HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1962-11-15, Page 7DEATHS ANDERSQN---In Clinton Pub, lic Hospital, on Friday, Net. vember 9, 1962, MarY P. An- derson, widow of the late Charlee Bruce Ander son, ifie her 83rd Year. Service ce f ram the Ball and Mitch funeral home, 153 High Street, Cern ton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, Novem- ber 12, FARQUI-IAR—en Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Friday, NQ- vember 9, 1962, Chester Far- quhar, RR 1, Clinton, belov- edViola John- ston, h and t is 71st yyear. e S on, in h S r vice from the Ball and Mutch funeral bore, 153 ',II i g b Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Stunday, Np- vember 11. FREEMAN -In Hallett Town- ship on Tuesday, November 13, 1962, Lydia Johnston, :be- loved wife of Joseph Free- man, RR 4, Clinton, in her 73rd year. Service will be held on Friday, November 16 at 2 p.m. from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153 High Street, Clinton. Burial in Clinton Cemetery. GIBES --Robert T. "Bob" Gibbs "He shared with .all whatever he had He was the greatest .. , my Dad." Interment took place at Balls' Cemetery, the Base Line, on Wednesday, No- vember 7 in 'the family plot. GREENE In Hamilton, on Friday, November 9, 1962, Miss Beatrice R. Greene, in her 83rd year. Service from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, 153' High Street, Cli�n- ton, to Clinton Cemetry, on Monday afternoon, Novemb- er 12. HAIST — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, No- vember 10, 1962, Christian W. Haist, Zurich, beloved husband of Suzanna Mathers. Service from the Westlake funeral home, Zurich, to Crediton Evangelical United Brethren Cemetery, on Tues- day, November 13. HENDERSON—In Huronview, Clinton, on Saturday, No- vember 10, 1962, Ellen Isa- belle Henderson, Seaforth, widow of the late John M. Henderson, in her. 84th year. Service from 'the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Maitlandbank Cemetery, on Monday, November 12. HIBMA—In Hullett Township, on Sunday, November 11, 1962, Stientje Hibma, London, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douwe Hibma, London, in her 15th year. Service on Wednesday, November 14, 1962, at the Christian Re- formed Church, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, by the Rev. L .Slofstra, Clinton and the Rev. Gerard Souma, Lon- don. KOLKMAN—In Hullett Town- ship, on Sunday, November 11, 1962, Egbert Kolkman, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. • William eneollemann eRR_ 1, Clinton"; ' in 'his ' 18th year. Service from the Christian Reformed Church, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, November 14, 1962, by the Rev. L. Slofstra, Clinton and the Rev. Gerard Souma, London. PFAFF—Suddenly at his home in Brucefield on Saturday night, November 10, 1962, Nelson Pfaff, beloved hus- band of Jean MacDonald, in his 54th year. Service from the Bonthren funeral, chapel, Hensall, on, Tuesday after- noon, November 13, by the Rev. H. A, Johnston, Bruce- field, to Hensall Union Ceme- tery. dor rou9k may OVERSHOES HI -CUTS CORK SOLES COMPOSITION or LEATHER SOLES Regular or Insulated Styles BUCKLE STYLE or STRAP TOP For long wear and dry feet STORM RUBBERS For work boot care and photection AIKEN'S WORK CLOTHING ENC AC-rEMENTS ANNQUNGED d an Mr C M ,. .. s., Reg .. ud. triorea Wish to announce the engagement of .their Baugh- ter, Margaret Elizabeth, to. Mr. Ha � Th son l• .'3' orriP eget, of Mr,, and Mrs, Russel 'Thompson. The marriage will take place on Noyeni- her 30. 46b Mr arid Mrs, Aloysius SShanlahan, RR 1, Clinton ,announce the engege4ngiyt tef their daughter, Edna Marie toMr. T rren e Roy e e c Elliott, on of Mr. and NLre. Rey •iItiott, Clinton the ,. ;marriage to take pl:ace at St. Joseph'js Roman Cath- alio Churdh, Clinton, on Saturday, December 1, 46b a D riv e for $60,000 (Continued from page one) will be furnished by a gift from one individual, whose identity at the moment is unknown. Cain!tiributiOns of $1,000 each are being made by the Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Montreal, Stedman Brothers Ltd. has donated $500. The new wing when complete will provide 56 beds, rather than the present 40 bed cap- ,aoity. That tbers .addition is needed ,seems quite evident. At the end of October, there were 52 patients in the ho'apital, wh- idh meant that several were set up .in beds in the hall. The chidren's ward was used for adults, and the children were placed in: the new office. In the past several months about $20,000 bels been contrib- uted ;by individuals, organiza- tions and ,local firms. Orval Engelstad, chairman of the fund 'campaign, .has called a special meeting to :organize the campaign .and appoint canvas- sers. Other members of the fund raising :committee are E. Beech- er Menzies, Robert B. Camp- bell and Dr. Fred G. Thompson. Personals Mr. ,and Mrs. John Marey en and idisidren have l'eturned fern Edmuwstan, N.B, where they .atn the fintix of MM. Marxnelt's 'tether. Mr. and lyra. Torn Lipping- ton, 1.77 Spencer Street, cele- htletedtheir: 4e9e d wedding omni- versauy last Wednesday, They were married an November 7, 1910. Florence Wood, .Clinton, has returned Thome after spending a week at F 1 a �ridge where she Wetted her son -in. -levy and daughter, Mr. a nd Mrs. William Brown,, also gran'dda'ughter Catherine and grandson $illy, Mg'. and Mips. A. E. Saunders and ;family of Sarna, visited an Sunday with Ml's. Saunders' parents, Mr. (and Mrs, Gordons Cuninghame, 1,16 Rattennury• Street, West. Nurses .Raise $130 For Hospital Building Two events sponsored by -the staff eat ,Clinton Public Hospital have raised $130 in the past week for the hospitals building fund. Last Wednesday night, a wel6atte holed -dance was head in the 'nurses residence, and a bake sale held in the town hall on Saturday was sold, out in 20 minutes. 0 Women Teachers To Meet Next On December 4 .Blease note that the regular November meeting of t h e FWTAO 'has been postponed until December 4 at 8 p.m. when Mrs). Eleanor Hirsch (nee McCartney) , 'art supervisor for Kitdhener Public Schools, will give an illustrated demonstra- tion with special ,mention of Chriistnnas. art ideas. Please plan to tettend. Attend Your Church This Sunday ALL SERVICES ON STANDARD TIME CLINTON BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Federation of Canada) Pastor: Craig Peters, B.A, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Church Service A Cordial Welcome To All Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CCINTON Sunday, November 18 9.45 a.m.—Worship Service 11.00 a.m.—Sunday School 8.00 p.m.—Guest Speaker: Mr. Bob Brandon, Forest Tuesday Bible Study and prayer at 8 p.m. , All Welcome Christian Reformed Church REV. L. SLOFSTRA Minister Sunday, November 18 10.00 a.m.—Service in English 2.30 p.m.—Service in Dutch Every Sunday, 6.15 p.m., Dial 6.80 CHLO, London. Listen to "Back to God Hour". EVERYONE WELCOME Anglican Church of Canada St. Paul's --- Clinton Rev. P. L. Dymond, LTh, Rector Charles Merrill. Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 18 TRINITY XXII 8.30 a.m.-Holy Communion 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer 7.00 p.m.—Evening Prayer Thurs., Nov. 15—Chancel Guild pot -luck supper and Trave- logue in Parish Hall, 6.30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 20—WA meets at 2.45 p.m. at the borne of Mrs. Alfred Hudie, 116 Rattenbury Street East. BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH T. Leslie Hobbins, B.A., Pastor Sunday, November 18 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Hour Wed., 8 p.m Prayer Service You are cordially invited to these services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A. Interim Moderator Mrs. M. J. AGNEW, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, November 18 10.45 a.m.—Church Service Rev. R. V. MacLean, Petrolia. ALL WELCOME TO WORSHIP WITH US Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Christiane gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt. 18: 20) meeting in the above hall invite you to come and hear the Gospel, the old, old story of Jesus and His Love. Order of meetings on Lord's Day as follows: Services 11.00 a.m.—Breaking Bread 3.00 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Preaching the Gospel 8.00 p.m.—Thursday — Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading, eoleer- til: illis-- Atrinteshille pttiteh (lilixtrclles REV. CLIFFORD G. PARK, M.A., Minister Christian Youth Week Services Speaker—Rev. Henry A. Funge Subject: "Full lime Service In The Church" WESLEY-WILLIS 11.00 a.m.—Hi-C and Young Adults participating Junior and Intermediate Choirs 12.10 a.ni Sunday School HOLMESVILLE 11.45 arm—Sunday School 12.30 'p.m. Church Service '7.30 p.n1.—Joint Study of "The Word and the Way" With Ontario Street Congregation in Ontario Street Church Chapel. Ontario Street United Church FR1ENDL't CHuitcthi" Pastor: REV. GRANT MtLLA, B.A. 3.45 a.m.—Sunday 8thool 11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship 7.30 p. n:—tvening Ch pet Servide TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00tri.—Church Service 3.0O p.tn...-Suhd*y School 22 bions Receive Attendance Pins Hear Address About MWdleuAge Well .ever half ,the member- s ip f l! o it o, C nt. n Lions Club re- ceived perfect .attendance pins for 1961.62 season M Tuesday's dinner meeting .. Receiving the 1Q0 percent pins frim past president E. Beecher Menzies were: Les'1ie Ball, Herb Bridle, Howard Brunsdon, Maynard Corte, Ted Davies, Caryl W. Draper, Ken FIett, Gladstone Grigg, Hugh Hawkins, Harvey t h Johns on, George Levis, Jon... Lavis, John Livermore, 3eecher Menzies, Mitch McAdam, Royce Macaulay, Jack 5cruton, John Sutter, Stewart Taylor, Duff Thompson, Al White and Robert Hunter. Mr. Menzies also presented past president pins to Mitch McAdam and Herb Bridle. Guest speaker was Rev. Pet- er Dymond of St. Paul's An- glican Church. He was intro- duced by program chairman Ted Davies: Rev. Dymand's tank was both praise for and a warn- ing to the middle-aged man. Most of his audience were in this category. He remarked that we read and bear about what is being done for babyhood ages, the 'teenage problems and the old - age pension. Where are mid- dle-aged people to seek advice and knowledge? he asked. He praised the middle-aged group ,b - ford kin afterthe we 1 e doeking l ing of the young and old. Then he went on to warn his hear- ers that they should be taking stock of their own health and activities. Madeleine Lane Auxiliary Meets Plans Pot Luck Twenty-three ladies assembled Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lennard Fawcett, 272 Town- send Street, foal the Noveanbea• meeting {of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St, Andrew's Pres- byterian Church. An expression of welcome was given by the president to •tlhe three visitors. Mrs. James Edward read psalhn 27, and Miss Hellen Anderson led in prayer. Various reports were given. Mrs. Orland John- ston read a portion from the study bock entitled "Peace". An invitation was received from the Women's Missionary Soc- iety to the thankoffexring meet- ing on Tuedlay, November 20 at 2.30 .alt the church.. Ladies from the Seaforth society will be in attendance at this meet- ing .and there will be a special guest speaker. Three ladies, Mrs. James Turner, Mrs. James Edward, avid Mrs. Frank Mutdh were appointed to serve on the strik- ing committee to boning in a slate of new officers for the year 1963. Mrs. Clarence Neilans .an d Mrs. George Yates were the lrrclay winners of a draw. It was decided that the Dec- ember meeting be in the form of a pot luck supper 'at the church an Wednesday evening, December 5 at 6.30 p.m. Christ- mas gifts will be exchanged. All members of the auxiliary and ladies of the congregation who should be associated with this group are urged to attend this supper. Assisting the hostess, Mr's. Fawcett with the lunch were: Mrs. William Cook, Mrs. Glades Hogarth, Mrs, Ronald McCann and Mrs. Royce Macaulay. 0 Mrs. Joseph Freeman Mrs. Joselph Freeman, 72, RR 4; "Clinton, died at her home Tuesday, November 13. She was the former Lydia Johnston, a daughter of th e late Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Johns- ton of S'urnmerhili in Hullleitt Township. She lived most of her life on the farm where she died. Surviving 'besides her thuslband .are two daughters, Mrs. Calle (Verna) Doucette„ Clinton amid Mrs, Frank (Ueda) Williams, Guelph; four sons, Douglas, Cl- arence and Louis, all ofClinton; and Harry, RR 4, Clintcnti; one sister, Mrs. Frank Provat, Part Hunan; seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral service will be held Friday, November 16, at 2 p.m. from the Ball ,and Mutoll fun- eral home. Rev. Granit Mills of O,ntanio Street United Church will officiate, and burial will be in Clinton Cemetery, Reception for Mr. and Mrs. George Turner (nee Nancy McFarlane) SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Saturday, Nov. 17 Norris Orchestra EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. Dymond was thanked by Joe M.n h Guests at the meeting were a four -man visiting team of Lions from Zurich: Milfred Schilbe, Mat Corriveau, Arne old Merrier and Jack Bannister, President Stewart 'Taylor waa in charge of the business meet- ing. Arrangements were an- nounced for a ladies night at Grand Bend in December 1,1,. Clinton will send a delegation to G d 1 L10 o eric! 40th anni- versaryLippe an November 22. Goole- rich sponsored the Clinton :club into Lions International 26 years .ago. A. Garon won the regular draw prize and John Cochrane won a special draw. o, Legion Ladies Re-elect Mrs. W W. Watkins President Re-elected president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the; Royal Canadian Legion, 'Clinon Brats eh 140, ore Monday, was Mrs. Wel- liaan Watleins. This will be her second term. Other officers elected are: viceepre5ed'ex,ts, Mrs, Robert Burke, Mrs. Douglias Aerie -ewe; secretary, Mrs. Stuart Dick; treasurerr M s. K. W. Cakiu- h o utre; v'alou'r bearers, M.rs . Paul Conner and Mrs. Dan Hanley; executive, Mrs. Harold Frernilin, Mrs. Hal Hartley, Mrs. Robert Hicks, Mrs. Donald Me - Lean and Mrs. Allan Elliot. The 30th anniversary of :the Auxiliary is to be celebrated on November 28, in the Legion Hall. Gu'e'sts from Ontario Pra- vincial Command include Mrs. Florence Pegg, Toronto, chair - lady; Mrs. Jessie Tomkins, Br- ockv11le !preslident Mrs. Mar- garet Richardson, Brockville, past presiidenft. Mrs. Lillian Reeve, Windsor, West Region vice-president has accepted her invitation as well as .Mrs. Mary McCann, Ford- wiah, zone comarider and Nes. Luella Hall, Blyth, past zone commander. Mins Dorothy Hoyle, Stratford, past zone com- mander, also has been invited. As part of the enterainment, there will be a penny •Joie.. Mem- bers game ;asked) to bring 50 cent gifts far this. Life mem- berships ars to be awarded to nine of the alder aneanbens. Mrs. Cameron Proctor took the Mohair for nominations, and .Mrs. Kenneth Cooke acted as secretary. Ther was •a heavy business progiraan, land agoodattendance to make pant in it. Mrs. Stuart Dick, secretary, reported an the annual convention :held din Ni- agara Fans in September. She and Mrs. W. Watkins attended as delegates. One item brought to the at- tention of the members was the importance of bursary funds set up by the Legion Auxifliar- iee. Speaker, Major P. Biggs stressed that better education of Canadian .ohiiltleen made for a better warild in general. Mrs. Sftewiat Broadfoot won the mystery prize, and the win- ner of he 'attendance draw was not ;present. A delicious lunch was served. The next meeting will be on December 3, when members will exchange 50 cent gifts. — o Ploughing Bee For Murray East Fniday afternoon was a scene of !activity on the farm of Me. and Mrs. Murray East, Hulett Township, when nine thoughtful fanners brought tractors sand plows and 'completed the fall plowing job. Taking part were Frank Flynn, Jeo Flynn, Bernard Tighe, G. "Coldlaugh, H. Reytn- oldls, C. Revnndls, William Blacker, D. Farquhar and Ernie B r o av n. Also plowing, pre- vious to that day were Bill Meeker, Jr., also A. Shanahan with their tractors and L. Car- net. Murray East is recovering in Minton Public Hospital fro m electrical shock and burns, euf- ferecl on October 22. 1 Wigs On TV This Afternoon ai; 4111,ud xahnstw?, prgn- rector of EdItll Ann Hair Fah. Ions �; o. ens .Street, will i3 Giblt' Weever cln; CKNX-,TV Illus after - mere on the 1VI'Lady Shorty, '.11tle time his 2 'to 2,30 p:m, Mrs, Joiunston will tclfisplay. :a .00litic- lean of xnodelm *44, the new- est 'thing in ban, fashions Remembrance Day At Public School (Byr Toy Langdon, Grade 8) Pupils f r o nn grades four,. to eight, assembled in the audi- torium of the Clinton Public School on Friday, November 19 to participate in the Rexneml- brance Day service. The sing- ing of "Q Canada", which was led by Mr. J. A. Gray, princi- pal, opened the ceremony. Harold Newland, a grade seven student, mead a story en tined "The Story of the Pop- py".. After the singing of "0 Valiant Hearts" a film entitled "The Long Silence" was shown, During this (film, the studenits got the !full aiealization af the many tragedies that occurred in the war, as tlrey saw the sad and troubled faces of the veter- ans land! relations, who gathered in Ottawa, to pay a tribute to those who were killed. Mr, Grlayread a poem, after which Brenda Langille and Marie Cudmore, two girls from grade eight, placed the wreath at the cenotaph. The hymn "0 God Our Help In Ages Past", f dibowed the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille. The National Anthem ended the program. Most of the pupils marched balk to their classrooms, a lit- tle more 'thoughtful in memory of those who died. CLINTON WI TO MEET The November meeting of Clinton Women's Institute will be ;held en November 22, in the council ahareber of the town haif, with reel call answered by giving :a recipe for cookies, and providing a samrple. Mrs. N. Tyndall and Mrs. Cemish are preparing the topic and Mrs Nelson will give the motto. Hostesses will be Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes group ST. ANDREW'S WM SOCIETY The Women's Miasianary Society of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian ,Churdh will hold their Thankofiferii ng. meeting in the school room of the .church on Tuesday, November. 20, at 2.30 pen. Mises Lillian MacArthur, Goderich, a returned missionary will be guest speaker. All '.lad- ies are Welcome to come and hear her. Huron LOBA Meets Huran Lodge No. 377 of the Ladies Benevolent Association held their regular meeting on 'Ilu'esday;, November 13. A draw was made on $50 which was won by Wayne Snaith, Hen- sall. Proceeds from this -draw wf1l be used for building fund purposes. Discussion on Christmas party was left over until next meeting. Election of officers will be iheld on Tuesday, Nov- ember 27. All Members are ask- ed to attend. Following the ane- etinlg, a supper is being plan- ned. A card party for Sat- urday, November 17, was also planned. Rogers Majestic TV SALES & SERVICE Ted Ryder's' TV 245 Victoria St. Clinton HU 2-93201 SATURDAY AFTERNOON MOVIES At Clinton Legion Hall. Leave the Kids at the Legion Show While You Shop in Clinton's Modern Uptown Business Section Saturday, November 11 at 2.15 Doors open at 1.45 "Alias Jesse James" AdnrtisSion: Adults SOc; Children 25c Thurs,, Nov, 1.3, 1.942-41intort News -Record Pc.0.ge 7 Rernembrance service Was Impressve Affair ,peaking to a full ball stn Remembrance Day, Sunday, NAVeni'ber 11, Rev, D. el'. Lane, D.p., Chaplain of the Legion, warned that the various crisis in the world today are brought aboutbY our deni atof Christ's teachings. He said "A cease fire silences guns, but not the hate and greed of peoples ,and nations." He based his address on the Old Testament book of Micah, chapter 4, verse 3. The service was under the auspices of Clinton Legion branch, the town of Clinton and Ciiniton Ministerial Association. Other ministers taping part were Rev. P, Dymond, Rev. Clifford Park and Rey. Grant Mills. Clinton Community Con- cert Band, under direction of Bandmaster George Wonch, led the hymn singing, After the service, the Legion and Legion Auxiliary, headed by the Legion Pipe Band, and three flights of airmen, under command of S/L J. P. Cavan- augh and led by the RCAF Station Bugle Band, paraded to the .cenotaph at Clinton post office. Sergeant -aft -arms George Campbell of the Legion, was parade marshal. After the wreath -laying cere- mony, Rev, Father S. E. Mc- Guire said prayers and Cpl. Jack Scott sounded Last Post. Those who placed wreaths at the cenotaph for the various Clinton and district groups are as follows: Province of Ontario, Mrs. G. A. B, Brown; RCAF Station Clinton, Group Captain J. G. Mathieson, commanding offic- er; Branch 140 Royal Canadian Legion, J. Douglas Thorndike, president; Ladies Auxiliary to Legion, Mrs; William Watkins, president; Town of Clinton,. Mayor William J, Miller., National Defence Employees Association, Gordon Shortreed; Clinton Lions Club, president Stewart Ta 1 r, C1lnton Fire Department, Dennis Bisbacic; Clinton Women's Institute, Mrs. Charles Nelson; Clinton Lodge AP and AM No. 84, William S. Craig; Clinton Lodge IQQF No, 83, Clarence Sturdy, Clin- ton LORA Lodge No. 377, Mrs. Peter Harrison; Murphy Ledge No. 710, Alex McMichael. Huronic Rebekah d Lo ge, Mrs. Flora Rowson; Ciiziton Chapt- er, Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Gordon Steepe; Kinsmen Club of Clinton and Kinette Club, Frank Cook; Huron Fish and Game Conservation As- sociation, Louis Freeman; Gode- rich Township Federation of Agriculture, Wilmer Riddell; Clinton District Collegiate In- stitute, Paul Bateman; Clinton Public School Board, Brenda Langille and Marie Cudmore; St. Joseph's Separate School, Gary Fleet and Robert Shaer; Calvin Christian School, Bern- ard Bakker and Freda Maark- ant; A/M Hugh Campbell Pub- lic School, Stephen Pierce and Carolyn Marcell; Clinton Girl Guides and Brownies, Brenda Kingswell and Heather Winter; Clinton Scouts and Cubs, Scout- master Wally Sansome and Scout Robbie Campbell. At a reviewing stand set up at the corner of cutter and Victoria Streets, Group Cap- tain J. G. Mathieson, Mayor William J. Miller and Legion president J. Douglas Thorndike took the salute of the parading Legionaires and airmen. +There's NO on C ' URTEOUS LSERVICE at NEWCOMBE'S REXALL. DRUG STORE SEE OUR MASSIVE DISPLAY OF Christmas Cards Single Cards 5c to $1 Boxes of 12-14-25 for $1.00 21 Cards -79c 50 Cards -98c .GIFT WRAP 3 rolls --98c TAGS --- SEALS RIBBONS CHANEL PERFUME $5.25 to $13.50 CHANEL COLOGNES $3.75 to $6.50 MISS PIXIE TOILETRY SETS For Children 89c - 98c - $1.49 The answer to Christmas Gifts for children KODAK CAMERAS Newest models now in stock. $5.95 to $24.95 Projectors - Splicers Reels - Editors Printers - Lamps Etc. NEW(DMBE Pharrnacr f7•1_7-) ZHONE HU2.95II CLINTC'. LADIES' WINTER COATS It is not too late to select a coat to your liking. Plain and Fur Trims of the most exquisite stylings. CAR COATS Wools and Laminates for complete winter comfort. BORG and LAMPACA COATS For a "Dress Coat" this can't be beat. Before you buy elsewhere -- Be sure you have seen ours. SPECIALS WATSON'S 5O% WOOL SKIRTS and SNUGGIES Women's Sizes 1/3 off regular price CHILDREN`S d Harvey Woods SKIRTS and PANTIES Sizes 2 to 14 Reg, 89c each To Clear 69c ea. KNITTING WOOL Patwin Quality — Reg. 55c oz, To Clear 39c oY. LACIIES' WEM and bkY GOODS Hensel, Clinton - Exeter