wh)l
s eso'atwd..
CDC1 Open 'Court Has brick Structure
Since P&Sgersby Can lira se; only tho face of The briclrwotk at the right top bf the picture is the
the construction of the nein vocational wing at Olin-• hack corner of the big mnaslum, The coment
ton District Collegiate institute, the photographer pillars indicate Where the inside wall of the north
went rns>dir. far' this pxctuko :and discovored work= corridor will be, Wbrkiten at top left ,are on the
. :.,. . , __ :; _... ""seat .. , . ... _ . ._ ,. .. _ .
men conipleting the brickwork on.� seat of some first floor 6,011t'ig 'd this corridor, and, the slog g
sort" in the open' court area:, 13dekiayers are Oliver are off 'to 'the left of this Pak icUl'.gr view~
Houghtoti, Ghali Wo `reit ahct Jinn Zurhilh, Obcletich. (9et68-9606 d A60)