HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-15, Page 9High School Principals From Nova Scotia On a conducted tour of the RCAF Station Clinton on November 7, were these high school principals from Nova Scotia. From the left, P. S. Shepherd, Yarmouth Vocational High School; J. J. McLennan, Kings County Academy; G. P. Hennessey, Amherst Regional High School, Flight Lieutenant H. Lochhead, acting Officer Commanding of School of Instructional Technique (SIT).; Flight Lieutenant W. C. Stewart, conducting officer, R1.7, Halifax; W. B. Ham- ilton, Pugwash District High School. (RCAF Photo) Hensall Nov. 11 Parade To United Church HENSALL — John Skea, president of Hensall Branch 468 Royal Canadian Legion, gave the opening remarks for the Remembrance Day services at the village cenotaph, hold Senday morning, November 11. Wreaths were placed for the province, by Mrs. Mary Tay- lor; the Legion, President J. Skea; the auxiliary, president, Mrs. Willliam Smale; the vil- lage, Reeve Norman Jones; Township of Hay, Reeve Val- entine Becker; for Tucker- smith, Reeve Elgin Thompson; the Scouts, John Baker; the Guides, Mrs. Sim Hyde; the Cubs, Jack Lavender; the Kins- men and Kinettes, Jack Sim- mons The parade proceeded to the United Church where the Rev, sermon, the theme, "Why Re- membrance Day?" Mr. Skea read Scripture passages. Parade Marshall was Wilmer Dalrymple. Jen Taylor was charge of the colour party and colour bearers were 0. Williams and E. R, Davis for the Leg- ion; Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Howard &nate for the Auxiliary; the Scouts, Bill Chip- choke and Bevary Bontihron; the Cubs, Steve Faber and the Guides, Marcia Little, mile and a half south of Hen- sail were pleasantly surprised when their neighbours from Chiselhurst where they form- erly lived presented them with two lawn chairs and a mat. Address was read by Mrs. Jack Brintriele presentation by Mrs. Beatrice Munn. Nine tables were in play for euchre. Silver Wedding A -turkey dinner for 24 im- mediate relatives at the Harle quin Rooms, Dufferin House, Centralia, Sunday, November 11 marked the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lammie, Centralia, who received many, lovely gifts and congratulatory messages. At- tending from Hensall were the Misses Amy and Greta Lam- mie. Relatives from Toronto and friends from Melton were on the guest list, ensa y Mrs. M Hedden Hensall Girl Guides and Brownies will conduct a home- made candy sale on the village this Saturday, ,November 17. Mrs. Eric Mansfield who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is improving nicely. The deaf and blind people of the London district held a party at Tweecismuir Hall Sat- urday last and presented a DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? GRAIN FARMERS Mott Donald Golsen District Sales Manager "Na-ChurS" Plant Food Co. Phone: 285-1543 — Exeter Donald has been with the Company for 4 years and during this time has made many friends in the area ftorn the fine results they have had from the use of "Na-Churs" on grain crops . , • High Protein Content • Improved Yields • Better Quality Donald has some good news for you . . . CALL HIM TODAY VimaleME41 CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers Have Installed a KEMSWAY Tire Conditioner To TRACTIONIZE YOUR TIRES Eliminates Skidding Increases Traction TRACTOR TIRES CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers No. 8 Hwy., West of Clinton HU 2-3211 Thurs., 'NOY, 15f. 1902,,40.10141 •NevoAecord,,,Pose. fiTlelen ,(Virelinte). Ferglee- WOW in. 19.32...anl Willtem iun see Iz Detroit, 0414 four 1960 'and. one .sisiter, Mtrs, Helga V4000.4kiten, Bruce, Jot n, Pitwotvo, ,Clinton, Prec1P' geaoedhex 4h. 1,969,. Attending the f4,11Wa.,1 Wetle the 541moplk:te fa nhly from Pe- M[1:414. Matisie4 ,arid -fr- iende from Seeferth,. Clinton. and the seteetteditig neighbour-.. Feather and Do-404s klel-guis- son; six great ,erendehlideele; nephew ohcf John and Catherine Pleentree, Clinton; five nephews and. one niece in Toronto.. Two brothers eeedeceeeed her, hood, Blanket Sale Luxurious Satin Bound Blankets Soso Reg. $16.00 Value ...... AT Colours—Gold, Green, Rose, Blue, Red, White 1/2 PRICE GLOVE and MITT SALE ... Exceptionally Fine MEN'S GOATSKIN Hand sewn dress glove. Colour: natutal ,2.50 and tan. Reg. $5.00 Sale Price 'r LADIES' KID Hand sewn, lined and unlined. Colour: natural and tat. Reg. $4.00 ...... Sale Price $2.00 LINED CHILDREN'S MITT Deerskin tanned to always dry soft, Rag. $2.00 Sale Price $1 ,00 Also . MEN'S WORK GLOVE Genuine Gealskin Only MEWS WOOL WORK SOCKS Heavy Weight — Nylon Reinforced 3 pr. for $1.00 Bainton Limited BLYTH PHONE 6 Office Hours,: 9 e,m. to 6,30 p.n. Daily These Offers Available NovenTher 1 to NoVember 17 44-5-6b 4 lb, 72"x90". Mode from 100% Pure Virgin Canadian Wools. 50 i CHEVYII SPECTACULAR SUCCES I Never before has a brand-new car won such im- mediate sales acceptance. In just over a year, Chevy II has gone from a standing start to a run- away success in its field! The reason is obvious: only Chevy II offers such top value combined with attractive appearance and big-car roominess! OAP -e-ereeeeeeee.ete.e.:ee, iieeeieeeeee,. • ...,... Chevy II Nova 400 Sport Coupe NOW FINER THAN. EVER! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee‘ LONGER BRAKE LIFE WITH SELF-ADJUSTING SAFETY- MASTER BRAKES...does ,away with periodic brake checks! NEW WATER-WASHED AIR- DRIED ROCKER PANELS FOR DURABILITY ANti LONGER-LASTING BEAUTY ...keen rust and cot, rosiort out! LONGER,LIFt EXHAUST SYSTEM PRODUCES SAT 1NGS YOU CAN COUNT ON ..fewer replace, tnents, quieter, more economical operation! BATTERY-SAVING U ELCO. ?RON GENERATOR... charges your battery evert when the engine is idling! SUPERB MODELS! Clinton District 06ituaries Returns To Clinton Squadeen Leader M, E. "Trax" Traxler of Lethbridge and Etzikom, Alberta, is the new officer in Charge of ap- plied training at Radar and Communications SchoceRCAF Station Clinton. His wife is the former Winifred Shand of Aberdeen, Scotland. Although S/L Treader is now a Telecommunications 'officer, he served as a wire- less air 'guiltier during World War II, and was trained as a pilot in 1945. During his career he served. as Signals Officer at RCAF Clinton in 194849. , (leCAF ePboto) Special Banquet At Goderich Honours Warden Warden George 1VIcCutcheen was honoured on Thursday ev- ening at Goderieli during the annual banquet given to serving wardens in the county. With Mrs.. leloCritchean he was guest of honour at the affair attended by 300 county council rnerabers, officials, end friendly. Presentation of as chair was made by Reeve Fear* Walkom, following an address reviewing the warden's eareer, given by Reeve Alvin Smith, Ivan Forsyth, former reeve of Tuckersmith Townehip, was chairman for the event. Mr. Forsyth was 'warden in 1961. Guest speaker was the Rev. Dr, Finlay G. Stewart, Kitch, ever, former moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, who said the, ,call today was for definite opPinlions and beliefs. "We live in a world of con- tinual crisis. We must move forth in a spirit of confidence with old fasbioned beliefs in our old fashioned democratec govennments," he said. Other sp.eakers included Ell, ston Cardiff, 'Brussels, MP for Huron and the Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton, Exeter, the Ontario Minister of Highways. blanket to Miss Amy Lammie. Hensel). Kinsmen at their dinner meeting in the Legion Hall on Thursday, November 8, had as their •guest Speaker National Kinsmen representa- tive Paul Mills, Hanover, who spoke on his recent trip to World council convention at Lausanne, Switzerland. The ,speaker was introduced by Bob Caldwell and thanked by Bill Mickle. President John Heal chaired the meeting. Harold Knight was 'in charge of a Chinese auction. Guests were present from Exeter, Stratford and London. Amber Rebekah Lodge met in the lodge rooms November 7, with Noble Grand Mrs. Hugh McEwen presiding. Plans were finalized for 'the IOOF baseball banquet on November 14 when the draw for a $50 bill took place. The group will cater to a wedding reception luncheon. Mrs. McEwen repotted for the recent bake sale and stated that over $50 had been realized. Ray McKenzie who is whiter vacationing at Miami Beach, Florida, writes that he has just returned from a visit to Nassau in the Bahamas. He went on the largest cruise ship from Miami Beach to Nassau, and stated that it is a lovely place to spend a vacation. The ship carried 1,690 passengers. Temperature in Nassau is a low of 70 and a high of 85, He toured Nassau by horse and old wagon made Of wood and straw. Streets there are very narrow and there are very few cars. Life Membership At Hensel], Legion meeting on November 7, Comrade Al- fred Clark was presented a life membership by the president, John Shea. $10 was voted to the CNIB and the group again Made arrangements to Sponsor a peewee hockey team. Nomi- nations for 1963 were held. House Warming Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McLean Who recently moved into their new home on Highway 4, a Principals Of 'Nova .Scotia Schools .P1Ptge.4, high school prirPiog.4 from Nava Scotia were given e conducted tour of RCAF Station Cllinton ,Qpn No- vemlber- 7, .F/0 B.. M. Hiady, Station Oitatoh, conducted the visitors :arotmci, F/L. W, Q. "BM" Stewert, late of the famous '"Golden hawks" acrobatic team was in charge of the pedaeoge on 'their trip. from the East Coast, While at Clinton ehey 'visited Radar and -Commerrieatielle School, 'Draining Standards 1:)„ tachment and School of Instme, tional Technique, Linich was served at the Officers Mess with senior station pereonnel as hosts, .0/0 J. G, Methiesen MBE, CD, made them welcome to Station Clinton, Among the visitors were Clio- ton Maannes, Digby Regiooel ITigh School; John A. Williams, Windsor Regional High School; R. C. Swim, West Kings Dist- rict High Sdhool; Mr. Porter, Wolfvele High School; Mr. Ross, .VieG for Pm/imp, of Nova Scotia; Graham Carson, Truro Aeaderne: Phillips Lake, Hanle West Revel High School; D. B, Mcleeliam, Victoria Ave. High Seihool, $teparlicin; G. R. Pierce, Shelbourne High School; P. T. Sheperd, Yarmouth Vocational HighoSehool; D. H. Izzer, Liver- pool High .School; Mr. Mae- Oarithy, Prince Andrew High School. Produces Satire C. -Chester:Farquhar F.4.4001.01.1*p Was. Peetletet Pd Or.; .S1•444.e,. November 11, in .the 8P111 and Meteh funeral home, 153 High Street, ,Clinton, foe Ceai1 Chester Farquhar,, RR 1, Cliinton, who grassed away Clinton Public Hospital, an Friday, November 9. Death fellewed lengthy The Rey, :Grant MIAs Cendec, tffi the service, sand interment was -Qhmon. cernetery. Pall- bearers were Jack Murch, Fred V.odicleire. Earl Rlialce, Clark Ball, Keith Tyodan • and Bill Jenkins. Born in Hallett Township err janriaty 20, 1892, the eon of George Farqubar and Ellen Rayson, Mr, Farquhar was a baker by trade, and moved to Saskatoon 1917. On hie no- turn to this pima in 192$, he took up farming, and for the nag 24 years' had been. in the Township of his birth, He was a member of Ontario street united Church, Sumviving besides- his wife, the former Viola Johnston, are one sister, Mrs, John -Wear].) Woote RR 1, Clinton; a n'ei'ce, Mrs, Wellington (Kathleen) Webster, RR 1, Lucknew add her children. Felende attended the fUneral from Tabermerry, Waterloo, Weston, Godeelch, Ripley, Luck- now, Stratford and Toronto. Christian W. Hoist chrisruart W, Helot, Zurich, died Saturday, November 10, in Clinton Public Hospital. Boon in Creditors, he is sur- ViVed by his wife, the former Suzanne Methers; two delight- ens, Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Zurich; Mrs. Gordon (Gertrude) Knit- ting, Godeatier; two brother's, Henry, Creditor!; Mose, Mich- igan; two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The body rested at the West- lake funeral home, Zurich, where service was conducted Tuesday and burial was in Cr- eaten DUB cemetery. ELECTRICITY ON THE FARM Cost of goods and services to Ontario farmers rose 19 per- cent in the ten-year period end- ing in 1961. During the same time the average cost per kilo- watt-hour of electricity dropped 3% percent. Mrs. Mary Anderson PPM* „SerViee. was ,conduct-.. eel on Monday,, November frele. the Ball and Mitch fen, oral hemp, • L High Street,. Clinton, for Mrs. ;Amy Dodos.. ,Anderson, 143 Maple Street, Clinton, who pasefl away on Peiday.. of eattleal.eeneee let. a lengthy #hiess, The Rev. Grant Mills, min- ister of Ontario Street United Church of which Mrs. ,mder,• son was a member, officiated and interment was in Clinton Cemetery. Pail-beware were Thomas Samuel Scott, James Aitelleeen, William McDowell, ell of .Seefeet11; Herb Bridle andEbner" Trick, Born on May 31, 1880 et Roxboro (et that time a thirjy- ling haTnler0 now RR 2, See- forth, ehe was the daughter of the late „Ichn. and Catherine She married Charles Bruce Ander's'on 'in 1908, and lived in Saskatchewan, Toron- to, Detroit and Seaferth, -coin- ing to Clinton 27 years ago. Serviving one daughter, THE TWO BEST HEATING SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems—and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the very best and most economical heating fuel, the very best and most reliable service. ( Call your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and let him introduce you to that wonderful world of Esso warmth. H. M. BLACK Clinton, Ontario ALWAYS LOOK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST 5 versatile SEDANS 3 fun-filled' WAGONS 2 SPORT COUPES 2 CONVERTIBLES POSITIVE CRANKCASE VENTILATION ON CHEVY II'S POWER-PROVED EN- GINES minimizes air pollution, contributes to longer engine life! FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Monday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We Will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT- not tater that Saturday nIghtS. Seaforth Farmers Cooperative H. S. Hunt; Shipper Phone 669 W Warrant Officer Alexander Velleman, monitor at Radar and Communications School, RCAF Station Clinton, is the producer of Clinton Drama Club's first 1962 production, "Havealote Havelot is a musical satire of life as it may be 40 yearns from now, at one of our future sohools. It will be presented at the Station Theatre Dec- ember 4, 5 .and 6. Before reporting to RCAF Station Clinton WO2 man served at No. 14 AC & W, Parent, Quebec, where he was active in the recreation program. (RCAF Photo) 0 Classified Ads Bring Quick Results Chevy II enters its second big sales year with flying colors—bringing you new styling, new features that mean more comfort and convenience—more outstand- ing economy—more lasting car value! And Chevas new wide choice of models lets you pick exactly the kind of low-cost luxury you want in a family car! JO: iiewall tires optional at extra cost A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 90 es eivErrizoo marmot Be sure to watch Bonanza On the C136-TV network each Sunday. Check your tocel fitting for channel and the. See your dealer tar ChVrolet's Special "do With The Greats' HI-Pi LP Aecord Offer. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD N ontarta Street HU 2.9321 No' CLINTON, ONTARIO